组织学与胚胎学纲要 第三章 结缔组织

第三章 结缔组织 中文纲要 英文纲要



掌握结缔组织的特点和分类;掌握疏松结缔组织各种成分的结构和功能. ;掌握基质的分子构成和意义;了解致密结缔组织、脂肪组织和网状组织的基本结构和功能。






1. 成纤维细胞 是疏松结缔组织的主要细胞。细胞扁平多突起。胞核较大、扁卵圆形,染色浅。胞质丰富,显弱嗜碱性。电镜下胞质内有丰富的粗面内质网、核糖体和发达的高尔基复合体。功能处于静止状态的成纤维细胞称纤维细胞,细胞体积小,呈长梭形,细胞质少,细胞器亦不发达,在一定条件下可转变成功能活跃的成纤维细胞。成纤维细胞能合成和分泌蛋白质,形成疏松结缔组织的三种纤维和基质中的蛋白多糖和纤维黏连蛋白。

2. 巨噬细胞 来源于血液的单核细胞,又称组织细胞,功能活跃时常伸出伪足故形状不规则。胞核小,染色深。胞质多呈嗜酸性。电镜下,细胞表面有许多皱褶和微绒毛。胞质内含大量初级溶酶体、次级溶酶体、吞噬体、吞饮小泡和残余体。巨噬细胞有重要的防卫功能,可通过特异性和非特异性吞噬作用清除细菌、异物和衰老死亡的细胞。巨噬细胞能分泌数十种活性物质,如溶菌酶、干扰素、肿瘤坏死因子、白细胞介素和补体等,还能捕捉抗原,经加工处理后呈递给淋巴细胞,引起免疫应答。

3. 浆细胞 由B 淋巴细胞转化而来,呈卵圆形,核圆形,位于细胞一侧,染色质呈块状,沿核膜放射状排列,胞质呈嗜碱性。电镜下,胞质内含大量粗面内质网、核糖体和发达的高尔基复合体。浆细胞可合成和分泌免疫球蛋白和多种细胞因子,参与机体的体液免疫。

4. 肥大细胞 常沿小血管分布,圆形或卵圆形,胞核小,多位于中央。胞质中充满粗大的异染性嗜碱性颗粒。细胞能合成组胺、白三烯、肝素和嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子。组胺和白三烯能使微静脉和毛细血管扩张,通透性增加,还可使支气管平滑肌收缩。肝素有抗凝血作用。

5. 脂肪细胞 单个存在时呈球形,成群存在时呈多边形。细胞质和细胞核被一大脂滴挤到细胞周边部,核呈扁圆形。

6. 未分化的间充质细胞 分化潜能很大,当创伤修复时,可增殖分化为成纤维细胞、脂肪细胞和新生血管的平滑肌细胞、内皮细胞。

7. 白细胞 包括中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、淋巴细胞等。


1. 胶原纤维 是结缔组织中的主要纤维,新鲜时呈白色,故又称白纤维,HE 染色呈红色。纤维粗细不等,分支并相互交织成网。胶原纤维的化学成分是Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型胶原蛋白,主要由成纤维细胞分泌。胶原蛋白在细胞外聚合成胶原原纤维,胶原原纤维再被黏结成胶原纤维。胶原纤维韧性很大,抗拉力性强。

2. 弹性纤维 较胶原纤维少,新鲜时呈黄色,故又称黄纤维。弹性纤维较细,有分支并交织成网。弹性纤维由弹性蛋白构成,外周覆盖有微原纤维。弹性纤维富有弹性。

3. 网状纤维 纤细,分支多,交织成网。纤维由Ⅲ型胶原蛋白构成,表面覆盖有糖蛋白和蛋白多糖,用银染法染成黑色,又称嗜银纤维。网状纤维在基膜的网板、肾小管和毛细血管周围、造血器官和内分泌腺中较多,构成微细的支架。

