
V ocational Education or College Education ?


1. 近年来,参加大学入学考试的人数有下降的趋势

2. 有人认为职业教育更有利于就业,有人认为大学文凭更重

3. 我的看法


V ocational Education or College Education ?

The number of people who take the college entrance examination has been decreasing these years. Some people consider vocational education an advantage to job-hunting, while others argue that a college diploma is more important. In my opinion, college education is more advisable for most people. First, college education is systematic and students can learn a lot in many aspects. Unlike vocational education, which always focuses on just one job skill, college education enables students to develop different potentials. Second, to obtain a higher degree, such as a master’s degree, one has to go through college education to get a bachelor’s degree first.

In a society where any job skill may become outdated quickly with the appearance of new technologies, the limitations of vocational education prove more serious. Only college education can prepare us for future challenges.


In recent years, there has been a widespread phenomenon that students give up the chance of going to the university, and choose vocational education. The issue of whether vocational education is better than college education is of great concern to many educators.

Some people hold that vocational education has lots of benefits for students ’ personal development, because finding a good job is the top concern of every student, and vocational education can help them learn the practical skills. Compared to the people who attend the university, students who receive vocational education will have more chance to find a job. This is quite important in this competitive society.

However, other people insist that universities can produce a wider range of benefits for students. Although vocational education provides more job opportunities, a college diploma

can even change people ’s life. University students always find the better jobs that the students in career college and they can also enjoy the higher social status. Moreover, universities can create a better environment for students ’ physical and mental growth.

In my opinion, both of them are beneficial for individuals and society, and they are both the good ways for people to achieve their life goals. But how to choose a more suitable one is a problem that everyone should concern.


1. 人称


2. 严重语法错误

a. There are …… people think…..

b. be ( is / are ) + do

c. Do sth is ….

3. 词汇拼写错误

colledge / chose / choise / apear / opnion / benefit / beneficial

/ howerve / recerive / take / usefur / technolog / folling / system / import / constrate / interst / knowlege

4. 句子表达不清


a. …. is play an important role.

b. There are also many opponents strongly think take college education is more important.

c. Today the most important is the ability of individual employment

d. Others think that college diploma is more important. (未展开) e. V ocational education and college education are both make sense, Without them, we can’t become success.

f. It is only by yourself judge by them.

g. They can get a lot of what at college doesn’t learn

h. Because of helping of getting a job.

i. The other points thinks that colledge education play a important roll.


a. …go to college is a better way to enhance their quality.

b. They have more space develop.

c. More and more students are choose to vocational education. d. …, the vocational education is useful as well as the college education.

e. V ocational education is important as well as college education.

f. Students attend entrance examination are decline.

g. have a well diploma is mean that you will get a well job.

h. But you will difficult to get college education it you haven’t college education.

i. As long as you pay a sweat, you will success.

j. And the college life is too comfortable will let us not understand social competition of ruthlessness.

k. Those students can be better adapt to this society ’s serious situation.

Directions: For this part, you can allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On College Students Using Credit Cards. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 越来越多的大学生使用信用卡

2. 使用信用卡的优点与弊端

3. 你的观点

V ocational Education or College Education ?


1. 近年来,参加大学入学考试的人数有下降的趋势

2. 有人认为职业教育更有利于就业,有人认为大学文凭更重

3. 我的看法


V ocational Education or College Education ?

The number of people who take the college entrance examination has been decreasing these years. Some people consider vocational education an advantage to job-hunting, while others argue that a college diploma is more important. In my opinion, college education is more advisable for most people. First, college education is systematic and students can learn a lot in many aspects. Unlike vocational education, which always focuses on just one job skill, college education enables students to develop different potentials. Second, to obtain a higher degree, such as a master’s degree, one has to go through college education to get a bachelor’s degree first.

In a society where any job skill may become outdated quickly with the appearance of new technologies, the limitations of vocational education prove more serious. Only college education can prepare us for future challenges.


In recent years, there has been a widespread phenomenon that students give up the chance of going to the university, and choose vocational education. The issue of whether vocational education is better than college education is of great concern to many educators.

Some people hold that vocational education has lots of benefits for students ’ personal development, because finding a good job is the top concern of every student, and vocational education can help them learn the practical skills. Compared to the people who attend the university, students who receive vocational education will have more chance to find a job. This is quite important in this competitive society.

However, other people insist that universities can produce a wider range of benefits for students. Although vocational education provides more job opportunities, a college diploma

can even change people ’s life. University students always find the better jobs that the students in career college and they can also enjoy the higher social status. Moreover, universities can create a better environment for students ’ physical and mental growth.

In my opinion, both of them are beneficial for individuals and society, and they are both the good ways for people to achieve their life goals. But how to choose a more suitable one is a problem that everyone should concern.


1. 人称


2. 严重语法错误

a. There are …… people think…..

b. be ( is / are ) + do

c. Do sth is ….

3. 词汇拼写错误

colledge / chose / choise / apear / opnion / benefit / beneficial

/ howerve / recerive / take / usefur / technolog / folling / system / import / constrate / interst / knowlege

4. 句子表达不清


a. …. is play an important role.

b. There are also many opponents strongly think take college education is more important.

c. Today the most important is the ability of individual employment

d. Others think that college diploma is more important. (未展开) e. V ocational education and college education are both make sense, Without them, we can’t become success.

f. It is only by yourself judge by them.

g. They can get a lot of what at college doesn’t learn

h. Because of helping of getting a job.

i. The other points thinks that colledge education play a important roll.


a. …go to college is a better way to enhance their quality.

b. They have more space develop.

c. More and more students are choose to vocational education. d. …, the vocational education is useful as well as the college education.

e. V ocational education is important as well as college education.

f. Students attend entrance examination are decline.

g. have a well diploma is mean that you will get a well job.

h. But you will difficult to get college education it you haven’t college education.

i. As long as you pay a sweat, you will success.

j. And the college life is too comfortable will let us not understand social competition of ruthlessness.

k. Those students can be better adapt to this society ’s serious situation.

Directions: For this part, you can allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On College Students Using Credit Cards. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 越来越多的大学生使用信用卡

2. 使用信用卡的优点与弊端

3. 你的观点


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