
Democracy and Education

John Dewey


1、There is nothing peculiar about educational aims. They are just like aims in any directed

occupation. The educator, like the farmer, has certain things to do, certain resources with which to

do, and certain obstacles with which to contend .



2、The conditions with which the farmer deals, whether as obstacles or resources, have their own

structure and operation independently of any purpose of his. Seeds sprout, rain falls, the sun shines,

insects devour, blight comes, the seasons change.




3、His aim is simply to utilize these various conditions; to make his activities and their energies

work together, instead of against one another.



4、It would be absurd if the farmer set up a purpose of farming, without any reference to these

conditions of soil, climate, characteristic of plant growth, etc.



5、His purpose is simply a foresight of the consequences of his energies connected with those of

the things about him, a foresight used to direct his movements from day to day.



6、Foresight of possible consequences leads to more careful and extensive observation of the

nature and performances of the things he had to do with, and to laying out a plan -- that is, of a

certain order in the acts to be performed.



7、It is the same with the educator, whether parent or teacher. It is as absurd for the latter to set up

his "own" aims as the proper objects of the growth of the children as it would be for the farmer to

set up an ideal of farming irrespective of conditions.




8、Aims mean acceptance of responsibility for the observations, anticipations, and arrangements

required in carrying on a function —— whether farming or educating.



9、Any aim is of value so far as it assists observation, choice, and planning in carrying on activity

from moment to moment and hour to hour; if it gets in the way of the individual's own common

sense ( as it will surely do if imposed from without or accepted on authority ) it does harm.




10、And it is well to remind ourselves that education as such has no aims. Only persons, parents,

and teachers, etc., have aims, not an abstract idea like education.



11、And consequently their purposes are indefinitely varied, differing with different children,

changing as children grow and with the growth of experience on the part of the one who teaches.



12、Even the most valid aims which can be put in words will, as words, do more harm than good

unless one recognizes that they are not aims, but rather suggestions to educators as to how to

observe, how to look ahead, and how to choose in liberating and directing the energies of the

concrete situations in which they find themselves.




13、As a recent writer has said: “To lead this boy to read Scott's novels instead of old Sleuth's

stories; to teach this girl to sew; to root out the habit of bullying from John's make-up; to prepare

this class to study medicine, -- these are samples of the millions of aims we have actually before

us in the concrete work of education. ”




14、Bearing these qualifications in mind, we shall proceed to state some of the characteristics

found in all good educational aims.


15、(1) An educational aim must be founded upon the intrinsic activities and needs (including

original instincts and acquired habits) of the given individual to be educated.



16、The tendency of such an aim as preparation is, as we have seen, to omit existing powers, and

find the aim in some remote accomplishment or responsibility.



17、In general, there is a disposition to take considerations which are dear to the hearts of adults

and set them up as ends irrespective of the capacities of those educated. There is also an

inclination to propound aims which are so uniform as to neglect the specific powers and

requirements of an individual, forgetting that all learning is something which happens to an

individual at a given time and place.



18、The larger range of perception of the adult is of great value in observing the abilities and

weaknesses of the young, in deciding what they may amount to.



19、Thus the artistic capacities of the adult exhibit what certain tendencies of the child are capable

of; if we did not have the adult achievements we should be without assurance as to the

significance of the drawing, reproducing, modeling, coloring activities of childhood.



20、So if it were not for adult language, we should not be able to see the import of the babbling

impulses of infancy.


21、But it is one thing to use adult accomplishments as a context in which to place and survey the

doings of childhood and youth; it is quite another to set them up as a fixed aim without regard to

the concrete activities of those educated.




22、(2) An aim must be capable of translation into a method of cooperating with the activities of

those undergoing instruction. It must suggest the kind of environment needed to liberate and to

organize their capacities.



23、Unless it lends itself to the construction of specific procedures, and unless these procedures

test, correct, and amplify the aim, the latter is worthless.



24、Instead of helping the specific task of teaching, it prevents the use of ordinary judgment in

observing and sizing up the situation. It operates to exclude recognition of everything except what

squares up with the fixed end in view.



