

Name姓名_________ Score得分_________



( )1、A. Mr. Jenkins B. Karen C. Robert D. Claire ( )2、A. mobile B. key C. pen D. camera ( )3、A. green B. grey C. blue D. red ( )4、A. clever B. stupid C. happy D. sad

( )5、A. ninety B. nine C. eighteen D. seventy 二、听录音,选出你所到的句子。(每题2分,共10分) ( )1、A. He is a student. B. She is a housewife.

C. She is an actor

( )2、A. Bill is Chinese. B. Bill is English.

C. Bill is American.

( )3、A. The big one. B. The small one.

C. The dirty one.

( )4、A. It’s twelve o’clock. B. It’s two o’clock.

C. It’s nine o’clock.

( )5、A. The one on the table. B. The one in the box.

C. The one under the table.



( )A . son B. daughter C. nephew D. mobile ( ) A . pencil B. ruler C. book D. coat ( ) A . green B. red C. flower D. silver

( ) A . beautiful B. Chinese C. French D. English ( ) A . fat B. thin C. tall D. writer 二、用 “an”或 “a”填空。(共5分) 1.She ia __________ actress. 2.My father is ________teacher. 3.William’s car is _____old one. 4.Claire is _____clever girl. 5.David is _______ handsome boy. 三、找出下列词的反义词并连线。(每题1分,共10分)

1、fat short 6、hot old 2、tall thin 7、young no 3、big stupid 8、white cold 4、happy small 9、long black 5、clever sad 10、yes short


( )1、What’s your name?______name is Robert. A. His B. My C. Your

( )2、What’s this? _____ a silver key.

A. It’s B. He’s C. She’s

( )3、Is Robert happy or ______ A. happy B. clever C. sad

( )4、Thank you.______________

A. You’re welcome B. Ok C. Yes.

( )5、Who is that girl ______the red bicycle. A. in B. on C. at

( )6、Where are you from?_________________

A. I’m from America. B. I’m OK. C. I’m Chinese.

( )7、What color is it? _____________________ A. It is green. B. It is sunny day. C. Fine, thanks.

( )8、________pen is it? It’s Lucy’s.

A. Which B. Whose C. What


( )9、Robert isn’t very well.________________

A. Thank you. B. I’m sorry. C. OK. ( )10、__________that young man.

A. Look at B. Look on C. Look in

8)This is my nephew. ____________________________ 9)Whose is this pen? ____________________________ 10)No harm done.____________________________

五、根据已学课文阅读下面的对话,选择合适的词填空(每小题1分,共10分)Part 1(From Unit6 Lesson 11)

Annie: 1_______ (Who’s/What’s)that girl,Polly?

Polly: 2_______ (Which boy/Which girl), Annie? 1)My _______(名字)is William Jenkins. 2)Karen is my ________(妻子). 3)Nice to _______(遇见)you. 4)It’s a _______(绿色)hat. 5)It’s a ________(银色)key.

6)The boy ______(在„„里) the white car. 7)It’s my _________(最喜爱的)pen. 8)The doctor is very ______(忙碌的). 9)Give me the ________(铅笔),please.

10)Her mother is a________(著名的)photographer. 四、短语/句子英汉互译:(每小题2分,共20分) 1)你的钢笔是什么颜色?What color is your _______? 2)一辆银色的自行车 A _______ bicycle. 3)Here you are!______________

4)你是做什么工作的?What _______ you _______? 5)这是什么?What’s _______?

6)Better safe than sorry.____________________________ 7)It’s a wheel. ____________________________


Annie: 3_______ (A/The)girl over there.

4_______ (This short/That tall)girl 5 ________(with/on)the Jenkins


Polly: Oh,that’s Claire, our new6_______ (girl/neighbour).

She’s7_______ (a/an)art student.

Annie: 8_______ (He’s/She’s)a very pretty girl. Polly: Yes,she’s9_______ (clever/handsome),too. She’s a nice10_______ (girl/woman). 六、阅读理解,判断对(T)错(F)。(10分)

This is my bedroom.I have a small bed.I have nice dream(梦)on it every night(每

晚). That is yellow dog.It is under the bed.i have a big desk.I study on it. I read many books. They are on the desk. That is my bag.It is blue and red. It’s on the desk,too.Do you like my room?

( )1.I have a good dream every night. ( )2.I have a small desk. ( )3.The dog is under the desk.

( )4.The bag and books are on the desk. ( )5.I like football and books.


