

c_ ntr_ (中心) r_ _ te(路线) p_ _m(诗歌) fo_ tpr_ nt(脚印)

rep_ _ter(记者) c_ tt_n(棉花) t_ pe(磁带) h_ ll_w(空的)

w_ rn_ng(警告) b_tt_ _(底部) r_bb_ r(抢劫犯) f_ el(燃料)


How often do you „?

1.I play computer games___________________(一周一次)

2.He goes swimming___________________(一周两次)

3.I go shopping ___________________(一个月三次)

4.I ___________ go climbing.(我从来不去爬山)

5.He ___________ goes to school on foot.(他总是走路去上学)

6.He___________ takes me as a child. (他总是把我当小孩)


A: B: It’s a watch.


B: W―A―T―C―H.

.It’s my watch.


Mr. Brown isn’t an old man. But he has a big family. There are

six people in his family. They are his parents, his wife, his son and


Mr. Brown’s father is from Canada. His mother is from America.

They don’t work now. They are at home every day. Mr. Brown works

in a TV factory (工厂) and his wife is an English teacher. Their

children-Kate and Mike are students. Mike’s grandpa and grandma

are under the tree. They are very happy.

( )1.Mr. Brown is old and has a big family.

( )2.Mr. Brown has two children.

( )3.Mr. Brown’s parents come from the samecountry(国家).

( )4.Mr. Brown’s wife is a worker.

( )5.Mike’s grandpa and grandma are workers, too.



2.Is that your backpack?(作否定回答)


4.This is an English book.(改为一般疑问句)


一、 单词连线

二、 情态动词专练

1. Cars, buses and bikes ______ stop when the traffic lights is red.

A. can B. must C. may D. need

2. --- Let's go dancing tonight.

--- Sorry, I ______. I have to go to a meeting.

A. mustn't B. may not C. needn't D. can't

3. A teacher ______ also make a mistake if he or she is not careful


A. must B. may C. should D. has to

4. She has been in China for several years. She ___be a big girl now.

A. need B. must C. can D. may

5. Ask the policeman over there. He ______ know the way to it.

A. has to B. could C. may D. need

6.__________ you help me carry the box?

A. must B. may C. would D.should

三、 看图填词。每空一词

1.What’s this?

It’s .


2.Is this a key?

3.What’s this?


4.Is this a pencil sharpener?

5.Yes, it is. (5)


(3) (2)

一、Read and understand

Water has no taste at all. Water has no color.

Water’s in the waterfall. The pump. The tap. The well.

Water is everywhere around us. Water is in the rain.

In the stream. In the pond.

And in the river. And in the sea again.


★equipment ●阳台

★breeze ●扶手椅

★raincoat ●医院

★accident ●微风

★armchair ●设备

★balcony ●雨衣

★hospital ●事故


1.them,some, travel, air, by, of


2.none, us, by, of, travel, bus


3.students, all, love, of, the, travelling.


4.city, beautiful,most, tourists,love, of, this, the


5. stronger, wind, became, the



What's this?

1. It’s a __________ 2. It’s a _________ 3. It’s a _________

What are these?


4. They’re tennis ______5. They’re __________. 6. They’re __________.

用little, a little, few, a few 完成以下表格

1. Her favorite subject is music.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ her favorite subject?

2. He likes biology because it's interesting.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________he ______ biology?

3. Does he like to play with his cat? (作否定回答)

______ , he ______ .

4. We have science on Tuesday and Thursday.(对划线部分提问)

______ science?

5. Mr Li is my favorite teacher. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ your favorite


( ( ( ( ( 二、排排队。

A. My name is Kate Green. B. Hello! I’m Jim Moore.

C. Nice to meet you, Kate.

D. What’s your name?

E. It’s 558-8065.

F. Nice to meet you, too.

G. What’s your phone number, Kate?


1. _______2. _______3. _______4. _______5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______


Name_______________ First name_________________ Last name________________ Telephone number_____________________

三、时态集中营:用shall, will, have, do, has填空

1.__________ we travel by underground?

2. All of us__________ go to the park this weekend.

3. I __________ already finished my homework.

4. I __________ not like playing football at all.

5. __________ she been abroad?


This is a picture of Mr Green’s family.There are four

people in the family.They are Mr Green,Mrs Green,Jim and

Kate.Look at the picture.We can see Jim is behind Mr

Green.Kate is behind Mrs Green Jim and Kate are

students.They go to the same school.Mr Green and Mrs Green

are teachers. They are good teachers.They go to woek by car.

