


课程英文名称: Game and Information Economics

课内学时:32 课程学分 :2

课程性质(学位课/选修课) 开课学期:每学年第一学期 教学方式:课堂讲授 考核方式(考试/考查):考核

大纲执笔人:刘林 主讲教师:刘林

师资队伍:刘林 郭海涛








 博弈论与信息经济学的研究对象

 博弈论与信息经济学的形成与演变

 博弈论与信息经济学的基本问题

 课程目的与任务

 课程基本要求、课程内容、教学方法及学时分配


 博弈论与信息经济学的基本问题











完全信息静态博弈 (3学时)

博弈论的基本概念及表述;纳什均衡(占优战略均衡,重复剔出的占优均衡,纳什均衡);纳什均衡应用举例(Cournot Model, Hotelling Model,公共地的悲剧,公共物品的私人自愿供给);混合战略纳什均衡;纳什均衡的存在性和多重性讨论。


完全信息动态博弈 (3学时)

博弈的拓展式表述;拓展式表述博弈的纳什均衡;子博弈精炼纳什均衡(基本概念,逆向归纳法求解,承诺行动与子博弈精炼纳什均衡,逆向归纳法求解和子博弈精炼纳什均衡存在的问题);子博弈精炼纳什均衡应用举例(Stackelberg Model,宏观经济政策的动态一致性,工会与雇主之间的博弈,轮流出价的讨价还价模型);重复博弈和无名氏定理(有限次重复博弈举例,无限次重复博弈和无名氏定理,参与人不固定时的重复博弈,不确定环境下的重复博弈)。


不完全信息静态博弈 (3学时)

不完全信息博弈和贝叶斯纳什均衡(不完全信息博弈,海萨尼转换,不完全信息静态的战略式表述和贝叶斯纳什均衡);贝叶斯均衡的应用举例(不完全信息条件下的Cournot Model,不完全信息条件下的公共产品的提供,一级密封价格拍卖,双方叫价拍卖);贝叶斯博弈与混合战略均衡;机制设计理论与显示原理,不完全信息与自愿配置效率)。



精炼贝叶斯纳什均衡(基本思想,贝叶斯法则,精炼贝叶斯均衡,不完全信息博弈的精炼贝叶斯均衡);信号传递博弈及其应用举例(Milgrom-Robert Model,用负债比例显示企业质量);精炼贝叶斯均衡的再精炼及其他均衡概念(劣剔出战略,直观标准,Kreps-Wilson序贯均衡,Selten的颤抖手均衡);不完全信息重



















3、D.Fudenberg and J.Tirole,Game Theory ,MIT Press,1991.

4、R.Gibbons, A Primer in Game Theory, Harvester Wheatsheaf Press,1990.

5、J.Friedman, Game Theory with Applications to Economics, Oxford University Press, 1990.


Reading List Ⅱ

1. Grossman, S. and O. Hart, 1986, The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration, Journal of Political Economy, 94: 691-719

2. Laffont, J. and J. Tirole, 1986, Using cost observation to regulate firms, Journal of Political Economy 94, 614-641.

3. Morris, Stephen, 2001, Political Correctness, Journal of Political Economy, 109:231-265

4. Rayo, Luis, Relational Team Incentives and Ownership, 2002,


5. Horner, Johannes, 2002, Reputation and Competition, American Economic Review, 92:


6. Ely, Jeffrey and Juuso Valimaki, 2003, Bad Repuation, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118:


7. Jonathan Levin, 2003, Relational Incentive Contracts, American Economic Review, 835-857;

or http://www.stanford.edu/~jdlevin/research.htm

Reading ListⅠ

0. General References

1. * Mas-Colell, A., M. Whinston and J. Green, 1995, Microeconomic Theory,

Oxford University Press.

2. Fudenberg, D. and J. Tirole, 1990, Game Theory, MIT Press

I. Mechanism Design

I 1. Basic Theory

3. * Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green, Chapter 23.

4. Myerson, R. and M. Satterthwaite, 1983, Efficient Mechanisms for Bilateral Trade, Journal

of Economic Theory, 29:265-281.

