

NO. 期刊名称 名称缩写 参考中文名字 影响因子

1 CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians CA Cancer J Clin 临床医生癌症杂志 74.575 ↑

2 New England Journal of Medicine N Engl J Med 新英格兰医学杂志 50.017 ↓

3 Annual Review of Immunology Annu Rev Immunol 免疫学年鉴 41.059 ↓ 4 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 自然评论:分子细胞生物学 35.423 ↑

5 Physiological Reviews Physiol Rev 生理学评论 35 ↑

6 JAMA JAMA 美国医学会杂志 31.718 ↑

7 Nature Nature 自然 31.434 ↑

8 Cell Cell 细胞 31.253 ↑

9 Nature Reviews Cancer Nat Rev Cancer 自然评论:癌症 30.762 ↑ 10 Nature Genetics Nat Genet 自然遗传学 30.259 ↑

11 Annual Review of Biochemistry Annu Rev Biochem 生物化学年评 30.016 ↓

12 Nature Reviews Immunology Nat Rev Immunol 自然评论:免疫学 30.006 ↑ 13 Nature Reviews Drug Discovery Nat Rev Drug Discov 自然评论:药物发现 28.69 ↑

14 Lancet Lancet 柳叶刀 28.409 ↓

15 Science Science 科学 28.103 ↑

16 Nature Medicine Nat Med 自然医学 27.553 ↑

17 Annual Review of Neuroscience Annu Rev Neurosci 神经科学年评 26.405 ↑

18 Nature Reviews Neuroscience Nat Rev Neurosci 自然评论:神经科学 25.94 ↑

19 Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics Annu Rev Astron Astrophys 天文学与天体物理学年度评论 25.826 ↑

20 Nature Immunology Nat Immunol 自然免疫学 25.113 ↓

21 NATURE PHOTONICS Nat Photonics 自然光学 24.982 ↑

22 Cancer Cell Cancer Cell 癌细胞 24.962 ↑

23 Nature Reviews Genetics Nat Rev Genet 自然评论:遗传学 24.185 ↑ 24 Chemical Reviews Chem Rev 化学评论 23.592 ↑

25 Nature Materials Nat Mater 自然材料 23.132 ↑

26 Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 细胞与发育生物学年评 22.731 ↓

27 Nature Biotechnology Nat Biotechnol 自然生物技术 22.297 ↓

28 Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 植物生理学与分子生物学年评 22.192 ↑

29 Pharmacological Reviews Pharmacol Rev 药理学评论 21.936 ↑

30 Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 药理学与毒理学年评 21.561 ↓

31 Immunity Immunity 免疫 20.579 ↑

32 NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY Nat Nanotechnol 自然纳米技术 20.571 ↑

33 Annual Review of Physiology Annu Rev Physiol 生理学年评 19.74 ↑ 34 Endocrine Reviews Endocr Rev 内分泌评论 18.562 ↑

35 Physics Reports Phys Rep 物理学通讯 18.522 ↑

36 Nature Cell Biology Nat Cell Biol 自然细胞生物学 17.774 ↑

37 Annals of Internal Medicine Ann Intern Med 内科学纪事 17.457 ↑ 38 Chemical Society Reviews Chem Soc Rev 化学学会评论 17.419 ↑

39 Journal of Clinical Oncology J Clin Oncol 临床肿瘤学杂志 17.157 ↑ 40 Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure QSAR Comb Sci 生物物理学与生物分子结构年评

41 Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 微生物学与分子生物学评论 16.95 ↑

42 CELL STEM CELL Cell Stem Cell 干细胞 16.826 ↑

43 Nature Physics Nat Phys 自然物理学 16.821 ↑

44 Progress in Polymer Science Prog Polym Sci 聚合物科学进展 16.819 ↑ 45 Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY 美国自然史博物馆通报 16.692 ↑ 46 Journal of Clinical Investigation J Clin Invest 临床研究杂志 16.559 ↓

47 Clinical Microbiology Reviews Clin Microbiol Rev 临床微生物学评论 16.409 ↑

48 Annual Review of Psychology Annu Rev Psychol 心理学年评 16.217 ↑ 49 Cell Metabolism Cell Metab 细胞代谢 16.107 ↓

50 Journal of Experimental Medicine J Exp Med 实验医学杂志 15.219 ↓ 51 Journal of the National Cancer Institute and Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs J Natl Cancer Inst 国立癌症研究所杂志 14.933 ↓

52 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets 中枢系统与神经障碍药靶研究 14.75 ↑

