
Industrial revolution has brought the productivity development and economic prosperity, the rise of the population concentrated to the big industry city, straining urban land, land prices rose, continuously expand to the surrounding city, urban space still cramped. In order to build more smaller land scope to use area, building had to high altitude. Also is the fundamental cause of high-rise buildings. And the generation of high-rise building is the inevitable outcome of social development, both are interdependent and influence each other.

High-rise building has great effect on the city blocks. Only for its absolute size and population, to the centralization of the city blocks, and pedestrians on the street and the street itself has obvious importance. Because of its relative size and height, high-rise buildings around the city of the

existing environment and scales. Either independently or in urban environment, with the size of the building, the greater the effect. An unprecedented surge in increasing scale of high-rise building has caused the deterioration of environmental conditions, thus become the scourge of urban quality of life. High-rise buildings inserted into the urban environment, most of these deep canyons deprived urban residents in the city of light, sunshine, and natural ventilation, on city streets and its microclimate surroundings caused great influence, and this energy consumption is too large, large construction projects, such as air conditioning, heating and lighting needs large power supply, resulting in a large amount of heat, change the relationship between the city the original thermal balance, contributed to the urban heat island phenomenon, worsen the living conditions of the citizens.

In short, in the whole city environment, high-rise building plays a decisive role.


Industrial revolution has brought the productivity development and economic prosperity, the rise of the population concentrated to the big industry city, straining urban land, land prices rose, continuously expand to the surrounding city, urban space still cramped. In order to build more smaller land scope to use area, building had to high altitude. Also is the fundamental cause of high-rise buildings. And the generation of high-rise building is the inevitable outcome of social development, both are interdependent and influence each other.

High-rise building has great effect on the city blocks. Only for its absolute size and population, to the centralization of the city blocks, and pedestrians on the street and the street itself has obvious importance. Because of its relative size and height, high-rise buildings around the city of the

existing environment and scales. Either independently or in urban environment, with the size of the building, the greater the effect. An unprecedented surge in increasing scale of high-rise building has caused the deterioration of environmental conditions, thus become the scourge of urban quality of life. High-rise buildings inserted into the urban environment, most of these deep canyons deprived urban residents in the city of light, sunshine, and natural ventilation, on city streets and its microclimate surroundings caused great influence, and this energy consumption is too large, large construction projects, such as air conditioning, heating and lighting needs large power supply, resulting in a large amount of heat, change the relationship between the city the original thermal balance, contributed to the urban heat island phenomenon, worsen the living conditions of the citizens.

In short, in the whole city environment, high-rise building plays a decisive role.



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