I 2. Applications

5. Cai, H., A. Bernardo and J. Luo, 2001, Capital Budgeting and Compensation with

Asymmetric Information and Moral Hazard, Journal of Financial Economics, 61:311-344.

6. Harris, M. and A. Raviv, 1996, The Capital Budgeting Process: Incentives and

Information, Journal of Finance, 51:1139-74.

7. * Laffont, J.-J., Tirole, J., 1986. Using cost observation to regulate firms, Journal of

Political Economy 94, 614-641.

8. Mailath,G. and A. Postlewaite, 1990, Asymmetric Information Bargaining Problems with

Many Agents, Review of Economic Studies, 57:351-367.

II. Principal-agent Models: Moral Hazard

II 1. One-Principal, One-Agent Models

9.* Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green, Chapter 14.

10. Grossman, S., and O. Hart, 1983, An Analysis of the Principal-Agent Problem,

Econometrica, 51:7-45.

11. Holmstrom, B., 1979, Moral Hazard and Observability, Bell Journal of

Economics, 10:74-91.

12. Rogerson, W., 1985, The First-Order Approach to Principal-Agent Problems,

Econometrica, 53:1357-1367.

II 2. One-Principal, Multi-Agent Models

13. * Holmstrom, B., 1982, Moral Hazard in Teams, Bell Journal of Economics,


14. Green, J. and N. Stokey, 1983, A Comparison of Tournaments and Contracts,

Journal of Political Economy, 91:349-364.

II 3. Multiple-Principal, One-Agent Models

15. Bernheim, D. and M. Whinston, 1986, Common Agency, Econometrica, 54:923-942.

16. Dixit, A., G. Grossman and E. Helpman, 1997, Common Agency and

Coordination: General Theory and Application to Government Policy Making, Journal of Political Economy, 105:752-769.

17. Martimort, D. 1996, Exclusive Dealing, Common Agency and Multi-principals

Incentive Theory, Rand Journal of Economics, 27:1-31.

II 4. Multi-Task Analysis

18. * Holmstrom, B., and P. Milgrom, 1991, Mutlitask Principal-Agent Analyses:

Incentive Contracts, Asset Ownership, and Job Design, Journal of Law,

Economics, and Organization, 57:25-52.

II 5. Dynamic Models

19. Dewatripont, M., and E. Maskin, 1990, Contract Renegotiation in Models of

Asymmetric Information, European Economic Review, 34:311-321.

20. Fudenberg, D., B. Holmstrom, and P. Milgrom, 1990, Short-term Contracts and

Long-term Agency Relationships, Journal of Economic Theory, 51:1-31.

21. Fudenberg, D., and J. Tirole, 1990, Moral Hazard and Renegotiation in Agency

Contracts, Econometrica 58:1279-1320.

22. Holmstrom, B., and P. Milgrom, 1987, Aggregation and Linearity in the Provision

of Intertemporal Incentives, Econometrica, 55:597-619.

23. Laffont, J.-J., and J. Tirole, 1988, The Dynamics of Incentive Contracts,

Econometrica, 59:1735-1754.

III. Non-cooperative Bargaining Theory

24. General Reading: Osborne, M. and A. Rubinstein, 1990, "Bargaining and

Market", Academic Press, San Diego.

III 1. Complete Information

25. Binmore, K., Rubinstein, A. and Wolinsky, A., 1986, The Nash Bargaining

Solution in Economic Modeling, Rand Journal of Economics, 17, 176-188.

26. Binmore,Ken, Avner Shaked and John Sutton, 1989, An Outside Option

Experiment, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 104:753-770.

27. Cai, H., 2000, Delay in Multilateral Bargaining under Complete Information,

Journal of Economic Theory,93:260-276.

28. * Cai, H., 2001, Uncertainty and Commitment in Multilateral Bargaining”, working paper,

Available at www.econ.ucla.edu/cai

29. Fernandez, R. and J. Glazer, 1991, Striking for a Bargain Between Two

Completely Informed Agents, American Economic Review, 81:240-252.