25、Every rigid aim just because it is rigidly given seems to render it unnecessary to give careful

attention to concrete conditions. Since it must apply anyhow, what is the use of noting details

which do not count?



26、The vice of externally imposed ends has deep roots. Teachers receive them from superior

authorities; these authorities accept them from what is current in the community.



27、The teachers impose them upon children. As a first consequence, the intelligence of the teacher

is not free; it is confined to receiving the aims laid down from above.



28、Too rarely is the individual teacher so free from the dictation of authoritative supervisor,

textbook on methods, prescribed course of study, etc., that he can let his mind come to close

quarters with the pupil's mind and the subject matter.



29、This distrust of the teacher's experience is then reflected in lack of confidence in the responses

of pupils. .


30、The latter receive their aims through a double or treble external imposition, and are constantly

confused by the conflict between the aims which are natural to their own experience at the time

and those in which they are taught to acquiesce.




31、Until the democratic criterion of the intrinsic significance of every growing experience is

recognized, we shall be intellectually confused by the demand for adaptation to external aims.



32、(3) Educators have to be on their guard against ends that are alleged to be general and ultimate.

Every activity, however specific, is, of course, general in its ramified connections, for it leads out

indefinitely into other things.



33、So far as a general idea makes us more alive to these connections, it cannot be too general. But

"general" also means "abstract," or detached from all specific context.



34、And such abstractness means remoteness, and throws us back, once more, upon teaching and

learning as mere means of getting ready for an end disconnected from the means.



35、That education is literally and all the time its own reward means that no alleged study or

discipline is educative unless it is worth while in its own immediate having.



36、A truly general aim broadens the outlook; it stimulates one to take more consequences

(connections) into account. This means a wider and more flexible observation of means.



37、The more interacting forces, for example, the farmer takes into account, the more varied will

be his immediate resources. He will see a greater number of possible starting places, and a greater

number of ways of getting at what he wants to do.



38、The fuller one's conception of possible future achievements, the less his present activity is tied

down to a small number of alternatives. If one knew enough, one could start almost anywhere and

sustain his activities continuously and fruitfully.




39、Understanding then the term general or comprehensive aim simply in the sense of a broad

survey of the field of present activities, we shall take up some of the larger ends which have

currency in the educational theories of the day, and consider what light they throw upon the

immediate concrete and diversified aims which are always the educator's real concern.




40、We premise (as indeed immediately follows from what has been said) that there is no need of

making a choice among them or regarding them as competitors.



41、When we come to act in a tangible way we have to select or choose a particular act at a

particular time, but any number of comprehensive ends may exist without competition, since they

mean simply different ways of looking at the same scene.




42、One cannot climb a number of different mountains simultaneously, but the views had when

different mountains are ascended supplement one another: they do not set up incompatible,

competing worlds.



43、Or, putting the matter in a slightly different way, one statement of an end may suggest certain

questions and observations, and another statement another set of questions, calling for other




44、Then the more general ends we have, the better. One statement will emphasize what another

slurs over.


45、What a plurality of hypotheses does for the scientific investigator, a plurality of stated aims

may do for the instructor.


Lesson 4 The Secret of Childhood

1. Difficult sentences

•1) To him were reserved only the material, moral or intellectual resources of the family into

which he was born. (P40-P1-L6)

• 翻译:儿童可以得到他所出生的家庭提供的物质、道德和智慧上的帮助。

•2) Society up till now has never claimed that the family should prepare itself in any way to

receive and fittingly care for the children that might come to form part of it. (P40-P1-L10)


•3) In the midst of a continual progress in favor of the adult they have remained as beings not

belonging to human society, extra-social, without any means of communication that would allow

society to become aware of their condition. (P40-P1-L19)



•4) In private schools the punishments in use are often pointed out as they might point out their

coat of arms. (P42-P2-L4)


Lesson 5 Education and Good Life

1. Difficult sentences

•1)But America, like Japan, is placed in a peculiar situation, and what the special circumstances

justify is not necessarily an ideal to be followed everywhere and always. (P51-P1-L4)