53 Annual Review of Physical Chemistry Annu Rev Phys Chem 物理化学年评 14.688 ↑

54 Nature Chemical Biology Nat Chem Biol 自然化学生物学 14.612 ↑ 55 Circulation Circulation 循环 14.595 ↑

56 Nature Reviews Microbiology Nat Rev Microbiol 自然评论:微生物学 14.31 ↓

57 Archives of General Psychiatry Arch Gen Psychiatry 普通精神病学集刊 14.273 ↓

58 Lancet Neurology Lancet Neurol 柳叶刀:神经病学 14.27 ↑ 59 Neuron Neuron 神经元 14.17 ↑

60 Nature Neuroscience Nat Neurosci 自然神经科学 14.164 ↓

61 Trends in Biochemical Sciences Trends Biochem Sci 生物化学趋势 14.101 ↓

62 Astrophysical Journal, The - Supplement Series Astrophys J Suppl Ser 天体物理学杂志-增刊 13.99 ↑

63 Nature Methods Nat Methods 自然方法 13.651 ↓

64 Genes & Development Genes Dev 基因和发育 13.623 ↓

65 Trends in Cell Biology Trends Cell Biol 细胞生物学趋势 13.385 ↓ 66 Lancet Oncology Lancet Oncol 柳叶刀:肿瘤学 13.283 ↑

67 Lancet Infectious Diseases Lancet Infect Dis 柳叶刀:传染病 13.165 ↑

68 Molecular Cell Mol Cell 分子细胞 12.903 ↓

69 Developmental Cell Dev Cell 发育细胞 12.882 ↑

70 Behavioral and Brain Sciences Behav Brain Sci 行为与脑科学 12.818 ↓ 71 Trends in Neurosciences Trends Neurosci 神经科学趋势 12.817 ↑ 72 Annual Review of Genetics Annu Rev Genet 遗传学年评 12.78 ↓ 73 PLoS Biology PLoS Biol PLoS生物学 12.683 ↓

74 Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports Mater Sci Eng R Rep 材料科学和材料工程 12.619 ↑

75 Gastroenterology Gastroenterology 胃肠病学 12.591 ↑

76 Psychological Bulletin Psychol Bull 心理学通报 12.568 ↑

77 Current Opinion in Cell Biology Curr Opin Cell Biol 细胞生物学新见 12.543 ↓

78 Molecular Psychiatry Mol Psychiatry 分子精神病学 12.537 ↑

79 Molecular Systems Biology Mol Syst Biol 分子系统生物学 12.243 ↑ 80 Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics Q Rev Biophys 生物物理学评论季刊 12.188 ↑

81 PLoS Medicine PLoS Med PLoS医学 12.185 ↓

82 Accounts of Chemical Research Acc Chem Res 化学研究述评 12.176 ↓ 83 Epidemiologic Reviews Epidemiol Rev 流行病学评论 12.13 ↑

84 Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet 基因组学与人类遗传学年评 12.029 ↑

85 Annual Review of Entomology Annu Rev Entomol 昆虫学年评 11.918 ↑ 86 Trends in Ecology & Evolution Trends Ecol Evol 生态学与进化趋势 11.904 ↓

87 Psychological Review Psychol Rev 心理学评论 11.765 ↑

88 Immunological Reviews Immunol Rev 免疫学评论 11.761 ↑

89 Mass Spectrometry Reviews Mass Spectrom Rev 质谱学评论 11.507 ↑ 90 Journal of the American College of Cardiology J Am Coll Cardiol 美国心脏病学会志 11.438 ↑

91 Hepatology Hepatology 肝脏病学 11.355 ↑

92 Progress in Lipid Research Prog Lipid Res 脂类研究进展 11.237 ↑ 93 Nature Structural & Molecular Biology Nat Struct Mol Biol 自然结构与分子生物学 10.987 ↑

94 Annual Review of Medicine Annu Rev Med 医学年评 10.985 ↓

95 Trends in Cognitive Sciences Trends Cogn Sci 认知科学趋势 10.981 ↑ 96 Annual Review of Microbiology Annu Rev Microbiol 微生物学年评 10.902 ↓

97 Angewandte Chemie International Edition Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 国际英语教育 10.879 ↑

98 Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering Annu Rev Biomed Eng 生物医学工程年评 10.789 ↓

