

Unit 1

(Lesson 1&2)

Culture Background


Drama is a story. Actors

act a drama

in words and actions. We call most dramas plays.

Actors act them on a stage in front of people. They often act them in a theatre. You

can also watch drama on the television and in the cinema, or listen to it on the radio.

| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版





| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版




| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版





1. film, I, enjoyed, the interesting

2. the news, I, listened to

3. games, played, the, the children, interesting

4. the man, the piano, play, can

5. we, homework, do , the

6. a, new, school, built, they

7. a, tree, he planted, little

| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版


8. music, I, like


9. she, a letter, from her brother, received

10. the door, he, opened

Words and Phrases

private adj. belonging to somebody, personal, not public 私人的

conversation n. an informal talk 谈话

theatre n. a place with a stage where you can see plays 剧场,戏院

seat n. a place where you can sit


play n. a show or drama in a theatre 戏

enjoy v. to get pleasure from something 享受,欣赏

attention n. action of noticing something or somebody 注意

| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版



pay attention (to somebody/something) listen, look, think carefully 注意

turn round 转身

bear (bore / born) v. endure, stand 容忍

business n. matter, affair 事


Multiple choice.

1. We are so lucky. We had good ____ of Leehong Wang’s live concert. A. chairs

B. places

C. seats

D. sit

2. They got divorced (离婚) because she could not ____ her husband’s bad habit. A. bet

B. beat

C. bear

D. beer

3. -- You should not lie to others. -- It is _____ of your business! A. none

B. not

C. no D. nor

4. He has told his friends that he wins lottery, but will not admit it _____. A. in private

B. in secret

C. in public D. in conversation

5. Sam waved his hand to catch my _____. A. look B. attention

| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版

C. watch D. eye




1. say it again 2. funny, or amusing 3. an informal talk 4. Here you can see a play. 5. Only a few people know it. And it is not public.

Lesson 2 get



r i c t p

lunchtime n. the time when people usually eat lunch 午饭时间

look out of 从……朝外看

outside adv. not inside; outdoor 外面

ring (rang / rung) v. the bell or telephone that makes a sound (铃,电话等)响

aunt n . sister of one's father or mother 姑,姨,婶,舅母

repeat v. say something again 重复

arrive v. reach a place 到达

until prep. up to the time when 直到……时候

Fill in the blanks with wrods above.

1. I sometimes stay in bed lunchtime.


2. I looked out of the window. It was dark 3. Aunt Lucy has just 4. Do you 5. I by train.

so late? It’s one o’clock.

my answer three times, but he couldn’t understand.


6. Just then, the telephone | 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版


Be prepared for PET


Listen and answer the questions.

1. What is the telephone number to call?

PET (Preliminary English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第二级,是终生有效的英语能力证明。PET 考核考生的实用英语技能,无论是对于学习还是工作,PET 考试都能促进考生语言能力的发展,并为希望参加剑桥第一证书英语考试(FCE)的考生打下坚实基础。

2. Is there anyone answer the phone? Why?



1. ( ) ( ) ( )

2. Last week ,

( ) ( ) ( )

3. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

behind me. ( ) ( ) loudly. ( ) ( )

| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版


( ) ( ) ( ) 7. Last Sunday very late.

( ) ( )


8. Just then,

( ) ( )

9. by train. ( ) ( )

10. sometimes in bed until lunchtime. ( )

( )


1. the papers, into the box, he, threw

2. hides, Mrs. Jones, her money

3. I, some money, left

4. the phone, Tom, woke, up

5. some food, you, eat, should

Fill in the blanks.

1. Can you 2. He waited your question?

she had finished speaking. that his friends laugh at him too.


3. He could not 4. She slammed the telephone down 5. Morris has a

jet. No one else can use it.

Recite Lesson 1 and 2.

| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版



Unit 1

(Lesson 1&2)

Culture Background


Drama is a story. Actors

act a drama

in words and actions. We call most dramas plays.

Actors act them on a stage in front of people. They often act them in a theatre. You

can also watch drama on the television and in the cinema, or listen to it on the radio.

| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版





| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版




| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版





1. film, I, enjoyed, the interesting

2. the news, I, listened to

3. games, played, the, the children, interesting

4. the man, the piano, play, can

5. we, homework, do , the

6. a, new, school, built, they

7. a, tree, he planted, little

| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版


8. music, I, like


9. she, a letter, from her brother, received

10. the door, he, opened

Words and Phrases

private adj. belonging to somebody, personal, not public 私人的

conversation n. an informal talk 谈话

theatre n. a place with a stage where you can see plays 剧场,戏院

seat n. a place where you can sit


play n. a show or drama in a theatre 戏

enjoy v. to get pleasure from something 享受,欣赏

attention n. action of noticing something or somebody 注意

| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版



pay attention (to somebody/something) listen, look, think carefully 注意

turn round 转身

bear (bore / born) v. endure, stand 容忍

business n. matter, affair 事


Multiple choice.

1. We are so lucky. We had good ____ of Leehong Wang’s live concert. A. chairs

B. places

C. seats

D. sit

2. They got divorced (离婚) because she could not ____ her husband’s bad habit. A. bet

B. beat

C. bear

D. beer

3. -- You should not lie to others. -- It is _____ of your business! A. none

B. not

C. no D. nor

4. He has told his friends that he wins lottery, but will not admit it _____. A. in private

B. in secret

C. in public D. in conversation

5. Sam waved his hand to catch my _____. A. look B. attention

| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版

C. watch D. eye




1. say it again 2. funny, or amusing 3. an informal talk 4. Here you can see a play. 5. Only a few people know it. And it is not public.

Lesson 2 get



r i c t p

lunchtime n. the time when people usually eat lunch 午饭时间

look out of 从……朝外看

outside adv. not inside; outdoor 外面

ring (rang / rung) v. the bell or telephone that makes a sound (铃,电话等)响

aunt n . sister of one's father or mother 姑,姨,婶,舅母

repeat v. say something again 重复

arrive v. reach a place 到达

until prep. up to the time when 直到……时候

Fill in the blanks with wrods above.

1. I sometimes stay in bed lunchtime.


2. I looked out of the window. It was dark 3. Aunt Lucy has just 4. Do you 5. I by train.

so late? It’s one o’clock.

my answer three times, but he couldn’t understand.


6. Just then, the telephone | 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版


Be prepared for PET


Listen and answer the questions.

1. What is the telephone number to call?

PET (Preliminary English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第二级,是终生有效的英语能力证明。PET 考核考生的实用英语技能,无论是对于学习还是工作,PET 考试都能促进考生语言能力的发展,并为希望参加剑桥第一证书英语考试(FCE)的考生打下坚实基础。

2. Is there anyone answer the phone? Why?



1. ( ) ( ) ( )

2. Last week ,

( ) ( ) ( )

3. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

behind me. ( ) ( ) loudly. ( ) ( )

| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版


( ) ( ) ( ) 7. Last Sunday very late.

( ) ( )


8. Just then,

( ) ( )

9. by train. ( ) ( )

10. sometimes in bed until lunchtime. ( )

( )


1. the papers, into the box, he, threw

2. hides, Mrs. Jones, her money

3. I, some money, left

4. the phone, Tom, woke, up

5. some food, you, eat, should

Fill in the blanks.

1. Can you 2. He waited your question?

she had finished speaking. that his friends laugh at him too.


3. He could not 4. She slammed the telephone down 5. Morris has a

jet. No one else can use it.

Recite Lesson 1 and 2.

| 新二 1-24 | 第1讲 学生版



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