

1. at night in the evening in the night

2. like to do sth. like doing sth

3. forget(remember) doing sth forget(remember) to do sth

4. stop doing sth stop to do sth

5. take part in join attend

6. be good at be good for be good in be good to

7. sometimes some times sometime some time

8. 东西南北 (east south west north)

9. grow plant

10. fast quick

11. ago before

12. fall to the ground fall on the ground

13. such so(如此,这般)

14. in front of before

15. path lane street road way

16. vacant empty blank

17. across through

18. on the top of at the top of

19. 就近原则:

20. hope wish

21. 反身代词(强调、反射)

22. 相互代词

23. 疑问代词

24. all

25. each every

26. both:

27. either any

28. neither:

29. one

30. no one none

31. behind after

32. hundreds of / thousands of / millions of

33. on one’s way to(介词/ 小品词) school

34. be made of be made from

35. in spring

36. voice noise sound

37. take a No.46 bus = take No.46 buses

38. Don’t hurry. There’s a little time left.

Hurry up. There’s little time left.

39. carry take bring get fetch

40. 给你

41. 穿(put on wear dress have on be in + 颜色)

42. question problem

43. 反意疑问句

44. 主谓一致(语法一致原则,意义一致原则,就近原则)

45. fiction novel story

46. prefer

47. future

48. kind (=type)

49. 回答天气状况,必须用adj.

50. rain

51. room

52. Would you like to have a word with me?

53. It is + adj.+ for sb to do sth

It is + adj.+ of sb to do sth

54. set off set out

55. on its first trip

56. lose one’s life 丧命,丢失性命 /come/back to life 苏醒 come to oneself = come back to life 起死回生

57. help sb (to) do sth help sb with sth

58. 到达 (reach arrive get to)

59. for to

60. madam madame

61. 一个英语老师

62. another

64. develop

65. however but

66. fluently

67. begin start

68. hear see

69. take a bus by bus

70. 大(big large great)

71. real (really) true (truly)

72. own

73. kid(~ding ~ded)

74. space

75. save

76. be going to shall(will) be

77. agree with

78. try to do sth try doing sth

79. at the(this, that) moment

80. fun [U]

81. happen take place

82. Help oneself to do sth

83. Ving Ved

84. 也许(maybe perhaps probably)

85. maybe may be

86. nearly almost

87. need

88. 花费(take spend cost pay for)

89. Take one’s time. 慢慢来,别着急。

90. Don’t take me for a fool. 别把我当傻瓜看。

91. until

92. until before

93. 图画(picture drawing painting)

94. 游戏(game sport play match race)

95. 衣服(clothes suit coat jacket)

96. let have make (使役动词)

97. because though (主从连句)

98. climate weather

99. 不定冠词(a, an)的用法

100. 定冠词(the)的用法

101. 零冠词的用法

102. 所有格

103. 情态动词

104. when while as

105. 除了(except but besides)

106. keep

107. 动词(become turn get go grow)

108. but

109. come out

110. be famous for be proud of be the pride of

111. 打电话

112. show

113. someone somebody

114. the same„as

115. family house home

116. job work

117. center(center) middle

118. tall high

119. 好(nice good well fine great kind beautiful OK)

120. do make

121. look for find find out

122. go walk

123. see watch look look at

124. 遗忘(forget leave)

125. must have to

126. ought to should (都为去情态动词)

127. offer 给,提供=give

128. error mistake

129. Don’t you think so?

130. take the place of instead of

131. rob steal



134.“the more„the more„”意为“越„„越„„”

135. matter

136. indeed really

137. lie lie lay

138. can be able to

139. order

140. very rather quite

141. die of die from die for

142. I don’t know which to choose.

when to start

where to go

143. on the tree in the tree

144. Enough

145. Tom is a clever boy. So is he.(2个人) So he is.(一个人一回事) 146. be different from „ 不同于„„

the difference(s) between„ and„ „„和„„的不同之处

147. taxi

148. practice n. v.

practise v.

149. be on 表在进行中

150. I have no idea. = I don’t know. 我不知道。

151. just then

152. too „ (for sb ) to „

enough 句型:

153. rely on depend on (依靠)

154. 也(also as well too either)

155. have

156. act as act like

157. at the end of by the end of

158. manner

159. 普通(common ordinary usual)

160. 活的(alive living live lively)a.

161. 穿过(across through cross crossing)

162. 阻止(keep stop prevent)

163. 举例(for example such as)

164. kindness

165. thus

166. 国家(state country nation)

167. ill sick

168. cold

169. used to

170. alone lonely

171. think

172. at the top of /on the top of/to the top of

173. be afraid to do sth

be afraid of doing sth

174. mind: v. / Never mind.

175. 最后(finally at last in the end )

176. everyone = everybody

177. every one

178. pleased a./ pleasant a./ pleasure n./ happy / enjoyable 179. a number of = a lot of / the number of …

180. so that

181. begin / start

183. hear / hear of /hear about / hear from sb

184. mountain

184. such so

185. together altogether adv.

186. on the right

187. post = mail

188. sir

189. decide to do sth

190. high a. height n.

191. loud loudly aloud

192. ill

193. lost missing

194. as since for because

195. mean

196. human human being

197. an amount of / a great amount of / a large amount of 198. feel like doing sth

199. word

200. a number of / the number of…

201. try = shot

202. famous

203. whether if 的用法区别

204. travel / trip / journey

205. have 的用法



1. at night in the evening in the night

at night:太阳落山到太阳升起

in the evening:太阳落山到上床睡觉

168. cold

169. used to

170. alone lonely

171. think

172. at the top of /on the top of/to the top of

173. be afraid to do sth

be afraid of doing sth

174. mind: v. / Never mind.

175. 最后(finally at last in the end )

176. everyone = everybody

177. every one

178. pleased a./ pleasant a./ pleasure n./ happy / enjoyable

179. a number of = a lot of / the number of …

180. so that

181. begin / start

183. hear / hear of /hear about / hear from sb

184. mountain

184. such so

185. together altogether adv.

186. on the right

187. post = mail

188. sir

189. decide to do sth

190. high a. height n.

