

近场光学与 近场光学显微镜

北京大学物理学院 朱星

2002年7月17日 中国科技大学



™扫描探针显微家族(SPM) ™近场光学的基本原理 ™实验技术 ™应用 ™理论问题

对原生动物、细菌、血红细 胞、毛细血管,以及昆虫的 循环系统的广泛的研究之中 . 分辨本领达到令人惊异的2微 米

Invented by British microscopist Robert Hooke sometime in the 1660s.


∆x为最小分辨 距离 λ为照明光的波 长 n为物方折射率 θ为物镜对样品 的半张角 nsinθ称为数值 孔径(N.A.)

点光源衍射斑(Airy斑)的空间分辨 (a) 单个点光源夫琅和费衍射形成的照度分布 (b) 两个相互接近的相同点光源形成的总照度分布 (c) 两点光源像恰好分辨时,照度中心极小值为 最大值的74%(Rayleigh判据)

提高常规光学显微镜的分辨本领: (2)增大数值孔径N.A. (1)减小照明光波长λ

若N.A.为1.5,入射波长 为500nm,则分辨率 200nm

光学显微的分辨本领 R =λ/(2NA)

R: 分辨率,

Numerical Aperture (NA) = n(sin µ)

R =0.61 λ /NA

NA 数值孔径,

λ :入射波长,

激光扫描共焦显微镜的原理图 ( a )激光束(光源)经双色镜反射后,通过物镜汇聚到样品 某一焦点; (b) 从焦点发射的荧光(样品一般经免疫荧光标记 ) 经透镜汇聚成像,被检测器检出;(c) 通过样品其它部位的激 光即激光发出的荧光不会聚焦成像,因而检测器不能检出。





™ 光学成像与光学衍射极限

™ 扫描探针显微家族(SPM)

™ 近场光学的发展历史 ™ 近场光学的基本原理 ™ 实验技术 ™ 应用 ™ 理论问题


Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 扫描隧道显微镜

I ∝ exp (− 2 Kd )



Gerd Binnig & Heinrich Rohrer, IBM Zurich The Nobel Prize in Physics 1986 "for their design of the scanning tunneling microscope"

Atomic Force Microscopy 原子力显微镜

Probing Nano-Scale Forces with the AFM

Florin, E.L., V.T. Moy, and H.E. Gaub, Adhesion forces between individual ligand-receptor pairs. Science (USA), 1994. 264,(5157): p. 415-17.


• 探针尖端原子与样品表面

间的相互作用力与距离的 依赖关系,通过测定微悬 臂的弹性性质变化获得样 品表面的形貌信息, • 广泛应用于导体、绝缘体 的表面结构检测,具有比 STM更强的适应性, • 空间分辨本领比STM大约 低一个数量级。

• Si (111)-(7×7) 表面的频


Si (111)-(7×7) 表面的频率调制AFM图像


™光学成像与光学衍射极限 ™扫描探针显微家族(SPM)


™实验技术 ™应用 ™理论问题

提高光学显微镜的分辨本领:减小照明光波长λ,或增大数 值孔径N.A.。最好的油浸式显微镜的N.A.也不过1.5左右。 假如使用500nm的入射波长,仅可以得到200nm的分辨率。 共焦光学显微镜的空间分辨率也只能达到约0.15 µm

电子: 波长(0.0037nm --100Kev) 远小于光波长,成像分 辨率达到10−1nm的量级 电子显微镜需要高真空,不能用来观察处于 空气和液体中的样品。并且,电子显微镜亦 不能用于样品光学性质的研究,其高能电子 束也会对有活性的生物样品造成损伤。

1928年,Synge提出用亚波长的小孔在样品表面扫描,可 以获得亚波长的分辨率。 Ash和Nicholls首先在微波波段实现了λ/60的分辨率。




用一个比衍射极限小的孔紧贴物体 表面指出有可能得到比衍射极限分 辨率高的光学图象 , 他总结困难在 于:小孔的制造和弱光的检测 λ= 3cm的微波得到λ/60的分辨率




D.W.Pohl (IBM Zurich)

STM 技术镀上金属的石英针尖 得到了近场光学图象 用光纤拉制探光小孔 镀上金属铝的光纤针尖得到 λ/20 的光学分辨率 , 突破了 光学显微镜的衍射极限


A.Harootunian (Cornell University)


Betzig (AT&T Bell Lab.)