( )1.Jim is Mrs Green’s son.

( )2.There are four people in Mr Green’s family.

( )3.Jim and Kate are not student.

( )4.Jim and Kate are in the same school.

( )5.Mr and Mrs Green go to work by bus.


father/2.______ uncle/3._______

daughter/6.________ 5._____/brother


=Father and mother,I love you.




His job was to give _________ to the _________.

2. 屈原擅长写诗。

Qu-yuan was very_________ _________writing poems.

3. 丹尼喜欢吃蛋糕。

Danny loves _________ _________.

4. 夏天花园里花更多。

In summer, there are _________ flowers in the garden.

5. 乘客现在不用买票。

Passengers do not buy _________ now。


The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year’s Day. It usually comes in F Everyone in China Spring Festival. When the Spring and do some shopping and other housework. On that day everyone in China jiaozi, New Year’s cakes and some other delicious food. Li Lei likes New Year’s cakes, but Lanlan says jiaozi is nicer than New Year’s cakes. The C people eat the New Year’s cakes and jiaozi in their houses. How hthey are!


四、 结构操练:根据自己的实际情况回答问题

How long does it take? –It takes me 30 minutes to do it.

1.How long does it take you to go to school everyday? ___________________________________________________

2.How long does it take you to have breakfast?


3.How long does it take to finish your homework at night? ___________________________________________________

4.How long does it take to watch television at night? ___________________________________________________






( )1.B、C、( )2. B、C、( )3.( )4.

( )5.B、B、 B、C、C、C、

1.If you have a headache, you should go to a ________________.

2.Beijing is the ________________of China.

3.You should take your ________________ when you go on the airplane.

4.When you are at home, you should help your parents do some_________.

5.I’d like to see a ________________ this weekend.


1.—Do you like bananas?

---No, I don’t like_______ (it) at all.

2. Peter likes_______ (play) basketball.

3. His mother_______(not) like French fries.

4. I like strawberry ice cream, but I don’t like_______ ( strawberry)

5. They like _______ (eat) hamburgers and carrots for lunch.


Mabel’s bedroom is very nice. In her bedroom you can see a bed, a table, a chair, a clock, a map, a picture, a cat and some flowers. The bed is yellow. The table and the chair are brown. The cat is brown and white. It’s under the table. The clock is black. It’s on the table. The door and the window are yellow. The map is a map of China. The picture is of her family. Both of them are one the wall.

Can you draw

a picture of Mabel’s bedroom and color it? 画出Mabel的房间,并涂上颜色


( )1.Thanks______________your help.



A、a her

A、an B、for B、It B、she B、a

B、in C、of C、These C、her C、the C、of ( )2.______________are his brothers. ( )3.That is______________ruler. ( )4.This is ______________eraser. ( )5.What’s this ______________ English? A、for

( )6.-Is this your mother?

-______________. This is my aunt.

A、No, it is B、No, it isn’t

A、aunt B、sister C、Yes, it is C、grandmother ( )7.My father’s mother is my .


1.他们喜欢骑自行车。(ride bycicles)






4.她买了许多条围巾。(plenty of)


5.真是浪费时间!(a waste of)


三、对划线部分提问 ___________ can you see when there is a gentle breeze? ___________ did Kitty and Ben stay? ___________do plants and animals need water?

___________ do we get from trees?

四、知识窗 protect the animals

SPCA=Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 防止虐待动物协会




二、Know yourself 根据自己的真实情况,完成下列句子


1 2 3

1. –What’s this ____________English?

--It is ______________.

2. –And what’s this? --It is _____________.

3. –Is this an eraser? --No, it __________. It’s _____________. --Is it __________pencil? --_____________, it’s my pencil.


Near our school there is a store. It’s____1___ but there’re ___2___of school things. Do___3___ like exercise books, erasers, pens ____4____ color pencils? They’re____5___. Big erasers are just one yuan____6_____ and the small one is 0.5yuan. The color pencils are just ____7___ 2yuan. I want the cartoon pencil sharpener. It is ____8_____ expensive ,either. I will take____9____. Do you want some school things for yourself? Just come ___10______ this store.

