

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20%)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four Choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

1. The opinions of his peers are more important to her than her parents' idea.

A) friends B) equals

C) enemies D) bosses

2. After we join the WTO, the situation that our automobile industry, depends for its survival on government subsidies will be changed.

A) financial aid B) personnel support

C) spiritual encouragement D) partial taxation

3. My salary has been raised to 100,000 yuan a year. but there is a proportionate increase in my income tax.

A) dramatic B) undesirable

C) perpetual D) proportional

4. Henry David Thoreau used to ramble through the woods before he wrote his most famous book Walden (1854).

A) study B) live

C) read aloud D) wander

5. Despite the pressure from the president, the provincial government insisted on its autonomous jurisdiction.

A) regional B) obstinate

C) willful D) legal

6. All programs celebrating the Spring Festival in the CCTV have been relayed to even' part of the world through satellites.

A) received B) reserved

C) rebroadcast D) enjoyed

10. Many students are signing the petition against building a steelworks near the school.

A) names B) agreement

C) request D) disapproval

11. Your appraisal of the current situation is quite different from mine.

A) optimistic B) compliment

C) agreement D) estimate

12. They are boycotting the store because the workers are on strike.

A) looting B) banning

C) protecting D) destroying

13. In the final contest, two athletes are contending for the championship.

A) satisfying B) happy

C) competing D) quarreling

14. The computer's value will depreciate by half in the first year.

A) decrease B) increase

C) keep low D) fluctuate

15. China Telecom is about to embark on a major program of computerization.

A) propaganda B) finish

C) purchase D) undertake

l6. The candidate has given a pledge that he will improve the local environment and invest doubly in education.

A) promise B) declaration

C) proposal D) possibility

17. There has always been an epldemic or bike stealing in schools.

A) a theft B) a punishment

C) a plague D) a crime

18. It is in Chongqing that the next international symposium on environmental protection will be held.

A) debate B) conference

C) seminar D) negotiation

19. Many people suspected the existence of extraterrestrial life.

A) snowman B) outside the earth

C) spiritual D) underworld

20. In case your liabilities outrun your assets, you may go bankrupt.

A) debt B) enterprise

C) controversy D) bondage

21.After the fierce quarrel, they began to have a __________ loathing for each other.

24. Though the policies of racial ________had been abolished, many whites in the South were still dubious about the safety of the communities.

A) segregation B) regulations C) communism D3 extinction

25. The proposal was accepted with ________ approval. Everybody believed it would help revive the national economy.

A) unanimous B) doubtful C) pleasant D) searching

26. Many social services are provided by ________ societies and organizations that do not expect any material payment.

A) wealthy B)voluntary C) helpful D)spiritual

27. In the packed hall, the people sitting close to me _________ me into the corner little by little.

A) dragged B) drew C) frightened D) wedged

28. The police, trying to ________exactly who was at the party are investigating every person concerned.

A) ascertain B) arrest C) imagine D) count

29. If everybody has arrived the meeting may________ now.

A) commence B) criticize C) comment D) conclude

30. The prodigal son ________his large inheritance in a few years of heavy spending.

A) inherited B) received C) accumulated D) dissipated

3l. In ancient India, there used to be a very formidable ________ in religious and social life.

A) hierarchy B) power C) despot D) president

32. _________ delinquency refers to law-breaking by young people.

A) Juvenile B) Green-hand C) Amateur D) Institute

33. It's necessary to make your handwritings ________ when you fill in an official form.

A) reconcilable B) legitimate C) legible D) formal

34. She has always been a conscientious secretary since the gal, she entered my company. Tine suggestion that I wanted her to resign is quite __________

A) thoughtful B) reasonable C) unfounded D) early

35. The ________ meaning of "yellow" is a color, but it can also mean "cowardly."

A) positive B) negative C) underlying D) literal

36. When I stayed in the country, I used to walk in the fields at night and to see ________ of stars.

A) the circulation B) a cluster C) the falling D) myriads

37. Ringing church bells sets up ________ in the Alpine valleys.

A) resonance B) forests C) church building D) priests

38. The students are all from ________ countries, such as Singapore. India Korean, and Japan.

A) developing B)oriental C) island D) Christian

39. Wouldn't it be easier to move about on the ________ of the mobbed crowd than to squeeze in tile middle?

A) consent B) heads C) fringe D) recreation

40. When the new immigration law came into effect, the old one was naturally

A) validated B) put off C) repealed D) put up

Section A

Directions: There are 3 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You loeide on the best choice.