与常规光学显微镜的二维同 时成像不同,这一新技术采 用距样品表面仅几个纳米的 探针逐点扫描成像的方法, 可以在几十纳米的分辨率下 同时得到样品微区的形貌和 光学信息。扫描近场光学显 微镜(SNOM: Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscope)

它是由物体表面附近近 场范围内的各种光场信 息如:局域反射、吸 收、散射、折射率变化 等组合而成的光学图像



Near Field:

Resolution: subwavelength 100nm or Local spectroscopy smaller Localized properties


atomic level


1.高分辨成像(空间分辨率优于100nm);特殊条件下可达到1~5nm。 2.能够同时收集样品表面的形貌像和光学图像。 3.近场荧光与高分辨超快时间分辨光谱,亚微米尺度近场局域光谱。 4.纳米材料、加工、光存贮。 5.原子操纵。


半导体量子器件 薄膜物理,表面等离子体、 高密度信息存储、 纳米光刻、 单分子分辨与单分子光谱。 生物学如DNA、血红细胞、神经细 胞、蛋白质等等的观察


™ FRET-fluorescent

resonance energy transfer

荧光共振能量转移 ™ Two-photon excitation: 双光子激发-探测


所谓近场,是指场点到源点(探针到样品)的距离远小于一个波长的范 围。假设物体置于平面,用一束波长为λ的光去照明物体,在物平面上就得到 一个光场分布。光场分布U(x,y,0),可以按空间频谱写成傅立叶积分的形式:

U ( x , y ,0) =

∫∫ A( m, n,0) exp[2πi( mx + ny)]dmdn

m,n为空间频率,是物平面光场分布的空间频谱。 另一方面,我们知道,在空间方向上传播的波长为λ的平面波,其空间部分可以 表示为:

B( x , y , z ) = exp i k x x + k y y + k z z

 2π  2 2 kx + ky + k z2 =    λ 





A(m, n,0)


2 k( m, n) =   2πm,2πn,2π (1 / λ ) − m2 − n 2 



1/ 2

  

由于光场分布U(x,y,0)是光源与物体相互作用的结果,A(m,n,0)也代表了物 体空间结构的频谱。这样用光源照明物体得到光场分布U(x,y,0)的过程可 以看作是将物体的空间结构进行频谱分析的过程,对于物体的空间频谱 A(m,n,0),不同频率的信息以不同波矢的平面K(m,n)波携带并向远场传 播。

U ( x , y , z ) = ∫∫ A(m, n, z ) exp[2πi (mx + ny )]dmdn


∇ 2U + k 2U = 0

 2πi   1 − ( nλ ) 2 − ( m λ ) 2   z A( m, n, z ) = A( m, n,0) exp      λ 



 2π  A( m, n, z ) = A( m, n,0) exp −   λ 


 z  = A ( m, n) exp − ( nλ )2 + ( mλ )2 − 1  0   

 z    d evc 

1 d evc


2π   λ 

 ( nλ ) 2 + ( mλ ) 2 − 1 

此时与A(m,n,z)相联系的平面波实际上是在Z方向呈指数迅速衰减的隐失波 (evanescent wave)。 隐失波是非辐射的平面波,所以高空间频率的信息只在近场明显存在。


™光学成像与光学衍射极限 ™扫描探针显微家族(SPM) ™近场光学的基本原理


™应用 ™理论问题


探针 扫描系统 反馈控制系统 光子检测系统






极低的通光量(low throughput)



低重复性(low reproducibility)

Apertureless metallic tip


Tip's photography, the line is 500 microns long. electrochemical erosion of a bent tungsten wire. The radius of curvature of the end of these homemade tips is smaller than 20 nm. SNOM images were obtained in the visible region, with a very good resolution of about 15

Topographical and IR SNOM images of 500/1000 nm Au/Si grating.

SNOM reflection images in the mid IR region at l = 10.6 µm with lateral resolution close to 17 nm (~l/600).

nm (~l/50).

The Tetrahedral Tip

(U. Fischer, WWM)

S12 S23 S13

K3 Tip


Tetrahedral Tip

A simultaneous operation of the SNOM and STM/AFM mode obtained SNOM images with near-field optical contrast at a resolution in the range of 10 to 100 nm, (best 0-5nm).

