


Since the big country has been found at October 1st of 1949, the People’s Republic of China has gone through a history of 62 years. Looking back at the 62 years, especially in recent 30 years, we have made many great achievements in different fields. And China has been the second largest economy in the world in 2010. And as a Chinese, I am so proud of our mother country.

However, on the other hand, we also have been losing many other good things such as beautiful environment and traditional culture when the GDP has increased quickly. And we also know that the traditional culture is the soul of an ancient nation. It is the most important thing. But we Chinese seem to ignore this. And that many things happened in this year like to remind us to be awake of this phenomenon. The accident of our high speed trains had ..........



Since the big country has been found at October 1st of 1949, the People’s Republic of China has gone through a history of 62 years. Looking back at the 62 years, especially in recent 30 years, we have made many great achievements in different fields. And China has been the second largest economy in the world in 2010. And as a Chinese, I am so proud of our mother country.

However, on the other hand, we also have been losing many other good things such as beautiful environment and traditional culture when the GDP has increased quickly. And we also know that the traditional culture is the soul of an ancient nation. It is the most important thing. But we Chinese seem to ignore this. And that many things happened in this year like to remind us to be awake of this phenomenon. The accident of our high speed trains had ..........


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