
2012— 2013学年第1学期大学英语( 1 )口语机考话题

2012— 2013学年第1学期大学英语( 1 )口语机考话题

(A, B班)

1. What is the way you learn English? What difficulties do you have in your learning? How do you overcome them?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?

3. What is generation gap? What can parents and children do to understand each other?

4. How to make a good impression on others?

5. What do you know about AIDS?

6. What is the correct way of treating HIV-infected people?

7. What is the danger of guns’ popularization?

8. What can we do to increase creativity?

9. What may help one to awaken up his/her greatness in school?

10. What does your best friend look like? What does he/she like to do in spare time? Why do you regard him/her as your best friend? Give a brief introduction to your best friend.

11. What tips can you give to a person who plans to travel to your hometown?

12. What are the benefits of sports? What sports do you like to play? Why?

13. After a semester’s learning, what do you think about your study? What is your plan for your future study in the University?

14. What bad habits do you have now? What influence do these bad habits have? How will you break these bad habits?

15. Please introduce Kunming and the neighborhood where your university is located.

16. What is the symptom of having a cold? What do you usually do when having a cold? What are your suggestions to stay healthy?

17. What do you want to do after graduation? What qualities do you think are necessary for your ideal job?

18. How to keep the balance between study and campus activities?

19. How to get on well with roommates?

20. What are the keys to successful online learning?

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2012— 2013学年第1学期大学英语( 1 )口语机考话题

2012— 2013学年第1学期大学英语( 1 )口语机考话题

(A, B班)

1. What is the way you learn English? What difficulties do you have in your learning? How do you overcome them?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?

3. What is generation gap? What can parents and children do to understand each other?

4. How to make a good impression on others?

5. What do you know about AIDS?

6. What is the correct way of treating HIV-infected people?

7. What is the danger of guns’ popularization?

8. What can we do to increase creativity?

9. What may help one to awaken up his/her greatness in school?

10. What does your best friend look like? What does he/she like to do in spare time? Why do you regard him/her as your best friend? Give a brief introduction to your best friend.

11. What tips can you give to a person who plans to travel to your hometown?

12. What are the benefits of sports? What sports do you like to play? Why?

13. After a semester’s learning, what do you think about your study? What is your plan for your future study in the University?

14. What bad habits do you have now? What influence do these bad habits have? How will you break these bad habits?

15. Please introduce Kunming and the neighborhood where your university is located.

16. What is the symptom of having a cold? What do you usually do when having a cold? What are your suggestions to stay healthy?

17. What do you want to do after graduation? What qualities do you think are necessary for your ideal job?

18. How to keep the balance between study and campus activities?

19. How to get on well with roommates?

20. What are the keys to successful online learning?

第 1 页 共 1 页


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