

It was already ten o‘clock in the evening when I was on my way home from school. It was snowing and the road was very slippery. Suddenly‘ two young fellows on a motorbike sped by me andsn atched a bag from a woman in front ofme. It was too sudden for.. the woman to shout before they fled away. "Robbery!" I shouted behind. The motorbike was so fast that it was out of control and fell. Both of the robbers were badly hurt and passed out.   Then we ran up. The woman got back his bag, still in great fright. She asked me to open the bag and take out her cell phone. I was greatly surprised when she asked me to dial to a hospital. I s houted, "They have got their retribution!" The woman took her cell phone and dialed, first "110", then "120".


It was already ten o‘clock in the evening when I was on my way home from school. It was snowing and the road was very slippery. Suddenly‘ two young fellows on a motorbike sped by me andsn atched a bag from a woman in front ofme. It was too sudden for.. the woman to shout before they fled away. "Robbery!" I shouted behind. The motorbike was so fast that it was out of control and fell. Both of the robbers were badly hurt and passed out.   Then we ran up. The woman got back his bag, still in great fright. She asked me to open the bag and take out her cell phone. I was greatly surprised when she asked me to dial to a hospital. I s houted, "They have got their retribution!" The woman took her cell phone and dialed, first "110", then "120".


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