医学英语词根词缀 1


Root :

1,derm/a,derm/o,dermat/o dermatology,dermatopathy,dermatologist 2,nas/o nasitis,nasosinusitis

3,cardi/o cardiologist, cardiovalvulitis, cardiotoxin 4,hemat/o



7, aorto

8,glyc (o )


10, cervic



13, dermato

14, febri

15, gyneco

16, hysteron

17, ileo

18, kerato

19 laryngo

20, lumbo hematocyle, hematalloscopy, hematherapy pathgenicity,pathology, pathobiology cephalothorax, cephalhematocele, cephalgia aortocoronary, aortocoronary arteriography hypoglycemia, glycinemia, glycopenia cytobiology, cytology, cytotoxin cervical, cervix, Cervico thermometer, dental,dentist,denture dermatotherapy, dermahemia, dermabrasion febris gynecologic, gynecoiatry, gynecatoptron hysterometer, hysterolysis, hysterology ileostomy, ileo-caecal orifice, ileosigmoid keratoglobus, laryngo pharyngopathy ,laryngoscope lumbo twist

1, ante- antenatal ,antepartum, anterior

2, Angio- angioma, angiography,a ngio lymphangioma 3, carcin- carcinogen, carcinoma,cance

4, cata - cataract, cataclysm

5, co(n)-

6, endo -

7, hemi-

8, hydro-

9, hyper -

10, hypo-

11, infra -

12, pharmaco-

13, syn-

14, semi -

15, ultra -

16, tachy -

17, radio-

18, presby-

19, poly

20, pneum-

consanguineous , consanguineal, cognate endocardium, endocardial, endoherniotomy hemiplegia, hemisphere,hemispherical hydrocele, hydrocarbon,hydrogen hyperglycaemia , hypervascularity hypokalaemia, hypervascularity, hyperglycorrhachia infrapatellar , inflammation, infratracheal pharmacology, pharmacological, pharmacologist syndrome, syndesmosis semiptosis, semiglobate, semitrailer ultrasonics , ultraturrax, ultravirus tachycardia, tachypleus, tachypnoea radiotherapy, radioucent presbyope, presbyopia, pre-presbyopic polyphagia , polyvocality,polyol pneumonia, pneumercator

1, -ac cardiac , coeliac, insominac

2, -emia anemia, pyemia, uremia

3, -genic pathogenic, arcinogenic, psychogenic

4, -gram radiogram, cardiogram,tangram

5, -graph

6, -itis

7, -logist

8, -pathy

9, -ectomy

10, -oma

11, -phagia

12, -opia

13, -phasia

14, -pnoea

15, -ology

16, -ologist

17, -ics

18, -ician

19, -eal

20, -ic

nucleograph , cardiograph , telegraph gastritis,nasitis, bronchitis bacteriologist, cardiologist,neurologist cardiopathy, psychopathy, neuropathy appendectomy , endoherniotomy, enterectomy Adenoma, Carcinoma , Hepatoma dysphagia, hyperphagia, hypophoria, hyalophagia diplopia ,utopia,utopian dysphasia,aphasia dysphoea dermatology, endocrinology, ecology ,psychology dermatologist, biologist,geologist paediatrics,optics,phonetics paediatrician,physician,musician l aryngeal , weal, arboreal toxic, chic,frantic, prolific


Doctor:D Patient:P

P:Good morning,Mr.Lee.

D:Good morning,What’s wrong with you?

P:I’m having trouble with my knee?

D:Do you have any trouble walking?

P:I can wolk.

D:Do you shake more than usual?


D:Do you have other pain?

P:It starts in the back.Then it seems to go into the right buttock and down the back of the right thigh to the knee.

D:I will make a referral to refer you to a consultant in secondary care. P:Thanks!

D:You are welcome!


Root :

1,derm/a,derm/o,dermat/o dermatology,dermatopathy,dermatologist 2,nas/o nasitis,nasosinusitis

3,cardi/o cardiologist, cardiovalvulitis, cardiotoxin 4,hemat/o



7, aorto

8,glyc (o )


10, cervic



13, dermato

14, febri

15, gyneco

16, hysteron

17, ileo

18, kerato

19 laryngo

20, lumbo hematocyle, hematalloscopy, hematherapy pathgenicity,pathology, pathobiology cephalothorax, cephalhematocele, cephalgia aortocoronary, aortocoronary arteriography hypoglycemia, glycinemia, glycopenia cytobiology, cytology, cytotoxin cervical, cervix, Cervico thermometer, dental,dentist,denture dermatotherapy, dermahemia, dermabrasion febris gynecologic, gynecoiatry, gynecatoptron hysterometer, hysterolysis, hysterology ileostomy, ileo-caecal orifice, ileosigmoid keratoglobus, laryngo pharyngopathy ,laryngoscope lumbo twist

1, ante- antenatal ,antepartum, anterior

2, Angio- angioma, angiography,a ngio lymphangioma 3, carcin- carcinogen, carcinoma,cance

4, cata - cataract, cataclysm

5, co(n)-

6, endo -

7, hemi-

8, hydro-

9, hyper -

10, hypo-

11, infra -

12, pharmaco-

13, syn-

14, semi -

15, ultra -

16, tachy -

17, radio-

18, presby-

19, poly

20, pneum-

consanguineous , consanguineal, cognate endocardium, endocardial, endoherniotomy hemiplegia, hemisphere,hemispherical hydrocele, hydrocarbon,hydrogen hyperglycaemia , hypervascularity hypokalaemia, hypervascularity, hyperglycorrhachia infrapatellar , inflammation, infratracheal pharmacology, pharmacological, pharmacologist syndrome, syndesmosis semiptosis, semiglobate, semitrailer ultrasonics , ultraturrax, ultravirus tachycardia, tachypleus, tachypnoea radiotherapy, radioucent presbyope, presbyopia, pre-presbyopic polyphagia , polyvocality,polyol pneumonia, pneumercator

1, -ac cardiac , coeliac, insominac

2, -emia anemia, pyemia, uremia

3, -genic pathogenic, arcinogenic, psychogenic

4, -gram radiogram, cardiogram,tangram

5, -graph

6, -itis

7, -logist

8, -pathy

9, -ectomy

10, -oma

11, -phagia

12, -opia

13, -phasia

14, -pnoea

15, -ology

16, -ologist

17, -ics

18, -ician

19, -eal

20, -ic

nucleograph , cardiograph , telegraph gastritis,nasitis, bronchitis bacteriologist, cardiologist,neurologist cardiopathy, psychopathy, neuropathy appendectomy , endoherniotomy, enterectomy Adenoma, Carcinoma , Hepatoma dysphagia, hyperphagia, hypophoria, hyalophagia diplopia ,utopia,utopian dysphasia,aphasia dysphoea dermatology, endocrinology, ecology ,psychology dermatologist, biologist,geologist paediatrics,optics,phonetics paediatrician,physician,musician l aryngeal , weal, arboreal toxic, chic,frantic, prolific


Doctor:D Patient:P

P:Good morning,Mr.Lee.

D:Good morning,What’s wrong with you?

P:I’m having trouble with my knee?

D:Do you have any trouble walking?

P:I can wolk.

D:Do you shake more than usual?


D:Do you have other pain?

P:It starts in the back.Then it seems to go into the right buttock and down the back of the right thigh to the knee.

D:I will make a referral to refer you to a consultant in secondary care. P:Thanks!

D:You are welcome!


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