30. * Rubinstein, A., 1982, Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model, Econometrica,


31. Shaked, A. and Sutton, J., 1984, Involuntary Unemployment as a Perfect

Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model, Econometrica, 52, 1351-1364.

III 2. Incomplete Information

32. Cai, H., 2000, Bargaining on Behalf of a Constituency, ,


33. Fudenberg, D., D. Levine and J.Tirole, 1985, Infinite-Horizon Models of

Bargaining with One-Sided Incomplete Information, in Roth, A. (eds.),

Game-Theoretic Models of Bargaining, Cambridge University Press.

34. Gul, F. and H. Sonnenschein, 1988, On Delay in Bargaining with One-sided

Uncertainty, Econometrica, 57:81-95.

IV. Information and Communication with Incentive Issues:

35. Battaglini, Marco, 2000, Multiple Referrals and Multidimensional Cheap Talk, working

paper, Princeton University.

36. Cai, Hongbin., 2001, Costly Participation and Heterogeneous Preferences in Informational

Committees”,, working paper, UCLA.

37. * Cai, Hongbin. and Joseph Wang, 2003, Overcommunication and Bounded Rationality in

Strategic Information Transmission Games: An Experimental Investigation”, working paper, UCLA

38. * Crawford, Vincent and Joel Sobel, 1982, Strategic Information Transmission,

Econometrica, 50:1431-1451.

39. Dessein, Wouter, 2000, Authority and Communication in Organization, working paper,

University of Chicago.

40. Gilligan, Thomas and Keith Krehbiel, 1987, Collective Decision-Making and Standing

Committees: An Informational Rationale for Restrictive Amendment Procedures, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 3:287-335.

41. Gilligan, Thomas and Keith Krehbiel, 1989, Asymmetric Information and Legislative Rules

with a Heterogeneous Committee, American Journal of Political Science, 33:459-490.

42. Holmstrom, Bengt, 1984, On the Theory of Delegation, in Bayesian Models in Economic

Theory, ed. Marcel Boyer and Richard Kihlstrom. New York: North-Holland.

43. Morris, Stephen, 2000, Political Correctness, forthcoming, Journal of Political Economy.

44. Sobel, Joel, 1985, A Theory of Credibility, Review of Economic Studies, 557-573.

V. Theory of the Firm: recent developments

45. Cai, H., 2003, A Theory of Joint Asset Ownership, Rand Journal of Economics, 34:62-76.

46. *Cai, Hongbin and Ichiro Obara, 2003, Firm Reputation and Horizontal Integration,

working paper, UCLA.

47. Grossman, S., and O. Hart, 1986, The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical

and Lateral Integration, Journal of Political Economy, 94: 691-719.

48. Hart, O., and J. Moore, 1990, Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm, Journal

of Political Economy, 98:1119-1158.

49. Holmstrom, B., and P. Milgrom, 1994, The Firm as an Incentive System,

American Economic Review, 84:972-991.

50. Holmstrom, B., and J. Roberts, 1998, The Boundaries of the Firm Revisited,

forthcoming, Journal of Economic Perspective.

51. *Kreps, D., 1990, Corporate Culture and Economic Theory, in J. Alt and K.

Shepsle, (eds.), Perspectives on Positive Political Economy, Cambridge

University Press.

52. * Tadalis, Steven, 1999, What’s in a Name? Reputation as a Tredeable Asset,

American Economics Review, 89:548:563.