(三)基质 是一种由生物大分子构成的胶状物质,包括蛋白多糖和纤维黏连蛋白等。

1. 蛋白多糖 由蛋白质和多糖分子构成。多糖部分为氨基己糖多糖,又称糖胺多糖,有的含硫酸根,如硫酸软骨素、硫酸角质素和硫酸肝素等;有的不含硫酸根,如透明质酸。透明质酸是曲折的长链大分子,构成蛋白多糖的主干,其他糖胺多糖和蛋白质再与之结合,形成. 蛋白多糖聚合体。大量蛋白多糖聚合体曲折盘绕,形成多微孔的筛状结构,称分子筛。小于微孔的营养物、代谢产物、激素等可通过;大于微孔的大分子物质如细许多微孔,称分子筛,小于微孔的水、营养物、代谢物、激素、气体等可以通过,大于微孔的物质如细菌则不能通过,从而形成了一道重要的防卫屏障。

2. 纤维黏连蛋白 是结缔组织基质中最主要的黏连性糖蛋白,可与多种细胞、胶原及蛋白多糖相结合,在细胞迁移、分化过程中发挥重要作用。

3. 组织液 是从毛细血管动脉端渗入基质中的液体, 经物质交换后由毛细血管静脉端和毛细淋巴管回流入血液和淋巴。组织液是细胞赖以生存的体液内环境。


致密结缔组织是以纤维为主要成分的固有结缔组织,纤维粗大,排列紧密。规则致密结缔组织主要构成肌腱和腱膜;不规则致密结缔组织见于真皮、硬脑膜、巩膜及器官被膜内;弹性组织则以弹性纤维为主,如项韧带等。主要功能为支持和连接 。


脂肪组织主要由大量群集的脂肪细胞构成。根据脂肪细胞结构和功能的不同可分为两类。白(黄)色脂肪组织的脂肪细胞中央有一大脂滴。胞核扁圆形,位于细胞一侧。在HE 切片上,脂滴被溶解成一大空泡。黄色脂肪组织主要分布在皮下、网膜和系膜等处,是体内最大的贮能库,具有产生热量、维持体温、支持保护和缓冲等功能。棕色脂肪组织主要由多泡脂肪细胞构成,组织内有丰富的毛细血管。成人的棕色脂肪组织极少,新生儿较多。在寒冷条件下棕色脂肪细胞内的脂类分解、氧化,产生大量热量。


网状组织是淋巴器官和造血器官的基本成分,由网状细胞、网状纤维和基质构成,为淋巴细胞发育和血细胞发生提供适宜的微环境。 网状细胞可产生网状纤维。


1. 试述成纤维细胞的结构和功能。

2. 试述巨噬细胞的结构特点和功能。

3. 试述浆细胞的结构特点和功能。

4. 试述疏松结缔组织基质的分子构成及意义。

5. 试述固有结缔组织的分类和各类固有结缔组织的结构和功能特点。



● Origin of connective tissue

● Classification of connective tissue

● The cells, fibers and ground substance of loose connective tissue

● Dense connective tissue

● Adipose tissue

● Reticular tissue


Connective tissue includes a variety of tissues with different functional properties but with certain common characteristics that allow them to be grouped together. Several types of connective tissues are responsible for providing and maintaining form in the body, and providing a matrix that connects and binds the cells and organs and ultimately gives support to the body. So it is now probably more appropriate to use the term supporting tissue instead of connective tissue.

Connective tissues originate from the mesemchyme , an embryonic tissue formed by mesenchymal cells and an abundant and viscous extracellular substance.

Structurally, connective tissue is formed by two major classes of components: cells and an extracellular matrix that includes extracellular fibers, ground substance, and tissue fluid. According to the composition and organization of cellular and extracellular components and to the special functions, connective tissues are classified as connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone, and blood.

The connective tissue proper can be divided into loose connective tissue and dense connective tissue according to whether the fibers are loosely woven or densely packed. In addition, a number of kinds of connective tissue proper with special properties are named so as to indicate the predominating components or identifying feature: adipose tissue, reticular tissue and mucous tissue, etc.

Loose connective tissue, also called areolar tissue, is characterized by a relatively large number of different cell types, loose arranged thin fibers and abundance of ground substance. The primary location of loose connective tissue is beneath those epithelia that cover the body surfaces and line the internal surface of the body. It is also present in association with the epithelium of glands and surrounds the smallest vessels.

The dense connective tissue can be subdivided into regular and irregular types according to whether the fibers have an ordered or disordered arrangement. Skin contain a relatively thick layer of dense irregular connective tissue in the dermis. Examples of dense regular connective tissue include ligaments, tendons, and aponeuroses.