Name姓名_________ Score得分_________



( )1、A. Mr. Jenkins B. Karen C. Robert D. Claire ( )2、A. mobile B. key C. pen D. camera ( )3、A. green B. grey C. blue D. red ( )4、A. clever B. stupid C. happy D. sad

( )5、A. ninety B. nine C. eighteen D. seventy 二、听录音,选出你所到的句子。(每题2分,共10分) ( )1、A. He is a student. B. She is a housewife.

C. She is an actor

( )2、A. Bill is Chinese. B. Bill is English.

C. Bill is American.

( )3、A. The big one. B. The small one.

C. The dirty one.

( )4、A. It’s twelve o’clock. B. It’s two o’clock.

C. It’s nine o’clock.

( )5、A. The one on the table. B. The one in the box.

C. The one under the table.



( )A . son B. daughter C. nephew D. mobile ( ) A . pencil B. ruler C. book D. coat ( ) A . green B. red C. flower D. silver

( ) A . beautiful B. Chinese C. French D. English ( ) A . fat B. thin C. tall D. writer 二、用 “an”或 “a”填空。(共5分) 1.She ia __________ actress. 2.My father is ________teacher. 3.William’s car is _____old one. 4.Claire is _____clever girl. 5.David is _______ handsome boy. 三、找出下列词的反义词并连线。(每题1分,共10分)

1、fat short 6、hot old 2、tall thin 7、young no 3、big stupid 8、white cold 4、happy small 9、long black 5、clever sad 10、yes short


( )1、What’s your name?______name is Robert. A. His B. My C. Your

( )2、What’s this? _____ a silver key.

A. It’s B. He’s C. She’s

( )3、Is Robert happy or ______ A. happy B. clever C. sad

( )4、Thank you.______________

A. You’re welcome B. Ok C. Yes.

( )5、Who is that girl ______the red bicycle. A. in B. on C. at

( )6、Where are you from?_________________

A. I’m from America. B. I’m OK. C. I’m Chinese.

( )7、What color is it? _____________________ A. It is green. B. It is sunny day. C. Fine, thanks.

( )8、________pen is it? It’s Lucy’s.

A. Which B. Whose C. What


( )9、Robert isn’t very well.________________

A. Thank you. B. I’m sorry. C. OK. ( )10、__________that young man.

A. Look at B. Look on C. Look in

8)This is my nephew. ____________________________ 9)Whose is this pen? ____________________________ 10)No harm done.____________________________

五、根据已学课文阅读下面的对话,选择合适的词填空(每小题1分,共10分)Part 1(From Unit6 Lesson 11)

Annie: 1_______ (Who’s/What’s)that girl,Polly?

Polly: 2_______ (Which boy/Which girl), Annie? 1)My _______(名字)is William Jenkins. 2)Karen is my ________(妻子). 3)Nice to _______(遇见)you. 4)It’s a _______(绿色)hat. 5)It’s a ________(银色)key.

6)The boy ______(在„„里) the white car. 7)It’s my _________(最喜爱的)pen. 8)The doctor is very ______(忙碌的). 9)Give me the ________(铅笔),please.

10)Her mother is a________(著名的)photographer. 四、短语/句子英汉互译:(每小题2分,共20分) 1)你的钢笔是什么颜色?What color is your _______? 2)一辆银色的自行车 A _______ bicycle. 3)Here you are!______________

4)你是做什么工作的?What _______ you _______? 5)这是什么?What’s _______?

6)Better safe than sorry.____________________________ 7)It’s a wheel. ____________________________


Annie: 3_______ (A/The)girl over there.

4_______ (This short/That tall)girl 5 ________(with/on)the Jenkins


Polly: Oh,that’s Claire, our new6_______ (girl/neighbour).

She’s7_______ (a/an)art student.

Annie: 8_______ (He’s/She’s)a very pretty girl. Polly: Yes,she’s9_______ (clever/handsome),too. She’s a nice10_______ (girl/woman). 六、阅读理解,判断对(T)错(F)。(10分)

This is my bedroom.I have a small bed.I have nice dream(梦)on it every night(每

晚). That is yellow dog.It is under the bed.i have a big desk.I study on it. I read many books. They are on the desk. That is my bag.It is blue and red. It’s on the desk,too.Do you like my room?

( )1.I have a good dream every night. ( )2.I have a small desk. ( )3.The dog is under the desk.

( )4.The bag and books are on the desk. ( )5.I like football and books.


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