
Children are the hope of a nation, and family education is the elementary education for children. Many serious problems have appeared in our education system in recent years. Almost everyone has realized the importance of solving these problems and many people have presented a lot of valuable suggestions. There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture. And American family education is the most famous one among them. There are great differences in the education goals, content of education and methods of education between American family education and Chinese family education. This paper will analyze those differences from the three aspects, and will mainly analyze of the differences on cultivating children's independence, interests, creativity, and the relationship with their parents between the two kinds of family education.

First of all, the two differ in education goals. The Chinese parents care about the reputation in educating the child, thinking educating the child to become a useful person is their achievement, but if not, the parents feel shameful. The education's goal is for earning their living, for honor. However, in western families, education is not the preparation for earning their living, but for survival and to train the child into a social man, who can deal with all kinds of events and own independent ability. It is not a high expectation

Furthermore, the difference of Home Education between China and Western Countries also lies in the content of education: Firstly, the Chinese parents are busy

cultivating the children’s memory; the American parents are developing the children’s imagination. While the Chinese children are engaged in reciting poetries; the foreign children are doing scientific experiments. The Chinese family education focuses on theory, the accumulations, the abstract knowledge and the examination skills; the American family education focuses on the application, the practice, the innovation and the scientific knowledge. The Chinese parents reflect an air of authority while the American family reflects the equality and the development of the individual character. Secondly, western families pay much attention to children's independence and self-confidence. The foreign children are developing the imagination when they are encouraged to fantasy. They are encouraged to express when they want to express something. They are encouraged to keep their curiosity and develop their abilities to probe.At the same time the family also attach importance to the children's independence.Such as the child sleep small bed, larger alone owning a house. In daily affairs, parents only help children to do some which they still can not do at their age. The child himself do his affairs in most cases. Most 18 years old or above teenagers make their own money. Although China's parents are now seriously attach importance to the child's educa

tion, but due to long time Chinese parents lack of scientific education experience or because some mistakes of conservative education concept, independent consciousness to the child is still in the slogan of the stage. Especially now only children at home , the child live the life of "emperor". Children can hardly independent.

The last but not the least, because of different education types, American family

education and Chinese family education show different methods. Generally speaking, in American families, parents mainly use an equal way to educate their children. They respect children's personality and rights. Children, in the family, are treated as independent individuals. Parents and children are equal. By comparison, Chinese family education's methods lack of equality. Chinese parents don’t treat their children on the same level as themslves. Instead, parents stand for the elder generation and the children stand for younger generation.

Additionly, American parents advocate the open education: First, they pay attention to practical training, emphasis on training children in practice instead of preaching. In American's opinion, if the children can do the work, let them do it. Second, American parents think play and game are very important. They think play is the most important thing when children are young. In American, children take part in all kinds of activities, do a lot of outdoor exercises. On the weekend, parents go out for tour with children. In the process of playing, the children develop their intelligence, such as imagination, judgement, communication with other people and emotion adjusting and so on..

Chinese parents advocate the close education: First, they ignore the importance of practical training, instead they pay attention to preaching. The requirement to children is study. All the things, including what the children can do by themselves, are done by their parents. It is the reason why Chinese children learn a lot of knowledge but can hardly do anything when they enter the society.Second, they lack of outdoor exercises because Chinese children have endless homework. They live under the pressure of a

lot of examinations.

Taking all the three aspects mentioned above, it is really easy to draw a conclusion that there are many differences on family education between China and America.Though there are still many obvious problems about china's family education, we should know that there are also many advantages about it, and at the same time, we must know that the open type family education in America has many benefits, it still has many abuses. We should treat this two means of family education dialectically. Actually, we can absorb the advantages of each other and give up the disadvantages, and then we can make a suitable change on family education which is beneficial to the development of the children and to the perfection of the education system..

Works Cited

Mcguffey, William. H,."Successful Family

Education in Western Countries." The

New World Press, September ,2008.

Sun, Qing. "Mother's Management Art." Chongqing Publishing House, May 1st,

2005, P32.

Xiao, Feng."the Difficult Problem of Child's Education." People's Military Doctor

Publishing House, June 25th,2004.

