压力性尿失禁(stress urinary incontinence,SUI)是指喷
朱兰,100730 中国医学科学院北京协和医院妇产科,Email: zhu_julie@ sina.com
@@[1] Agur W, Housami F, Drake M, et at. Could the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines on urodynamics in urinary incontinence put some women at risk of a bad outcome from stress incontinence surgery? BJU Int, 2009, 103:635-639.
@@[2] Renganathan A, Duckett J, Nayak K. Female urinary
incontinence-urodynamics: yes or no? J Obstet Gynaecol, 2009,
@@[3] Abrams P, Andersson KE, Brubaker L. Recommendations of the
International Scientific Committee: evaluation and treatment of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and faecal
incontinence//Abrams P, Cardozo L, Khoury S, et al. Incontinence. 3rd ed. Paris: Health Publications Ltd, 2005:
@@[4] National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Urinary incontinence: the management of urinary incontinence in women
(NICE clinical guideline 40. 2006 ) [EB/OL]. [ 2011-06-01 ].
@@[5] Freeman RM. Initial management of stress urinary incontinence: pelvic floor muscle training and duloxetine. BJOG, 2006, 113
Suppl 1 :10-16.
@@[6] Hay-Smith EJ, Bφ Berghmans LC, Hendriks HJ, et at. Pelvic
floor muscle training for urinary incontinence in women. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev, 2001, 1 :CD001407.
@@[7] Wilson PD, Bo K, Bourcier A, et at. Conservative management in women//Abrams P, Khoury S, Wein A. Incontinence. Paris:
Health Publications Ltd, 1999:579-636.
南(2007)[ EB/OL].[2011-06-01]. http://www.bethune.net.
@@[9] Leach GE, Dmochowski RR, Appell RA, et al. Female Stress
Urinary Incontinence Clinical Guidelines Panel summary report on
surgical management of female stress urinary incontinence. J Urol,
1997, 158: 875-880.
@@[10] Dmoohowski RR, Blaivas JM, Gormley EA, et al. Update of
A U Ai gnuciodenltinien eonn cthee. suJr giUcraol lm,a na2g0em1e0n,t o1f 8f3e:ma1l9e0 s6t-r1es9s1 u4r.
Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology2011,46(10)
1. Renganathan A;Duckett J;Nayak K Female urinary incontinence-urodynamics:yes or no[外文期刊] 2009
2. Dmoohowski RR;Blaivas JM;Gormley EA Update of AUA guideline on the surgical management of female stress urinaryincontinence 2010
3. Agur W;Housami F;Drake M;et at Could the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines onurodynamics in urinary incontinence put some women at risk of a bad outcome from stress incontinence surgery[外文期刊] 2009(5)
4. Leach GE;Dmochowski RR;Appell RA Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Clinical Guidelines Panel summary report onsurgical management of female stress urinary incontinence 19975. 中华医学会泌尿外科学分会 女性压力性尿失禁诊断治疗指南(2007) 20116. Wilson PD;Bo K;Bourcier A;et at Conservative management in women 1999
7. Hay-Smith EJ;Bφ Berghmans LC;Hendriks HJ;et at Pelvic floor muscle training for urinary incontinence in women2001
8. Freeman RM Initial management of stress urinary incontinence:pelvic floor muscle training and duloxetine[外文期刊] 2006(Suppl 1)
9. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Urinary incontinence:the management of urinaryincontinence in women (NICE clinical guideline 40.2006) 2011
10. Abrams P;Andersson KE;Brubaker L Recommendations of the International Scientific Committee:evaluation andtreatment of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and faecal incontinence 2005
1. 中华医学会妇产科学分会内分泌学组. 田秦杰 闭经诊断与治疗指南(试行)[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(9)2. 郎景和 精心医疗实践提高诊治水平:妇产科的诊治陷阱和对策[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(10)
3. 曲首辉. 时春艳. 陈倩. 陈俊雅. 孙伟杰. 孙瑜. 张潇潇. 范丽欣. 杨慧霞. QU Shou-hui. SHI Chun-yan. CHEN Qian. CHEN Jun-ya. SUN Wei-jie . SUN Yu. ZHANG Xiao-xiao. FAN Li-xin. YANG Hui-xia 孕中、晚期孕妇子宫颈长度测量对早产的预测价值[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(10)
4. 孔北华. Wen-xin ZHENG 重视卵巢癌的二元论模型与卵巢外起源新说[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(10)5. 张静. 郭晓青. Jing-songLIU 卵巢浆液性癌的两级分级系统及其临床意义[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(10)6. 中华医学会妇产科学分会感染性疾病协作组 滴虫阴道炎诊治指南(草案)[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(4)7. 中华医学会妇产科学分会感染性疾病协作组 细菌性阴道病诊治指南(草案)[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(4)8. 中华医学会妇产科学分会感染性疾病协作组 妇产科抗生素使用指南[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(3)9. 中华医学会计划生育学分会 人工流产后计划生育服务指南[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(4)
10. 中华医学会妇产科学分会产科学组 妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症诊疗指南(第1版)[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(5)
压力性尿失禁(stress urinary incontinence,SUI)是指喷
朱兰,100730 中国医学科学院北京协和医院妇产科,Email: zhu_julie@ sina.com
@@[1] Agur W, Housami F, Drake M, et at. Could the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines on urodynamics in urinary incontinence put some women at risk of a bad outcome from stress incontinence surgery? BJU Int, 2009, 103:635-639.
