
1.1 Information System Components(5)

1.2 How Business Uses Information Systems(5)

1.3 Information System Users (4)

1.4 Systems Development Tools and Techniques_Modeling(6)

1.5 The Systems Development Life Cycle(5)

1.6 Systems Development Guidelines(6)


2.1 Reasons for Systems Projects(6)

2.2 Factors that Affect Systems Projects(Internal Factors5,External Factors 6)


3.1 JAD Advantages and Disadvantages

3.2 RAD Advantages and Disadvantages

3.3 Fact-Finding Techniques(6)

3.4 Five general categories(5)


4.1 Types of Relationships(3)

4.2 DFD Symbols(4)

4.3 Conventions for DFDs(5)

4.4 Data Dictionary(6)

4.5 Process Description Tools(3)

4.6 Four-Model Approach(4)


5.1 Developing Software In-House(5)

5.2 Purchasing a Software Package(6)

5.3 Prototyping Methods(3)

5.4 Types of Codes(8)

5.5 Developing a Code(9)

5.6 three options for obtaining a proposed information system(3)


6.1 File Processing of Potential problems(3)

6.2 Uses various types of files(6)

6.3 Advantages of Database Systems(10)

6.4 DBMS Components(3)

6.5 Key Fields(4)


7.1 The user rights cited by Dr. Karat(10)

7.2 Basic Principles of User-Centered Design(8)

7.3 Guidelines for User Interface Design(8)

7.4 Guidelines will help reduce input volume(4)

7.5 Guidelines will help you design data entry screens(15)

7.6 types of data validation checks(8)

7.7 Types of Reports(3)

8.1 Processing Methods(3)

8.2 The OSI model consists of seven layers(7)

8.3 Network Topology(4)


9.1 Types of Testing (3)

9.2 Types of Documentation(4)

9.3 System Changeover(4)


10.1 Maintenance Activities(4)

10.2 Managing Maintenance Requests(5)

1.1 Information System Components(5)

1.2 How Business Uses Information Systems(5)

1.3 Information System Users (4)

1.4 Systems Development Tools and Techniques_Modeling(6)

1.5 The Systems Development Life Cycle(5)

1.6 Systems Development Guidelines(6)


2.1 Reasons for Systems Projects(6)

2.2 Factors that Affect Systems Projects(Internal Factors5,External Factors 6)


3.1 JAD Advantages and Disadvantages

3.2 RAD Advantages and Disadvantages

3.3 Fact-Finding Techniques(6)

3.4 Five general categories(5)


4.1 Types of Relationships(3)

4.2 DFD Symbols(4)

4.3 Conventions for DFDs(5)

4.4 Data Dictionary(6)

4.5 Process Description Tools(3)

4.6 Four-Model Approach(4)


5.1 Developing Software In-House(5)

5.2 Purchasing a Software Package(6)

5.3 Prototyping Methods(3)

5.4 Types of Codes(8)

5.5 Developing a Code(9)

5.6 three options for obtaining a proposed information system(3)


6.1 File Processing of Potential problems(3)

6.2 Uses various types of files(6)

6.3 Advantages of Database Systems(10)

6.4 DBMS Components(3)

6.5 Key Fields(4)


7.1 The user rights cited by Dr. Karat(10)

7.2 Basic Principles of User-Centered Design(8)

7.3 Guidelines for User Interface Design(8)

7.4 Guidelines will help reduce input volume(4)

7.5 Guidelines will help you design data entry screens(15)

7.6 types of data validation checks(8)

7.7 Types of Reports(3)

8.1 Processing Methods(3)

8.2 The OSI model consists of seven layers(7)

8.3 Network Topology(4)


9.1 Types of Testing (3)

9.2 Types of Documentation(4)

9.3 System Changeover(4)


10.1 Maintenance Activities(4)

10.2 Managing Maintenance Requests(5)


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