191. loud loudly aloud

192. ill

193. lost missing

194. as since for because

195. mean

196. human human being

197. an amount of / a great amount of / a large amount of

198. feel like doing sth

199. word

200. a number of / the number of…

201. try = shot

202. famous

203. whether if 的用法区别

204. travel / trip / journey

205. have 的用法



1. at night in the evening in the night

at night:太阳落山到太阳升起

in the evening:太阳落山到上床睡觉

in the night:在深夜

2. like to do sth. like doing sth

like to do sth.:将要做或一次性动作

like doing sth:一种习惯

3.forget(remember) doing sth forget(remember) to do sth

forget(remember) doing sth:忘记(想起)曾经做过某事

forget(remember) to do sth:忘记(想起)应该做过某事

4.stop doing sth stop to do sth

stop doing sth: 停止做某事

stop to do sth:停止A去做B

5. take part in join attend

take part in:表示主语参加某项工作、事业、活动等,并在其中起一定作用

take part in + 活动

take part in the group singing


join the Party

join sb in doing sth

join in=take part in 参加比赛或活动

join the singing group

join in/ take part in the group singing


attend a meeting/party/show/wedding/class/lecture

attend church/school/college

6. be good at be good for be good in be good to

be good at:擅长于

be good for:对„„有益/有好处

be good in:在„„方面成绩显著

be good to对(某人)好

7.sometimes some times sometime some time

sometimes:有时=at times

some times:几次,几倍


some time:一段时间

8. 东西南北 (east south west north)

1) 在专有名词中,多用east、south、west、north一类

Model: East China 华东 East Asia 东亚

East Europe 东欧 the Middle East 中东


Model: an eastern country 一个东方国家

in the east of : 表示在同一整体内部

on the east of : 必须接壤

to the east of : 表示不属于同一整体内部的某一方位,可接壤也可不接壤

9. grow plant



10.fast quick



11. ago before

ago 应注意2点:

1) 用于一般过去时

2) 它所指的时间是从现在算起,与表示一段时间(时间段)的词连用,不与表示时间点的词连用

Model: A few days ago, I met her in the street.

before 也注意2点:

1) 它用于过去完成时连用

2) 它所指的时间不是从现在算起,而是从过去某一时刻算起


Model: A few days before, he had met her in the street.

【注】She said,“I saw Tom three days ago.”

She said that she had seen Tom three days before.

12.fall to the ground fall on the ground

fall to the ground:掉落在地

fall on the ground:摔倒在地

13.such so(如此,这般)

such a good film/so good a film

在many, much ,few ,little 前用 so

so many questions / such good films

14. in front of before

in front of:多用于空间


15.path lane street road way



street:市区内车辆或马匹行走的道路 (两旁有建筑物地街道)

road: 市区内车辆或马匹行走的道路




lose one’s way on one’s way to on the way in the way in a way

16. vacant empty blank


a vacant room in hotel 旅客里的一间空房(为住人,有家具)


an empty room 空房间(屋内无人无物)


blank wall 无门无窗的墙

17.across through



18.on the top of at the top of

on the top of:表示面接触

at the top of:表示点接触


There be

either„or„ 要么„要么 „(或者„或者„;不是„就是„)

neither„nor„ 既不„也不„

not only„but also„ 不但„而且„

20.hope wish



wish to do sth =hope to do sth=want to do sth

虚拟语气 wish that (从句)=hope that (从句)

wish sb to do sth=want sb to do sth

wish sb sth:Wish you good luck

Give my best wishes to your parents. = Remember me to your parents.

= Give my regards to your parents.


1) Help yourself to„

Enjoy oneself =Have a good time

2)by oneself 自己(不要别人帮助)一个人干

Model: I did my homework myself. / I myself did my homework.

3)for oneself 替自己,为自己

4)between ourselves 私下说话(不可告诉别人)


Model: All this is between ourselves.

5)teach oneself 自学 = learn „ by oneself


one another与each other 可通用[彼此 互相]

each other:表示两人之间相互关系

one another:表示较多人之间相互关系

所有格: one another’s each other’s

Model: We must point out each other’s shortcomings.


1) Who/Whom did you go with?

2) With whom did you go?


(all the + n.) ,porn.

Model: All is going well. 一切进行得很好。

All hope has gone. 所有希望都破灭了。

All are here. 都在这儿。

all day 一整天

all night 一整夜

all this 所有这些

all the year around 整年

all day long 一天到晚

all the time 一直,总是(=always)

25.each every

each:“每一个”,但与“every”不同,在把一些东西一个一个加以考虑时,多用“each”, 既作adj.又作pron.可单


every:“每一个”。只能作定语,不能用作pron.不能单独使用,不能后接of短语,三者或三者以上的每一个。 Model: Each/Every boy has a ball. 划线的Each 可用Every one代替,但不能Every代替

There are many trees on each side of the road.

Each/Every boy hasn’t a ball.(不完全否定)

Not all the people like apples.(不完全否定)

26.both: 两者都(both + n.) pron. / adj.

Model: Both (adj) men are students.

27.either any


Model: You can take either of them. But you can’t take both of them.

There’re many trees on both sides of the road.

There’re many trees on either side of the road.

Either answer is right. = Both answers are right.


28.neither: 两者都不,是both的否定词,词否定,句不否定

Model: Both answers aren’t right.(不完全否定) = One answer is right the other is wrong.

Neither answer is right.(完全否定)

neither + n.(单数) neither of + ns (复数)


Model: If your wife doesn’t go, nor/neither will mine.

neither 否定词

29.one 指人也指物(同种异物,同种同物 it)

30. no one none

1) none:既可指人,也可指物(一个也没有)all 的否定词,三者或三者以上的一个也没有,可接of短语

no one:只可指人,等于nobody,不可接of短语

Model: Which do you like better,coffee or milk?

--Either is OK. I don’t mind.

--Neither is OK. I just want some tea.

-- Which do you like best,coffee, tea or milk?

--Any is OK. I don’t mind.

--None is OK.I just want some water.

2) 在回答how much, how many提问时,常用none

在回答who, what提问时,常用no one, nobody 或nothing

3) none 往往暗示有一定的范围,这种范围通常表现在其后的of短语上

no one, nobody不暗示这种范围

Model: Did any of your friends come to see you when you were in prison?