Adipose tissue is a specialized form of connective tissue consisting of adipocytes associated with a rich blood supply. There are two types of adipose tissue: yellow or white(or unilocular) and brown(or multilocular).

Reticular tissue consists of reticular cells and reticular fibers.

The types of cells found in loose connective tissue can be categorized either as fixed cells or as wandering cells. The cells that comprise the fixed cell population are relatively stabile; they normally exhibit little movement and can be regarded as permanent residents of the tissue. They include fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, adipose cells, and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells. The cells that comprise the wandering or transient population are mostly those that have migrated into the tissue from the blood in response to specific stimuli. They include plasma cells and leukocytes.

The types of cells as well as their relative numbers in loose connective tissue reflect the functional activity of the tissue. For example, the fibroblast is responsible for producing the fibers

and ground substance. Other cell types, such as macrophages, plasma cells, mast cells and leukocytes are associated with the defense system of the body.

Connective tissue fibers are present in varying amounts, depending on the structural needs or function of the tissue. Fibers are produced by fibroblasts and composed of proteins formed by long peptide chains. Depending on their character and composition they are referred to as collagenous fibers, reticular fibers and elastic fibers. All three types of fibers exist in loose connective tissue.

Ground substance is a highly hydrophilic, viscous complex of anionic macromolecules that occupies the space between the cells and fibers. Ground substance consists largely of proteoglycans and structure glycoproteins. The physical properties of ground substance and its ability to permit diffusion of oxygen and nutrients between the microvasculature and adjacent tissues is due to the proteoglycans .

Connective tissues usually contain blood vessels and can mediate the exchange of nutrients, metabolites and waste products between tissues and the circulatory system through tissue fluid. The functions of connective tissue also include connecting, supporting, protecting, defending, repairing and storing of water, etc.


1.How many types of tissues dose the connective tissue include?

2.What components dose the loose connective tissue contain?

3.Taking the degranulation of mast cell as an example describe the structure of monocyte, macrophage, B lymphocyte, plasma cell and mast cell, and relationshiper of functions among these cells.

4.Describe the differences of structure and functions between the yellow adipose tissue and brown adipose tissue.

第三章 结缔组织 中文纲要 英文纲要



掌握结缔组织的特点和分类;掌握疏松结缔组织各种成分的结构和功能. ;掌握基质的分子构成和意义;了解致密结缔组织、脂肪组织和网状组织的基本结构和功能。






1. 成纤维细胞 是疏松结缔组织的主要细胞。细胞扁平多突起。胞核较大、扁卵圆形,染色浅。胞质丰富,显弱嗜碱性。电镜下胞质内有丰富的粗面内质网、核糖体和发达的高尔基复合体。功能处于静止状态的成纤维细胞称纤维细胞,细胞体积小,呈长梭形,细胞质少,细胞器亦不发达,在一定条件下可转变成功能活跃的成纤维细胞。成纤维细胞能合成和分泌蛋白质,形成疏松结缔组织的三种纤维和基质中的蛋白多糖和纤维黏连蛋白。

2. 巨噬细胞 来源于血液的单核细胞,又称组织细胞,功能活跃时常伸出伪足故形状不规则。胞核小,染色深。胞质多呈嗜酸性。电镜下,细胞表面有许多皱褶和微绒毛。胞质内含大量初级溶酶体、次级溶酶体、吞噬体、吞饮小泡和残余体。巨噬细胞有重要的防卫功能,可通过特异性和非特异性吞噬作用清除细菌、异物和衰老死亡的细胞。巨噬细胞能分泌数十种活性物质,如溶菌酶、干扰素、肿瘤坏死因子、白细胞介素和补体等,还能捕捉抗原,经加工处理后呈递给淋巴细胞,引起免疫应答。

3. 浆细胞 由B 淋巴细胞转化而来,呈卵圆形,核圆形,位于细胞一侧,染色质呈块状,沿核膜放射状排列,胞质呈嗜碱性。电镜下,胞质内含大量粗面内质网、核糖体和发达的高尔基复合体。浆细胞可合成和分泌免疫球蛋白和多种细胞因子,参与机体的体液免疫。