•2) But where the old world is superior to the new, it becomes necessarily to instill a contempt for

genuine excellences. (P51-P2-L2)


•3) In almost all European countries the individual is less subject to herd domination than in

America: his inner freedom is greater even where his political freedom is less.(P51-P2-L6)



•4) No effort of self-denial and no abstract principle of justice is involved in taking trouble about

such matters. (P52-P1-L8)


•5) We must first make a distinction: some qualities are desirable in a certain propotion of

mankind, others are desirable universally. (P52-P3-L1)



Lesson 6 The Aims of Education

1. Difficult sentences

•1)Education with inert ideas is not only useless: it is, above all things, harmful----corruptio

optimi, pessima. (P60-P1-L3)


• 2、最好的人/物的堕落,是最坏的结果。

•2) Let the main ideas which are introduced into a child's education be few and important, and let

them be thrown into every combination possible. (P61-P3-L2)

翻译:儿童教育中所教的主要概念要少而重要,还要使他们尽可能集合成各种组合。 •

•3) By understanding I mean more than a mere logical analysis, though that is included. I mean

"understanding" in the sense in which it is used in the French proverb, "To understand all, is to

forgive all."(P61-P3-L8)



•4) Is it a talent, to be hidden away in a napkin?


•5) The only use of a knowledge of the past is to equip us for the present. (P61-P4-L4)


•6)The present contains all that there is. It is holy ground; for it is the past, and it is the future. At

the same time it must be observed that an age is no less past if it existed two hundred years ago

than if it existed two thousand years ago. Do not be deceived by the pedantry of dates. The ages of

Shakespeare and of Molière are no less past than are the ages of Sophocles and of Virgil.




7)The communion of saints is a great and inspiring assemblage, but it has only one possible hall

of meeting, and that is, the present, and the mere lapse of time through which any particular group

of saints must travel to reach that meeting-place, makes very little difference.



8) I can imagine a set of beings which might fortify their souls by passively reviewing

disconnected ideas. Humanity is not built that way -- except perhaps some editors of newspapers.



•9)Now an idea is not worth much unless the propositions in which it is embodied are true.

Accordingly an essential part of the proof of an idea is the proof, either by experiment or by logic,

of the truth of the propositions.



10)But it is not essential that this proof of the truth should constitute the first introduction to the idea. After alll, it's assertion by the authority of respectable teachers is sufficient evidence to begin with. (P62-L4)


•11)These two processes of proof, in the narrow sense, and of appreciation, do not require a rigid separation in time. Both can be proceeded with nearly concurrently. But in so far as either process must have the priority, it should be that of appreciation by use. (P62-L9)


•12)This truth was partially perceived in the past generation; and headmasters, somewhat crudely, were apt to supersede learning in their colleagues by requiring left-hand bowling and a taste for football. But culture is more than cricket, and more than football, and more than extent of knowledge. (P62-P3-L4)


•13)The external assessor may report on the curriculum or on the performance of the pupils, but never should be allowed to ask the pupil a question which has not been strictly supervised by the actual teacher, or at least inspired by a long conference with him. (P63-P1-L2)


•14) The reason is that we are dealing with human minds, and not with dead matter. The evocation of curiosity, of judgment, of the power of mastering a complicated tangle of circumstances, the use of theory in giving foresight in special cases -- all these powers are not to be imparted by a set rule embodied in one schedule of examination subjects. (P63-P3-L9)


Lesson 8 Education and freedom

1. Difficult sentences

•1) Harsh words are being said about its methods no less than about its aims.

harsh words: 恶言恶语; 伤人的话;


•2) It may thus do in matters of the intellect what Pearl Harbor did in matters indurtrial and military . (P85-P4-L2)


•3) Let us not lose our heads and despair of American technological competence as it is today. The real danger lies somewhat in the future and can be averted if we will act.(P85-P5-L1)


•4) This, of course, is no excuse for our mistake in letting Russia win a propaganda victory, damaging to our prestige among the uncommitted nations of the world and, it is to be feared, also among some of our friends.


