摘 要:针对三维气象灾害研究平台中雪灾、雪崩的仿真提出一种积雪仿真模型,有助于灾害分析人员对这类气象灾害进行预防。利用基于RGB颜色向量距离的彩色图像分割算法区分图像纹理中不同的地貌;然后在已分类的地貌上,使用依据力学原理推导出的公式判断不同地形上能否形成积雪;最后依据计算结果对场景纹理图像进行处理,呈现出积雪覆盖的效果。实验表明,利用该模型可以在三维气象灾害仿真平台中产生积雪效果。
中图分类号: TP399
Snow simulation model based on landscape and topography
PENG Mian1*, LI Chao2, GAN Jian-hong1
1.College of Software Engineering, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu Sichuan 610225, China;
2.Development and Planning Department, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu Sichuan 610225, China
The author presented a snow simulation model in the 3D meteorological disaster analysis system. It could help analysts prevent snow storm and avalanches. First, the author classified the pixels of the satellite remote sensing images by their color vectors’ distance. Each of the colors represents a landscape. Then the author derived a formula by using mechanics. This formula was used to determine whether or not the snow could be covered on different regions. These regions had same landscape but different topography. If the regions were determined covered by snow according to the formula, the snow color was used to fill the regions. After this process, the satellite remote sensing images were used as textures in the 3D meteorological disasters analysis system. The experimental results show that snow effects can be produced by the snow simulation model.
英文关键词 Key words:
meteorological disaster; snow simulation; 3D visualization; satellite remote sensing image
0 引言
对积雪的仿真的研究,可以追溯到1997年,Nishita等[1]采用Metaball技术构造积雪。而在1999年,Premoze等[2]同时考虑了地形高度和日光照射的因素真实还原了阿尔卑斯山被积雪和植被覆盖的场景。2000年,Fearing等[3]介绍了基于粒子系统的雪景绘制。2004年,Ohlsson等[4]为了提高积雪仿真的速度,利用生成阴影的方法来计算积雪覆盖量,以此产生积雪覆盖的效果。2007年,Foldes等[5]使用光照模型来估算场景上每个点获得的光照,由此计算每个点的热量,最后综合计算积雪区域和积雪量。同年,贺怀清等 [6]通过在纹理上添加噪声实现了积雪效果。2009年,殷海明等[7]利用一幅雪景参考图中的积雪颜色,实现了对雪景的仿真。2011年,韩秀珍等[8]使用视点相关遮挡图和积雪灰度纹理图,分别模拟近处和远处的整体积雪效果。
1 地貌分类算法
摘 要:针对三维气象灾害研究平台中雪灾、雪崩的仿真提出一种积雪仿真模型,有助于灾害分析人员对这类气象灾害进行预防。利用基于RGB颜色向量距离的彩色图像分割算法区分图像纹理中不同的地貌;然后在已分类的地貌上,使用依据力学原理推导出的公式判断不同地形上能否形成积雪;最后依据计算结果对场景纹理图像进行处理,呈现出积雪覆盖的效果。实验表明,利用该模型可以在三维气象灾害仿真平台中产生积雪效果。
中图分类号: TP399
Snow simulation model based on landscape and topography
PENG Mian1*, LI Chao2, GAN Jian-hong1
1.College of Software Engineering, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu Sichuan 610225, China;
2.Development and Planning Department, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu Sichuan 610225, China
The author presented a snow simulation model in the 3D meteorological disaster analysis system. It could help analysts prevent snow storm and avalanches. First, the author classified the pixels of the satellite remote sensing images by their color vectors’ distance. Each of the colors represents a landscape. Then the author derived a formula by using mechanics. This formula was used to determine whether or not the snow could be covered on different regions. These regions had same landscape but different topography. If the regions were determined covered by snow according to the formula, the snow color was used to fill the regions. After this process, the satellite remote sensing images were used as textures in the 3D meteorological disasters analysis system. The experimental results show that snow effects can be produced by the snow simulation model.
英文关键词 Key words:
meteorological disaster; snow simulation; 3D visualization; satellite remote sensing image
0 引言
对积雪的仿真的研究,可以追溯到1997年,Nishita等[1]采用Metaball技术构造积雪。而在1999年,Premoze等[2]同时考虑了地形高度和日光照射的因素真实还原了阿尔卑斯山被积雪和植被覆盖的场景。2000年,Fearing等[3]介绍了基于粒子系统的雪景绘制。2004年,Ohlsson等[4]为了提高积雪仿真的速度,利用生成阴影的方法来计算积雪覆盖量,以此产生积雪覆盖的效果。2007年,Foldes等[5]使用光照模型来估算场景上每个点获得的光照,由此计算每个点的热量,最后综合计算积雪区域和积雪量。同年,贺怀清等 [6]通过在纹理上添加噪声实现了积雪效果。2009年,殷海明等[7]利用一幅雪景参考图中的积雪颜色,实现了对雪景的仿真。2011年,韩秀珍等[8]使用视点相关遮挡图和积雪灰度纹理图,分别模拟近处和远处的整体积雪效果。
1 地貌分类算法