课程英文名称: Game and Information Economics

课内学时:32 课程学分 :2

课程性质(学位课/选修课) 开课学期:每学年第一学期 教学方式:课堂讲授 考核方式(考试/考查):考核

大纲执笔人:刘林 主讲教师:刘林

师资队伍:刘林 郭海涛








 博弈论与信息经济学的研究对象

 博弈论与信息经济学的形成与演变

 博弈论与信息经济学的基本问题

 课程目的与任务

 课程基本要求、课程内容、教学方法及学时分配


 博弈论与信息经济学的基本问题











完全信息静态博弈 (3学时)

博弈论的基本概念及表述;纳什均衡(占优战略均衡,重复剔出的占优均衡,纳什均衡);纳什均衡应用举例(Cournot Model, Hotelling Model,公共地的悲剧,公共物品的私人自愿供给);混合战略纳什均衡;纳什均衡的存在性和多重性讨论。


完全信息动态博弈 (3学时)

博弈的拓展式表述;拓展式表述博弈的纳什均衡;子博弈精炼纳什均衡(基本概念,逆向归纳法求解,承诺行动与子博弈精炼纳什均衡,逆向归纳法求解和子博弈精炼纳什均衡存在的问题);子博弈精炼纳什均衡应用举例(Stackelberg Model,宏观经济政策的动态一致性,工会与雇主之间的博弈,轮流出价的讨价还价模型);重复博弈和无名氏定理(有限次重复博弈举例,无限次重复博弈和无名氏定理,参与人不固定时的重复博弈,不确定环境下的重复博弈)。


不完全信息静态博弈 (3学时)

不完全信息博弈和贝叶斯纳什均衡(不完全信息博弈,海萨尼转换,不完全信息静态的战略式表述和贝叶斯纳什均衡);贝叶斯均衡的应用举例(不完全信息条件下的Cournot Model,不完全信息条件下的公共产品的提供,一级密封价格拍卖,双方叫价拍卖);贝叶斯博弈与混合战略均衡;机制设计理论与显示原理,不完全信息与自愿配置效率)。



精炼贝叶斯纳什均衡(基本思想,贝叶斯法则,精炼贝叶斯均衡,不完全信息博弈的精炼贝叶斯均衡);信号传递博弈及其应用举例(Milgrom-Robert Model,用负债比例显示企业质量);精炼贝叶斯均衡的再精炼及其他均衡概念(劣剔出战略,直观标准,Kreps-Wilson序贯均衡,Selten的颤抖手均衡);不完全信息重



















3、D.Fudenberg and J.Tirole,Game Theory ,MIT Press,1991.

4、R.Gibbons, A Primer in Game Theory, Harvester Wheatsheaf Press,1990.

5、J.Friedman, Game Theory with Applications to Economics, Oxford University Press, 1990.


Reading List Ⅱ

1. Grossman, S. and O. Hart, 1986, The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration, Journal of Political Economy, 94: 691-719

2. Laffont, J. and J. Tirole, 1986, Using cost observation to regulate firms, Journal of Political Economy 94, 614-641.

3. Morris, Stephen, 2001, Political Correctness, Journal of Political Economy, 109:231-265

4. Rayo, Luis, Relational Team Incentives and Ownership, 2002,


5. Horner, Johannes, 2002, Reputation and Competition, American Economic Review, 92:


6. Ely, Jeffrey and Juuso Valimaki, 2003, Bad Repuation, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118:


7. Jonathan Levin, 2003, Relational Incentive Contracts, American Economic Review, 835-857;

or http://www.stanford.edu/~jdlevin/research.htm

Reading ListⅠ

0. General References

1. * Mas-Colell, A., M. Whinston and J. Green, 1995, Microeconomic Theory,

Oxford University Press.

2. Fudenberg, D. and J. Tirole, 1990, Game Theory, MIT Press

I. Mechanism Design

I 1. Basic Theory

3. * Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green, Chapter 23.

4. Myerson, R. and M. Satterthwaite, 1983, Efficient Mechanisms for Bilateral Trade, Journal

of Economic Theory, 29:265-281.

I 2. Applications

5. Cai, H., A. Bernardo and J. Luo, 2001, Capital Budgeting and Compensation with

Asymmetric Information and Moral Hazard, Journal of Financial Economics, 61:311-344.

6. Harris, M. and A. Raviv, 1996, The Capital Budgeting Process: Incentives and

Information, Journal of Finance, 51:1139-74.

7. * Laffont, J.-J., Tirole, J., 1986. Using cost observation to regulate firms, Journal of

Political Economy 94, 614-641.