--None. (表示朋友中一个的一个都没来,其他人来了)

Did anyone come to see you?

--No one. (表示任何一个人都没来)

31. behind after


Model: Don’t hide behind others.


Model: The train is behind.


Model: The boy is behind other in maths.

after: 前后接不带冠词的单数可数名词,表示 “一个接一个地”

bus after bus / day after day

32. hundreds of people

hundreds of

thousands of 表约数

millions of

不接受具体数词修饰,只可加some, many, several的修饰

33. on one’s way to(介词/ 小品词) school

to see a film


to my home(n.)

from school to home(n.)

34.be made of be made from

be made of:“由„„制成”,制成品还能看出原材料

be made from:“由„„制成”, 制成品不能看出原材

be made by: “由……人制造”

be made in: “在……制造”

35.in spring

in the spring of 2003 特指2003的春天,加“the”

36.voice noise sound

voice: 可数 嗓音

noise: 不可数 噪音

sound: 不可数 自然界的各种声音

37.take a No.46 bus = take No.46 buses

38.Don’t hurry. There’s a little time left.

Hurry up. There’s little time left.

39.carry take bring get fetch

carry: take up sth.and move it from one place to another随身携带,不说明方向

take: 把东西或人从说话处“带走拿走”

bring: 从别处把东西或人“带来拿来” 说话处

get: 是常用词,多用于口语,与fetch 同意

fetch: 到别处去把某人或某物带来或拿走, “去拿来”

Model: Go and fetch me some water.


Here you are. 人本主义思想,尊重人

Here it is. 以物为主,重视物。(单数)

Here they are. 以物为主,重视物。(复数)

41.穿(put on wear dress have on be in + 颜色)

动态动词 put on (表动作) ——— take off (宾语是服装类)

静态动词 wear(表状态)= be in

dress 穿(宾语是人) dress the boys 给男孩穿衣服

Model: The boy can dress himself.

get dressed

She likes wearing black.

She wore/had on a new dress

was in

wear, have on, be in + 颜色 :强调状态

42.question problem

question: 带有疑问性更多,带有疑问的问题

problem: 题目、问题



1) 当陈述部分的主语是everybody, everyone, someone, no one, no body , some body 等指人的合成词时,简短问


Model: Nobody wants to go with you, does he/ do they?

2) 当陈述部分主语是everything, anything, something, nothing等指物的合成词时,简短问句部分的主语只能是“it” Model: Everything is ready, isn’t it?

3) 当陈述部分带有seldom, hardly, few, little, nowhere, nothing, never等否定词或半否定词时,简短问句部分用肯


Model: There’s little water, is there?

4) 当陈述部分的否定词仅带有否定前缀,那么该陈述部分做肯定句处理,简短问句部分用否定形式

Model: She is unhappy, isn’t she?


Model: One can’t be too foolish, can one/you?

6)当陈述部分是I suppose, I think, I believe结构时,简短问句部分往往与that从句的主语、谓语保持一致,但要注意否定转移

Model: I suppose he is serious, isn’t he?

I don’t think she will come, will she?


Model: She thinks I will marry her, doesn’t she?

7)如果陈述部分是I am 结构,附加部分用“aren’t I”

Model: I am late, aren’t I?

8) 陈述部分带有情态动词needn’t 时,简短问句部分通常用“need”

Model: We needn’t do all the things, need we?

9) 陈述部分带有情态动词must时,简短问句部分通常用“must”

Model: I must go now, mustn’t I?

10) must(推测性用法)“一定,想必”

Model: That must be Tom, can’t it/isn’t it?

You must be very tired, can’t you/aren’t you?

否定形式:You can’t be very tired.

11)祈使句反意疑问句: 除Let’s „, shall we?外,其他一律用will/won’t you?(won’t:woll not)


1) Jane has to stay here all day, ______________?

2) That’s your sister, _____________?

3) We may go home now, ___________?

4) I must answer this question, _______________?

5) Jane has coffee for breakfast, _______________?

6) Nothing can stop him, _____________?

7) No one left here yesterday,____________?


1)当and连接的并列名词词组带有each, every等限定词时,随后的动词通常用单数,both„and 连接的并列结构


Model: Both boys are form USA.

Few students are really lazy.

Each boy has his own book.

Every girl comes on time.

Each boy and each girl has a ball.

Every boy and every girl in Class One is asked to come.


2) 根据主语意义确定谓语动词


Model: Fifty dollars is enough.

Seven days is a long time.

Fifteen miles seems like a long walk for me.

3) 由or; nor; either„or„; neither„nor„; not only„but also„;there be连接的并列结构作主语,随后的动词形


4)学科名词以“s”结尾:physics, maths, mathematics, politics用单数

5)以“s”结尾的地理名词,如果是国名the United States系单一的政治实体,用单数;如果不是国名用复数(群


6)集体名词audience(观众), class, family, public, government,可用单数,也可用复数,视为整体用单数,侧重点放


Model: The Green family are well and is going on a trip.

The police serves the people.

The police are coming.

scissors 剪刀

shorts / underwear 短裤


Model: A/The writer and reporter is going to give us a talk.


A/The writer and a/the reporter are going to give us a talk.


The Stars and Stripes (星条旗(USA)) is broken.

8)当主语后面根由as well as(还有),with(和),together with, but, except, along with引导的词组时,其后的动词


Model: The teacher with the students is going to work on a farm.


10)如果主语由a kind of, a type of,等加名词构成,动词用单数,即使of 短语中的名词是复数,动词也用单数,如果

在kind, type 之前是these / those, 同时of- 词组中的名词又是复数,动词用复数 That

___________________________ Those

11) 如果作主语的名词词组是由表及里 “分数(或百分数) + of- 词组” 构成, 其动词形式依 of- 词组中名词类别定. Two thirds of the students Over sixty per cent of the city Exercises:

1) All but one _____ here just now.

A. is B. was C. has been D. were

2) _____ of the land in this District ______ covered with tress and grass.

A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; is D. Two fifths; are

3) Not only I but also Jane and Mary _____ tired of having one exam after another.

A. was B. were C. is D. are

4) Both books of this kind _____ well.

