



关键字:《飘》 斯嘉丽 战争 女性主义 对比 婚姻 传统 爱情


Gone with the wind , written by Margeret Mitchell has been one of the bestsellers and popular with the reader ever since its publication in 1936.it is her first and only long novel. In 70 years since 1936, the novel was widely spread and well received. It was considered as a very classic work. But many opponents do not agree with that. In their eyes the novel will never have the chance to enter the scared palace of American literature. The beautiful confident and young heroine scarlet of novel was regarded as an extremely selfish, vain, and merciless woman who will not hesitate to resort to any means in order to reach her ends. But as time passed, the novel spread more and more widely, sweeps the world and has aroused interest of a large number of fascinated viewers, and the readers favored the heroine scarlet. The body is made up of five chapters, including introduction, the life of scarlet before war. In the war, after the war., comparation , conclusion. chapters one gives a brief instruction of

Margaret Mitchell”s life, the traditionai southern womanhood and the feminist. Margaret Mitchell is a woman writer. She has strong feminism, we can get it from the novel, especially from scarlet. Chapter two to chapter four described the life of scarlet before war, in the war, after war. These three chapters analyze how scarlett completes her transformation from 16 years old girl deeply influenced by traditional southern womanhood to a serious_minded and far_sight woman, and compared scarlet with Melanie ,they are quiet different girls, and those differences make their life very different, any way ,attitude is everything, the novel named gone with the wind . and Melanie is the wind, she is traditional. Graceful, tolerant .the old south has gone with the wind ,and so Melanie .scarlett is not .she is new ,and she is decisive and firm .she is quiet an opponent of old south . Conclusion is obtained through summary of scarlett jumping over character, with her three main is closely related to the life experience, through to the social background, the life experience and comparative analysis, this paper summarizes the scarlett as always character advantages and defects and the life force of changed the growing sophistication of character, and finally became thought has the thought, has the foresight and life is full of hope new women 。

Keywords: Gone with the wind scarlett war feminist contrast tradition marriage love




关键字:《飘》 斯嘉丽 战争 女性主义 对比 婚姻 传统 爱情


Gone with the wind , written by Margeret Mitchell has been one of the bestsellers and popular with the reader ever since its publication in 1936.it is her first and only long novel. In 70 years since 1936, the novel was widely spread and well received. It was considered as a very classic work. But many opponents do not agree with that. In their eyes the novel will never have the chance to enter the scared palace of American literature. The beautiful confident and young heroine scarlet of novel was regarded as an extremely selfish, vain, and merciless woman who will not hesitate to resort to any means in order to reach her ends. But as time passed, the novel spread more and more widely, sweeps the world and has aroused interest of a large number of fascinated viewers, and the readers favored the heroine scarlet. The body is made up of five chapters, including introduction, the life of scarlet before war. In the war, after the war., comparation , conclusion. chapters one gives a brief instruction of

Margaret Mitchell”s life, the traditionai southern womanhood and the feminist. Margaret Mitchell is a woman writer. She has strong feminism, we can get it from the novel, especially from scarlet. Chapter two to chapter four described the life of scarlet before war, in the war, after war. These three chapters analyze how scarlett completes her transformation from 16 years old girl deeply influenced by traditional southern womanhood to a serious_minded and far_sight woman, and compared scarlet with Melanie ,they are quiet different girls, and those differences make their life very different, any way ,attitude is everything, the novel named gone with the wind . and Melanie is the wind, she is traditional. Graceful, tolerant .the old south has gone with the wind ,and so Melanie .scarlett is not .she is new ,and she is decisive and firm .she is quiet an opponent of old south . Conclusion is obtained through summary of scarlett jumping over character, with her three main is closely related to the life experience, through to the social background, the life experience and comparative analysis, this paper summarizes the scarlett as always character advantages and defects and the life force of changed the growing sophistication of character, and finally became thought has the thought, has the foresight and life is full of hope new women 。

Keywords: Gone with the wind scarlett war feminist contrast tradition marriage love


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