
摘 要


目 录

∙ 中文摘要及关键词 英文摘要及关键词 1. 引言 1.1 作者玛格丽特·米切尔的介绍 1.1.1 玛格丽特·米切尔的生平 1.1.2 玛格丽特·米切尔在美国文学界的地位 1.2 小说《飘》背景的介绍 1.3 小说《飘》内容的概述 2. 提出论点,揭示小说《飘》的魅力------斯嘉丽的“不完美”形象 3. 引用论证----斯嘉丽的双重性情 3.1 分析斯嘉丽双重性情之间的关系 3.1.1 矛盾复杂的双重性情 3.2 战前的幼稚、任性和自私、叛逆 3.2.1 分析其幼稚、任性的表现 3.2.2 分析其幼稚、任性的成因 3.2.3 分析其自私、叛逆的表现 3.2.4 分析其自私、叛逆的成因

∙ 3.3 战中的勇敢、坚强和吝啬、虚伪 3.3.1 分析其勇敢、坚强的表现 3.3.2 分析其勇敢、坚强的成因 3.3.3 分析其吝啬、虚伪的表现 3.3.4 分析其吝啬、虚伪的成因 3.4 战后的顽强、倔强和贪婪、卑鄙 3.4.1 分析其顽强、倔强的表现 3.4.2分析其顽强、倔强的成因 3.4.3 分析其贪婪、卑鄙的表现 3.4.4 分析其贪婪、卑鄙的成因 3.5 双重性情形成的成因 3.5.1 分析其家庭因素 3.5.2 分析其社会因素 4. 通过与中国文学作品----曹禺的《昭君出塞》进行对比,使观点更加突出鲜明 5. 阐述自己对女主人公斯嘉丽“不完美”形象的看法 6. 结论 结语 参考文献


1. 作者玛格丽特·米切尔的介绍

2. 小说《飘》的介绍


三:引用论证,分析斯嘉丽的不完美形象, 具体体现在斯嘉丽的双重性情上。本文从战前、战中、战后三个阶段分析了 斯嘉丽的双重性情。战前的自私叛逆,战中的勇敢坚强,同时又吝啬贪婪,战后的顽强奋斗,同时又精于算计。

1.战前的自私叛逆 分析其表现及成因

2.战中勇敢坚强和吝啬贪婪 分析其表现及成因



4, 分析斯嘉丽双重性情之间的关系。





American writer Margaret Mitchell's novel ----"Gone with the Wind" is a panoramic social novel which is written taking U.S.A War of north and south as historical

background, regarding southern social life as the living environment. The novel becomes literary world masterpiece, not only because of its complicated and touching plot , delicate and vivid characters' psychology and beautiful language , but also the characterization of the unconventional, breaking through the traditional good guys and bad guys in this good of this evil ideology. The article points out the charm of the book by analyzing the Heroine Scarlett’ s " imperfect" image and contrasting it with ''Zhaojun Departs the Frontier'' written by Caoyu.

1 Introduction 1介绍

1.1 Introduction to the Novelist 1小说家

1.2 Introduction to "Gone with the Wind"


2 Analysis of Scarlett O’Hara ’s "imperfect" image 2

2.1 Manifestations of Scarlett O’Hara ’s dual Personalities 斯嘉丽双重性格的表现

2.1.1Selfish and rebellious lady .

Manifestations of Scarlett O’Hara ’s Selfish and rebellious Personalities

2.1 .1.1Causes of Scarlett O’Hara ’s Selfish and rebellious Personalities 4 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Misfortunes and Sufferings 4

2.1.1 .1.2Influence of A Wide Range of Knowledge Accumulated at Lowood School 5 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Happiness 5

2.1.2Brave and strong matriarch of the war

Manifestations of Scarlett O’Hara ’s Brave and strong Personalities

2.3 Causes of Scarlett O’Hara ’s Brave and strong Personalities

Manifestations of Scarlett O’Hara ’s Brave and strong Personalities Influence of Jane Eyre’s Misfortunes and Sufferings 4

2.1.1 .1.2Influence of A Wide Range of Knowledge Accumulated at Lowood School 5 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Happiness 5

2.1.3 Skilled in calculating businesswomen of the post-war

3 Causes of Scarlett O’Hara ’s Skilled in calculating Personalities 6 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Misfortunes and Sufferings 4

2.1.1 .1.2Influence of A Wide Range of Knowledge Accumulated at Lowood School 5 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Happiness 5

