
Daily phenomena which can be explained with transport fundamentals: 可以用传递过程原理解释的日常现象:

1. A thermos is fully filled with hot water. Then a very little, a cup of, or all most all of, hot

water is poured out from the thermos. What will happen for these three cases after the thermos is quickly covered?



2. A mug is partially filled with hot water and covered. Why will the air inside rush out after the

mug is shaken and opened?


3. Condensed water or ice may appear on the inside window glass in winter. Why much less

water or ice appears on the glass with a screen outside than other window glass without screens?



4. Condensed water or ice may appear on the inside window glass in winter. But whether the

amount of water or ice is uniform or not from top to bottom along a same glass? If not, where is more and why?


不均匀 下面的凝结水或冰的量多

5. Double layer windows or single window with double layer glasses all can reduce heat loss

from room. But from the view of heat transfer, there should exist a proper distance between two windows or two glasses, with which the heat loss rate is the lowest. Why?

6. Suppose microwave can uniformly arrive any position of a solid food, then whether the

temperature inside the food is uniform while it is heated in a microwave oven? Why?


7. Two watermelons, complete one and half one, with same volume are placed in a fridge at the

same time. Then, which temperature drops faster? Why?

8. When a person takes a bath in a hot water pool, he will feel hotter if he moves but not so hot if

he stay at a position. Why?

9. Even the room temperature is the same, 25℃, in winter or in summer, your feeling is different

in the room. You may feel a litter hot in summer but not hot at all in winter. Why? Please give reasons as more as possible.

10. There is almost no convection inside the gas phase of a thermal-insulated bottle when liquid

nitrogen exists and the top of the bottle opens to the atmosphere. But there is convection if hot water is filled inside for the same case. Why?

11. Please indicate how the air flows when only one window is opened in a room to get fresh air

in winter or in summer respectively. That is, please show the positions and directions of fresh air and indoor air flow through the window. The room temperature is maintained at around 22℃ whether in winter or in summer. Why?

12. We often feel a little hard in breathing, or lack of oxygen, in hot humid summer; but breathe

easily and freshly in cold winter. Why?


13. You smell an odor because the odor molecules travel to your place from the source. And the

longer the distance, the longer the time needed. However, the real velocity of a molecule can be as high as 400-500m/s, while the diffusion velocity of an odor is much lower. Why?


Daily phenomena which can be explained with transport fundamentals: 可以用传递过程原理解释的日常现象:

1. A thermos is fully filled with hot water. Then a very little, a cup of, or all most all of, hot

water is poured out from the thermos. What will happen for these three cases after the thermos is quickly covered?



2. A mug is partially filled with hot water and covered. Why will the air inside rush out after the

mug is shaken and opened?


3. Condensed water or ice may appear on the inside window glass in winter. Why much less

water or ice appears on the glass with a screen outside than other window glass without screens?



4. Condensed water or ice may appear on the inside window glass in winter. But whether the

amount of water or ice is uniform or not from top to bottom along a same glass? If not, where is more and why?


不均匀 下面的凝结水或冰的量多

5. Double layer windows or single window with double layer glasses all can reduce heat loss

from room. But from the view of heat transfer, there should exist a proper distance between two windows or two glasses, with which the heat loss rate is the lowest. Why?

6. Suppose microwave can uniformly arrive any position of a solid food, then whether the

temperature inside the food is uniform while it is heated in a microwave oven? Why?


7. Two watermelons, complete one and half one, with same volume are placed in a fridge at the

same time. Then, which temperature drops faster? Why?

8. When a person takes a bath in a hot water pool, he will feel hotter if he moves but not so hot if

he stay at a position. Why?

9. Even the room temperature is the same, 25℃, in winter or in summer, your feeling is different

in the room. You may feel a litter hot in summer but not hot at all in winter. Why? Please give reasons as more as possible.

10. There is almost no convection inside the gas phase of a thermal-insulated bottle when liquid

nitrogen exists and the top of the bottle opens to the atmosphere. But there is convection if hot water is filled inside for the same case. Why?

11. Please indicate how the air flows when only one window is opened in a room to get fresh air

in winter or in summer respectively. That is, please show the positions and directions of fresh air and indoor air flow through the window. The room temperature is maintained at around 22℃ whether in winter or in summer. Why?

12. We often feel a little hard in breathing, or lack of oxygen, in hot humid summer; but breathe

easily and freshly in cold winter. Why?


13. You smell an odor because the odor molecules travel to your place from the source. And the

longer the distance, the longer the time needed. However, the real velocity of a molecule can be as high as 400-500m/s, while the diffusion velocity of an odor is much lower. Why?



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