英语电子报 鼓浪屿

By Huang Zhengwen


Gulangyu Island is a small island located in Siming District of Xiamen city in Fujian province of the people's Republic of China.It is a famous place of interest with a population of about 20000 which is less than 2 square kilometers. A "garden on the sea", "10000 State Building Expo", "Piano Island" of reputation.

The Sunlight Rock Also known as Huangyan, the Sunlight Rock is located on the top of Longtou Mountain (Dragon’s Head) south of Gulan gyu Island. It is the highest peak in this area, 92.68 meters above the sea level. On the top of the rock, there is a round terrace, where one can get a panoramic view of Xiamen.

By Huang Zhengwen


Gulangyu Island is a small island located in Siming District of Xiamen city in Fujian province of the people's Republic of China.It is a famous place of interest with a population of about 20000 which is less than 2 square kilometers. A "garden on the sea", "10000 State Building Expo", "Piano Island" of reputation.

The Sunlight Rock Also known as Huangyan, the Sunlight Rock is located on the top of Longtou Mountain (Dragon’s Head) south of Gulan gyu Island. It is the highest peak in this area, 92.68 meters above the sea level. On the top of the rock, there is a round terrace, where one can get a panoramic view of Xiamen.


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