Passage I

In the years following the Second World War, the youth hostel idea spread to other parts of the world and the same spirit was maintained. The International Youth Hostel Federation, IYHF, which was to co-ordinate activities in the various national associations, incorporated in its constitution the principle that in youth hostels "there shall be no distinctions of race, nationality color, religion, class or political opinions. This, it should be noted, was at a time when the principles of racial equality and brotherhood were by no means so widely acknowledged as they are now."

There is normally no age bar at youth hostels. Exceptions are Switzerland and Bavaria. Where there is a maximum age of 25 and I7 years respectively. Generally, however, the hostels are intended to meet the needs of two main groups: senior secondary school children, university and schoolchildren travelling with a teacher on educational visits, and aged between about 11 and I8.

The principal contribution of the youth hostel movement to the attack on racism is the fact that in the 4,364 hostels throughout the world the brotherhood of man is taken for granted and practiced quietly and without any ostentation.

If you walk into the common-room of a big youth hostel in Gracow or Munich, Lahore of Canberra, you will find young people of' every race and nationality sitting down together to share their experiences and discuss the world's problems. As a Malaysian boy recently remarked:" youth hostel is a place where you will never feel lost"

In accordance with its constitution, the IYHF has never admitted to membership youth hostel associations in South Africa and Rhodesia, because legislation in those countries makes it impossible for people of different races to share youth hostel facilities.

But an interesting new project is under way in Lesotho, with the financial and technical support of the


Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20%)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four Choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

1. The opinions of his peers are more important to her than her parents' idea.

A) friends B) equals

C) enemies D) bosses

2. After we join the WTO, the situation that our automobile industry, depends for its survival on government subsidies will be changed.

A) financial aid B) personnel support

C) spiritual encouragement D) partial taxation

3. My salary has been raised to 100,000 yuan a year. but there is a proportionate increase in my income tax.

A) dramatic B) undesirable

C) perpetual D) proportional

4. Henry David Thoreau used to ramble through the woods before he wrote his most famous book Walden (1854).

A) study B) live

C) read aloud D) wander

5. Despite the pressure from the president, the provincial government insisted on its autonomous jurisdiction.

A) regional B) obstinate

C) willful D) legal

6. All programs celebrating the Spring Festival in the CCTV have been relayed to even' part of the world through satellites.

A) received B) reserved

C) rebroadcast D) enjoyed

10. Many students are signing the petition against building a steelworks near the school.

A) names B) agreement

C) request D) disapproval

11. Your appraisal of the current situation is quite different from mine.

A) optimistic B) compliment

C) agreement D) estimate

12. They are boycotting the store because the workers are on strike.

A) looting B) banning

C) protecting D) destroying

13. In the final contest, two athletes are contending for the championship.

A) satisfying B) happy

C) competing D) quarreling

14. The computer's value will depreciate by half in the first year.

A) decrease B) increase

C) keep low D) fluctuate

15. China Telecom is about to embark on a major program of computerization.

A) propaganda B) finish

C) purchase D) undertake

l6. The candidate has given a pledge that he will improve the local environment and invest doubly in education.

A) promise B) declaration

C) proposal D) possibility

17. There has always been an epldemic or bike stealing in schools.

A) a theft B) a punishment

C) a plague D) a crime

18. It is in Chongqing that the next international symposium on environmental protection will be held.

A) debate B) conference

C) seminar D) negotiation

19. Many people suspected the existence of extraterrestrial life.

A) snowman B) outside the earth

C) spiritual D) underworld

20. In case your liabilities outrun your assets, you may go bankrupt.

A) debt B) enterprise

C) controversy D) bondage

21.After the fierce quarrel, they began to have a __________ loathing for each other.

