In several mountain resorts I have even seen some banyan trees growing on cliffs. They can survive without much earth.
A seed falls on a cliff, good heavens, it begins to grow only depending on a little earth among rocks.
它的根不能钻进坚硬的石头,就攀附在石壁上成长,在这种场合,这些根简直像一条条钢筋似的,它们发挥了奇特的作用,把石壁上的一点一滴的营养,都兼容并蓄,输送到树身去了。 Its roots cannot go into hard rocks, so they just cling on the surface of the cliff. Here the roots play the special role of reinforcing steel to absorb every little bit of nutrition on the cliff into the tree. 因此,你在石壁上看到有一株扭曲了的榕树在泰然地成长,一点也用不着惊奇。
Therefore, you don’t need to feel surprised when you see a twisted banyan tree growing exuberantly on cliffs.
1. 把亲情放在适当的位置上,双方都不至失落。
Properly handled, parent-child relationship will leave neither of them sense of loss.
2. 人到中年,亲情的互动,是阶段性的幸福,不要赋予它太严肃的意义,也不要把它看得无足轻重。
It is periodical happiness to have interaction with our children when stepping into middle ages. However, we should not attach too serious significance to it, nor should we consider it unimportant at all..
3. 上帝不允许孩子永远记住父母入骨的爱,那将是他们无法成长;也不允许父母永远记住自己对儿女所做的牺牲,那将使老人陷于期待回报的自怜。
God does not allow our children to remember our selfless deep love for all their life, for which would hinder their growth, nor does he allow us to remember our sacrifice for them either, for which would entrap us into the miserable situation of expecting rewards.
4. 而且,事实上,孩子早已经用儿语、用拥抱、用一声“妈妈,我好爱你啊!”一声“爸爸,我 要嫁一个像爸爸一样的好丈夫!”
And in fact, what we have given to our children has been all paid back by them in their childhood: they gave you a big hug and told you with their baby-talk that “I love you so much, Mummy!” and “Daddy, I am gonna marry a good man like you!”
5. 完全回报了!是的,完全回报了。
All of these are their love in return.
三。 名人效应
Mr. Drake is a singer who often swings his hips to make up for the croakiness of his voice. Therefore he is often greeted with a chorus of catcalls.
One day he gave a recital and invited Mr. Grander to grace the occasion.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” the celebrity in musical circles honed, “ Mr. Drake is a born singer. The purity of his voice quality and the broadness of his voice range are unique. I’m sure the show
will be a success.”
在演出的过程中,回报公鸭那沙哑歌声的,不再是不满的嗓音,而是经久不息的掌声。 During the course of the performance, Drake was no longer interrupted by boos, but by rounds of prolonged applause.
Mr. S had an plain-looking/ordinary/ugly wife, of whom he was very proud,so much so that to his friend who had beautiful wife, he often raved about/boasted/ brag about his spouse like this, 丑妻是宝,见了恶心,不见省心,出门放心,免得有第三者插足.
“ a plain wife is an absolute treasure, unpleasant to look at, but out of mind out of sight and free from suspicion when I am away from home. And there is no fear of ‘another man’.
On hearing this, his friend couldn’t help a smile and offered the following comment, “ forgive me, sir, for pointing out that you’re wrong there. As the saying goes, the greatest danger resides in the false sense of security. Haven’t you heard of that love brings blindness/beauty is in the eyes of the beholder/gazer?”
Suddenly and thoroughly enlightened by his friend’s kind warning, Mr. S sighed with feeling, “how true it is that one can learn more from the talk of a wise person than from ten years’ reading! Otherwise I may lose her through oversight.”
1. 得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道。
Before I fell ill, I had been the bully under our roofs owing to my doting parents.\\
一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。 Feeling like being deposed into a cold palace, I began to taste the bitterness of depression and frustration immediately after I was segregated and confined in a small house on a hillside in our garden.
On a spring evening, my parents gave a banquet in the garden where a profusion of flowers were in full bloom. In no time, a crowd of their guests collected and laughter was heard all over there.
