

Fertilizer project in Hua-ting County

The name for the project: the fertilizer project with annual production of 300,000 T ammonia and 520,000 T urea (CO(NH2)2)

Project nature: new

Marketing assessment:

The ammonia is mainly used as fertilizer, it is also used as the raw materials for many chemical industries. Urea (CO(NH2)2) is an essential fertilizer for farming which provides the N for plants and crops in China. The production of ammonia and urea (CO(NH2)2) started in 60s of last century in China, and now China becomes the largest N fertilizer producer in world. However, determined by the demanding for the foods, fruits, vegetables and others, the market consumption for N fertilizer is huge, especially for China which is a large agricultural country with the largest population in world, as a results, China is the largest consumer for N fertilizer in world. As the oil price will be increased inevitably, the cost for producing ammonia from petroleum is becoming higher and higher, so the producing process using coal as the raw materials is showing the obvious competing advantages with the considerations of the energy structure and the extremely large amount of coal reserves in China.

Producing process of the project:

Most ammonia in the world is synthesized from the artificial syn-gas by using liquid hydrocarbon, gas emitted from petroleum refiners, natural gas and coal as the raw materials. The nitrogen is produced by compressing air in low temperature, then differentiating it from oxygen by virtue of the different melting points of them. The production of hydrogen is similar to that for producing methanol: black coal reacts with water in high temperature to give off CO and hydrogen, then CO reacts with water again with the aid of catalyst to give off CO2 and hydrogen, after CO2 is separated, hydrogen is left. With nitrogen and hydrogen, ammonia can be synthesized readily at the high temperature and pressure at the presence of catalyst. The CO2 from the producing process of ammonia is used for urea production, so usually ammonia and urea are integrated together to save cost and prompt efficiency.

After 40 years of development, China has mastered the techniques and processes of producing ammonia from different kinds of coals, gas emitted from the oven which produces char, natural gas and hydrocarbon in liquid state, and the production of ammonia in China is the largest one in the world.

Urea (CO(NH2)2) is one of the downstream products of ammonia, which is synthesized by the reaction between ammonia and CO2 at the conditions of high temperature and pressure. The budgetary estimate for the project: 150,000,000 Yuan

Returning and profitability forecast for the project:

The IRR will be around 10% (after taxation), the project should be profitable due to the large market demanding, mature techniques and equipment and suitable producing conditions in Hua-ting County (please refer to the MTO, PE and PP about the favorable advantages of Hua-ting).

Cooperation patterns: single proprietorship, joint venture or other types.


Fertilizer project in Hua-ting County

The name for the project: the fertilizer project with annual production of 300,000 T ammonia and 520,000 T urea (CO(NH2)2)

Project nature: new

Marketing assessment:

The ammonia is mainly used as fertilizer, it is also used as the raw materials for many chemical industries. Urea (CO(NH2)2) is an essential fertilizer for farming which provides the N for plants and crops in China. The production of ammonia and urea (CO(NH2)2) started in 60s of last century in China, and now China becomes the largest N fertilizer producer in world. However, determined by the demanding for the foods, fruits, vegetables and others, the market consumption for N fertilizer is huge, especially for China which is a large agricultural country with the largest population in world, as a results, China is the largest consumer for N fertilizer in world. As the oil price will be increased inevitably, the cost for producing ammonia from petroleum is becoming higher and higher, so the producing process using coal as the raw materials is showing the obvious competing advantages with the considerations of the energy structure and the extremely large amount of coal reserves in China.

Producing process of the project:

Most ammonia in the world is synthesized from the artificial syn-gas by using liquid hydrocarbon, gas emitted from petroleum refiners, natural gas and coal as the raw materials. The nitrogen is produced by compressing air in low temperature, then differentiating it from oxygen by virtue of the different melting points of them. The production of hydrogen is similar to that for producing methanol: black coal reacts with water in high temperature to give off CO and hydrogen, then CO reacts with water again with the aid of catalyst to give off CO2 and hydrogen, after CO2 is separated, hydrogen is left. With nitrogen and hydrogen, ammonia can be synthesized readily at the high temperature and pressure at the presence of catalyst. The CO2 from the producing process of ammonia is used for urea production, so usually ammonia and urea are integrated together to save cost and prompt efficiency.

After 40 years of development, China has mastered the techniques and processes of producing ammonia from different kinds of coals, gas emitted from the oven which produces char, natural gas and hydrocarbon in liquid state, and the production of ammonia in China is the largest one in the world.

Urea (CO(NH2)2) is one of the downstream products of ammonia, which is synthesized by the reaction between ammonia and CO2 at the conditions of high temperature and pressure. The budgetary estimate for the project: 150,000,000 Yuan

Returning and profitability forecast for the project:

The IRR will be around 10% (after taxation), the project should be profitable due to the large market demanding, mature techniques and equipment and suitable producing conditions in Hua-ting County (please refer to the MTO, PE and PP about the favorable advantages of Hua-ting).

Cooperation patterns: single proprietorship, joint venture or other types.


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