( )1. A. big B. small C. long

( )2. A. lots B. lot C. many

( )3. A.I B. they C. you

( )4. A. or B. and C. but

( )5. A. expensive B. cheap C. dear

( )6. A. one B. every C. each

( )7. A. for B. on C. in

( )8. A. not B. no C. /

( )9. A. them B. it C. that ( )10. A. for B. to C. down

五、 知识窗:常见国名、民族

Ireland----Irish爱尔兰 Austria----Austrian奥地利Australia----Australian澳大利亚 Belgium----Belgian比利时 Iceland----Icelandic冰岛 Poland----Polack波兰

Germany----German德国 Malaysia----Malaysian马来西亚 America----American美国 Mongolia----Mongolian蒙古 Mexico----Mexican墨西哥 Korea----Korean韩国

Japan----Japanese日本 Sweden----Swedish瑞典

Sweitzerland----Sweiss瑞士 Thailand----Thai泰国

Spain----Spanish西班牙 Singapore----Singaporean新加坡 Iraq----Iraqi伊拉克 Italy----Italian意大利

India----Indian印度 China----Chinese中国



一、你喜欢或不喜欢的的室内或室外运动(至少写三个) I love

But I hate

1.I have hamburgers for b_______.

2. Here are some tomatoes. Do you like t_______?

3.I like French f_______.

4. I have an ice c_______.

5. Children should(应当)eat lots of v_______

6.What do you have for d_______?

7.Zhou Jielun is a singing s________.

8.She eats h_______ food every day .

9.How m_______ apples do you have?

10. I’m going on a picnic with a group of f_______



一、What kind of things do you like? enjoy/love/like doing 根据自己的真实情况,至少写出三个句子


1.2.What’number? It’s 555-0192 3.. 4.My mother’. a girl.

9.’s black. 10.三、知识窗:wind

微风.breeze 大风. gale.

顺风. favorable wind 逆风. unfavorable wind.

侧风. beam wind. 后侧风. quarter wind ...

暴风.storm 狂暴的旋风.hurricane

旋风whirlwind 台风 typhoon

狂风. storm

飓风. hurricane.


Find the owner(

帮他们找到自己的物品,用线条连接) A: Look, what’s that? B: It’s a pencil case. Is it yours, Jane? A: No, it isn’t. Oh, I know, it’s Sue’s. That pen is Sue’s, too.

B: Is this her book? A: No, it’s my book. My name--―Jane‖ is on it. B: And is this your eraser?

A: No, this is Bill’s eraser. And what’s this, Sam?

B: It’s a ruler. It’s my ruler. What about this pencil?

A: That’s my pencil. B: Here you are. A: Thanks.

Sam Jane Bill Sue


If one of your relatives will come to your city to visit you, and ask you to make a timetable for them. What will you advise them to do? Fill in the table.


( )1.Are you Gina? A、Hello, Rose

B、Nice to meet you, too


D、Yes, I am

E、Thank you

F、Yes, it is

G、Fine, thanks ( )2.Is this your dictionary? ( )3.Good evening ( )4.What’s this in English? (

)5.How are you? ( )6.What’s your last name? ( )7.Hello, Mary

( )8.What’s your telephone number? H、It’s 6327569 ( )9.Nice to meet you

( )10.Sit down, please


I、It’s an orange J、Good evening

( )1.A、book B、ruler C、dictionary

( )2.Lucy’.

A、four eight two seven three six nine

B、four eight seven two three seven nine

C、four eight two three seven six nine

( )3.A、Lucy B、Tony C、Nick

( )4..

A、twelve B、eleven C、thirteen

( )5.Tony’.

A、687-5143 B、768-1543 C、867-5143


( )1.A、first B、last

( )2.How do you spell it? C、family

A、It’s a ruler B、A ruler C、R―U―L―E―R

( )3.―Is that a backpack?―.

A、Yes, it’s B、No, it is C、No, it isn’t

( )4.A、friend B、friends C、brother

( )5.―Are these clocks? ―A、they are B、these are C、it is

( )6.

A、family B、first C、number

( )7.―Is this her computer?


A、No, it’s his computer B、No, it’s a TV

C、Yes, it’s my computer

( )8.Those oranges on the desk.

A、are B、is C、am

备用资料: 一、Read and understand The Seasons

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season has three months.

Spring is the first season of the year. In this part of the world, the spring months are March, April and May. In spring, the weather gets warmer and the fields turn green. This is a busy time for the peasants. Summer begins in June. Then come July and August. During the summer months, the plants and flowers are at their best.

