
智课网IELTS 备考资料


摘要: 今天小编为大家带来的主要内容是关于雅思写作范文:看电视对孩子的影响,作为主流媒体电视对人们的影响很大,那电视对于孩子的影响到底有哪些呢,今天小编就为大家带来关于此的一篇英语范文,供大家参考。

雅思 写作范文:看电视对孩子的影响将为您用最经典的笔触来揭示看电视对孩子有哪些好的或者是坏的影响,希望大家能学习这篇文章的结构和语法。

Is watching TV harmful or beneficial for children’s creativity?

TV is an essential part of leisure activities in most families. However, some parents decide not to have a TV set in their homes, in order that their children will devote enough time to invention and creation.

Do you agree or disagree with this attitude?

The invention of television, one of the products of modern civilization, has made an enormous change in the lifestyle of human beings. TV has been playing more and more important role in most families after work. Yet, as to whether it is a blessing or a curse, parents often hold widely different opinions and take totally different attitudes.

There is suspicion in some parents’ minds that TV might retard their children’s creative ability or restrain kids’ imagination because TV viewers tend to receive information in a passive way instead of discovering things by

themselves. Although people working in the TV industry have made lots of efforts to produce various programs, the outcome is usually unsatisfactory: either the program is too profound to be understood or the topic is not interesting enough to attract TV audiences. Thus, watching TV is hardly a good way to inspire children’s creativity. In many cases, it can draw attention away from their studies and spoil their school education.(From:)

Despite the negative effects that TV produces, many parents still think that TV programs are quite helpful to their children’s mental development because these programs can broaden their horizons and enrich their life experiences. Admittedly, some scientific, detective and documental programs like Discovery and National Geographic are so enlightening and fascinating that even little kids can be absorbed in. Furthermore, some well-chosen programs can

motivate young children to diligent studies and in-depth researches. Hence, if parents can select TV programs carefully, the advantages brought about by watching TV definitely outweigh its disadvantages.

In summary, TV is like a double-edged sword that can be used in a positive or negative way. Parents can make their own decisions about whether to have TV at their houses. It is their responsibility to make sure that their children’s creativity is enhanced through watching TV.

今天主要为大家带来的是关于 雅思写作 范文:看电视对孩子的影响,以后还会为大家带来更多优秀的范文,希望大家能够持续关注 小马 过河雅思频道。





相关字搜索: 雅思写作材料

智课网IELTS 备考资料


摘要: 今天小编为大家带来的主要内容是关于雅思写作范文:看电视对孩子的影响,作为主流媒体电视对人们的影响很大,那电视对于孩子的影响到底有哪些呢,今天小编就为大家带来关于此的一篇英语范文,供大家参考。

雅思 写作范文:看电视对孩子的影响将为您用最经典的笔触来揭示看电视对孩子有哪些好的或者是坏的影响,希望大家能学习这篇文章的结构和语法。

Is watching TV harmful or beneficial for children’s creativity?

TV is an essential part of leisure activities in most families. However, some parents decide not to have a TV set in their homes, in order that their children will devote enough time to invention and creation.

Do you agree or disagree with this attitude?

The invention of television, one of the products of modern civilization, has made an enormous change in the lifestyle of human beings. TV has been playing more and more important role in most families after work. Yet, as to whether it is a blessing or a curse, parents often hold widely different opinions and take totally different attitudes.

There is suspicion in some parents’ minds that TV might retard their children’s creative ability or restrain kids’ imagination because TV viewers tend to receive information in a passive way instead of discovering things by

themselves. Although people working in the TV industry have made lots of efforts to produce various programs, the outcome is usually unsatisfactory: either the program is too profound to be understood or the topic is not interesting enough to attract TV audiences. Thus, watching TV is hardly a good way to inspire children’s creativity. In many cases, it can draw attention away from their studies and spoil their school education.(From:)

Despite the negative effects that TV produces, many parents still think that TV programs are quite helpful to their children’s mental development because these programs can broaden their horizons and enrich their life experiences. Admittedly, some scientific, detective and documental programs like Discovery and National Geographic are so enlightening and fascinating that even little kids can be absorbed in. Furthermore, some well-chosen programs can

motivate young children to diligent studies and in-depth researches. Hence, if parents can select TV programs carefully, the advantages brought about by watching TV definitely outweigh its disadvantages.

In summary, TV is like a double-edged sword that can be used in a positive or negative way. Parents can make their own decisions about whether to have TV at their houses. It is their responsibility to make sure that their children’s creativity is enhanced through watching TV.

今天主要为大家带来的是关于 雅思写作 范文:看电视对孩子的影响,以后还会为大家带来更多优秀的范文,希望大家能够持续关注 小马 过河雅思频道。





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