99 Current Biology Curr Biol 当代生物学 10.777 ↑

100 Coordination Chemistry Reviews Coord Chem Rev 配位化学评论 10.566 ↑

101 American Journal of Psychiatry Am J Psychiatry 美国精神病学杂志 10.545 ↑

102 Current Opinion in Immunology Curr Opin Immunol 免疫学新见 10.455 ↑

103 Blood Blood 血液 10.432 ↓

104 Nano Letters Nano Lett 纳米通讯 10.371 ↑

105 Annual Review of Phytopathology Annu Rev Phytopathol 植物病理学年鉴 10.237 ↓

106 Genome Research Genome Res 基因组研究 10.176 ↓

107 American Journal of Human Genetics Am J Hum Genet 美国人类遗传学杂志 10.153 ↓

108 Circulation Research Circ Res 循环研究 9.989 ↑

109 Annals of Neurology Ann Neurol 神经病学纪事 9.935 ↑

110 Trends in Immunology Trends Immunol 免疫学趋势 9.91 ↑ 111 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Am J Respir Crit Care Med 美国呼吸道与危重护理医学杂志 9.792 ↑

112 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology J Allergy Clin Immunol 变态反应与临床免疫学杂志 9.773 ↑

113 Gut Gut 消化道;英国胃肠病学会志 9.766 ↓

114 Current Opinion in Genetics & Development Curr Opin Genet Dev 遗传与发育新见 9.677 ↓

115 Trends in Molecular Medicine Trends Mol Med 分子医学趋势 9.621 ↑ 116 Brain Brain 脑 9.603 ↑

117 Pharmacology & Therapeutics Pharmacol Ther 药理学与治疗学 9.443 ↑ 118 Ecology Letters Ecol Lett 生态学通讯 9.392 ↑

119 PNAS Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 美国国家科学院汇刊 9.38 ↓

120 Trends in Pharmacological Sciences Trends Pharmacol Sci 药理学趋势 9.34 ↓

121 Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics Annu Rev Fluid Mech 流体力学年评

9.314 ↓

122 Plant Cell Online Plant Cell 植物细胞 9.296 ↓

123 Trends in Plant Science Trends Plant Sci 植物科学趋势 9.21 ↑ 124 Progress in Neurobiology Prog Neurobiol 神经生物学进展 9.13 ↓

125 PLoS Pathogens PLoS Pathog PLoS病原体 9.125 ↓

126 The Journal of Cell Biology J Cell Biol 细胞生物学杂志 9.12 ↓ 127 Seminars in Immunology Semin Immunol 免疫学论文集 9.114 ↑

128 Nature Clinical Practice Oncology Nat Clin Pract Oncol 自然临床诊疗:肿瘤学 9.113 ↑

129 Archives of Internal Medicine Arch Intern Med 内科学集刊 9.11 ↑ 130 Current Opinion in Structural Biology Curr Opin Struct Biol 结构生物学新见 9.06 ↓

131 European Heart Journal Eur Heart J 欧洲心脏杂志 8.917 ↑

132 Medicinal Research Reviews Med Res Rev 医药研究评论 8.907 ↑ 133 PLoS Genetics PLoS Genet PLoS遗传学 8.883 ↑

134 Molecular & Cellular Proteomics Mol Cell Proteomics 分子和细胞蛋白质 8.834 ↓

135 Biological Reviews Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc 剑桥哲学学会生物学评论 8.755 ↓

136 Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology Front Neuroendocrinol 神经内分泌学前沿 8.692 ↑

137 Current Opinion in Plant Biology Curr Opin Plant Biol 植物生物学最新观点 8.688 ↓

138 Biological Psychiatry Biol Psychiatry 生物精神病学 8.672 ↑ 139 Trends in Genetics Trends Genet 遗传学趋势 8.659 ↓

140 Leukemia Leukemia 白血病 8.634 ↑

141 Advances in Immunology Adv Immunol 免疫学研究进展 8.625 ↑ 142 Annals of Surgery Ann Surg 外科学年鉴 8.46 ↑

143 Diabetes Diabetes 糖尿病 8.398 ↑

144 Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 生物化学和分子生物学评论 8.306 ↓

145 EMBO Journal EMBO J 欧洲分子生物学学会志 8.295 ↓

146 Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews Adv Drug Deliv Rev 先进药物输送评论 8.287 ↑

147 Seminars in Cancer Biology Semin Cancer Biol 癌生物学文辑 8.284 ↑ 148 Molecular Interventions Mol Interv 分子介入 8.273 ↑

149 Clinical Infectious Diseases Clin Infect Dis 临床传染病 8.266 ↑ 150 Advances in Microbial Physiology Adv Microb Physiol 微生物生理学进展 8.25 ↑