A. sell B. sells C. are sold D. is sold

5) When and where to build the new factory _____ yet?

A. is not decided B. are not decided

C. has not decided D. have not decide

6) The number of people invited _____fifty, but a number of them _____ absent for different.

A. was; was B. were; were C. was; were D. were; was

【注】 1)永远复数

shorts 短裤 jeans 牛仔裤 thanks 谢谢

congratulations 祝贺


maths 数学(mathematics) physics 物理学

politics 政治学 times 时代 papers 文件

goods 货物 greens 青菜


water(s) fish(es) food(s) drink(s)

two teas = two cups of tea an egg egg(蛋清)

45.fiction novel story

fiction: 小说总称,特指“虚构的,杜撰的故事”

novel: 指“有情节、有人物、有动作、有对话的长篇故事”

story: 是普通词,指“把真实的或想象的事通过讲述或写成书”



①prefer sth to sth

②prefer doing sth to doing sth

③prefer to do sth rather than (to) do sth

Model: When their cars become old, they prefer to buy a new car rather than (to) repair it.

2)prefer A to B

A和B 比较起来,更喜欢A


have a great future 前途无量

have no future 没有前途

in future 今后,往后/侧重从今以后,常用来对人提警告

in the future 将来,未来/泛指将来

No one can tell what will happen in the future.

There is no excuse in future. 下不为例

48.kind (=type)

a kind of 一个种类

all kinds of 各种各样

Will you be kind enough to open the door?


n. wind cloud rain snow sun

adj. windy cloudy rainy snowy sunny wet dry fine


There will be more rain this year than last year

There was a heavy rain last night.

It rained heavily/hard last night.


n. 房间 [C]

n. 空间、余地 [U] = space

make room for sb. 为sb.让点地方

Model: Please make room for the old lady.

52.Would you like to have a word with me?

have a word (talk) with sb.=talk with sb.

I didn’t understand your words.

53.It is + adj.+ for sb to do sth

It is + adj.+ of sb to do sth

It is important for us to learn English.

It is easy for anyone to answer the question.

It is very kind of you to think so much of us.

It is very clever of him to do so.

不定式前的for sb,有时可用of sb来表示,取决于形容词是表示不定式的情况,还是表示人的情况,如果形容词


54.set off set out

set off: 出发/动身

set out: 出发/着手干„

set out to do sth = begin to do sth

set out/off for = leave for 动身去某地

55.on its first trip 处女航,首次航行

56.lose one’s life 丧命,丢失性命

come back to life 苏醒

come to oneself = come back to life 起死回生

57.help sb (to) do sth help sb with sth

help sb (to) do sth: 帮助某人做某事

help sb with sth: 在„„方面帮助某人

with the help of sb

with one’s help

58.到达 (reach arrive get to)

reach vt. 及物 vi. 不及物

arrive in 到达(大地方)

arrive vi.

arrive at 到达(小地方)

get to 到达

reach Beijing

Model: 到达北京 arrive in Beijing

get to Beijing

arrive / get here

arrive / get there adv.

arrive / get home

When did you _____ home yesterday?

A. reach B. arrive C. get to D. arrive at

59.for to

buy, make, get, call, find, cook, draw, sing, choose, leave, mend等动词后面的间接宾语借助介词for,置于直接宾语之后

give, bring, pass, lend, do, read, write, show, teach, hand, tell等动词后面的间接宾语借助介词to,置于直接宾语之后

write, read 等动词后面的间接宾语既可用for也可用to置于直接宾语之后,但意思有区别:

Model: I wrote a letter to her 我给她写了一封信

I wrote a letter for her. 我替她写了一封信

60.madam madame




a teacher of English

an English teacher : 1) a teacher of English

2)a teacher who comes from England


another的意思是“除去某一个以外,另两个或两个以上当中的任何一个”,因此,至少要有三个或三个以上才能用another;另外,another还有“再一”“又一”的意思(=one more);another还构成一些常用词组

Model: Three students spoke at the meeting. One was James, another(was)Betty, and the third (was) Phillip.

You read this one first. I’ll bring you another one tomorrow.

one another=each other

another day or two=one or two more days/one more day or two. 再过一两天 He is taller than me./He is taller than I am tall.

第一人称首选主格,其他人称选宾格,但是 than 后除人称代词外,还有动词, 用主格.


the developing country 发展中国家

the developed country 发达国家

65.however but

正:I don’t know what he said; however, I’ll ask him.

I don’t know what he said. However, I’ll ask him.

I don’t know what he said, but I’ll ask him.

误: I don’t know what he said, however I’ll ask him



speak English fluently/speak English well

speak fluent English/speak good English

67.begin start

begin to do sth begin doing sth

start to do sth start doing sth

begin: 使 “处于进行中”

start: 出发、动身 (= set out/off)

68.hear see

hear/see sb doing sth 看见 / 听见某人正在做某事

hear/see sb do sth 看见 / 听见某人做某事(表一次性动作或


Model: On my way home I saw Tom stealing books from the bookshop.

We saw him get on a horse and go way. 表动作全过程

69.take a bus by bus

Model: He goes to school _________ every day.(介词短语)

He _________ to school every day.(动词短语)

70.大(big large great)

1) 形容物体大

①通常用big, large(big 较口语化),主要指体积、重量等;large主要指面积、范围等

Model: He lives in a big/large house.


Model: Look at the great hotel in my stocking.

2) 形容人时

①big 指人身大体肥,或辈分大,用于儿童含有“长大成熟”之意,有时big可指大人物

Model: a big man/a big sister

Don’t cry, you’re a big girl now.

the big man of the city.(VIP)


Model: a large man 又高又大的人


71.real (really) true (truly)



real true

really truly

1) 在句中,位置不同,含义不同

①I really don’t like her. 我确实不喜欢她。

I don’t really like her. 我不太喜欢她。

②I really don’t mind waiting. 叫我等,我一点也不在意。

I don’t really mind waiting. 叫我等,我不是一点也不在乎。


A: I’m going to Japan next month.

B: Really?

It’s a real man, not a robot.