Shear Force


~ 0.03Å 音叉型的石英晶体振荡器 f=32768HZ

Three different Modes of Near-field Optical/Scanned Probe Operation three different modes of near-field optical/scanned probe operation: •Contact Mode with a cantilevered fiber-probe or a silicon cantilever •Non-Contact Mode with a vibrating cantilever fiber probe or a silicon cantilever •Non-Contact Mode shear-force with a vibrating straight Near-Field optical probe

Reflected Mode

Transmission Mode

Scanning Near-Field Magneto-Optical Microscopy


™光学成像与光学衍射极限 ™扫描探针显微家族(SPM) ™近场光学的基本原理 ™实验技术



SNOM SNOM (Scanning (Scanning Near-field Near-field Optical Optical Microscopy Microscopy

1. 高分辨成像 ( 空间分辨率优于 100nm) 特殊条件下

可达到1-5nm; 2.同时收集样品表面的形貌像和光学图像; 3.近场荧光与高分辨超快时间分辨光谱,亚微米尺 度近场局域光谱; 4.纳米材料、加工、光存贮; 5.原子操纵.

半导体 量子器件

高密度信息存储 高密度信息存储

薄膜物理 表面波




单分子操纵 单分子光谱


Scanning electron microscope image of the side and top view of a flattened quadrupolar-shaped cylinder laser. The quadrupolar deformation parameter is 0.16. Side view: The laser waveguide and active material is entirely contained in the disk--with vertical side walls, total thickness d = 5.39 µm--sitting on a sloped indium-phosphide pedestal. Light emission occurs in the plane of the disk. Top view: The top face of the laser is shown in medium gray, the electric contact in light gray. The laser boundary is very well described by an exact flattened quadrupole with = 0.16, which is drawn as dashed red line over the circumference. The boundary of the top electrical contact is approximately parallel to the edge of the cylinder.


Optical Microdisks Emission Patterns with different Geometrical Shape observed by near-field optical microscopy

Xing Zhu, et al. Peking Univ

(a) (b) (c)


(a) Far-field fluorescence image of the GaN microdisk; (b) Topography and (c) simultaneous near-field fluorescent mapping of GaN microdisk. Images shown are a quarter of the disk. The fluorescent wave is 552nm and the excitation wavelength is 330-385nm.




(a) Schematic of the InGaP microdisk, the structure and dimensions are shown in the lower inset. (b) Far-field fluorescence image of InGaP microdisk with a diameter of 10µm. Measured at room temperature, magnified by a 100× objective lens. (c) Near-field fluorescent mapping of InGaP microdisk with a diameter of 10µm, the disk is located at the center. The fluorescent wavelength is 650nm and the excitation wavelength is 532nm



(a) Far-field fluorescence image of InGaAlP microdisk with a deformed parameter ε=0.14; (b) Near-field fluorescent mapping of InGaAlP microdisk with a diameter of 10µm, the disk is located at the center. The fluorescent wavelength is 620-670nm and the excitation wavelength is 532nm.


Near-field vibration spectroscopy to observe molecular images

Satoshi Kawata Osaka University, Japan

Photograph of prism probe

cba G old film

0 1000

2000 3000 4000 Wavenumber [cm-1]

Figure 2: N ear-field IR spectra of PVA thin film

Near-field photoluminescence spectroscopy for semiconductor characterization

Topography: contrast variation is 350nm.

Peak intensity at 685 nm

Yoshihito Narita JASCO Corporation

Peak shift image. The contrast variation is 4 nm or 11 meV in Figure 1c. which corresponds to a P concentration difference of X=0.005.

Spectra along the line A-B

the formation by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) of CdSe quantum dots on ZnSe, a wide band gap semiconductor. The growth of CdSe on ZnSe, similar to the now wellstudied InAs quantum dots in a GaAs matrix, under specific growth conditions undergoes a transition from layer-by-layer to three-dimensional Stransky-Krastanov island growth, pictured right.

By collecting spectra in the near-field on a regularly spaced grid over a 2 micro m x 4 micro m area of the surface of the sample, we can form maps of the luminescence at any desired energy. Four such images taken at the energies indicated by the green arrows are shown below. As you can see, luminescence originates from localized islands whose distribution changes with the detection energy. These islands are associated with the radiative recombination of carriers in quantum dots at the selected energy levels. The sizes of the islands are larger than the sizes of the dots as a result of carriers diffusing in the ZnSe matrix before being trapped in the quantum dots. As expected the average of all the spectra over the 2 µm x 4 µm area gives a spectrum resembling the far field.