151 Annual Review of Nutrition Annu Rev Nutr 营养学年评 8.205 ↓ 152 Advanced Materials Adv Mater Deerfield 先进材料 8.191 ↑

153 Current Opinion in Neurobiology Curr Opin Neurobiol 神经生物学新见 8.102 ↓

154 Journal of the American Chemical Society J Am Chem Soc 美国化学会志 8.091 ↑

155 FEMS Microbiology Reviews FEMS Microbiol Rev 欧洲微生物学会联合会:微生物学评论 7.963 ↓

156 Journal of Autoimmunity J Autoimmun 自体免疫杂志 7.881 ↑

157 Current Opinion in Chemical Biology Curr Opin Chem Biol 化学生物学新见 7.854 ↑

158 Systematic Biology Syst Biol 系统生物学 7.833 ↓

159 Current Topics in Developmental Biology Curr Top Dev Biol 发育生物学当代课题 7.827 ↑

160 Blood Reviews Blood Rev 血液评论 7.816 ↑

161 Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews Neurosci Biobehav Rev 神经学与生物行为评论 7.804 ↓

162 Aging Cell Aging Cell 老化细胞 7.791 ↑

163 Stem Cells Stem Cells 干细胞 7.741 ↑

164 Human Reproduction Update Hum Reprod Update 人类生殖学新资讯 7.59 ↑

165 Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Clin Pharmacol Ther 临床药理学与治疗学 7.586 ↓

166 Cell Death and Differentiation Cell Death Differ 细胞死亡与变异

7.548 ↓

167 Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease Annu Rev Pathol 病理学年评 7.529 ↑

168 Cancer Research Cancer Res 癌症研究 7.514 ↓

169 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 美国肾病学会志 7.505 ↑

170 Current Opinion in Biotechnology Curr Opin Biotechnol 生物技术新见 7.485 ↑

171 Current Opinion in Microbiology Curr Opin Microbiol 微生物学新见

7.483 ↓

172 Canadian Medical Association Journal CMAJ 加拿大医学会志 7.464 ↑ 173 Journal of Neuroscience J Neurosci 神经科学杂志 7.452 ↓ 174 Natural Product Reports Nat Prod Rep 天然产物报告 7.45 ↓

175 Cell Host & Microbe Cell Host Microbe 细胞宿主与微生物 7.436 ↑ 176 Hypertension Hypertension 高血压 7.368 ↑

177 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Gastrointest Endosc 胃肠内窥镜检查

7.367 ↑

178 Diabetes Care Diabetes Care 糖尿病护理 7.349 ↓

179 Molecular Aspects of Medicine Mol Aspects Med 医学分子问题 7.32 ↓ 180 Molecular Biology and Evolution Mol Biol Evol 分子生物学与进化 7.28 ↑

181 Human Molecular Genetics Hum Mol Genet 人类分子遗传学 7.249 ↓ 182 Oncogene Oncogene 致癌基因 7.216 ↑

183 Drug Resistance Updates Drug Resist Updat 耐药性新资讯 7.206 ↑ 184 Critical Reviews in Toxicology Crit Rev Toxicol 毒理学评论 7.204 ↑ 185 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Ann Rheum Dis 风湿病纪事 7.188 ↑ 186 Physical Review Letters Phys Rev Lett 物理评论通讯 7.18 ↑ 187 Physiology Physiology (Bethesda) 生理学 7.159 ↑

188 Reviews in Medical Virology Rev Med Virol 医学病毒学评论 7.13 ↓

189 Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism Trends Endocrinol Metab 内分泌学和新陈代谢趋势 7.119 ↓

190 Reviews of Geophysics Rev Geophys 地球物理学评论 7.114 ↑ 191 EMBO Reports EMBO Rep 欧洲分子生物学会报告 7.099 ↓

192 Thorax Thorax 胸腔 7.069 ↑

193 Journal of Hepatology J Hepatol 肝脏病学杂志 7.056 ↑

194 The FASEB Journal FASEB J 美国实验生物学会联合会会志 7.049 ↑ 195 Neurology Neurology 神经病学 7.043 ↑

196 Human Mutation Hum Mutat 人类突变 7.033 ↑

197 Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 细胞因子与生长因子评论 7.022 ↓

198 Nature Clinical Practice Neurology Nat Clin Pract Neurol 自然临床诊疗:神经病学 6.979 ↑

199 Nucleic Acids Research Nucleic Acids Res 核酸研究 6.878 ↓

200 Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 动脉硬化、血栓形成与血管生物学


NO. 期刊名称 名称缩写 参考中文名字 影响因子

1 CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians CA Cancer J Clin 临床医生癌症杂志 74.575 ↑

2 New England Journal of Medicine N Engl J Med 新英格兰医学杂志 50.017 ↓

3 Annual Review of Immunology Annu Rev Immunol 免疫学年鉴 41.059 ↓ 4 Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 自然评论:分子细胞生物学 35.423 ↑