He’s a true man. 他是一个真正的男子汉

He’s not a real friend. 他不是一个真正的朋友(即假朋友)

He’s not a true friend. 他不够朋友(即不可靠的朋友)

72.own 用作形容词或代词时,必须放在名词所有格或形容词性物主代词后,加强语气,后接或不接名词均可,但表达形式


my own 乖乖(口)爱称

This is his own house.

This house is his own.

He has a house of his own.

on one’s own = alone = by oneself 独自,靠自己

Model: She lives on her own/alone/by herselfself.

73.kid(~ding ~ded)

Don’t kid me.

I’m not kidding you.


space [U] 空间、余地 = room

in space 在太空,在宇宙里

universe 就物质而言的宇宙

space 就空间而言的宇宙

Model: The universe exists in space. 万物存在宇宙中。



Model: save the girl from fire.

保持:save one’s face 保全面子

save one’s breath 保持沉默

76.be going to shall(will) be

be going to: 表示打算做某事,说话者已做出决定,并可能做好准备,没有感情色彩

shall(will): 表示临时的,未经深思熟虑的决定,will有强烈的感情色彩

Shall I„?

Shall we„?

I’ll marry you tomorrow. get married to sb.

Shall we„?

Why not do sth„?

Let’s do sth,„!

What about (doing) sth?

How about„?

77.agree with


Model: I don’t agree with you/your idea.


Model: The weather does not agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。

Hard work does not agree with me.

The weather in Shanghai agrees with me.


Model: What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。

agree with: 后接表示人的名词或代词

agree to:①表示同意一项打算、安排、计划等;

②后接suggestion, plan ;


Model: He agreed to go with us.

He never agreed to Mary marrying him.

agree on/upon:表示双方通过协商就某事达成协议或取得一致意见

Model: He agreed on lending (to lend) me his bike.

78.try to do sth try doing sth

try to do sth: 试着做某事

try doing sth:试做过某事

79.at the(this, that) moment

at the/this moment=now 此刻、目前、眼下,常与一般现在时和现在完成时连用

at that moment 当时、那时

Model: I haven’t got enough money at the/this moment/now.

in a moment

in a short while/time

80.fun [U]

have fun =enjoy oneself

= have a good time

have fun (in) doing sth.





81.happen take place

1)happen 表示“偶尔发生”,表示“人”的名词或代词不能做主语,不是计划之内的发生(不及物,不能用被动语态)

sth + happen + to + sb

Model: A traffic accident happened to Mary last night.

2) “人”做主语, 作 “碰巧”解

Model: I happened to see my step-mother (继母) in the street yesterday.

3) take place 表示计划、安排之内的发生(偶尔,也表示偶然发生)不及物,不能用被动语态

occur 偶然发生

Model: The dance will take place on Saturday evening.

Great changes have taken place in my hometown since 1978.

82.Help oneself to do sth

1) 自取,自用

Model: --Can I have a drink, please?

--Help yourself.

2) 擅自拿用

Model: The money was on the table and no one was there. So he helped himself to it. / So he stole it.

83.Ving Ved

Model: We were all surprised at the surprising news.

be interested in the interesting

be excited at the exciting

be amazed at the amazing

in surprise 惊奇的

be surprised (at)

to one’s (great) surprise

84.也许(maybe perhaps probably)

maybe, perhaps: 可能性小

probably: 可能性较大

possibly: 可能性较大

85.maybe may be

maybe: adv.

may be:情态动词+be

Model: Maybe he is at home now.

He _____ _____ at home now.

He _____ _____ _____ now.

86.nearly almost

nearly 常与数词连用(不能和否定词连用)

almost 常与never, no , nobody, none, nothing, nowhere等否定词连用

Model: It’s ______ six o’clock now.

She said ______ nothing at the meeting.

(半否定) hardly=almost not

not nearly 决不


need do sth 情态动词 ――― needn’t do sth

need to do sth 实意动词 ――― don’t need to do sth

need doing sth= need to be done

want doing sth=want to be done

Model: My bike needs repairing.=My bike needs to be repaired.

88.花费(take spend cost pay for)

1) take: 作“花费,需要”讲时,可以用指物的词语作主语,也可用指人的词语作主语

Model: It will take three days to finish the job.

I take only three minutes to work out the problem.

2) spend 金钱、时间 on sth

spend 金钱、时间 (in) doing sth

Model: She spends much money on clothes.

She spends much time (in) watching TV.

3) cost (~ ~) 价值, “物” 作主语

Model: The watch cost me ten dollars.

4) pay for 为„„付钱 “人” 作主语

89.Take one’s time. 慢慢来,别着急。

Model: Please take your time.

90. Don’t take me for a fool. 别把我当傻瓜看。


1) 把„„误认为„„ =(mistake„for„)

2) 把„„看作„„ (look on„as„)

91. until


1) 在肯定句中,表示动作的终点,谓语动词必须是延续性的

Model: She slept until(till) ten o’clock now.

2) 在否定句中,表示动作的起点。“在„„以前”=before

not„until„ 时间状语从句,主将从现

Model: She didn’t sleep until(till) ten o’clock pm.

Tom didn’t know any Chinese until he came to China.

I won’t leave until you come back.

92.until before



Model: I started (暂短性) my lunch before Mary came.

I dislike Mary until/before I got to know her.


Model: I won’t know anything about it until I get a letter from him.

I didn’t wait long before she came. 我没等多久她就来了。


93.图画(picture drawing painting)

picture: 含义最广,可指一切类型的图画,有时可指照片

drawing: 指“钢笔、铅笔或粉笔”画“素描、草图”

painting: 用绘画颜料画的画、油画、水彩画

94.游戏(game sport play match race)

game: 既可指户外运动,也可指户内运动,可指游戏,一般用为大型的国际体育运动会

sport: 户外运动或消遣,指一般的运动会

play: 玩耍游戏,指心灵或体力的休闲和娱乐活动

match: 比赛、竞赛、安排好的单项比赛

race: 表示赛跑、划船、马、汽车赛

95.衣服(clothes suit coat jacket)

clothes:复数名词,服装的总称,不可与数词连用,但可以和many, some, several连用

cloth 布 [U]---cloths




96.let have make (使役动词)

let sb do sth

使某人做某事 have sb do sth

make sb do sth 可改为被动语态,但要还原小品词

97.because though (主从连句)

误:Because Mr. Smith was ill, so Mrs. Smith took his class instead.

