

学 院 :计算机工程学院

专 业 :计算机科学与技术

学 生 :陈

学 号 :

指导教师 :赵慧然

操 201011033


Amethodology (sometimes simply called a method) is a set of processes and heuristics used to break down the complexity of a programming problem. Many OOP methodologies have been formulated since the dawn of object-oriented programming. This section will give you a feel for what you’re trying to accomplish when using a methodology.

Especially in OOP, methodology is a field of many experiments, so it is important to understand what problem the methodology is trying to solve before you consider adopting one. This is particularly true with Java, in which the programming language is intended to reduce the complexity (compared to C) involved in expressing a program. This may in fact alleviate the need for ever-more-complex methodologies. Instead, simple methodologies may suffice in Java for a much larger class of problems than you could handle using simple methodologies with procedural languages.

It’s also important to realize that the term “methodology” is often too grand and promises too much. Whatever you do now when you design and write a program is a methodology. It may be your own methodology, and you may not be conscious of doing it, but it is a process you go through as you create. If it is an effective process, it may need only a small tune-up to work with Java. If you are not satisfied with your productivity and the way your programs turn out, you may want to consider adopting a formal methodology, or choosing pieces from among the many formal methodologies.

While you’re going through the development process, the most important issue is this: Don’t get lost. It’s easy to do. Most of the analysis and design methodologies are intended to solve the largest of problems. Remember that most projects don’t fit into that category, so you can usually have successful analysis and design with a relatively small subset of what a methodology recommends.


方法学(methodology ,有时直接称之为“方法(method )”)是一套用以降解编程问题复杂性的过程与启发。自从面向对象编程面世以来,已经系统地提出了许多种OOP 方法论。本节将让你体会在采用某种方法论时你将能够达到的目标。

方法论是由许多经验积累而成的,特别是在OOP 中尤为如此。所以,在采用某种方法论之前,弄清楚它能解决什么问题就显得十分重要。对于Java 而言,这尤其正确,Java (与C 相比)是用来降低程序表达时的复杂度的编程语言。这实际上降低了对复杂的方法论的需求程度。对比过程型编程语言,在使用Java 时,简单的方法论就足以解决大多数问题。

正确理解“方法论”这个术语也很重要,它通常显得太隆重了,并且总是给人以太多的希望。其实设计与编程时所做的事情,就是方法论。它可能是你自己的方法论,也许你根本就是无意识的,但是你所经历的处理过程就是你创建的方法论。如果它很有效,那么只需要对它作小小的调整,就能将它应用于Java 。但如果你对自己的生产率与程序的开发方式不满意,那么你就应该考虑采用某种形式化的方法论,或者从多种形式化的方法论中选择多个部分加以应用。





学 院 :计算机工程学院

专 业 :计算机科学与技术

学 生 :陈

学 号 :

指导教师 :赵慧然

操 201011033


Amethodology (sometimes simply called a method) is a set of processes and heuristics used to break down the complexity of a programming problem. Many OOP methodologies have been formulated since the dawn of object-oriented programming. This section will give you a feel for what you’re trying to accomplish when using a methodology.

Especially in OOP, methodology is a field of many experiments, so it is important to understand what problem the methodology is trying to solve before you consider adopting one. This is particularly true with Java, in which the programming language is intended to reduce the complexity (compared to C) involved in expressing a program. This may in fact alleviate the need for ever-more-complex methodologies. Instead, simple methodologies may suffice in Java for a much larger class of problems than you could handle using simple methodologies with procedural languages.

It’s also important to realize that the term “methodology” is often too grand and promises too much. Whatever you do now when you design and write a program is a methodology. It may be your own methodology, and you may not be conscious of doing it, but it is a process you go through as you create. If it is an effective process, it may need only a small tune-up to work with Java. If you are not satisfied with your productivity and the way your programs turn out, you may want to consider adopting a formal methodology, or choosing pieces from among the many formal methodologies.

While you’re going through the development process, the most important issue is this: Don’t get lost. It’s easy to do. Most of the analysis and design methodologies are intended to solve the largest of problems. Remember that most projects don’t fit into that category, so you can usually have successful analysis and design with a relatively small subset of what a methodology recommends.


方法学(methodology ,有时直接称之为“方法(method )”)是一套用以降解编程问题复杂性的过程与启发。自从面向对象编程面世以来,已经系统地提出了许多种OOP 方法论。本节将让你体会在采用某种方法论时你将能够达到的目标。

方法论是由许多经验积累而成的,特别是在OOP 中尤为如此。所以,在采用某种方法论之前,弄清楚它能解决什么问题就显得十分重要。对于Java 而言,这尤其正确,Java (与C 相比)是用来降低程序表达时的复杂度的编程语言。这实际上降低了对复杂的方法论的需求程度。对比过程型编程语言,在使用Java 时,简单的方法论就足以解决大多数问题。

正确理解“方法论”这个术语也很重要,它通常显得太隆重了,并且总是给人以太多的希望。其实设计与编程时所做的事情,就是方法论。它可能是你自己的方法论,也许你根本就是无意识的,但是你所经历的处理过程就是你创建的方法论。如果它很有效,那么只需要对它作小小的调整,就能将它应用于Java 。但如果你对自己的生产率与程序的开发方式不满意,那么你就应该考虑采用某种形式化的方法论,或者从多种形式化的方法论中选择多个部分加以应用。





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