5 Physiological Reviews Physiol Rev 生理学评论 35 ↑

6 JAMA JAMA 美国医学会杂志 31.718 ↑

7 Nature Nature 自然 31.434 ↑

8 Cell Cell 细胞 31.253 ↑

9 Nature Reviews Cancer Nat Rev Cancer 自然评论:癌症 30.762 ↑ 10 Nature Genetics Nat Genet 自然遗传学 30.259 ↑

11 Annual Review of Biochemistry Annu Rev Biochem 生物化学年评 30.016 ↓

12 Nature Reviews Immunology Nat Rev Immunol 自然评论:免疫学 30.006 ↑ 13 Nature Reviews Drug Discovery Nat Rev Drug Discov 自然评论:药物发现 28.69 ↑

14 Lancet Lancet 柳叶刀 28.409 ↓

15 Science Science 科学 28.103 ↑

16 Nature Medicine Nat Med 自然医学 27.553 ↑

17 Annual Review of Neuroscience Annu Rev Neurosci 神经科学年评 26.405 ↑

18 Nature Reviews Neuroscience Nat Rev Neurosci 自然评论:神经科学 25.94 ↑

19 Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics Annu Rev Astron Astrophys 天文学与天体物理学年度评论 25.826 ↑

20 Nature Immunology Nat Immunol 自然免疫学 25.113 ↓

21 NATURE PHOTONICS Nat Photonics 自然光学 24.982 ↑

22 Cancer Cell Cancer Cell 癌细胞 24.962 ↑

23 Nature Reviews Genetics Nat Rev Genet 自然评论:遗传学 24.185 ↑ 24 Chemical Reviews Chem Rev 化学评论 23.592 ↑

25 Nature Materials Nat Mater 自然材料 23.132 ↑

26 Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol 细胞与发育生物学年评 22.731 ↓

27 Nature Biotechnology Nat Biotechnol 自然生物技术 22.297 ↓

28 Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 植物生理学与分子生物学年评 22.192 ↑

29 Pharmacological Reviews Pharmacol Rev 药理学评论 21.936 ↑

30 Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 药理学与毒理学年评 21.561 ↓

31 Immunity Immunity 免疫 20.579 ↑

32 NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY Nat Nanotechnol 自然纳米技术 20.571 ↑

33 Annual Review of Physiology Annu Rev Physiol 生理学年评 19.74 ↑ 34 Endocrine Reviews Endocr Rev 内分泌评论 18.562 ↑

35 Physics Reports Phys Rep 物理学通讯 18.522 ↑

36 Nature Cell Biology Nat Cell Biol 自然细胞生物学 17.774 ↑

37 Annals of Internal Medicine Ann Intern Med 内科学纪事 17.457 ↑ 38 Chemical Society Reviews Chem Soc Rev 化学学会评论 17.419 ↑

39 Journal of Clinical Oncology J Clin Oncol 临床肿瘤学杂志 17.157 ↑ 40 Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure QSAR Comb Sci 生物物理学与生物分子结构年评

41 Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 微生物学与分子生物学评论 16.95 ↑

42 CELL STEM CELL Cell Stem Cell 干细胞 16.826 ↑

43 Nature Physics Nat Phys 自然物理学 16.821 ↑

44 Progress in Polymer Science Prog Polym Sci 聚合物科学进展 16.819 ↑ 45 Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY 美国自然史博物馆通报 16.692 ↑ 46 Journal of Clinical Investigation J Clin Invest 临床研究杂志 16.559 ↓

47 Clinical Microbiology Reviews Clin Microbiol Rev 临床微生物学评论 16.409 ↑

48 Annual Review of Psychology Annu Rev Psychol 心理学年评 16.217 ↑ 49 Cell Metabolism Cell Metab 细胞代谢 16.107 ↓

50 Journal of Experimental Medicine J Exp Med 实验医学杂志 15.219 ↓ 51 Journal of the National Cancer Institute and Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs J Natl Cancer Inst 国立癌症研究所杂志 14.933 ↓

