

Listen Read Learn

May: Aunt Cindy, do you shop online often?

Cindy: Yes. It’s very convenient and the price is even lower.

May: Last week, I tried to buy some books online, but I didn’t know how to pay for them?

Cindy: You should open an account at the online bank first. After that, you can buy anything online.

May: Are there many things online?

Cindy: Sure. You can find everything all over the world. Let’s check it out online!

(They log in a shopping web site.)

May: Oh, what’s this? Second-hand cellphone store?

Cindy: Yeah, this one is very famous with a good credit among on-line customers. It’s like an open free market. If you want to change your cellphone for a new one, you can sell the old one here.

May: Really? How to do that?

Cindy: Take some pictures of the thing you want to sell, then upload it onto line with a brief description about it and leave your connecting number. Then your stuff will be sold by auction. May: That’s amazing. I’d love to try it later. Oh, an on-line virtual supermarket?

Cindy: Let’s click to check it out.

May: Oh, I got it. It simulates the real supermarket, which makes it feel so real. Mom will love it. She loves shopping in supermarkets.

Cindy: No doubt about it. Shopping online will get more and more popular. It’s a real revolution about people’s consuming habits.

May: Are there any disadvantages about it?

Cindy: It takes some time for the stuff you buy online to arrive. But I think this problem will be solved soon.


阿美: 辛迪阿姨,你经常在网上购物吗?

辛迪: 是啊。这很方便而且价格还更加便宜呢。

阿美: 上周,我试着在网上买几本书,却不知道该怎么付钱。

辛迪: 你得先在网上银行开一个账户。然后,你就可以上网买东西了。

阿美: 网上的商品多吗?

辛迪: 当然了。你能买到全世界所有的东西。我们来上网看看吧。


阿美: 哦,这是什么?二手手机商店?

辛迪: 是啊,这家店很有名,它在网上顾客中有很好声誉。它就像是一个开放的市场。如果你想换一个新的手机,你可以到这里来把你的旧手机卖掉。

阿美: 真的吗?怎么卖呢?

辛迪: 先给你要卖的东西拍几张照片,把照片上传到网上,再附上物品的简要说明和你的联系方式,这样你的东西就会按照拍卖的方式在这里出售了。

阿美: 这真是太棒了。我以后一定要试一试。哦,有个网上虚拟超市?

辛迪: 我们点击进去看看。

阿美: 哦,明白了。它是仿照了真的超市,这使它像真的一样。我妈妈会很喜欢的。她最爱逛超市了。

辛迪: 毫无疑问。网上购物会越来越流行的。这是人们消费习惯上的一场真正的革命。 阿美: 那它有什么不足呢?

辛迪: 你在网上买的东西需要一点时间才能到你手中。不过我想这个问题很快就会被解决的。

经典背诵 Recitation

Cindy: I like shopping online largely because it’s very convenient and the price can even be lower. Moreover, there are many secondhand stores online too. So you can even sell your own stuff too. The only problem is that it takes some time for the stuff you buy online to arrive. But it’s for sure that this problem will be solved soon. So there is no doubt that shopping online will get more and more popular in the future.


online 在线

log in 登陆

upload vt. 上传

auction n. 拍卖

virtual adj. 虚拟的

click vi. 点击

Functional structure 功能性句型扩展



…be going to do… ……打算……

…will go… ……将……

…plan(s) to do… ……计划……

…intend(s) to do… ……打算……


Listen Read Learn

May: Aunt Cindy, do you shop online often?

Cindy: Yes. It’s very convenient and the price is even lower.

May: Last week, I tried to buy some books online, but I didn’t know how to pay for them?

Cindy: You should open an account at the online bank first. After that, you can buy anything online.

May: Are there many things online?

Cindy: Sure. You can find everything all over the world. Let’s check it out online!

(They log in a shopping web site.)

May: Oh, what’s this? Second-hand cellphone store?

Cindy: Yeah, this one is very famous with a good credit among on-line customers. It’s like an open free market. If you want to change your cellphone for a new one, you can sell the old one here.

May: Really? How to do that?

Cindy: Take some pictures of the thing you want to sell, then upload it onto line with a brief description about it and leave your connecting number. Then your stuff will be sold by auction. May: That’s amazing. I’d love to try it later. Oh, an on-line virtual supermarket?

Cindy: Let’s click to check it out.

May: Oh, I got it. It simulates the real supermarket, which makes it feel so real. Mom will love it. She loves shopping in supermarkets.

Cindy: No doubt about it. Shopping online will get more and more popular. It’s a real revolution about people’s consuming habits.

May: Are there any disadvantages about it?

Cindy: It takes some time for the stuff you buy online to arrive. But I think this problem will be solved soon.


阿美: 辛迪阿姨,你经常在网上购物吗?

辛迪: 是啊。这很方便而且价格还更加便宜呢。

阿美: 上周,我试着在网上买几本书,却不知道该怎么付钱。

辛迪: 你得先在网上银行开一个账户。然后,你就可以上网买东西了。

阿美: 网上的商品多吗?

辛迪: 当然了。你能买到全世界所有的东西。我们来上网看看吧。


阿美: 哦,这是什么?二手手机商店?

辛迪: 是啊,这家店很有名,它在网上顾客中有很好声誉。它就像是一个开放的市场。如果你想换一个新的手机,你可以到这里来把你的旧手机卖掉。

阿美: 真的吗?怎么卖呢?

辛迪: 先给你要卖的东西拍几张照片,把照片上传到网上,再附上物品的简要说明和你的联系方式,这样你的东西就会按照拍卖的方式在这里出售了。

阿美: 这真是太棒了。我以后一定要试一试。哦,有个网上虚拟超市?

辛迪: 我们点击进去看看。

阿美: 哦,明白了。它是仿照了真的超市,这使它像真的一样。我妈妈会很喜欢的。她最爱逛超市了。

辛迪: 毫无疑问。网上购物会越来越流行的。这是人们消费习惯上的一场真正的革命。 阿美: 那它有什么不足呢?

辛迪: 你在网上买的东西需要一点时间才能到你手中。不过我想这个问题很快就会被解决的。

经典背诵 Recitation

Cindy: I like shopping online largely because it’s very convenient and the price can even be lower. Moreover, there are many secondhand stores online too. So you can even sell your own stuff too. The only problem is that it takes some time for the stuff you buy online to arrive. But it’s for sure that this problem will be solved soon. So there is no doubt that shopping online will get more and more popular in the future.


online 在线

log in 登陆

upload vt. 上传

auction n. 拍卖

virtual adj. 虚拟的

click vi. 点击

Functional structure 功能性句型扩展



…be going to do… ……打算……

…will go… ……将……

…plan(s) to do… ……计划……

…intend(s) to do… ……打算……


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