With ultrafast lasers one can directly observe the carrier spin dynamics directly in the time domain.

Shown above is time-resolved NSOM data from a patterned digital magnetic heterostructure. The microscope scanned across a single line on the sample as the time delay between a pump and a probe pulse was increased from 0-20 picoseconds. Note that one axis is time and the other is distance. The amplitude of the signal is indicative of the number of carriers remaining. The sample was implanted with lines of gallium atoms, which introduce lattice damage. As can be seen, implanted areas have a greatly decreased quantum efficiency and lifetime.

Near-field microscopy on VCSELs

If exposed to a strong in-plane field of about 2 T which is then suddenly turned off, the domains change to a hexagonal pattern of bubble domains.

MO-SNOM images show a 'substructure' within the domains which is not visible in conventional far-field images

纳米生物技术 NanoBioTechnology




Near-field fluorescence image (4.5 µm by 4.5 µm) of single oxazine 720 molecules dispersed on the surface of a poly(methylmethacrylate) film. Each subdiffraction peak (full width at half maximum, 100 nm) comes from a single molecule.

Near-field microscopy on soft biological samples in water


Topography and fluorescence images of a growth cone of nerve cells of the hippocampus of rat. The samples are fluorescence labeled with DIC18, showing an absorption peak at 540 nm and an emission maximum at 570 nm. The sample was excited with an argon ion laser (l = 514 nm) at a power of about 5nW, as measured in the far field of the tip.(Samples courtesy of P. Fromherz, MPI Martinsried)


染色体的荧光原位杂交染色(FISH) 图 (b)同时得到的近场荧光像

a) 形貌





扫描电子显微镜 光学显微镜

DNA assay, Comet assay TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl

transferase(TdT)-mediated dUTP nick end labeling)





transmitted light profile

H: 2.5µm 15µm×15µm

H: 2.95µm 15µm×15µm A 2.2µm 13,000cps B 1.5µm 7500 cps

Small apoptosis cells: H: 50nm to 400nm 500nm-4µm

waveguide Function

透射光强与波长、 HeLa细胞厚度的变化关系


™光学成像与光学衍射极限 ™扫描探针显微家族(SPM) ™近场光学的发展历史 ™近场光学的基本原理 ™实验技术 ™应用



™ 近场光学光纤探针光强分布 ™ 纳米尺度样品表面的光强分布 ™ 探针-样品相互作用条件下的光强分布


求解Maxwell 方程 电磁场的分布


Green Function, Dipole 自洽积分方程, MMP 时域有限差分法(FDTD)等

研究内容: 成像原理、光学衬度、散射、偏振特性 近场光学及隐失场的理论问题





Instantaneous electromagnetic wave propagation of fiber Probes with coated(a), defective(b), femtosecond pulse (c) and (d)

Kai Liu , et al. University of Science and Technology of China


模拟的光纤探针的长度为 H=600nm,大端直径=700nm,针 尖出口孔径为=100nm,光纤的介 电常数为2.25。金属包层Al的厚 度为80nm。波长为λ=500nm ™ 入射偏振光沿z方向从光纤的大 端入射,偏振方向为y方向。 ™ 网格空间的总数为 100x100x100。 ™ 每个立方体网格的边长为 λ/50=10nm。


图4.1 有金属包层光纤探针的计算模型

图4.2 光纤探针出口平面及20 nm处电场及各分量分布



Intensity distribution in the probe

(a) the intensity distribution in YZ plane, (b) in XZ plane, (c) on the tip end plane perpendicular to the light propagating direction, (d) the same as (c) but 20nm from the end of the tip, outside of the probe.

Xing Zhu, Qing Zhou et al. Peking Univ.




™ 近场光学显微是否存在分辨率极限? ™ 探针-样品-相互作用一体的理论模型 ™ 提高近场探针通光率的新途径 ™ 近场条件下折射率、透射率、反射率概念的更

新? ™ 近场拉曼(Raman)光谱,近场等离子体基元 (surface plasmon)增强,近场二次谐波(second harmonic generation)产生,等等


™纳米光学的全新工具 ™应用前景广泛 ™尚存很多理论问题


有志于 纳米光学研究的同学-



近场光学与 近场光学显微镜

北京大学物理学院 朱星

2002年7月17日 中国科技大学



™扫描探针显微家族(SPM) ™近场光学的基本原理 ™实验技术 ™应用 ™理论问题

对原生动物、细菌、血红细 胞、毛细血管,以及昆虫的 循环系统的广泛的研究之中 . 分辨本领达到令人惊异的2微 米

Invented by British microscopist Robert Hooke sometime in the 1660s.