4. 肥大细胞 常沿小血管分布,圆形或卵圆形,胞核小,多位于中央。胞质中充满粗大的异染性嗜碱性颗粒。细胞能合成组胺、白三烯、肝素和嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子。组胺和白三烯能使微静脉和毛细血管扩张,通透性增加,还可使支气管平滑肌收缩。肝素有抗凝血作用。

5. 脂肪细胞 单个存在时呈球形,成群存在时呈多边形。细胞质和细胞核被一大脂滴挤到细胞周边部,核呈扁圆形。

6. 未分化的间充质细胞 分化潜能很大,当创伤修复时,可增殖分化为成纤维细胞、脂肪细胞和新生血管的平滑肌细胞、内皮细胞。

7. 白细胞 包括中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、淋巴细胞等。


1. 胶原纤维 是结缔组织中的主要纤维,新鲜时呈白色,故又称白纤维,HE 染色呈红色。纤维粗细不等,分支并相互交织成网。胶原纤维的化学成分是Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型胶原蛋白,主要由成纤维细胞分泌。胶原蛋白在细胞外聚合成胶原原纤维,胶原原纤维再被黏结成胶原纤维。胶原纤维韧性很大,抗拉力性强。

2. 弹性纤维 较胶原纤维少,新鲜时呈黄色,故又称黄纤维。弹性纤维较细,有分支并交织成网。弹性纤维由弹性蛋白构成,外周覆盖有微原纤维。弹性纤维富有弹性。

3. 网状纤维 纤细,分支多,交织成网。纤维由Ⅲ型胶原蛋白构成,表面覆盖有糖蛋白和蛋白多糖,用银染法染成黑色,又称嗜银纤维。网状纤维在基膜的网板、肾小管和毛细血管周围、造血器官和内分泌腺中较多,构成微细的支架。

(三)基质 是一种由生物大分子构成的胶状物质,包括蛋白多糖和纤维黏连蛋白等。

1. 蛋白多糖 由蛋白质和多糖分子构成。多糖部分为氨基己糖多糖,又称糖胺多糖,有的含硫酸根,如硫酸软骨素、硫酸角质素和硫酸肝素等;有的不含硫酸根,如透明质酸。透明质酸是曲折的长链大分子,构成蛋白多糖的主干,其他糖胺多糖和蛋白质再与之结合,形成. 蛋白多糖聚合体。大量蛋白多糖聚合体曲折盘绕,形成多微孔的筛状结构,称分子筛。小于微孔的营养物、代谢产物、激素等可通过;大于微孔的大分子物质如细许多微孔,称分子筛,小于微孔的水、营养物、代谢物、激素、气体等可以通过,大于微孔的物质如细菌则不能通过,从而形成了一道重要的防卫屏障。

2. 纤维黏连蛋白 是结缔组织基质中最主要的黏连性糖蛋白,可与多种细胞、胶原及蛋白多糖相结合,在细胞迁移、分化过程中发挥重要作用。

3. 组织液 是从毛细血管动脉端渗入基质中的液体, 经物质交换后由毛细血管静脉端和毛细淋巴管回流入血液和淋巴。组织液是细胞赖以生存的体液内环境。


致密结缔组织是以纤维为主要成分的固有结缔组织,纤维粗大,排列紧密。规则致密结缔组织主要构成肌腱和腱膜;不规则致密结缔组织见于真皮、硬脑膜、巩膜及器官被膜内;弹性组织则以弹性纤维为主,如项韧带等。主要功能为支持和连接 。


脂肪组织主要由大量群集的脂肪细胞构成。根据脂肪细胞结构和功能的不同可分为两类。白(黄)色脂肪组织的脂肪细胞中央有一大脂滴。胞核扁圆形,位于细胞一侧。在HE 切片上,脂滴被溶解成一大空泡。黄色脂肪组织主要分布在皮下、网膜和系膜等处,是体内最大的贮能库,具有产生热量、维持体温、支持保护和缓冲等功能。棕色脂肪组织主要由多泡脂肪细胞构成,组织内有丰富的毛细血管。成人的棕色脂肪组织极少,新生儿较多。在寒冷条件下棕色脂肪细胞内的脂类分解、氧化,产生大量热量。