Next come the autumn months: September, October and November. Autumn is a wonderful season. The fields are golden with crops. It is the time for harvest and the peasants are very busy.

Winter is the last season of the year. December, January and Febmary are the winter months, it is cold in winter. The days are short and the nights are long. In many places it snows. On New Year's Day, we wish each other a happy New Year.

Save water

Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can’t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home,

we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn’t it?


1.2.3.It’(meet) you.

4.(parent) are teachers.

5.What’(Jane) first name?


以“My Family”为题向你的同学介绍你的家庭,你的家庭成员中应有:爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、一个叔叔、一个姑姑、两个表弟、一个表妹。



东京印象 Tokyo is the capita1 of japan. Spring is the best time to visit Tokyo, especia11y in ear1y Apri1. Atthat time, peop1e can enjoy beautifu1 cherry b1ossoms and the city is most beautifu1. Autumn is a1so a good time to visit it, with its coo1 temperatures and many sunny days.Let' s see some famous p1aces of interest.

You can on1y visit the outskirts and the gardens unless you get an invite to tea.You can only go there on New Year's Day(January 2)and December 23(the Emperor's birthday).

The best place of the Imperial Palace is Edo-jo castle.

You can see Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck and most of Walt's other famous cartoon characters there.Both kids and grown-ups like it. Ueno-koen Park is a good place to see cherry blossoms and one of Tokyo's most crowded parks on Sundays.There are also many of Japan's largest museums in the park.






The Modern Dragon Boat Festival 现代端午节

Zong Zi 粽子

The traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival, Zong zi is a

glutinous rice ball, with a filling, wrapped in corn leaves. The fillings can be egg, beans, dates, fruits, sweet potato, walnuts, mushrooms, meat, or a combination of them. They are generally steamed. Talisman and Charms 符咒

Another aspect of the Double Fifth Day is the timing: at the

beginning of summer, when diseases are likely to strike, people also wear talisman to fend off evil spirits. They may hang the picture of Zhong Kui, guardian against evil spirits, on the door of their homes, as well. Adults may drink Xiong Huang Wine, and children carry fragrant silk pouches, all of which can prevent evil. It is said that if you can balance a raw egg on its end at exactly noon on Double Fifth Day, the rest of the year will be lucky.


c_ ntr_ (中心) r_ _ te(路线) p_ _m(诗歌) fo_ tpr_ nt(脚印)

rep_ _ter(记者) c_ tt_n(棉花) t_ pe(磁带) h_ ll_w(空的)

w_ rn_ng(警告) b_tt_ _(底部) r_bb_ r(抢劫犯) f_ el(燃料)


How often do you „?

1.I play computer games___________________(一周一次)

2.He goes swimming___________________(一周两次)

3.I go shopping ___________________(一个月三次)

4.I ___________ go climbing.(我从来不去爬山)

5.He ___________ goes to school on foot.(他总是走路去上学)

6.He___________ takes me as a child. (他总是把我当小孩)


A: B: It’s a watch.


B: W―A―T―C―H.

.It’s my watch.


Mr. Brown isn’t an old man. But he has a big family. There are

six people in his family. They are his parents, his wife, his son and


Mr. Brown’s father is from Canada. His mother is from America.

They don’t work now. They are at home every day. Mr. Brown works

in a TV factory (工厂) and his wife is an English teacher. Their

children-Kate and Mike are students. Mike’s grandpa and grandma

are under the tree. They are very happy.

( )1.Mr. Brown is old and has a big family.

( )2.Mr. Brown has two children.

( )3.Mr. Brown’s parents come from the samecountry(国家).

( )4.Mr. Brown’s wife is a worker.

( )5.Mike’s grandpa and grandma are workers, too.



2.Is that your backpack?(作否定回答)


4.This is an English book.(改为一般疑问句)


一、 单词连线

二、 情态动词专练

1. Cars, buses and bikes ______ stop when the traffic lights is red.

A. can B. must C. may D. need

2. --- Let's go dancing tonight.

--- Sorry, I ______. I have to go to a meeting.

A. mustn't B. may not C. needn't D. can't

3. A teacher ______ also make a mistake if he or she is not careful


A. must B. may C. should D. has to

4. She has been in China for several years. She ___be a big girl now.

A. need B. must C. can D. may

5. Ask the policeman over there. He ______ know the way to it.

A. has to B. could C. may D. need

6.__________ you help me carry the box?

A. must B. may C. would D.should

三、 看图填词。每空一词

1.What’s this?