∆x为最小分辨 距离 λ为照明光的波 长 n为物方折射率 θ为物镜对样品 的半张角 nsinθ称为数值 孔径(N.A.)

点光源衍射斑(Airy斑)的空间分辨 (a) 单个点光源夫琅和费衍射形成的照度分布 (b) 两个相互接近的相同点光源形成的总照度分布 (c) 两点光源像恰好分辨时,照度中心极小值为 最大值的74%(Rayleigh判据)

提高常规光学显微镜的分辨本领: (2)增大数值孔径N.A. (1)减小照明光波长λ

若N.A.为1.5,入射波长 为500nm,则分辨率 200nm

光学显微的分辨本领 R =λ/(2NA)

R: 分辨率,

Numerical Aperture (NA) = n(sin µ)

R =0.61 λ /NA

NA 数值孔径,

λ :入射波长,

激光扫描共焦显微镜的原理图 ( a )激光束(光源)经双色镜反射后,通过物镜汇聚到样品 某一焦点; (b) 从焦点发射的荧光(样品一般经免疫荧光标记 ) 经透镜汇聚成像,被检测器检出;(c) 通过样品其它部位的激 光即激光发出的荧光不会聚焦成像,因而检测器不能检出。





™ 光学成像与光学衍射极限

™ 扫描探针显微家族(SPM)

™ 近场光学的发展历史 ™ 近场光学的基本原理 ™ 实验技术 ™ 应用 ™ 理论问题


Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 扫描隧道显微镜

I ∝ exp (− 2 Kd )



Gerd Binnig & Heinrich Rohrer, IBM Zurich The Nobel Prize in Physics 1986 "for their design of the scanning tunneling microscope"

Atomic Force Microscopy 原子力显微镜

Probing Nano-Scale Forces with the AFM

Florin, E.L., V.T. Moy, and H.E. Gaub, Adhesion forces between individual ligand-receptor pairs. Science (USA), 1994. 264,(5157): p. 415-17.


• 探针尖端原子与样品表面

间的相互作用力与距离的 依赖关系,通过测定微悬 臂的弹性性质变化获得样 品表面的形貌信息, • 广泛应用于导体、绝缘体 的表面结构检测,具有比 STM更强的适应性, • 空间分辨本领比STM大约 低一个数量级。

• Si (111)-(7×7) 表面的频


Si (111)-(7×7) 表面的频率调制AFM图像


™光学成像与光学衍射极限 ™扫描探针显微家族(SPM)


™实验技术 ™应用 ™理论问题

提高光学显微镜的分辨本领:减小照明光波长λ,或增大数 值孔径N.A.。最好的油浸式显微镜的N.A.也不过1.5左右。 假如使用500nm的入射波长,仅可以得到200nm的分辨率。 共焦光学显微镜的空间分辨率也只能达到约0.15 µm

电子: 波长(0.0037nm --100Kev) 远小于光波长,成像分 辨率达到10−1nm的量级 电子显微镜需要高真空,不能用来观察处于 空气和液体中的样品。并且,电子显微镜亦 不能用于样品光学性质的研究,其高能电子 束也会对有活性的生物样品造成损伤。

1928年,Synge提出用亚波长的小孔在样品表面扫描,可 以获得亚波长的分辨率。 Ash和Nicholls首先在微波波段实现了λ/60的分辨率。




用一个比衍射极限小的孔紧贴物体 表面指出有可能得到比衍射极限分 辨率高的光学图象 , 他总结困难在 于:小孔的制造和弱光的检测 λ= 3cm的微波得到λ/60的分辨率




D.W.Pohl (IBM Zurich)

STM 技术镀上金属的石英针尖 得到了近场光学图象 用光纤拉制探光小孔 镀上金属铝的光纤针尖得到 λ/20 的光学分辨率 , 突破了 光学显微镜的衍射极限


A.Harootunian (Cornell University)


Betzig (AT&T Bell Lab.)