8. Mailath,G. and A. Postlewaite, 1990, Asymmetric Information Bargaining Problems with

Many Agents, Review of Economic Studies, 57:351-367.

II. Principal-agent Models: Moral Hazard

II 1. One-Principal, One-Agent Models

9.* Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green, Chapter 14.

10. Grossman, S., and O. Hart, 1983, An Analysis of the Principal-Agent Problem,

Econometrica, 51:7-45.

11. Holmstrom, B., 1979, Moral Hazard and Observability, Bell Journal of

Economics, 10:74-91.

12. Rogerson, W., 1985, The First-Order Approach to Principal-Agent Problems,

Econometrica, 53:1357-1367.

II 2. One-Principal, Multi-Agent Models

13. * Holmstrom, B., 1982, Moral Hazard in Teams, Bell Journal of Economics,


14. Green, J. and N. Stokey, 1983, A Comparison of Tournaments and Contracts,

Journal of Political Economy, 91:349-364.

II 3. Multiple-Principal, One-Agent Models

15. Bernheim, D. and M. Whinston, 1986, Common Agency, Econometrica, 54:923-942.

16. Dixit, A., G. Grossman and E. Helpman, 1997, Common Agency and

Coordination: General Theory and Application to Government Policy Making, Journal of Political Economy, 105:752-769.

17. Martimort, D. 1996, Exclusive Dealing, Common Agency and Multi-principals

Incentive Theory, Rand Journal of Economics, 27:1-31.

II 4. Multi-Task Analysis

18. * Holmstrom, B., and P. Milgrom, 1991, Mutlitask Principal-Agent Analyses:

Incentive Contracts, Asset Ownership, and Job Design, Journal of Law,

Economics, and Organization, 57:25-52.

II 5. Dynamic Models

19. Dewatripont, M., and E. Maskin, 1990, Contract Renegotiation in Models of

Asymmetric Information, European Economic Review, 34:311-321.

20. Fudenberg, D., B. Holmstrom, and P. Milgrom, 1990, Short-term Contracts and

Long-term Agency Relationships, Journal of Economic Theory, 51:1-31.

21. Fudenberg, D., and J. Tirole, 1990, Moral Hazard and Renegotiation in Agency

Contracts, Econometrica 58:1279-1320.

22. Holmstrom, B., and P. Milgrom, 1987, Aggregation and Linearity in the Provision

of Intertemporal Incentives, Econometrica, 55:597-619.

23. Laffont, J.-J., and J. Tirole, 1988, The Dynamics of Incentive Contracts,

Econometrica, 59:1735-1754.

III. Non-cooperative Bargaining Theory

24. General Reading: Osborne, M. and A. Rubinstein, 1990, "Bargaining and

Market", Academic Press, San Diego.

III 1. Complete Information

25. Binmore, K., Rubinstein, A. and Wolinsky, A., 1986, The Nash Bargaining

Solution in Economic Modeling, Rand Journal of Economics, 17, 176-188.

26. Binmore,Ken, Avner Shaked and John Sutton, 1989, An Outside Option

Experiment, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 104:753-770.

27. Cai, H., 2000, Delay in Multilateral Bargaining under Complete Information,

Journal of Economic Theory,93:260-276.

28. * Cai, H., 2001, Uncertainty and Commitment in Multilateral Bargaining”, working paper,

Available at www.econ.ucla.edu/cai

29. Fernandez, R. and J. Glazer, 1991, Striking for a Bargain Between Two

Completely Informed Agents, American Economic Review, 81:240-252.

30. * Rubinstein, A., 1982, Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model, Econometrica,


31. Shaked, A. and Sutton, J., 1984, Involuntary Unemployment as a Perfect

Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model, Econometrica, 52, 1351-1364.

III 2. Incomplete Information

32. Cai, H., 2000, Bargaining on Behalf of a Constituency, ,


33. Fudenberg, D., D. Levine and J.Tirole, 1985, Infinite-Horizon Models of

Bargaining with One-Sided Incomplete Information, in Roth, A. (eds.),

Game-Theoretic Models of Bargaining, Cambridge University Press.

