重庆大足石刻英语导游词 1


Dazu Rock Carvings in Chongqing guides English words

Good friends are welcome to visit the Dazu rock carvings.

Dazu rock carvings, was built in the first year of Tang 6th (650), through the Five Dynasties period, compared to the 1097-1138, remnants until Ming and Qing, China advanced stone works of art. Dazu Rock Carvings in Chongqing Municipality is Dazu County Cliff main performance figures of the grotto art known.Is published for the heritage conservation units Cliff figures up to 75, more than 50,000 body statue, inscriptions 10 million characters.Which, in the northern mountains, Grotto Mountain, Nanshan, Stone Fragrance Hill, Cliff Shimenshan most prevalent characteristics.Dazu Rock Carvings on December 1, 1999 by the UNESCO as a cultural heritage on the World Heritage List.

Beishan stone statues in Beishan Cliff Dazu County, Longgang Town of 1.5 km and Tang drilled in the first year of King Fuk Shaoxing 31 years to the Southern Song Dynasty (892 -1162), through numbered 290, figures of 10,000, with carving delicate, exquisite, elegant known world. Yuerlian to Songyilian display of the late Tang Chinese folk belief and Buddhist grotto art style of the development and change, Hailed as the Tang and Song stone art museum.Skyline Late Tang sculptures graceful fullness, temperament knew ends finer go about in body-fitted with Tang legacy.In particular resolution 245 Amitayur-Buddhist disguised as rich, structured, engraved with the figure Category 539, all kinds of shapes more than 460 pieces, preserving the image of the various materials.Chinese grotto in similar subjects were leading figures.

Five Dynasties works Beishan figures for the third over this period is the most prevalent, have an important role in the cause.Its characteristics are small and exquisite, the posture changes, looked relaxed and patterns become increasingly prosperous Korea, showing by the transition Yuerlian to Songyilian Tang style.Skyline Southern Song Dynasty statues most prominent, known as

Trip Ideas Cliff stone sculptures in Dazu county northeast 15 km and Chi Buddhist monk from the Song Dynasty in the Southern Song Feng Chien-chun years (1174 -1252), which lasted more than 70 years. Bay to the Big Buddha, the Buddha's small center, the whole idea of cutting from organizations, is a figurine of more than 10,000 respect, in the caves rare complete and the major characteristics of Esoteric Buddhism temples, It has regarded China into the history of Tibetan Buddhism after the continuation of about 400 years of history of the Chinese Buddhist Tantrism adding a new page.Ideas like Cliff said the performance of grotto art in the form of unique, more than 10,000 subjects do not respect repeat motifs, Cave Shrine between both teachings on the intrinsic link with the form interconnected and form an organic whole.Its contents before them with six Original idealism, according to final Ching Liu prime manifestation of the Buddha, the reasonable and firms have fruit, and a complete system characteristics.

Ideas Cliff statues to subdue the people can create their principles, so as to inspire believers to devout Buddhist. Sculptures, decorative, layout, drainage, lighting, support, perspective, are placing greater emphasis on formal beauty and artistic beauty.If the Buddhist goddess Guanyin 1007 pliant clutch hand, vary scattered like passing the flashing peacock-.Buddhist nirvana long as 31 meters, only disclosed half-length, its composition is


Cliff Stone Sculptures Fragrance Hill drilled in the Northern Song Yuan biographical five years to the first year (1082 -1096). Link numbered 10, is typical of Buddhism and Taoism, Confucianism and the Ecumenical Category three areas.Shihmen Cliff statues excavated at the Northern Song Dynasty biographical Southern Shaoxing year for the first 21 years [1094 -1151). Link numbered 16, as Buddhism, Taoism Ecumenical sculptures, especially the most prevalent characteristics of Taoism.

Chinese grotto art in its long-term development process, the various periods have accumulated its own unique pattern and content.Late grotto art as a representative of the Dazu rock carvings in absorption, thaw early grotto art on the basis of the essence, in the subject matter, in the form of art, modeling techniques, aesthetic taste various aspects than the previous generation breakthroughs, with a clear Nationalization, life characteristics, as with Chinese-style model of the grotto art, and Dunhuang, Yungang, Longmen Grottoes, etc. together constitute a complete Chinese grotto art history.Dazu stone diverse topics, rich content, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism,

In short, on its scale, platform's sperm and is rich in content, the Dazu stone carvings are said to be a great art masterpiece.It is the Chinese grotto art important component of the Year 9 is the end of the 13th century to the middle of the world's most grotto art in a magnificent splendor

观光导游词汇 自然景观 natural splendor/attraction 避暑胜地 summer resort 国家公园 national park 古建筑群 ancient architectural complex 亭 pavilion 工艺精湛,独具匠心

exquisite workmanship with an original/ingenious design 湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills 依山傍水 enclosed/surrounded by the hills on one side and waters on the other 景色如画 picturesque views 湖石假山 lakeside rocks and rockeries 山清水秀 beautiful mountains and clear waters 诱人景色 inviting views 园林建筑 garden architecture


Dazu Rock Carvings in Chongqing guides English words

Good friends are welcome to visit the Dazu rock carvings.