与常规光学显微镜的二维同 时成像不同,这一新技术采 用距样品表面仅几个纳米的 探针逐点扫描成像的方法, 可以在几十纳米的分辨率下 同时得到样品微区的形貌和 光学信息。扫描近场光学显 微镜(SNOM: Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscope)

它是由物体表面附近近 场范围内的各种光场信 息如:局域反射、吸 收、散射、折射率变化 等组合而成的光学图像



Near Field:

Resolution: subwavelength 100nm or Local spectroscopy smaller Localized properties


atomic level


1.高分辨成像(空间分辨率优于100nm);特殊条件下可达到1~5nm。 2.能够同时收集样品表面的形貌像和光学图像。 3.近场荧光与高分辨超快时间分辨光谱,亚微米尺度近场局域光谱。 4.纳米材料、加工、光存贮。 5.原子操纵。


半导体量子器件 薄膜物理,表面等离子体、 高密度信息存储、 纳米光刻、 单分子分辨与单分子光谱。 生物学如DNA、血红细胞、神经细 胞、蛋白质等等的观察


™ FRET-fluorescent

resonance energy transfer

荧光共振能量转移 ™ Two-photon excitation: 双光子激发-探测


所谓近场,是指场点到源点(探针到样品)的距离远小于一个波长的范 围。假设物体置于平面,用一束波长为λ的光去照明物体,在物平面上就得到 一个光场分布。光场分布U(x,y,0),可以按空间频谱写成傅立叶积分的形式:

U ( x , y ,0) =

∫∫ A( m, n,0) exp[2πi( mx + ny)]dmdn

m,n为空间频率,是物平面光场分布的空间频谱。 另一方面,我们知道,在空间方向上传播的波长为λ的平面波,其空间部分可以 表示为:

B( x , y , z ) = exp i k x x + k y y + k z z

 2π  2 2 kx + ky + k z2 =    λ 





A(m, n,0)


2 k( m, n) =   2πm,2πn,2π (1 / λ ) − m2 − n 2 



1/ 2

  

由于光场分布U(x,y,0)是光源与物体相互作用的结果,A(m,n,0)也代表了物 体空间结构的频谱。这样用光源照明物体得到光场分布U(x,y,0)的过程可 以看作是将物体的空间结构进行频谱分析的过程,对于物体的空间频谱 A(m,n,0),不同频率的信息以不同波矢的平面K(m,n)波携带并向远场传 播。

U ( x , y , z ) = ∫∫ A(m, n, z ) exp[2πi (mx + ny )]dmdn


∇ 2U + k 2U = 0

 2πi   1 − ( nλ ) 2 − ( m λ ) 2   z A( m, n, z ) = A( m, n,0) exp      λ 



 2π  A( m, n, z ) = A( m, n,0) exp −   λ 


 z  = A ( m, n) exp − ( nλ )2 + ( mλ )2 − 1  0   

 z    d evc 

1 d evc


2π   λ 

 ( nλ ) 2 + ( mλ ) 2 − 1 

此时与A(m,n,z)相联系的平面波实际上是在Z方向呈指数迅速衰减的隐失波 (evanescent wave)。 隐失波是非辐射的平面波,所以高空间频率的信息只在近场明显存在。


™光学成像与光学衍射极限 ™扫描探针显微家族(SPM) ™近场光学的基本原理


™应用 ™理论问题


探针 扫描系统 反馈控制系统 光子检测系统






极低的通光量(low throughput)



低重复性(low reproducibility)

Apertureless metallic tip


Tip's photography, the line is 500 microns long. electrochemical erosion of a bent tungsten wire. The radius of curvature of the end of these homemade tips is smaller than 20 nm. SNOM images were obtained in the visible region, with a very good resolution of about 15

Topographical and IR SNOM images of 500/1000 nm Au/Si grating.

SNOM reflection images in the mid IR region at l = 10.6 µm with lateral resolution close to 17 nm (~l/600).

nm (~l/50).

The Tetrahedral Tip

(U. Fischer, WWM)

S12 S23 S13

K3 Tip


Tetrahedral Tip

A simultaneous operation of the SNOM and STM/AFM mode obtained SNOM images with near-field optical contrast at a resolution in the range of 10 to 100 nm, (best 0-5nm).