It’s .


2.Is this a key?

3.What’s this?


4.Is this a pencil sharpener?

5.Yes, it is. (5)


(3) (2)

一、Read and understand

Water has no taste at all. Water has no color.

Water’s in the waterfall. The pump. The tap. The well.

Water is everywhere around us. Water is in the rain.

In the stream. In the pond.

And in the river. And in the sea again.


★equipment ●阳台

★breeze ●扶手椅

★raincoat ●医院

★accident ●微风

★armchair ●设备

★balcony ●雨衣

★hospital ●事故


1.them,some, travel, air, by, of


2.none, us, by, of, travel, bus


3.students, all, love, of, the, travelling.


4.city, beautiful,most, tourists,love, of, this, the


5. stronger, wind, became, the



What's this?

1. It’s a __________ 2. It’s a _________ 3. It’s a _________

What are these?


4. They’re tennis ______5. They’re __________. 6. They’re __________.

用little, a little, few, a few 完成以下表格

1. Her favorite subject is music.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ her favorite subject?

2. He likes biology because it's interesting.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________he ______ biology?

3. Does he like to play with his cat? (作否定回答)

______ , he ______ .

4. We have science on Tuesday and Thursday.(对划线部分提问)

______ science?

5. Mr Li is my favorite teacher. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ your favorite


( ( ( ( ( 二、排排队。

A. My name is Kate Green. B. Hello! I’m Jim Moore.

C. Nice to meet you, Kate.

D. What’s your name?

E. It’s 558-8065.

F. Nice to meet you, too.

G. What’s your phone number, Kate?


1. _______2. _______3. _______4. _______5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______


Name_______________ First name_________________ Last name________________ Telephone number_____________________

三、时态集中营:用shall, will, have, do, has填空

1.__________ we travel by underground?

2. All of us__________ go to the park this weekend.

3. I __________ already finished my homework.

4. I __________ not like playing football at all.

5. __________ she been abroad?


This is a picture of Mr Green’s family.There are four

people in the family.They are Mr Green,Mrs Green,Jim and

Kate.Look at the picture.We can see Jim is behind Mr

Green.Kate is behind Mrs Green Jim and Kate are

students.They go to the same school.Mr Green and Mrs Green

are teachers. They are good teachers.They go to woek by car.

( )1.Jim is Mrs Green’s son.

( )2.There are four people in Mr Green’s family.

( )3.Jim and Kate are not student.

( )4.Jim and Kate are in the same school.

( )5.Mr and Mrs Green go to work by bus.


father/2.______ uncle/3._______

daughter/6.________ 5._____/brother


=Father and mother,I love you.




His job was to give _________ to the _________.

2. 屈原擅长写诗。

Qu-yuan was very_________ _________writing poems.

3. 丹尼喜欢吃蛋糕。

Danny loves _________ _________.

4. 夏天花园里花更多。

In summer, there are _________ flowers in the garden.

5. 乘客现在不用买票。

Passengers do not buy _________ now。


The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year’s Day. It usually comes in F Everyone in China Spring Festival. When the Spring and do some shopping and other housework. On that day everyone in China jiaozi, New Year’s cakes and some other delicious food. Li Lei likes New Year’s cakes, but Lanlan says jiaozi is nicer than New Year’s cakes. The C people eat the New Year’s cakes and jiaozi in their houses. How hthey are!


四、 结构操练:根据自己的实际情况回答问题

How long does it take? –It takes me 30 minutes to do it.

1.How long does it take you to go to school everyday? ___________________________________________________

2.How long does it take you to have breakfast?


3.How long does it take to finish your homework at night? ___________________________________________________

4.How long does it take to watch television at night? ___________________________________________________






( )1.B、C、( )2. B、C、( )3.( )4.

( )5.B、B、 B、C、C、C、

1.If you have a headache, you should go to a ________________.

2.Beijing is the ________________of China.

3.You should take your ________________ when you go on the airplane.

4.When you are at home, you should help your parents do some_________.

5.I’d like to see a ________________ this weekend.


1.—Do you like bananas?

---No, I don’t like_______ (it) at all.