Zhou, Yan. "Family Instruction of Yan." Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Children are the hope of a nation, and family education is the elementary education for children. Many serious problems have appeared in our education system in recent years. Almost everyone has realized the importance of solving these problems and many people have presented a lot of valuable suggestions. There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture. And American family education is the most famous one among them. There are great differences in the education goals, content of education and methods of education between American family education and Chinese family education. This paper will analyze those differences from the three aspects, and will mainly analyze of the differences on cultivating children's independence, interests, creativity, and the relationship with their parents between the two kinds of family education.

First of all, the two differ in education goals. The Chinese parents care about the reputation in educating the child, thinking educating the child to become a useful person is their achievement, but if not, the parents feel shameful. The education's goal is for earning their living, for honor. However, in western families, education is not the preparation for earning their living, but for survival and to train the child into a social man, who can deal with all kinds of events and own independent ability. It is not a high expectation

Furthermore, the difference of Home Education between China and Western Countries also lies in the content of education: Firstly, the Chinese parents are busy

cultivating the children’s memory; the American parents are developing the children’s imagination. While the Chinese children are engaged in reciting poetries; the foreign children are doing scientific experiments. The Chinese family education focuses on theory, the accumulations, the abstract knowledge and the examination skills; the American family education focuses on the application, the practice, the innovation and the scientific knowledge. The Chinese parents reflect an air of authority while the American family reflects the equality and the development of the individual character. Secondly, western families pay much attention to children's independence and self-confidence. The foreign children are developing the imagination when they are encouraged to fantasy. They are encouraged to express when they want to express something. They are encouraged to keep their curiosity and develop their abilities to probe.At the same time the family also attach importance to the children's independence.Such as the child sleep small bed, larger alone owning a house. In daily affairs, parents only help children to do some which they still can not do at their age. The child himself do his affairs in most cases. Most 18 years old or above teenagers make their own money. Although China's parents are now seriously attach importance to the child's educa

tion, but due to long time Chinese parents lack of scientific education experience or because some mistakes of conservative education concept, independent consciousness to the child is still in the slogan of the stage. Especially now only children at home , the child live the life of "emperor". Children can hardly independent.

The last but not the least, because of different education types, American family

education and Chinese family education show different methods. Generally speaking, in American families, parents mainly use an equal way to educate their children. They respect children's personality and rights. Children, in the family, are treated as independent individuals. Parents and children are equal. By comparison, Chinese family education's methods lack of equality. Chinese parents don’t treat their children on the same level as themslves. Instead, parents stand for the elder generation and the children stand for younger generation.

Additionly, American parents advocate the open education: First, they pay attention to practical training, emphasis on training children in practice instead of preaching. In American's opinion, if the children can do the work, let them do it. Second, American parents think play and game are very important. They think play is the most important thing when children are young. In American, children take part in all kinds of activities, do a lot of outdoor exercises. On the weekend, parents go out for tour with children. In the process of playing, the children develop their intelligence, such as imagination, judgement, communication with other people and emotion adjusting and so on..

Chinese parents advocate the close education: First, they ignore the importance of practical training, instead they pay attention to preaching. The requirement to children is study. All the things, including what the children can do by themselves, are done by their parents. It is the reason why Chinese children learn a lot of knowledge but can hardly do anything when they enter the society.Second, they lack of outdoor exercises because Chinese children have endless homework. They live under the pressure of a

lot of examinations.

Taking all the three aspects mentioned above, it is really easy to draw a conclusion that there are many differences on family education between China and America.Though there are still many obvious problems about china's family education, we should know that there are also many advantages about it, and at the same time, we must know that the open type family education in America has many benefits, it still has many abuses. We should treat this two means of family education dialectically. Actually, we can absorb the advantages of each other and give up the disadvantages, and then we can make a suitable change on family education which is beneficial to the development of the children and to the perfection of the education system..

Works Cited

Mcguffey, William. H,."Successful Family

Education in Western Countries." The

New World Press, September ,2008.

Sun, Qing. "Mother's Management Art." Chongqing Publishing House, May 1st,

2005, P32.

Xiao, Feng."the Difficult Problem of Child's Education." People's Military Doctor

Publishing House, June 25th,2004.

Zhou, Yan. "Family Instruction of Yan." Southern and Northern Dynasties.


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