Shear Force


~ 0.03Å 音叉型的石英晶体振荡器 f=32768HZ

Three different Modes of Near-field Optical/Scanned Probe Operation three different modes of near-field optical/scanned probe operation: •Contact Mode with a cantilevered fiber-probe or a silicon cantilever •Non-Contact Mode with a vibrating cantilever fiber probe or a silicon cantilever •Non-Contact Mode shear-force with a vibrating straight Near-Field optical probe

Reflected Mode

Transmission Mode

Scanning Near-Field Magneto-Optical Microscopy


™光学成像与光学衍射极限 ™扫描探针显微家族(SPM) ™近场光学的基本原理 ™实验技术



SNOM SNOM (Scanning (Scanning Near-field Near-field Optical Optical Microscopy Microscopy

1. 高分辨成像 ( 空间分辨率优于 100nm) 特殊条件下

可达到1-5nm; 2.同时收集样品表面的形貌像和光学图像; 3.近场荧光与高分辨超快时间分辨光谱,亚微米尺 度近场局域光谱; 4.纳米材料、加工、光存贮; 5.原子操纵.

半导体 量子器件

高密度信息存储 高密度信息存储

薄膜物理 表面波




单分子操纵 单分子光谱


Scanning electron microscope image of the side and top view of a flattened quadrupolar-shaped cylinder laser. The quadrupolar deformation parameter is 0.16. Side view: The laser waveguide and active material is entirely contained in the disk--with vertical side walls, total thickness d = 5.39 µm--sitting on a sloped indium-phosphide pedestal. Light emission occurs in the plane of the disk. Top view: The top face of the laser is shown in medium gray, the electric contact in light gray. The laser boundary is very well described by an exact flattened quadrupole with = 0.16, which is drawn as dashed red line over the circumference. The boundary of the top electrical contact is approximately parallel to the edge of the cylinder.


Optical Microdisks Emission Patterns with different Geometrical Shape observed by near-field optical microscopy

Xing Zhu, et al. Peking Univ

(a) (b) (c)


(a) Far-field fluorescence image of the GaN microdisk; (b) Topography and (c) simultaneous near-field fluorescent mapping of GaN microdisk. Images shown are a quarter of the disk. The fluorescent wave is 552nm and the excitation wavelength is 330-385nm.




(a) Schematic of the InGaP microdisk, the structure and dimensions are shown in the lower inset. (b) Far-field fluorescence image of InGaP microdisk with a diameter of 10µm. Measured at room temperature, magnified by a 100× objective lens. (c) Near-field fluorescent mapping of InGaP microdisk with a diameter of 10µm, the disk is located at the center. The fluorescent wavelength is 650nm and the excitation wavelength is 532nm



(a) Far-field fluorescence image of InGaAlP microdisk with a deformed parameter ε=0.14; (b) Near-field fluorescent mapping of InGaAlP microdisk with a diameter of 10µm, the disk is located at the center. The fluorescent wavelength is 620-670nm and the excitation wavelength is 532nm.


Near-field vibration spectroscopy to observe molecular images

Satoshi Kawata Osaka University, Japan

Photograph of prism probe

cba G old film

0 1000

2000 3000 4000 Wavenumber [cm-1]

Figure 2: N ear-field IR spectra of PVA thin film

Near-field photoluminescence spectroscopy for semiconductor characterization

Topography: contrast variation is 350nm.

Peak intensity at 685 nm

Yoshihito Narita JASCO Corporation

Peak shift image. The contrast variation is 4 nm or 11 meV in Figure 1c. which corresponds to a P concentration difference of X=0.005.

Spectra along the line A-B

the formation by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) of CdSe quantum dots on ZnSe, a wide band gap semiconductor. The growth of CdSe on ZnSe, similar to the now wellstudied InAs quantum dots in a GaAs matrix, under specific growth conditions undergoes a transition from layer-by-layer to three-dimensional Stransky-Krastanov island growth, pictured right.

By collecting spectra in the near-field on a regularly spaced grid over a 2 micro m x 4 micro m area of the surface of the sample, we can form maps of the luminescence at any desired energy. Four such images taken at the energies indicated by the green arrows are shown below. As you can see, luminescence originates from localized islands whose distribution changes with the detection energy. These islands are associated with the radiative recombination of carriers in quantum dots at the selected energy levels. The sizes of the islands are larger than the sizes of the dots as a result of carriers diffusing in the ZnSe matrix before being trapped in the quantum dots. As expected the average of all the spectra over the 2 µm x 4 µm area gives a spectrum resembling the far field.