52 CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets 中枢系统与神经障碍药靶研究 14.75 ↑

53 Annual Review of Physical Chemistry Annu Rev Phys Chem 物理化学年评 14.688 ↑

54 Nature Chemical Biology Nat Chem Biol 自然化学生物学 14.612 ↑ 55 Circulation Circulation 循环 14.595 ↑

56 Nature Reviews Microbiology Nat Rev Microbiol 自然评论:微生物学 14.31 ↓

57 Archives of General Psychiatry Arch Gen Psychiatry 普通精神病学集刊 14.273 ↓

58 Lancet Neurology Lancet Neurol 柳叶刀:神经病学 14.27 ↑ 59 Neuron Neuron 神经元 14.17 ↑

60 Nature Neuroscience Nat Neurosci 自然神经科学 14.164 ↓

61 Trends in Biochemical Sciences Trends Biochem Sci 生物化学趋势 14.101 ↓

62 Astrophysical Journal, The - Supplement Series Astrophys J Suppl Ser 天体物理学杂志-增刊 13.99 ↑

63 Nature Methods Nat Methods 自然方法 13.651 ↓

64 Genes & Development Genes Dev 基因和发育 13.623 ↓

65 Trends in Cell Biology Trends Cell Biol 细胞生物学趋势 13.385 ↓ 66 Lancet Oncology Lancet Oncol 柳叶刀:肿瘤学 13.283 ↑

67 Lancet Infectious Diseases Lancet Infect Dis 柳叶刀:传染病 13.165 ↑

68 Molecular Cell Mol Cell 分子细胞 12.903 ↓

69 Developmental Cell Dev Cell 发育细胞 12.882 ↑

70 Behavioral and Brain Sciences Behav Brain Sci 行为与脑科学 12.818 ↓ 71 Trends in Neurosciences Trends Neurosci 神经科学趋势 12.817 ↑ 72 Annual Review of Genetics Annu Rev Genet 遗传学年评 12.78 ↓ 73 PLoS Biology PLoS Biol PLoS生物学 12.683 ↓

74 Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports Mater Sci Eng R Rep 材料科学和材料工程 12.619 ↑

75 Gastroenterology Gastroenterology 胃肠病学 12.591 ↑

76 Psychological Bulletin Psychol Bull 心理学通报 12.568 ↑

77 Current Opinion in Cell Biology Curr Opin Cell Biol 细胞生物学新见 12.543 ↓

78 Molecular Psychiatry Mol Psychiatry 分子精神病学 12.537 ↑

79 Molecular Systems Biology Mol Syst Biol 分子系统生物学 12.243 ↑ 80 Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics Q Rev Biophys 生物物理学评论季刊 12.188 ↑

81 PLoS Medicine PLoS Med PLoS医学 12.185 ↓

82 Accounts of Chemical Research Acc Chem Res 化学研究述评 12.176 ↓ 83 Epidemiologic Reviews Epidemiol Rev 流行病学评论 12.13 ↑

84 Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet 基因组学与人类遗传学年评 12.029 ↑

85 Annual Review of Entomology Annu Rev Entomol 昆虫学年评 11.918 ↑ 86 Trends in Ecology & Evolution Trends Ecol Evol 生态学与进化趋势 11.904 ↓

87 Psychological Review Psychol Rev 心理学评论 11.765 ↑

88 Immunological Reviews Immunol Rev 免疫学评论 11.761 ↑

89 Mass Spectrometry Reviews Mass Spectrom Rev 质谱学评论 11.507 ↑ 90 Journal of the American College of Cardiology J Am Coll Cardiol 美国心脏病学会志 11.438 ↑

91 Hepatology Hepatology 肝脏病学 11.355 ↑

92 Progress in Lipid Research Prog Lipid Res 脂类研究进展 11.237 ↑ 93 Nature Structural & Molecular Biology Nat Struct Mol Biol 自然结构与分子生物学 10.987 ↑

94 Annual Review of Medicine Annu Rev Med 医学年评 10.985 ↓

95 Trends in Cognitive Sciences Trends Cogn Sci 认知科学趋势 10.981 ↑ 96 Annual Review of Microbiology Annu Rev Microbiol 微生物学年评 10.902 ↓

97 Angewandte Chemie International Edition Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 国际英语教育 10.879 ↑

98 Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering Annu Rev Biomed Eng 生物医学工程年评 10.789 ↓