网状组织是淋巴器官和造血器官的基本成分,由网状细胞、网状纤维和基质构成,为淋巴细胞发育和血细胞发生提供适宜的微环境。 网状细胞可产生网状纤维。


1. 试述成纤维细胞的结构和功能。

2. 试述巨噬细胞的结构特点和功能。

3. 试述浆细胞的结构特点和功能。

4. 试述疏松结缔组织基质的分子构成及意义。

5. 试述固有结缔组织的分类和各类固有结缔组织的结构和功能特点。



● Origin of connective tissue

● Classification of connective tissue

● The cells, fibers and ground substance of loose connective tissue

● Dense connective tissue

● Adipose tissue

● Reticular tissue


Connective tissue includes a variety of tissues with different functional properties but with certain common characteristics that allow them to be grouped together. Several types of connective tissues are responsible for providing and maintaining form in the body, and providing a matrix that connects and binds the cells and organs and ultimately gives support to the body. So it is now probably more appropriate to use the term supporting tissue instead of connective tissue.

Connective tissues originate from the mesemchyme , an embryonic tissue formed by mesenchymal cells and an abundant and viscous extracellular substance.

Structurally, connective tissue is formed by two major classes of components: cells and an extracellular matrix that includes extracellular fibers, ground substance, and tissue fluid. According to the composition and organization of cellular and extracellular components and to the special functions, connective tissues are classified as connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone, and blood.

The connective tissue proper can be divided into loose connective tissue and dense connective tissue according to whether the fibers are loosely woven or densely packed. In addition, a number of kinds of connective tissue proper with special properties are named so as to indicate the predominating components or identifying feature: adipose tissue, reticular tissue and mucous tissue, etc.

Loose connective tissue, also called areolar tissue, is characterized by a relatively large number of different cell types, loose arranged thin fibers and abundance of ground substance. The primary location of loose connective tissue is beneath those epithelia that cover the body surfaces and line the internal surface of the body. It is also present in association with the epithelium of glands and surrounds the smallest vessels.

The dense connective tissue can be subdivided into regular and irregular types according to whether the fibers have an ordered or disordered arrangement. Skin contain a relatively thick layer of dense irregular connective tissue in the dermis. Examples of dense regular connective tissue include ligaments, tendons, and aponeuroses.

Adipose tissue is a specialized form of connective tissue consisting of adipocytes associated with a rich blood supply. There are two types of adipose tissue: yellow or white(or unilocular) and brown(or multilocular).

Reticular tissue consists of reticular cells and reticular fibers.

The types of cells found in loose connective tissue can be categorized either as fixed cells or as wandering cells. The cells that comprise the fixed cell population are relatively stabile; they normally exhibit little movement and can be regarded as permanent residents of the tissue. They include fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, adipose cells, and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells. The cells that comprise the wandering or transient population are mostly those that have migrated into the tissue from the blood in response to specific stimuli. They include plasma cells and leukocytes.

The types of cells as well as their relative numbers in loose connective tissue reflect the functional activity of the tissue. For example, the fibroblast is responsible for producing the fibers

and ground substance. Other cell types, such as macrophages, plasma cells, mast cells and leukocytes are associated with the defense system of the body.

Connective tissue fibers are present in varying amounts, depending on the structural needs or function of the tissue. Fibers are produced by fibroblasts and composed of proteins formed by long peptide chains. Depending on their character and composition they are referred to as collagenous fibers, reticular fibers and elastic fibers. All three types of fibers exist in loose connective tissue.

Ground substance is a highly hydrophilic, viscous complex of anionic macromolecules that occupies the space between the cells and fibers. Ground substance consists largely of proteoglycans and structure glycoproteins. The physical properties of ground substance and its ability to permit diffusion of oxygen and nutrients between the microvasculature and adjacent tissues is due to the proteoglycans .

Connective tissues usually contain blood vessels and can mediate the exchange of nutrients, metabolites and waste products between tissues and the circulatory system through tissue fluid. The functions of connective tissue also include connecting, supporting, protecting, defending, repairing and storing of water, etc.


1.How many types of tissues dose the connective tissue include?

2.What components dose the loose connective tissue contain?

3.Taking the degranulation of mast cell as an example describe the structure of monocyte, macrophage, B lymphocyte, plasma cell and mast cell, and relationshiper of functions among these cells.

4.Describe the differences of structure and functions between the yellow adipose tissue and brown adipose tissue.


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