2. Peter likes_______ (play) basketball.

3. His mother_______(not) like French fries.

4. I like strawberry ice cream, but I don’t like_______ ( strawberry)

5. They like _______ (eat) hamburgers and carrots for lunch.


Mabel’s bedroom is very nice. In her bedroom you can see a bed, a table, a chair, a clock, a map, a picture, a cat and some flowers. The bed is yellow. The table and the chair are brown. The cat is brown and white. It’s under the table. The clock is black. It’s on the table. The door and the window are yellow. The map is a map of China. The picture is of her family. Both of them are one the wall.

Can you draw

a picture of Mabel’s bedroom and color it? 画出Mabel的房间,并涂上颜色


( )1.Thanks______________your help.



A、a her

A、an B、for B、It B、she B、a

B、in C、of C、These C、her C、the C、of ( )2.______________are his brothers. ( )3.That is______________ruler. ( )4.This is ______________eraser. ( )5.What’s this ______________ English? A、for

( )6.-Is this your mother?

-______________. This is my aunt.

A、No, it is B、No, it isn’t

A、aunt B、sister C、Yes, it is C、grandmother ( )7.My father’s mother is my .


1.他们喜欢骑自行车。(ride bycicles)






4.她买了许多条围巾。(plenty of)


5.真是浪费时间!(a waste of)


三、对划线部分提问 ___________ can you see when there is a gentle breeze? ___________ did Kitty and Ben stay? ___________do plants and animals need water?

___________ do we get from trees?

四、知识窗 protect the animals

SPCA=Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 防止虐待动物协会




二、Know yourself 根据自己的真实情况,完成下列句子


1 2 3

1. –What’s this ____________English?

--It is ______________.

2. –And what’s this? --It is _____________.

3. –Is this an eraser? --No, it __________. It’s _____________. --Is it __________pencil? --_____________, it’s my pencil.


Near our school there is a store. It’s____1___ but there’re ___2___of school things. Do___3___ like exercise books, erasers, pens ____4____ color pencils? They’re____5___. Big erasers are just one yuan____6_____ and the small one is 0.5yuan. The color pencils are just ____7___ 2yuan. I want the cartoon pencil sharpener. It is ____8_____ expensive ,either. I will take____9____. Do you want some school things for yourself? Just come ___10______ this store.

( )1. A. big B. small C. long

( )2. A. lots B. lot C. many

( )3. A.I B. they C. you

( )4. A. or B. and C. but

( )5. A. expensive B. cheap C. dear

( )6. A. one B. every C. each

( )7. A. for B. on C. in

( )8. A. not B. no C. /

( )9. A. them B. it C. that ( )10. A. for B. to C. down

五、 知识窗:常见国名、民族

Ireland----Irish爱尔兰 Austria----Austrian奥地利Australia----Australian澳大利亚 Belgium----Belgian比利时 Iceland----Icelandic冰岛 Poland----Polack波兰

Germany----German德国 Malaysia----Malaysian马来西亚 America----American美国 Mongolia----Mongolian蒙古 Mexico----Mexican墨西哥 Korea----Korean韩国

Japan----Japanese日本 Sweden----Swedish瑞典

Sweitzerland----Sweiss瑞士 Thailand----Thai泰国

Spain----Spanish西班牙 Singapore----Singaporean新加坡 Iraq----Iraqi伊拉克 Italy----Italian意大利

India----Indian印度 China----Chinese中国



一、你喜欢或不喜欢的的室内或室外运动(至少写三个) I love

But I hate

1.I have hamburgers for b_______.

2. Here are some tomatoes. Do you like t_______?

3.I like French f_______.

4. I have an ice c_______.

5. Children should(应当)eat lots of v_______

6.What do you have for d_______?

7.Zhou Jielun is a singing s________.

8.She eats h_______ food every day .

9.How m_______ apples do you have?

10. I’m going on a picnic with a group of f_______



一、What kind of things do you like? enjoy/love/like doing 根据自己的真实情况,至少写出三个句子


1.2.What’number? It’s 555-0192 3.. 4.My mother’. a girl.

9.’s black. 10.三、知识窗:wind

微风.breeze 大风. gale.

顺风. favorable wind 逆风. unfavorable wind.

侧风. beam wind. 后侧风. quarter wind ...

暴风.storm 狂暴的旋风.hurricane

旋风whirlwind 台风 typhoon

狂风. storm

飓风. hurricane.


Find the owner(

帮他们找到自己的物品,用线条连接) A: Look, what’s that? B: It’s a pencil case. Is it yours, Jane? A: No, it isn’t. Oh, I know, it’s Sue’s. That pen is Sue’s, too.