误:Because she was ill, so Mrs. Smith took his class instead.

正:Because Mr. Smith was ill, Mrs. Smith took his class instead.

98.climate weather



99.不定冠词(a, an)的用法


Model: My father is a bus driver.


Model: A man is waiting for you at the school gate.


Model: I have a son.

I have (only)one son. (唯一)


Model: A horse is bigger than a sheep.



Model: We’ll build a fourth bridge on the Changjiang River.


Model: What a heavy snow﹗



the earth the moon the Great Wall


the first the most beautiful



the Greens





the pool the rich the deaf the blind


the Yangtze River the Red Sea the Alips





4)名词前已有作定语的this, that, my, your, some, any, whose, no, each, every等代词时

5)街道名、广场(除the Red Square)公园名(the Centre Park)、车站、机场、桥梁名、大学名、节目、杂志前

【注】 in school 在校求学 in prison 坐牢

in the school 在学校 in the prison 在牢里工作

in bed 卧床不起 in hospital 住院接受治疗

in the bed 躺在床上 in the hospital 在医院(工作等)


1) 双重所有格

a friend of my father’s


误:a friend of a doctor’s (必须特指)

the friend of the doctor’s (不能用定冠词)

a cover of the book’s (不能指物)

Mary of the doctor’s (不能用专有名词)


① his son - in - law’s death

② Dicken’s Dickens’ Jones’s = Jones’

③ a friend of the doctor’s

④ a picture of Mr. Brown’s 布朗先生收藏的一张画


can ------ can


may------ may




must ----- must


need ---- must


104.when while as

when: 引导时间状语从句,从句中的动词可以是延续性的,也可以是暂短性的

while: 引导时间状语从句,从句中的动词只能是延续性的,有对比性(然而)

as: 强调两个动作发生的同时性

Model: Mother was cooking, while father was washing TV.

能用as的地方 ,when和while都能用;反之则不行

105.除了(except but besides)


besides: 除„„以外(包含)


keep sb doing sth:使某人连续不断地做某事

keep doing sth:一直做某事

107.系动词(become turn get go grow)

1)become:后接n. adj. P.P. 作表语

Model: He became a teacher at the age of 20.

The weather becomes/gets warmer in spring.

Soon the room became crowded.( P.P.)




Model: turn red/cold/sour

He turned traitor.

He was a medical student before he became/turned a writer.

3)get:表示状态发生变化,后接a. P.P.作表语,但get之后一般不接颜色的a. 如遇此情况,用turn, go

Model: ①The weather is getting/becoming quite warm.

②The teacher is getting/becoming angry.

③I got lost in the woods.

④She got excited about it.

⑤He got killed when crossing the road.



Model: These apples have gone bad.

She has gone mad.

5)grow: 表示变得、成为,后接a. P.P.

Model: He has grown/become rich.


but 作为介词时,意味“除了”“除去”,多在以下词语之后:

a) no no one nothing nowhere

b) any anyone anything anywhere

c) every everyone everything everywhere

d) all none

e) who what where

109. come out


Model: The stars came out as soon as it was dark.


Model: Mary always comes out well in pictures.


Model: Spring flowers(迎春花) come out earlier than usual this year.

110.be famous for be proud of be the pride of

be famous for:以„„闻名

be proud of:为„„感到自豪

be the pride of:是„„的自豪骄傲


1)用动词call, ring, phone, telephone表示

Model: He wanted you to ring him.

2)用call up, ring up, phone up, telephone up表示

Model: Can I phone you up?

3)用on, over, by加名词phone或telephone表示(注意名词前有无冠词)

Model: He told me the news by phone.

on the phone.

over the phone.

4)用make telephone calls表示

Model: I make lots of telephone calls every month.

5)用give„a call/ring表示

Model: I’ll give you a ring.

【注】 You’re wanted on the phone = There’s a call for you.


1) 给„„看;出示 (show sb sth=show sth to sb)

Model: Will you show me that coat over there?


Model: He is showing the foreign visitors around the school.


【注】on show:故意或无意地给人看所显示之物

on display:把某物展示出给某人看(故意)

113.someone somebody

someone, somebody都表单数概念,句子中的动词也要用单数

someone, somebody都不能分写成some one, some body.另外,两个词一般用于肯定句,疑问句用anyone, anybody 114.the same„as


Model: You coat is the same as mine.

My first three letters are the same as in the word“come”.


Model: He uses the same book as you do.


Model: He made the same mistake as last time.

He make the same mistake as /that he did last time.

115.family house home

family: 是集体名词,如作为一种社会结构的“家庭”,后面的动词用单数形式;如指构成家庭里的成员,后面动


Model: My family is a large one, and my family all like watching TV.

house: 指供一家人住的房子,侧重于具体的建筑物

home: 指一个人出生和居住的地方,带有感情色彩,所以“家乡”应说hometown.(包括family和house) 116.job work

job: [C] 指具体的某一项工作,特别是雇佣,招聘的,有报酬的工作,也指零工,散工

work: [U] 主要指体力或脑力劳动,表示一种抽象概念

【注】job=a piece of work

be out of work

find a job/lose one’s job

117. center(centre) middle


Model:At the center of the park there is a big tree.

Where is the shopping center of the city?

middle: 指“中间”“中部”,属普通用词,指空间或时间两端等距离的部分

Model: Don’t stand in the middle of the street.