Democracy and Education

John Dewey


1、There is nothing peculiar about educational aims. They are just like aims in any directed

occupation. The educator, like the farmer, has certain things to do, certain resources with which to

do, and certain obstacles with which to contend .



2、The conditions with which the farmer deals, whether as obstacles or resources, have their own

structure and operation independently of any purpose of his. Seeds sprout, rain falls, the sun shines,

insects devour, blight comes, the seasons change.




3、His aim is simply to utilize these various conditions; to make his activities and their energies

work together, instead of against one another.



4、It would be absurd if the farmer set up a purpose of farming, without any reference to these

conditions of soil, climate, characteristic of plant growth, etc.



5、His purpose is simply a foresight of the consequences of his energies connected with those of

the things about him, a foresight used to direct his movements from day to day.



6、Foresight of possible consequences leads to more careful and extensive observation of the

nature and performances of the things he had to do with, and to laying out a plan -- that is, of a

certain order in the acts to be performed.



7、It is the same with the educator, whether parent or teacher. It is as absurd for the latter to set up

his "own" aims as the proper objects of the growth of the children as it would be for the farmer to

set up an ideal of farming irrespective of conditions.




8、Aims mean acceptance of responsibility for the observations, anticipations, and arrangements

required in carrying on a function —— whether farming or educating.



9、Any aim is of value so far as it assists observation, choice, and planning in carrying on activity

from moment to moment and hour to hour; if it gets in the way of the individual's own common

sense ( as it will surely do if imposed from without or accepted on authority ) it does harm.




10、And it is well to remind ourselves that education as such has no aims. Only persons, parents,

and teachers, etc., have aims, not an abstract idea like education.



11、And consequently their purposes are indefinitely varied, differing with different children,

changing as children grow and with the growth of experience on the part of the one who teaches.



12、Even the most valid aims which can be put in words will, as words, do more harm than good

unless one recognizes that they are not aims, but rather suggestions to educators as to how to

observe, how to look ahead, and how to choose in liberating and directing the energies of the

concrete situations in which they find themselves.




13、As a recent writer has said: “To lead this boy to read Scott's novels instead of old Sleuth's

stories; to teach this girl to sew; to root out the habit of bullying from John's make-up; to prepare

this class to study medicine, -- these are samples of the millions of aims we have actually before

us in the concrete work of education. ”




14、Bearing these qualifications in mind, we shall proceed to state some of the characteristics

found in all good educational aims.


15、(1) An educational aim must be founded upon the intrinsic activities and needs (including

original instincts and acquired habits) of the given individual to be educated.



16、The tendency of such an aim as preparation is, as we have seen, to omit existing powers, and

find the aim in some remote accomplishment or responsibility.



17、In general, there is a disposition to take considerations which are dear to the hearts of adults

and set them up as ends irrespective of the capacities of those educated. There is also an

inclination to propound aims which are so uniform as to neglect the specific powers and

requirements of an individual, forgetting that all learning is something which happens to an

individual at a given time and place.



18、The larger range of perception of the adult is of great value in observing the abilities and

weaknesses of the young, in deciding what they may amount to.



19、Thus the artistic capacities of the adult exhibit what certain tendencies of the child are capable

of; if we did not have the adult achievements we should be without assurance as to the

significance of the drawing, reproducing, modeling, coloring activities of childhood.



20、So if it were not for adult language, we should not be able to see the import of the babbling

impulses of infancy.


21、But it is one thing to use adult accomplishments as a context in which to place and survey the

doings of childhood and youth; it is quite another to set them up as a fixed aim without regard to

the concrete activities of those educated.




22、(2) An aim must be capable of translation into a method of cooperating with the activities of

those undergoing instruction. It must suggest the kind of environment needed to liberate and to

organize their capacities.



23、Unless it lends itself to the construction of specific procedures, and unless these procedures

test, correct, and amplify the aim, the latter is worthless.



24、Instead of helping the specific task of teaching, it prevents the use of ordinary judgment in

observing and sizing up the situation. It operates to exclude recognition of everything except what

squares up with the fixed end in view.