With ultrafast lasers one can directly observe the carrier spin dynamics directly in the time domain.

Shown above is time-resolved NSOM data from a patterned digital magnetic heterostructure. The microscope scanned across a single line on the sample as the time delay between a pump and a probe pulse was increased from 0-20 picoseconds. Note that one axis is time and the other is distance. The amplitude of the signal is indicative of the number of carriers remaining. The sample was implanted with lines of gallium atoms, which introduce lattice damage. As can be seen, implanted areas have a greatly decreased quantum efficiency and lifetime.

Near-field microscopy on VCSELs

If exposed to a strong in-plane field of about 2 T which is then suddenly turned off, the domains change to a hexagonal pattern of bubble domains.

MO-SNOM images show a 'substructure' within the domains which is not visible in conventional far-field images

纳米生物技术 NanoBioTechnology




Near-field fluorescence image (4.5 µm by 4.5 µm) of single oxazine 720 molecules dispersed on the surface of a poly(methylmethacrylate) film. Each subdiffraction peak (full width at half maximum, 100 nm) comes from a single molecule.

Near-field microscopy on soft biological samples in water


Topography and fluorescence images of a growth cone of nerve cells of the hippocampus of rat. The samples are fluorescence labeled with DIC18, showing an absorption peak at 540 nm and an emission maximum at 570 nm. The sample was excited with an argon ion laser (l = 514 nm) at a power of about 5nW, as measured in the far field of the tip.(Samples courtesy of P. Fromherz, MPI Martinsried)


染色体的荧光原位杂交染色(FISH) 图 (b)同时得到的近场荧光像

a) 形貌





扫描电子显微镜 光学显微镜

DNA assay, Comet assay TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl

transferase(TdT)-mediated dUTP nick end labeling)





transmitted light profile

H: 2.5µm 15µm×15µm

H: 2.95µm 15µm×15µm A 2.2µm 13,000cps B 1.5µm 7500 cps

Small apoptosis cells: H: 50nm to 400nm 500nm-4µm

waveguide Function

透射光强与波长、 HeLa细胞厚度的变化关系


™光学成像与光学衍射极限 ™扫描探针显微家族(SPM) ™近场光学的发展历史 ™近场光学的基本原理 ™实验技术 ™应用



™ 近场光学光纤探针光强分布 ™ 纳米尺度样品表面的光强分布 ™ 探针-样品相互作用条件下的光强分布


求解Maxwell 方程 电磁场的分布


Green Function, Dipole 自洽积分方程, MMP 时域有限差分法(FDTD)等

研究内容: 成像原理、光学衬度、散射、偏振特性 近场光学及隐失场的理论问题





Instantaneous electromagnetic wave propagation of fiber Probes with coated(a), defective(b), femtosecond pulse (c) and (d)

Kai Liu , et al. University of Science and Technology of China


模拟的光纤探针的长度为 H=600nm,大端直径=700nm,针 尖出口孔径为=100nm,光纤的介 电常数为2.25。金属包层Al的厚 度为80nm。波长为λ=500nm ™ 入射偏振光沿z方向从光纤的大 端入射,偏振方向为y方向。 ™ 网格空间的总数为 100x100x100。 ™ 每个立方体网格的边长为 λ/50=10nm。


图4.1 有金属包层光纤探针的计算模型

图4.2 光纤探针出口平面及20 nm处电场及各分量分布



Intensity distribution in the probe

(a) the intensity distribution in YZ plane, (b) in XZ plane, (c) on the tip end plane perpendicular to the light propagating direction, (d) the same as (c) but 20nm from the end of the tip, outside of the probe.

Xing Zhu, Qing Zhou et al. Peking Univ.




™ 近场光学显微是否存在分辨率极限? ™ 探针-样品-相互作用一体的理论模型 ™ 提高近场探针通光率的新途径 ™ 近场条件下折射率、透射率、反射率概念的更

新? ™ 近场拉曼(Raman)光谱,近场等离子体基元 (surface plasmon)增强,近场二次谐波(second harmonic generation)产生,等等


™纳米光学的全新工具 ™应用前景广泛 ™尚存很多理论问题


有志于 纳米光学研究的同学-



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