Dazu rock carvings, was built in the first year of Tang 6th (650), through the Five Dynasties period, compared to the 1097-1138, remnants until Ming and Qing, China advanced stone works of art. Dazu Rock Carvings in Chongqing Municipality is Dazu County Cliff main performance figures of the grotto art known.Is published for the heritage conservation units Cliff figures up to 75, more than 50,000 body statue, inscriptions 10 million characters.Which, in the northern mountains, Grotto Mountain, Nanshan, Stone Fragrance Hill, Cliff Shimenshan most prevalent characteristics.Dazu Rock Carvings on December 1, 1999 by the UNESCO as a cultural heritage on the World Heritage List.

Beishan stone statues in Beishan Cliff Dazu County, Longgang Town of 1.5 km and Tang drilled in the first year of King Fuk Shaoxing 31 years to the Southern Song Dynasty (892 -1162), through numbered 290, figures of 10,000, with carving delicate, exquisite, elegant known world. Yuerlian to Songyilian display of the late Tang Chinese folk belief and Buddhist grotto art style of the development and change, Hailed as the Tang and Song stone art museum.Skyline Late Tang sculptures graceful fullness, temperament knew ends finer go about in body-fitted with Tang legacy.In particular resolution 245 Amitayur-Buddhist disguised as rich, structured, engraved with the figure Category 539, all kinds of shapes more than 460 pieces, preserving the image of the various materials.Chinese grotto in similar subjects were leading figures.

Five Dynasties works Beishan figures for the third over this period is the most prevalent, have an important role in the cause.Its characteristics are small and exquisite, the posture changes, looked relaxed and patterns become increasingly prosperous Korea, showing by the transition Yuerlian to Songyilian Tang style.Skyline Southern Song Dynasty statues most prominent, known as

Trip Ideas Cliff stone sculptures in Dazu county northeast 15 km and Chi Buddhist monk from the Song Dynasty in the Southern Song Feng Chien-chun years (1174 -1252), which lasted more than 70 years. Bay to the Big Buddha, the Buddha's small center, the whole idea of cutting from organizations, is a figurine of more than 10,000 respect, in the caves rare complete and the major characteristics of Esoteric Buddhism temples, It has regarded China into the history of Tibetan Buddhism after the continuation of about 400 years of history of the Chinese Buddhist Tantrism adding a new page.Ideas like Cliff said the performance of grotto art in the form of unique, more than 10,000 subjects do not respect repeat motifs, Cave Shrine between both teachings on the intrinsic link with the form interconnected and form an organic whole.Its contents before them with six Original idealism, according to final Ching Liu prime manifestation of the Buddha, the reasonable and firms have fruit, and a complete system characteristics.

Ideas Cliff statues to subdue the people can create their principles, so as to inspire believers to devout Buddhist. Sculptures, decorative, layout, drainage, lighting, support, perspective, are placing greater emphasis on formal beauty and artistic beauty.If the Buddhist goddess Guanyin 1007 pliant clutch hand, vary scattered like passing the flashing peacock-.Buddhist nirvana long as 31 meters, only disclosed half-length, its composition is


Cliff Stone Sculptures Fragrance Hill drilled in the Northern Song Yuan biographical five years to the first year (1082 -1096). Link numbered 10, is typical of Buddhism and Taoism, Confucianism and the Ecumenical Category three areas.Shihmen Cliff statues excavated at the Northern Song Dynasty biographical Southern Shaoxing year for the first 21 years [1094 -1151). Link numbered 16, as Buddhism, Taoism Ecumenical sculptures, especially the most prevalent characteristics of Taoism.

Chinese grotto art in its long-term development process, the various periods have accumulated its own unique pattern and content.Late grotto art as a representative of the Dazu rock carvings in absorption, thaw early grotto art on the basis of the essence, in the subject matter, in the form of art, modeling techniques, aesthetic taste various aspects than the previous generation breakthroughs, with a clear Nationalization, life characteristics, as with Chinese-style model of the grotto art, and Dunhuang, Yungang, Longmen Grottoes, etc. together constitute a complete Chinese grotto art history.Dazu stone diverse topics, rich content, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism,

In short, on its scale, platform's sperm and is rich in content, the Dazu stone carvings are said to be a great art masterpiece.It is the Chinese grotto art important component of the Year 9 is the end of the 13th century to the middle of the world's most grotto art in a magnificent splendor

观光导游词汇 自然景观 natural splendor/attraction 避暑胜地 summer resort 国家公园 national park 古建筑群 ancient architectural complex 亭 pavilion 工艺精湛,独具匠心

exquisite workmanship with an original/ingenious design 湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills 依山傍水 enclosed/surrounded by the hills on one side and waters on the other 景色如画 picturesque views 湖石假山 lakeside rocks and rockeries 山清水秀 beautiful mountains and clear waters 诱人景色 inviting views 园林建筑 garden architecture


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