@@[2] Renganathan A, Duckett J, Nayak K. Female urinary
incontinence-urodynamics: yes or no? J Obstet Gynaecol, 2009,
@@[3] Abrams P, Andersson KE, Brubaker L. Recommendations of the
International Scientific Committee: evaluation and treatment of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and faecal
incontinence//Abrams P, Cardozo L, Khoury S, et al. Incontinence. 3rd ed. Paris: Health Publications Ltd, 2005:
@@[4] National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Urinary incontinence: the management of urinary incontinence in women
(NICE clinical guideline 40. 2006 ) [EB/OL]. [ 2011-06-01 ].
@@[5] Freeman RM. Initial management of stress urinary incontinence: pelvic floor muscle training and duloxetine. BJOG, 2006, 113
Suppl 1 :10-16.
@@[6] Hay-Smith EJ, Bφ Berghmans LC, Hendriks HJ, et at. Pelvic
floor muscle training for urinary incontinence in women. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev, 2001, 1 :CD001407.
@@[7] Wilson PD, Bo K, Bourcier A, et at. Conservative management in women//Abrams P, Khoury S, Wein A. Incontinence. Paris:
Health Publications Ltd, 1999:579-636.
南(2007)[ EB/OL].[2011-06-01]. http://www.bethune.net.
@@[9] Leach GE, Dmochowski RR, Appell RA, et al. Female Stress
Urinary Incontinence Clinical Guidelines Panel summary report on
surgical management of female stress urinary incontinence. J Urol,
1997, 158: 875-880.
@@[10] Dmoohowski RR, Blaivas JM, Gormley EA, et al. Update of
A U Ai gnuciodenltinien eonn cthee. suJr giUcraol lm,a na2g0em1e0n,t o1f 8f3e:ma1l9e0 s6t-r1es9s1 u4r.
Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology2011,46(10)
1. Renganathan A;Duckett J;Nayak K Female urinary incontinence-urodynamics:yes or no[外文期刊] 2009
2. Dmoohowski RR;Blaivas JM;Gormley EA Update of AUA guideline on the surgical management of female stress urinaryincontinence 2010
3. Agur W;Housami F;Drake M;et at Could the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines onurodynamics in urinary incontinence put some women at risk of a bad outcome from stress incontinence surgery[外文期刊] 2009(5)
4. Leach GE;Dmochowski RR;Appell RA Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Clinical Guidelines Panel summary report onsurgical management of female stress urinary incontinence 19975. 中华医学会泌尿外科学分会 女性压力性尿失禁诊断治疗指南(2007) 20116. Wilson PD;Bo K;Bourcier A;et at Conservative management in women 1999
7. Hay-Smith EJ;Bφ Berghmans LC;Hendriks HJ;et at Pelvic floor muscle training for urinary incontinence in women2001
8. Freeman RM Initial management of stress urinary incontinence:pelvic floor muscle training and duloxetine[外文期刊] 2006(Suppl 1)
9. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Urinary incontinence:the management of urinaryincontinence in women (NICE clinical guideline 40.2006) 2011
10. Abrams P;Andersson KE;Brubaker L Recommendations of the International Scientific Committee:evaluation andtreatment of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and faecal incontinence 2005
1. 中华医学会妇产科学分会内分泌学组. 田秦杰 闭经诊断与治疗指南(试行)[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(9)2. 郎景和 精心医疗实践提高诊治水平:妇产科的诊治陷阱和对策[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(10)
3. 曲首辉. 时春艳. 陈倩. 陈俊雅. 孙伟杰. 孙瑜. 张潇潇. 范丽欣. 杨慧霞. QU Shou-hui. SHI Chun-yan. CHEN Qian. CHEN Jun-ya. SUN Wei-jie . SUN Yu. ZHANG Xiao-xiao. FAN Li-xin. YANG Hui-xia 孕中、晚期孕妇子宫颈长度测量对早产的预测价值[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(10)
4. 孔北华. Wen-xin ZHENG 重视卵巢癌的二元论模型与卵巢外起源新说[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(10)5. 张静. 郭晓青. Jing-songLIU 卵巢浆液性癌的两级分级系统及其临床意义[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(10)6. 中华医学会妇产科学分会感染性疾病协作组 滴虫阴道炎诊治指南(草案)[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(4)7. 中华医学会妇产科学分会感染性疾病协作组 细菌性阴道病诊治指南(草案)[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(4)8. 中华医学会妇产科学分会感染性疾病协作组 妇产科抗生素使用指南[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(3)9. 中华医学会计划生育学分会 人工流产后计划生育服务指南[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(4)
10. 中华医学会妇产科学分会产科学组 妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症诊疗指南(第1版)[期刊论文]-中华妇产科杂志2011,46(5)