B: Is this her book? A: No, it’s my book. My name--―Jane‖ is on it. B: And is this your eraser?

A: No, this is Bill’s eraser. And what’s this, Sam?

B: It’s a ruler. It’s my ruler. What about this pencil?

A: That’s my pencil. B: Here you are. A: Thanks.

Sam Jane Bill Sue


If one of your relatives will come to your city to visit you, and ask you to make a timetable for them. What will you advise them to do? Fill in the table.


( )1.Are you Gina? A、Hello, Rose

B、Nice to meet you, too


D、Yes, I am

E、Thank you

F、Yes, it is

G、Fine, thanks ( )2.Is this your dictionary? ( )3.Good evening ( )4.What’s this in English? (

)5.How are you? ( )6.What’s your last name? ( )7.Hello, Mary

( )8.What’s your telephone number? H、It’s 6327569 ( )9.Nice to meet you

( )10.Sit down, please


I、It’s an orange J、Good evening

( )1.A、book B、ruler C、dictionary

( )2.Lucy’.

A、four eight two seven three six nine

B、four eight seven two three seven nine

C、four eight two three seven six nine

( )3.A、Lucy B、Tony C、Nick

( )4..

A、twelve B、eleven C、thirteen

( )5.Tony’.

A、687-5143 B、768-1543 C、867-5143


( )1.A、first B、last

( )2.How do you spell it? C、family

A、It’s a ruler B、A ruler C、R―U―L―E―R

( )3.―Is that a backpack?―.

A、Yes, it’s B、No, it is C、No, it isn’t

( )4.A、friend B、friends C、brother

( )5.―Are these clocks? ―A、they are B、these are C、it is

( )6.

A、family B、first C、number

( )7.―Is this her computer?


A、No, it’s his computer B、No, it’s a TV

C、Yes, it’s my computer

( )8.Those oranges on the desk.

A、are B、is C、am

备用资料: 一、Read and understand The Seasons

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season has three months.

Spring is the first season of the year. In this part of the world, the spring months are March, April and May. In spring, the weather gets warmer and the fields turn green. This is a busy time for the peasants. Summer begins in June. Then come July and August. During the summer months, the plants and flowers are at their best.

Next come the autumn months: September, October and November. Autumn is a wonderful season. The fields are golden with crops. It is the time for harvest and the peasants are very busy.

Winter is the last season of the year. December, January and Febmary are the winter months, it is cold in winter. The days are short and the nights are long. In many places it snows. On New Year's Day, we wish each other a happy New Year.

Save water

Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can’t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home,

we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn’t it?


1.2.3.It’(meet) you.

4.(parent) are teachers.

5.What’(Jane) first name?


以“My Family”为题向你的同学介绍你的家庭,你的家庭成员中应有:爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、一个叔叔、一个姑姑、两个表弟、一个表妹。



东京印象 Tokyo is the capita1 of japan. Spring is the best time to visit Tokyo, especia11y in ear1y Apri1. Atthat time, peop1e can enjoy beautifu1 cherry b1ossoms and the city is most beautifu1. Autumn is a1so a good time to visit it, with its coo1 temperatures and many sunny days.Let' s see some famous p1aces of interest.

You can on1y visit the outskirts and the gardens unless you get an invite to tea.You can only go there on New Year's Day(January 2)and December 23(the Emperor's birthday).

The best place of the Imperial Palace is Edo-jo castle.

You can see Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck and most of Walt's other famous cartoon characters there.Both kids and grown-ups like it. Ueno-koen Park is a good place to see cherry blossoms and one of Tokyo's most crowded parks on Sundays.There are also many of Japan's largest museums in the park.






The Modern Dragon Boat Festival 现代端午节

Zong Zi 粽子

The traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival, Zong zi is a

glutinous rice ball, with a filling, wrapped in corn leaves. The fillings can be egg, beans, dates, fruits, sweet potato, walnuts, mushrooms, meat, or a combination of them. They are generally steamed. Talisman and Charms 符咒

Another aspect of the Double Fifth Day is the timing: at the

beginning of summer, when diseases are likely to strike, people also wear talisman to fend off evil spirits. They may hang the picture of Zhong Kui, guardian against evil spirits, on the door of their homes, as well. Adults may drink Xiong Huang Wine, and children carry fragrant silk pouches, all of which can prevent evil. It is said that if you can balance a raw egg on its end at exactly noon on Double Fifth Day, the rest of the year will be lucky.


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