24. Though the policies of racial ________had been abolished, many whites in the South were still dubious about the safety of the communities.

A) segregation B) regulations C) communism D3 extinction

25. The proposal was accepted with ________ approval. Everybody believed it would help revive the national economy.

A) unanimous B) doubtful C) pleasant D) searching

26. Many social services are provided by ________ societies and organizations that do not expect any material payment.

A) wealthy B)voluntary C) helpful D)spiritual

27. In the packed hall, the people sitting close to me _________ me into the corner little by little.

A) dragged B) drew C) frightened D) wedged

28. The police, trying to ________exactly who was at the party are investigating every person concerned.

A) ascertain B) arrest C) imagine D) count

29. If everybody has arrived the meeting may________ now.

A) commence B) criticize C) comment D) conclude

30. The prodigal son ________his large inheritance in a few years of heavy spending.

A) inherited B) received C) accumulated D) dissipated

3l. In ancient India, there used to be a very formidable ________ in religious and social life.

A) hierarchy B) power C) despot D) president

32. _________ delinquency refers to law-breaking by young people.

A) Juvenile B) Green-hand C) Amateur D) Institute

33. It's necessary to make your handwritings ________ when you fill in an official form.

A) reconcilable B) legitimate C) legible D) formal

34. She has always been a conscientious secretary since the gal, she entered my company. Tine suggestion that I wanted her to resign is quite __________

A) thoughtful B) reasonable C) unfounded D) early

35. The ________ meaning of "yellow" is a color, but it can also mean "cowardly."

A) positive B) negative C) underlying D) literal

36. When I stayed in the country, I used to walk in the fields at night and to see ________ of stars.

A) the circulation B) a cluster C) the falling D) myriads

37. Ringing church bells sets up ________ in the Alpine valleys.

A) resonance B) forests C) church building D) priests

38. The students are all from ________ countries, such as Singapore. India Korean, and Japan.

A) developing B)oriental C) island D) Christian

39. Wouldn't it be easier to move about on the ________ of the mobbed crowd than to squeeze in tile middle?

A) consent B) heads C) fringe D) recreation

40. When the new immigration law came into effect, the old one was naturally

A) validated B) put off C) repealed D) put up

Section A

Directions: There are 3 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You loeide on the best choice.

Passage I

In the years following the Second World War, the youth hostel idea spread to other parts of the world and the same spirit was maintained. The International Youth Hostel Federation, IYHF, which was to co-ordinate activities in the various national associations, incorporated in its constitution the principle that in youth hostels "there shall be no distinctions of race, nationality color, religion, class or political opinions. This, it should be noted, was at a time when the principles of racial equality and brotherhood were by no means so widely acknowledged as they are now."

There is normally no age bar at youth hostels. Exceptions are Switzerland and Bavaria. Where there is a maximum age of 25 and I7 years respectively. Generally, however, the hostels are intended to meet the needs of two main groups: senior secondary school children, university and schoolchildren travelling with a teacher on educational visits, and aged between about 11 and I8.

The principal contribution of the youth hostel movement to the attack on racism is the fact that in the 4,364 hostels throughout the world the brotherhood of man is taken for granted and practiced quietly and without any ostentation.

If you walk into the common-room of a big youth hostel in Gracow or Munich, Lahore of Canberra, you will find young people of' every race and nationality sitting down together to share their experiences and discuss the world's problems. As a Malaysian boy recently remarked:" youth hostel is a place where you will never feel lost"

In accordance with its constitution, the IYHF has never admitted to membership youth hostel associations in South Africa and Rhodesia, because legislation in those countries makes it impossible for people of different races to share youth hostel facilities.

But an interesting new project is under way in Lesotho, with the financial and technical support of the


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