25、Every rigid aim just because it is rigidly given seems to render it unnecessary to give careful

attention to concrete conditions. Since it must apply anyhow, what is the use of noting details

which do not count?



26、The vice of externally imposed ends has deep roots. Teachers receive them from superior

authorities; these authorities accept them from what is current in the community.



27、The teachers impose them upon children. As a first consequence, the intelligence of the teacher

is not free; it is confined to receiving the aims laid down from above.



28、Too rarely is the individual teacher so free from the dictation of authoritative supervisor,

textbook on methods, prescribed course of study, etc., that he can let his mind come to close

quarters with the pupil's mind and the subject matter.



29、This distrust of the teacher's experience is then reflected in lack of confidence in the responses

of pupils. .


30、The latter receive their aims through a double or treble external imposition, and are constantly

confused by the conflict between the aims which are natural to their own experience at the time

and those in which they are taught to acquiesce.




31、Until the democratic criterion of the intrinsic significance of every growing experience is

recognized, we shall be intellectually confused by the demand for adaptation to external aims.



32、(3) Educators have to be on their guard against ends that are alleged to be general and ultimate.

Every activity, however specific, is, of course, general in its ramified connections, for it leads out

indefinitely into other things.



33、So far as a general idea makes us more alive to these connections, it cannot be too general. But

"general" also means "abstract," or detached from all specific context.



34、And such abstractness means remoteness, and throws us back, once more, upon teaching and

learning as mere means of getting ready for an end disconnected from the means.



35、That education is literally and all the time its own reward means that no alleged study or

discipline is educative unless it is worth while in its own immediate having.



36、A truly general aim broadens the outlook; it stimulates one to take more consequences

(connections) into account. This means a wider and more flexible observation of means.



37、The more interacting forces, for example, the farmer takes into account, the more varied will

be his immediate resources. He will see a greater number of possible starting places, and a greater

number of ways of getting at what he wants to do.



38、The fuller one's conception of possible future achievements, the less his present activity is tied

down to a small number of alternatives. If one knew enough, one could start almost anywhere and

sustain his activities continuously and fruitfully.




39、Understanding then the term general or comprehensive aim simply in the sense of a broad

survey of the field of present activities, we shall take up some of the larger ends which have

currency in the educational theories of the day, and consider what light they throw upon the

immediate concrete and diversified aims which are always the educator's real concern.




40、We premise (as indeed immediately follows from what has been said) that there is no need of

making a choice among them or regarding them as competitors.



41、When we come to act in a tangible way we have to select or choose a particular act at a

particular time, but any number of comprehensive ends may exist without competition, since they

mean simply different ways of looking at the same scene.




42、One cannot climb a number of different mountains simultaneously, but the views had when

different mountains are ascended supplement one another: they do not set up incompatible,

competing worlds.



43、Or, putting the matter in a slightly different way, one statement of an end may suggest certain

questions and observations, and another statement another set of questions, calling for other




44、Then the more general ends we have, the better. One statement will emphasize what another

slurs over.


45、What a plurality of hypotheses does for the scientific investigator, a plurality of stated aims

may do for the instructor.


Lesson 4 The Secret of Childhood

1. Difficult sentences

•1) To him were reserved only the material, moral or intellectual resources of the family into

which he was born. (P40-P1-L6)

• 翻译:儿童可以得到他所出生的家庭提供的物质、道德和智慧上的帮助。

•2) Society up till now has never claimed that the family should prepare itself in any way to

receive and fittingly care for the children that might come to form part of it. (P40-P1-L10)


•3) In the midst of a continual progress in favor of the adult they have remained as beings not

belonging to human society, extra-social, without any means of communication that would allow

society to become aware of their condition. (P40-P1-L19)



•4) In private schools the punishments in use are often pointed out as they might point out their

coat of arms. (P42-P2-L4)


Lesson 5 Education and Good Life

1. Difficult sentences

•1)But America, like Japan, is placed in a peculiar situation, and what the special circumstances

justify is not necessarily an ideal to be followed everywhere and always. (P51-P1-L4)