118.tall high

tall: 身高,细长物体高


119.好(nice good well fine great kind beautiful OK)

1) 表示人的身体状况良好、感觉不错时,可用well, fine, OK

2) 表示天气好nice, fine, beautiful

3) 表示东西的质量好、人的品质好常用good

4) 表示东西的外观漂亮可用nice, beautiful

5) 表示东西的味道美常用nice(相当于delicious)

6) 表示人的心肠好常用kind

7) 表示某物动作进行得好,常用副词well

8) 接受别人的建议或邀请时,可用OK

9) 在表示“玩得高兴”的have a „ time短语中,可用nice, good, fine, great

120.do make

do: 做某项工作或某件事情

make: 制作某种东西

121.look for find find out

look for: 作“寻找”解,强调动作过程

find: 偶然发现,通常指“发现”“找到”,强调动作结果

find out: 意为“找出”“查明”“弄清楚”,多指通过观察、思考、探索、不择手段地找到或发现

122.go walk

walk: 只表示用双脚走

go: 既可指步行而走(go on foot=walk),还可指借助其他交通工具而走

123.see watch look look at

see: 指“看见”“看望(=visit)”,指眼睛的非主动行为,强调看见的结果,暂短性动作

watch: 常用于看电视、看比赛、看某人进行某种活动

look: 带有目的地看,不一定能看得见或看清楚,不及物动词

look at:相当于一个及物动词,可以带宾语,指“看”的动作,不强调结果

124.遗忘(forget leave)

forget: 忘记抽象概念,后接Ving形式,指忘记已做过某事;后接不定式,指忘记要做某事

leave: 指把某物遗留在某地,后有地点状语(forget后不接地点状语)

125.must have to


must: 侧重于说话人的主观看法,认为有必要或有义务去做某事

have to: 侧重于客观需要,含有“不得不”“被迫”之意

Model: If I buy that car, I’ll have to borrow some money.

2)时态形式不同:一般说来must只有现在时一种形式(宾语从句可以表示过去);have to有多种时态形式

3)否定意义不同:mustn’t 不准,不许 don’t have to = needn’t 不必

126.ought to should (都为情态动词)

ought to + 动词原形 ——— 应该、应当、理当


ought not to = oughtn’t to

Model: He ought to go now, oughtn’t he?

Ought I to go?

Yes, you ought (to).

Yes, you should.


1)通常两者可替换,只是ought to语气稍重些

Model: You ought to/should go and see Mary sometime.

2)基于法规、行为准则、道德责任等而“应该”做某事时,一般用ought to强调个人意见、主观看法should Model:-- You ought to/should go and see Mary sometime.(不太想去)



Model: All member of the audience should be dressed neatly!


4)在美语中,ought to常用非肯定句中,其中to有时可省,但在肯定句中,不能省略,省略句中可省,问句中可用


127.offer 给,提供=give

1) 给某人某物基本上相当于give的含义

2) 把某物拿出来给对方,对方可能接受,也可能拒绝

3) 提出某物让对方考虑

128.error mistake

error: 违反某一既定标准,不精心而做错事,产生偏差

mistake: 由于粗心,不注意或在理解、认识或判断上的不准确,而造成行动或看法上的错误

by mistake 由于差错

Model: I took your pen by mistake.

129.Don’t you think so?



130.take the place of instead of

take the place of: v. 代替

instead of: prep. 代替

Model: We Chinese people use chopsticks instead of knives and forks. 我们中国人用筷子而不用刀子、叉子

Let’s play volleyball _____ _____ _____ basketball.


I’ll take the place of Mr. Smith.

I’ll take Mr. Smith’s place.

instead: adv. 用在句首或句末

131.rob steal


rob sb. of sth. robber 强盗

Model: Tom robbed Mary of her wallet. 汤姆抢劫了玛丽的钱包。

steal:偷,指暗中窃取 (steal stole stolen)

steal sth. from sb.

steal sb. sth.

steal one’s heart 偷取了某人的欢心

132.“比较级+and+比较级”意为“越来越„„”,表示自身程度的渐渐改变,如果是多音节形容词或副词,用“more and more + 原级”表示

Model: These flowers are becoming more and more beautiful.


Model: Jane is the brighter of the two girls.

134.“the more„the more„”意为“越„„越„„”

Model: The sooner , the better.

The more , the better.

The more friends you make, the happier you will feel/will be.


In fact, the busier he is, the happier he feels.




①表示“事情、问题”等 [C]

Model: It’s a matter of time. 那是时间问题

Matter went on very smoothly.

②表示“物质” [U]

Model: Most matter has three states. 大多数物质有三种形态。

③与定冠词连用,表示“乱子、毛病”(the matter=wrong)

Model: What’s the matter with you?

④用于“no matter + who” 用来引导的让步状语从句

what (注意:不能引导名词性从句 主语 表语 定语 宾语)




Model: No matter(不管、无论) what you say, I won’t believe you.


=Whatever you say, I won’t believe you.

Whenever you come, you’ll be welcome.

=No matter when you come, you’ll be welcome.

【注】no matter what/whatever引导的是状语从句,两者可换用;whatever引导的是宾语从句,属于名词性从句,

不能用no matter what 替换

正:I’ll eat whatever you give me.

误:I’ll eat no matter what you give me.



Model: It doesn’t matter.

【注】对人用to 对事用about It doesn’t matter to sb / about sth.

②口语“It doesn’t matter”的主要用法有:



136.indeed really

indeed adv. 的确、确实


Model: --- It’s cold.

--- It’s indeed.

--- Did you come yesterday?

--- Indeed I did. / I did indeed.


Model: The news is good indeed.

I miss you very much indeed.


Model: I didn’t mind. Indeed I was pleased.


a.一般不宜与really, truly连用,以免重复

正:He was very sorry indeed.

误:He was really truly sorry indeed.


b. indeed一般不用于疑问句

正:Is he really angry?

误:Is he angry indeed?

c. indeed 用来加强语气时,与形容词或副词连用的very不能少

正:Thank you very much indeed.

误:Thank you indeed.

137.lie lie lay

lie lay lain lying (平)躺

lie lied lied lying 说谎

lay laid laid laying 下(蛋)

138.can be able to

1)be able to 之后一般接v.的主动式,不接v.的被动式;can可以接被动式

正:He is able to hear the sound.

He can hear the sound.

The sound can he heard.

误:The sound is able to be heard.

2)be able to有多种时态形式(但不能用于进行时或与be going to连用)

3)be able to 的过去时表示在过去某起具体场合做事的能力,往往暗示经过努力才具备的能力

Model: She could/was able to speak several languages.

She will be able to/can drive a car.

4) able 是常规形容词(可作定语,也可作表语)

Model: He is very able.(表语)

He is an able teacher.(定语)


order sb to do sth = ask sb to do sth

in order to 1)简单句 :We got up early in order to catch the early bus.

2)复合句: We got up early so that / in order that we could catch the early bus. 主从连词 + 句子 目的状语从句

In order to catch the bus, we got up early.