99 Current Biology Curr Biol 当代生物学 10.777 ↑

100 Coordination Chemistry Reviews Coord Chem Rev 配位化学评论 10.566 ↑

101 American Journal of Psychiatry Am J Psychiatry 美国精神病学杂志 10.545 ↑

102 Current Opinion in Immunology Curr Opin Immunol 免疫学新见 10.455 ↑

103 Blood Blood 血液 10.432 ↓

104 Nano Letters Nano Lett 纳米通讯 10.371 ↑

105 Annual Review of Phytopathology Annu Rev Phytopathol 植物病理学年鉴 10.237 ↓

106 Genome Research Genome Res 基因组研究 10.176 ↓

107 American Journal of Human Genetics Am J Hum Genet 美国人类遗传学杂志 10.153 ↓

108 Circulation Research Circ Res 循环研究 9.989 ↑

109 Annals of Neurology Ann Neurol 神经病学纪事 9.935 ↑

110 Trends in Immunology Trends Immunol 免疫学趋势 9.91 ↑ 111 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Am J Respir Crit Care Med 美国呼吸道与危重护理医学杂志 9.792 ↑

112 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology J Allergy Clin Immunol 变态反应与临床免疫学杂志 9.773 ↑

113 Gut Gut 消化道;英国胃肠病学会志 9.766 ↓

114 Current Opinion in Genetics & Development Curr Opin Genet Dev 遗传与发育新见 9.677 ↓

115 Trends in Molecular Medicine Trends Mol Med 分子医学趋势 9.621 ↑ 116 Brain Brain 脑 9.603 ↑

117 Pharmacology & Therapeutics Pharmacol Ther 药理学与治疗学 9.443 ↑ 118 Ecology Letters Ecol Lett 生态学通讯 9.392 ↑

119 PNAS Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 美国国家科学院汇刊 9.38 ↓

120 Trends in Pharmacological Sciences Trends Pharmacol Sci 药理学趋势 9.34 ↓

121 Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics Annu Rev Fluid Mech 流体力学年评

9.314 ↓

122 Plant Cell Online Plant Cell 植物细胞 9.296 ↓

123 Trends in Plant Science Trends Plant Sci 植物科学趋势 9.21 ↑ 124 Progress in Neurobiology Prog Neurobiol 神经生物学进展 9.13 ↓

125 PLoS Pathogens PLoS Pathog PLoS病原体 9.125 ↓

126 The Journal of Cell Biology J Cell Biol 细胞生物学杂志 9.12 ↓ 127 Seminars in Immunology Semin Immunol 免疫学论文集 9.114 ↑

128 Nature Clinical Practice Oncology Nat Clin Pract Oncol 自然临床诊疗:肿瘤学 9.113 ↑

129 Archives of Internal Medicine Arch Intern Med 内科学集刊 9.11 ↑ 130 Current Opinion in Structural Biology Curr Opin Struct Biol 结构生物学新见 9.06 ↓

131 European Heart Journal Eur Heart J 欧洲心脏杂志 8.917 ↑

132 Medicinal Research Reviews Med Res Rev 医药研究评论 8.907 ↑ 133 PLoS Genetics PLoS Genet PLoS遗传学 8.883 ↑

134 Molecular & Cellular Proteomics Mol Cell Proteomics 分子和细胞蛋白质 8.834 ↓

135 Biological Reviews Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc 剑桥哲学学会生物学评论 8.755 ↓

136 Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology Front Neuroendocrinol 神经内分泌学前沿 8.692 ↑

137 Current Opinion in Plant Biology Curr Opin Plant Biol 植物生物学最新观点 8.688 ↓

138 Biological Psychiatry Biol Psychiatry 生物精神病学 8.672 ↑ 139 Trends in Genetics Trends Genet 遗传学趋势 8.659 ↓

140 Leukemia Leukemia 白血病 8.634 ↑

141 Advances in Immunology Adv Immunol 免疫学研究进展 8.625 ↑ 142 Annals of Surgery Ann Surg 外科学年鉴 8.46 ↑

143 Diabetes Diabetes 糖尿病 8.398 ↑

144 Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 生物化学和分子生物学评论 8.306 ↓

145 EMBO Journal EMBO J 欧洲分子生物学学会志 8.295 ↓

146 Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews Adv Drug Deliv Rev 先进药物输送评论 8.287 ↑

147 Seminars in Cancer Biology Semin Cancer Biol 癌生物学文辑 8.284 ↑ 148 Molecular Interventions Mol Interv 分子介入 8.273 ↑

149 Clinical Infectious Diseases Clin Infect Dis 临床传染病 8.266 ↑ 150 Advances in Microbial Physiology Adv Microb Physiol 微生物生理学进展 8.25 ↑