In several mountain resorts I have even seen some banyan trees growing on cliffs. They can survive without much earth.
A seed falls on a cliff, good heavens, it begins to grow only depending on a little earth among rocks.
它的根不能钻进坚硬的石头,就攀附在石壁上成长,在这种场合,这些根简直像一条条钢筋似的,它们发挥了奇特的作用,把石壁上的一点一滴的营养,都兼容并蓄,输送到树身去了。 Its roots cannot go into hard rocks, so they just cling on the surface of the cliff. Here the roots play the special role of reinforcing steel to absorb every little bit of nutrition on the cliff into the tree. 因此,你在石壁上看到有一株扭曲了的榕树在泰然地成长,一点也用不着惊奇。
Therefore, you don’t need to feel surprised when you see a twisted banyan tree growing exuberantly on cliffs.
1. 把亲情放在适当的位置上,双方都不至失落。
Properly handled, parent-child relationship will leave neither of them sense of loss.
2. 人到中年,亲情的互动,是阶段性的幸福,不要赋予它太严肃的意义,也不要把它看得无足轻重。
It is periodical happiness to have interaction with our children when stepping into middle ages. However, we should not attach too serious significance to it, nor should we consider it unimportant at all..
3. 上帝不允许孩子永远记住父母入骨的爱,那将是他们无法成长;也不允许父母永远记住自己对儿女所做的牺牲,那将使老人陷于期待回报的自怜。
God does not allow our children to remember our selfless deep love for all their life, for which would hinder their growth, nor does he allow us to remember our sacrifice for them either, for which would entrap us into the miserable situation of expecting rewards.
4. 而且,事实上,孩子早已经用儿语、用拥抱、用一声“妈妈,我好爱你啊!”一声“爸爸,我 要嫁一个像爸爸一样的好丈夫!”
And in fact, what we have given to our children has been all paid back by them in their childhood: they gave you a big hug and told you with their baby-talk that “I love you so much, Mummy!” and “Daddy, I am gonna marry a good man like you!”
5. 完全回报了!是的,完全回报了。
All of these are their love in return.
三。 名人效应
Mr. Drake is a singer who often swings his hips to make up for the croakiness of his voice. Therefore he is often greeted with a chorus of catcalls.
One day he gave a recital and invited Mr. Grander to grace the occasion.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” the celebrity in musical circles honed, “ Mr. Drake is a born singer. The purity of his voice quality and the broadness of his voice range are unique. I’m sure the show
will be a success.”
在演出的过程中,回报公鸭那沙哑歌声的,不再是不满的嗓音,而是经久不息的掌声。 During the course of the performance, Drake was no longer interrupted by boos, but by rounds of prolonged applause.
Mr. S had an plain-looking/ordinary/ugly wife, of whom he was very proud,so much so that to his friend who had beautiful wife, he often raved about/boasted/ brag about his spouse like this, 丑妻是宝,见了恶心,不见省心,出门放心,免得有第三者插足.
“ a plain wife is an absolute treasure, unpleasant to look at, but out of mind out of sight and free from suspicion when I am away from home. And there is no fear of ‘another man’.
On hearing this, his friend couldn’t help a smile and offered the following comment, “ forgive me, sir, for pointing out that you’re wrong there. As the saying goes, the greatest danger resides in the false sense of security. Haven’t you heard of that love brings blindness/beauty is in the eyes of the beholder/gazer?”
Suddenly and thoroughly enlightened by his friend’s kind warning, Mr. S sighed with feeling, “how true it is that one can learn more from the talk of a wise person than from ten years’ reading! Otherwise I may lose her through oversight.”
1. 得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道。
Before I fell ill, I had been the bully under our roofs owing to my doting parents.\\
一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。 Feeling like being deposed into a cold palace, I began to taste the bitterness of depression and frustration immediately after I was segregated and confined in a small house on a hillside in our garden.
On a spring evening, my parents gave a banquet in the garden where a profusion of flowers were in full bloom. In no time, a crowd of their guests collected and laughter was heard all over there.