34. Gul, F. and H. Sonnenschein, 1988, On Delay in Bargaining with One-sided

Uncertainty, Econometrica, 57:81-95.

IV. Information and Communication with Incentive Issues:

35. Battaglini, Marco, 2000, Multiple Referrals and Multidimensional Cheap Talk, working

paper, Princeton University.

36. Cai, Hongbin., 2001, Costly Participation and Heterogeneous Preferences in Informational

Committees”,, working paper, UCLA.

37. * Cai, Hongbin. and Joseph Wang, 2003, Overcommunication and Bounded Rationality in

Strategic Information Transmission Games: An Experimental Investigation”, working paper, UCLA

38. * Crawford, Vincent and Joel Sobel, 1982, Strategic Information Transmission,

Econometrica, 50:1431-1451.

39. Dessein, Wouter, 2000, Authority and Communication in Organization, working paper,

University of Chicago.

40. Gilligan, Thomas and Keith Krehbiel, 1987, Collective Decision-Making and Standing

Committees: An Informational Rationale for Restrictive Amendment Procedures, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 3:287-335.

41. Gilligan, Thomas and Keith Krehbiel, 1989, Asymmetric Information and Legislative Rules

with a Heterogeneous Committee, American Journal of Political Science, 33:459-490.

42. Holmstrom, Bengt, 1984, On the Theory of Delegation, in Bayesian Models in Economic

Theory, ed. Marcel Boyer and Richard Kihlstrom. New York: North-Holland.

43. Morris, Stephen, 2000, Political Correctness, forthcoming, Journal of Political Economy.

44. Sobel, Joel, 1985, A Theory of Credibility, Review of Economic Studies, 557-573.

V. Theory of the Firm: recent developments

45. Cai, H., 2003, A Theory of Joint Asset Ownership, Rand Journal of Economics, 34:62-76.

46. *Cai, Hongbin and Ichiro Obara, 2003, Firm Reputation and Horizontal Integration,

working paper, UCLA.

47. Grossman, S., and O. Hart, 1986, The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical

and Lateral Integration, Journal of Political Economy, 94: 691-719.

48. Hart, O., and J. Moore, 1990, Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm, Journal

of Political Economy, 98:1119-1158.

49. Holmstrom, B., and P. Milgrom, 1994, The Firm as an Incentive System,

American Economic Review, 84:972-991.

50. Holmstrom, B., and J. Roberts, 1998, The Boundaries of the Firm Revisited,

forthcoming, Journal of Economic Perspective.

51. *Kreps, D., 1990, Corporate Culture and Economic Theory, in J. Alt and K.

Shepsle, (eds.), Perspectives on Positive Political Economy, Cambridge

University Press.

52. * Tadalis, Steven, 1999, What’s in a Name? Reputation as a Tredeable Asset,

American Economics Review, 89:548:563.


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  • 高校教师兼职现象的博弈论解释
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  • 中国民航大学研究生入学考试经济学考研大纲
  • (一)微观经济部分1.了解经济学的研究方法和分析工具,掌握经济学的定义.三个基本的基本问题.机会成本和稀缺性,理解微观经济学的基本假设.2.了解需求和供给的含义及影响需求和供给的各种因素:理解政府制定的支持价格和限制价格的概念及政府税收对经 ...查看

  • 例谈概率论与微积分的联系及相互间的应用
  • 第4卷第3期2008年7月 沈阳工程学院学报(自然科学版) JournalofShenyangInstituteofEngineering(NaturalScience) Vd.4No.3Jul.2008 例谈概率论与微积分的联系及相互间的 ...查看

  • 博弈论部分内容
  • 博弈论基础 本讲要点:博弈论的基本思想,博弈的构成要素,简单博弈的求解方法,纳什均衡的概念,博弈的分类,动态博弈与重复博弈,信息不对称,道德风险,逆向选择,信号传递. 重 点:博弈论的基本思想,纳什均衡的概念,信息不对称. 难 点:博弈的构 ...查看
