
第33期 答案区



Task1: 1-6 GBDAEC

Task2: 1-4 CBDA

Task3: 1. successful 2. about 3. interesting

4. drew 5. even 6. called 7. provided

Task4: 1-7 DACBDBC


1. She began to write stories in her notebooks and on small pieces of paper.

2. To encourage all of her students to love to write.

3. Four/4.

4. No, she doesn’t.

5. Anyone can be a writer.



1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D


Ⅰ. 1-5 DFEBC

Ⅱ. 6-10 CDACB 11-15 ABACD

Ⅲ. 16-20 TTFFF

Ⅳ. 21. blood 22. mountains 23. fresh

24. plants 25. nature

Ⅴ. 26-30 CACBD 31-35 ADBAC 36-40 DCDBA Ⅵ. 41-46 CADGEB

Ⅶ. 47. daily 48. scientist 49. chemistry

50. foolish 51. politely 52. product

53. danger 54. explanation

Ⅷ. 55. didn’t; until 56. that; goes 57. enough; win

58. How do 59. does she

Ⅸ. A. 60-65 AACDBC

B. 66-72 BADADCA

C. 73. reasons 74. show 75. better 76. danger

77. without 78. excited 79. taken

D. 80. No, he didn’t.

81. He sold magazines.

82. They were on the table in the old man’s house.

83. Because no one had given him a gift.

84. He brought his pet dog to visit the old man every week.

85. Kind / Helpful / Friendly. (Any reasonable answer is accepted.)


Protecting the environment

The environment is all the things around us. In the past, the environment was quite good, but nowadays it is becoming worse and worse because people do a lot to pollute the environment. People leave rubbish everywhere and they pour dirty water into the sea. What’s more, the factories release heavy smoke into the air. So I think it’s time for people to save the environment. We should stop polluting the water, the land and the air to make ourselves live in a nice environment.



1. decision 2. store 3. collection 4. education


Ⅴ. 26-30 CABDB 31-35 CDABD 36-40 ACBCD Ⅵ. 41-46 CGBDAF

Ⅶ. 47. educate 48. latest 49. decision

50. chemistry 51. reporter 52. librarian

53. users 54. freely

Ⅷ. 55. not stay 56. How long 57. so that

58. doesn’t he 59. as well

第33期 答案区



Task1: 1-6 GBDAEC

Task2: 1-4 CBDA

Task3: 1. successful 2. about 3. interesting

4. drew 5. even 6. called 7. provided

Task4: 1-7 DACBDBC


1. She began to write stories in her notebooks and on small pieces of paper.

2. To encourage all of her students to love to write.

3. Four/4.

4. No, she doesn’t.

5. Anyone can be a writer.



1. C 2. C 3. A 4. D


Ⅰ. 1-5 DFEBC

Ⅱ. 6-10 CDACB 11-15 ABACD

Ⅲ. 16-20 TTFFF

Ⅳ. 21. blood 22. mountains 23. fresh

24. plants 25. nature

Ⅴ. 26-30 CACBD 31-35 ADBAC 36-40 DCDBA Ⅵ. 41-46 CADGEB

Ⅶ. 47. daily 48. scientist 49. chemistry

50. foolish 51. politely 52. product

53. danger 54. explanation

Ⅷ. 55. didn’t; until 56. that; goes 57. enough; win

58. How do 59. does she

Ⅸ. A. 60-65 AACDBC

B. 66-72 BADADCA

C. 73. reasons 74. show 75. better 76. danger

77. without 78. excited 79. taken

D. 80. No, he didn’t.

81. He sold magazines.

82. They were on the table in the old man’s house.

83. Because no one had given him a gift.

84. He brought his pet dog to visit the old man every week.

85. Kind / Helpful / Friendly. (Any reasonable answer is accepted.)


Protecting the environment

The environment is all the things around us. In the past, the environment was quite good, but nowadays it is becoming worse and worse because people do a lot to pollute the environment. People leave rubbish everywhere and they pour dirty water into the sea. What’s more, the factories release heavy smoke into the air. So I think it’s time for people to save the environment. We should stop polluting the water, the land and the air to make ourselves live in a nice environment.



1. decision 2. store 3. collection 4. education


Ⅴ. 26-30 CABDB 31-35 CDABD 36-40 ACBCD Ⅵ. 41-46 CGBDAF

Ⅶ. 47. educate 48. latest 49. decision

50. chemistry 51. reporter 52. librarian

53. users 54. freely

Ⅷ. 55. not stay 56. How long 57. so that

58. doesn’t he 59. as well


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