•2) But where the old world is superior to the new, it becomes necessarily to instill a contempt for

genuine excellences. (P51-P2-L2)


•3) In almost all European countries the individual is less subject to herd domination than in

America: his inner freedom is greater even where his political freedom is less.(P51-P2-L6)



•4) No effort of self-denial and no abstract principle of justice is involved in taking trouble about

such matters. (P52-P1-L8)


•5) We must first make a distinction: some qualities are desirable in a certain propotion of

mankind, others are desirable universally. (P52-P3-L1)



Lesson 6 The Aims of Education

1. Difficult sentences

•1)Education with inert ideas is not only useless: it is, above all things, harmful----corruptio

optimi, pessima. (P60-P1-L3)


• 2、最好的人/物的堕落,是最坏的结果。

•2) Let the main ideas which are introduced into a child's education be few and important, and let

them be thrown into every combination possible. (P61-P3-L2)

翻译:儿童教育中所教的主要概念要少而重要,还要使他们尽可能集合成各种组合。 •

•3) By understanding I mean more than a mere logical analysis, though that is included. I mean

"understanding" in the sense in which it is used in the French proverb, "To understand all, is to

forgive all."(P61-P3-L8)



•4) Is it a talent, to be hidden away in a napkin?


•5) The only use of a knowledge of the past is to equip us for the present. (P61-P4-L4)


•6)The present contains all that there is. It is holy ground; for it is the past, and it is the future. At

the same time it must be observed that an age is no less past if it existed two hundred years ago

than if it existed two thousand years ago. Do not be deceived by the pedantry of dates. The ages of

Shakespeare and of Molière are no less past than are the ages of Sophocles and of Virgil.




7)The communion of saints is a great and inspiring assemblage, but it has only one possible hall

of meeting, and that is, the present, and the mere lapse of time through which any particular group

of saints must travel to reach that meeting-place, makes very little difference.



8) I can imagine a set of beings which might fortify their souls by passively reviewing

disconnected ideas. Humanity is not built that way -- except perhaps some editors of newspapers.



•9)Now an idea is not worth much unless the propositions in which it is embodied are true.

Accordingly an essential part of the proof of an idea is the proof, either by experiment or by logic,

of the truth of the propositions.



10)But it is not essential that this proof of the truth should constitute the first introduction to the idea. After alll, it's assertion by the authority of respectable teachers is sufficient evidence to begin with. (P62-L4)


•11)These two processes of proof, in the narrow sense, and of appreciation, do not require a rigid separation in time. Both can be proceeded with nearly concurrently. But in so far as either process must have the priority, it should be that of appreciation by use. (P62-L9)


•12)This truth was partially perceived in the past generation; and headmasters, somewhat crudely, were apt to supersede learning in their colleagues by requiring left-hand bowling and a taste for football. But culture is more than cricket, and more than football, and more than extent of knowledge. (P62-P3-L4)


•13)The external assessor may report on the curriculum or on the performance of the pupils, but never should be allowed to ask the pupil a question which has not been strictly supervised by the actual teacher, or at least inspired by a long conference with him. (P63-P1-L2)


•14) The reason is that we are dealing with human minds, and not with dead matter. The evocation of curiosity, of judgment, of the power of mastering a complicated tangle of circumstances, the use of theory in giving foresight in special cases -- all these powers are not to be imparted by a set rule embodied in one schedule of examination subjects. (P63-P3-L9)


Lesson 8 Education and freedom

1. Difficult sentences

•1) Harsh words are being said about its methods no less than about its aims.

harsh words: 恶言恶语; 伤人的话;


•2) It may thus do in matters of the intellect what Pearl Harbor did in matters indurtrial and military . (P85-P4-L2)


•3) Let us not lose our heads and despair of American technological competence as it is today. The real danger lies somewhat in the future and can be averted if we will act.(P85-P5-L1)


•4) This, of course, is no excuse for our mistake in letting Russia win a propaganda victory, damaging to our prestige among the uncommitted nations of the world and, it is to be feared, also among some of our friends.



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  • 教学参考书目
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