151 Annual Review of Nutrition Annu Rev Nutr 营养学年评 8.205 ↓ 152 Advanced Materials Adv Mater Deerfield 先进材料 8.191 ↑

153 Current Opinion in Neurobiology Curr Opin Neurobiol 神经生物学新见 8.102 ↓

154 Journal of the American Chemical Society J Am Chem Soc 美国化学会志 8.091 ↑

155 FEMS Microbiology Reviews FEMS Microbiol Rev 欧洲微生物学会联合会:微生物学评论 7.963 ↓

156 Journal of Autoimmunity J Autoimmun 自体免疫杂志 7.881 ↑

157 Current Opinion in Chemical Biology Curr Opin Chem Biol 化学生物学新见 7.854 ↑

158 Systematic Biology Syst Biol 系统生物学 7.833 ↓

159 Current Topics in Developmental Biology Curr Top Dev Biol 发育生物学当代课题 7.827 ↑

160 Blood Reviews Blood Rev 血液评论 7.816 ↑

161 Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews Neurosci Biobehav Rev 神经学与生物行为评论 7.804 ↓

162 Aging Cell Aging Cell 老化细胞 7.791 ↑

163 Stem Cells Stem Cells 干细胞 7.741 ↑

164 Human Reproduction Update Hum Reprod Update 人类生殖学新资讯 7.59 ↑

165 Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics Clin Pharmacol Ther 临床药理学与治疗学 7.586 ↓

166 Cell Death and Differentiation Cell Death Differ 细胞死亡与变异

7.548 ↓

167 Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease Annu Rev Pathol 病理学年评 7.529 ↑

168 Cancer Research Cancer Res 癌症研究 7.514 ↓

169 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 美国肾病学会志 7.505 ↑

170 Current Opinion in Biotechnology Curr Opin Biotechnol 生物技术新见 7.485 ↑

171 Current Opinion in Microbiology Curr Opin Microbiol 微生物学新见

7.483 ↓

172 Canadian Medical Association Journal CMAJ 加拿大医学会志 7.464 ↑ 173 Journal of Neuroscience J Neurosci 神经科学杂志 7.452 ↓ 174 Natural Product Reports Nat Prod Rep 天然产物报告 7.45 ↓

175 Cell Host & Microbe Cell Host Microbe 细胞宿主与微生物 7.436 ↑ 176 Hypertension Hypertension 高血压 7.368 ↑

177 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Gastrointest Endosc 胃肠内窥镜检查

7.367 ↑

178 Diabetes Care Diabetes Care 糖尿病护理 7.349 ↓

179 Molecular Aspects of Medicine Mol Aspects Med 医学分子问题 7.32 ↓ 180 Molecular Biology and Evolution Mol Biol Evol 分子生物学与进化 7.28 ↑

181 Human Molecular Genetics Hum Mol Genet 人类分子遗传学 7.249 ↓ 182 Oncogene Oncogene 致癌基因 7.216 ↑

183 Drug Resistance Updates Drug Resist Updat 耐药性新资讯 7.206 ↑ 184 Critical Reviews in Toxicology Crit Rev Toxicol 毒理学评论 7.204 ↑ 185 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Ann Rheum Dis 风湿病纪事 7.188 ↑ 186 Physical Review Letters Phys Rev Lett 物理评论通讯 7.18 ↑ 187 Physiology Physiology (Bethesda) 生理学 7.159 ↑

188 Reviews in Medical Virology Rev Med Virol 医学病毒学评论 7.13 ↓

189 Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism Trends Endocrinol Metab 内分泌学和新陈代谢趋势 7.119 ↓

190 Reviews of Geophysics Rev Geophys 地球物理学评论 7.114 ↑ 191 EMBO Reports EMBO Rep 欧洲分子生物学会报告 7.099 ↓

192 Thorax Thorax 胸腔 7.069 ↑

193 Journal of Hepatology J Hepatol 肝脏病学杂志 7.056 ↑

194 The FASEB Journal FASEB J 美国实验生物学会联合会会志 7.049 ↑ 195 Neurology Neurology 神经病学 7.043 ↑

196 Human Mutation Hum Mutat 人类突变 7.033 ↑

197 Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 细胞因子与生长因子评论 7.022 ↓

198 Nature Clinical Practice Neurology Nat Clin Pract Neurol 自然临床诊疗:神经病学 6.979 ↑

199 Nucleic Acids Research Nucleic Acids Res 核酸研究 6.878 ↓

200 Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 动脉硬化、血栓形成与血管生物学


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