3. Relation of Scarlett O’Hara ’s dual Personalities10

3.1 Contradiction 矛盾of Scarlett O’Hara ’s dual Personalities

3.2 Unity of of Scarlett O’Hara ’s dual Personalities

4. Comparison with the Chinese literature

5. Conclusion 11

摘 要


目 录

∙ 中文摘要及关键词 英文摘要及关键词 1. 引言 1.1 作者玛格丽特·米切尔的介绍 1.1.1 玛格丽特·米切尔的生平 1.1.2 玛格丽特·米切尔在美国文学界的地位 1.2 小说《飘》背景的介绍 1.3 小说《飘》内容的概述 2. 提出论点,揭示小说《飘》的魅力------斯嘉丽的“不完美”形象 3. 引用论证----斯嘉丽的双重性情 3.1 分析斯嘉丽双重性情之间的关系 3.1.1 矛盾复杂的双重性情 3.2 战前的幼稚、任性和自私、叛逆 3.2.1 分析其幼稚、任性的表现 3.2.2 分析其幼稚、任性的成因 3.2.3 分析其自私、叛逆的表现 3.2.4 分析其自私、叛逆的成因

∙ 3.3 战中的勇敢、坚强和吝啬、虚伪 3.3.1 分析其勇敢、坚强的表现 3.3.2 分析其勇敢、坚强的成因 3.3.3 分析其吝啬、虚伪的表现 3.3.4 分析其吝啬、虚伪的成因 3.4 战后的顽强、倔强和贪婪、卑鄙 3.4.1 分析其顽强、倔强的表现 3.4.2分析其顽强、倔强的成因 3.4.3 分析其贪婪、卑鄙的表现 3.4.4 分析其贪婪、卑鄙的成因 3.5 双重性情形成的成因 3.5.1 分析其家庭因素 3.5.2 分析其社会因素 4. 通过与中国文学作品----曹禺的《昭君出塞》进行对比,使观点更加突出鲜明 5. 阐述自己对女主人公斯嘉丽“不完美”形象的看法 6. 结论 结语 参考文献


1. 作者玛格丽特·米切尔的介绍

2. 小说《飘》的介绍


三:引用论证,分析斯嘉丽的不完美形象, 具体体现在斯嘉丽的双重性情上。本文从战前、战中、战后三个阶段分析了 斯嘉丽的双重性情。战前的自私叛逆,战中的勇敢坚强,同时又吝啬贪婪,战后的顽强奋斗,同时又精于算计。

1.战前的自私叛逆 分析其表现及成因

2.战中勇敢坚强和吝啬贪婪 分析其表现及成因



4, 分析斯嘉丽双重性情之间的关系。





American writer Margaret Mitchell's novel ----"Gone with the Wind" is a panoramic social novel which is written taking U.S.A War of north and south as historical

background, regarding southern social life as the living environment. The novel becomes literary world masterpiece, not only because of its complicated and touching plot , delicate and vivid characters' psychology and beautiful language , but also the characterization of the unconventional, breaking through the traditional good guys and bad guys in this good of this evil ideology. The article points out the charm of the book by analyzing the Heroine Scarlett’ s " imperfect" image and contrasting it with ''Zhaojun Departs the Frontier'' written by Caoyu.

1 Introduction 1介绍

1.1 Introduction to the Novelist 1小说家

1.2 Introduction to "Gone with the Wind"


2 Analysis of Scarlett O’Hara ’s "imperfect" image 2

2.1 Manifestations of Scarlett O’Hara ’s dual Personalities 斯嘉丽双重性格的表现

2.1.1Selfish and rebellious lady .

Manifestations of Scarlett O’Hara ’s Selfish and rebellious Personalities

2.1 .1.1Causes of Scarlett O’Hara ’s Selfish and rebellious Personalities 4 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Misfortunes and Sufferings 4

2.1.1 .1.2Influence of A Wide Range of Knowledge Accumulated at Lowood School 5 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Happiness 5

2.1.2Brave and strong matriarch of the war

Manifestations of Scarlett O’Hara ’s Brave and strong Personalities

2.3 Causes of Scarlett O’Hara ’s Brave and strong Personalities

Manifestations of Scarlett O’Hara ’s Brave and strong Personalities Influence of Jane Eyre’s Misfortunes and Sufferings 4

2.1.1 .1.2Influence of A Wide Range of Knowledge Accumulated at Lowood School 5 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Happiness 5

2.1.3 Skilled in calculating businesswomen of the post-war

3 Causes of Scarlett O’Hara ’s Skilled in calculating Personalities 6 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Misfortunes and Sufferings 4

2.1.1 .1.2Influence of A Wide Range of Knowledge Accumulated at Lowood School 5 Influence of Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Happiness 5

3. Relation of Scarlett O’Hara ’s dual Personalities10

3.1 Contradiction 矛盾of Scarlett O’Hara ’s dual Personalities

3.2 Unity of of Scarlett O’Hara ’s dual Personalities

4. Comparison with the Chinese literature

5. Conclusion 11


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