140.very rather quite

quite------rather------very (语气上由轻到重)

This book is quite good. 这本书不错。

This book is rather good. 这本书相当不错。

This book is very good. 这本书很不错。


Model: It’s rather warmer today. 2)quite也可与比较级连用,但只限用于quite better(身体好)

Model: He is quite better today.


Model: He did it rather badly.

It’s rather cold today.

4)rather、quite 可直接修饰v.

Model: I quite / rather enjoy watching TV.

I enjoy watching TV very much.

I quite / rather agree with you.

141.die of die from die for

die of: 死因主要存在人体之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身原因)

die from: 死因是由于环境造成的(主要指事故等)

die for: 为„„而死

die of illness / cancer / heart trouble

die from an accident / an earthquake


die of / from a drink

a hunger


a starvation

142.I don’t know which to choose.

when to start

where to go

what to do (不能加宾语)

how to do it (必须由宾语)


Model: what work to do

143.on the tree in the tree

on the tree:表示“(长)在树上”

in the tree:表示“(放置、逗留)在树上”

144.enough: 1)修饰n.后置或前置,首选前置.

2)修饰adj. adv.必须后置

145.――Tom is a clever boy.

――So is he.(2个人) ――So he is.(一个人一回事) 他确实是一个聪明的男孩


146. be different from „ 不同于„„

the difference(s) between„ and„ „„和„„的不同之处

147. taxi

v. (出租) taxiing / taxying

pl. taxis / taxies

148. practice n. v.

practise v.

149. be on 表在进行中

150. I have no idea. = I don’t know. 我不知道。

151. just then(用于过去时)= just at that time

= just at that moment

152. too „ (for sb ) to „

so „ that „ 如此„以致(引导结果状语从句)

so that (目的状语从句)

e.g.: The desk is so heavy that we can’t move it.

The desk is too heavy for us to move.

The door was too small for the elephant to go through.

The door was so small that the elephant couldn’t go through it.

过去时 ----- couldn’t 现在时 ----- can’t

enough 句型:

e.g.: The door was not big enough for the elephant to go though.

The text is so easy that everyone of us can understand it.

The text is easy enough for everyone of us to understand. 【注】 先改成否定式,再将形容词改成反义词


The boy is too young to go to school.

The boy is not old enough to go to school.

153. rely on depend on (依靠)

rely on: 在过去经验的基础上,依赖、相信某人或某物,希望从中得到支持或帮助

depend on: 指出于信赖而依靠他人或他物,以取得支持或帮助,这样的信赖可能有过去的经验或了解为根据,也


154.也(also as well too either)

also: 用于肯定句,放在句中

as well: 用于肯定句,放在句末

too: 用于肯定句,放在句末,也可放在主语后面,省略回答用宾格

Model: I, too, like ice cream.

I like ice cream, too.

either: 用于否定句,放在句末

155. have

have / make sb. do sth.:叫/让/请/使某人做某事

Model: I’ll have Tom post the letter.

用于否定句,表示“不能让”或“从未有人”,常与won’t 连用

Model: I won’t have you tell me what to do. 我不能让你对我指手画脚。

have /keep sb. doing sth.: 使/让某人一直做某事

Model: He had the light burning all night.

用于否定句,表示“不能让”“不允许”,常与won’t, can’t 连用

Model: I won’t have you smoking at your age.

have sth. done:请/让别人做某事(主语不做)

Model: We had the machine repaired.


Model: I had my watch stolen yesterday. 我的表昨天被偷了。


Model: We had all the mistakes corrected.

156. act as act like

act as: 作为、扮演、充当

Model: Peter acts as a policeman in the play while Tom acts as a thief.

act like: 像„„样的举止

157. at the end of by the end of

at the end of:“在„„末尾”,既表示时间也表示地点

by the end of: “在„„末之前”

Model: By the end of next month we’ll finish our lessons.

By the end of last year we had finished our lessons.

I saw Mary yesterday. We hadn’t seen each other for ten years.

by yesterday

before yesterday

158. manner

good manners 讲礼貌

bad manners 没礼貌

Model: It’s bad manners to talk with a full mouth.


It’s good manners to knock at the door before you go in.

159. 普通(common ordinary usual)

common: 强调常见,不足为奇的,共有的,共同的,译为“普通的,常见的,共同的,共有的”(n.---共同点) Model: It’s a mistake quite common among the students.


Cold is very common. 感冒是很常见的。

It’s a common cup. 这是一个公用茶壶。

ordinary: 表示通常的,惯常的,普通的,平凡的,无论指人或指物都是平均值

Model: Our English teacher is an ordinary man.

usual: 译为“平常的,通常的”常用短语:

as usual 像平常一样 than usual 比平常„„

Exercise: 1) The word used in this sentence is quite ______ in our textbook.

2) We had a lot in _______.

3) Einstein was an ________ man with great achievements.

4) He wore his ________ blue uniform.(制服)

160. 活的(alive living live lively)a.

alive: 通常不放在名词前作定语,作后置定语,也可作表语。主要用于人或动物。意为“活着的,有活力的”,反义词


Model: He’s the happiest man alive. 他是世界上活着的最幸福的人。

Tom was caught alive. 汤姆被活捉了。

I’m afraid he can’t come back alive. 我恐怕他不能活着回来了。

She’s still alive. =She’s still living. 作表语

living: 可作表语和定语,修饰人或物

Model: Both plants and animals are living things.

My first English teacher is still living / alive.


Model: the greatest scientist alive

the greatest living scientist



Model: In the car accident the mother was killed, but her two-year-old son was found alive.

live: 表示“活的”时,用于动物植物,作前置定语

Model: She bought some live/living fish.



Model: She is a lively girl.

The music is bright and lively.


Model: What lively colours!


Model: His lessons are lively and interesting.

Ex: Is your grandfather _____________?

Have you seen a ____________ whale?

He had a strange way of making his classes ___ and interesting.

( have a strange way of doing sth.)

She is dead, but her cat is ____________.

Who is the greatest man ________?

161. 穿过(across through cross crossing)

across prep. 表示(平面)穿过

through prep. 表示(立体)穿过

cross v. = go across

crossing n. 十字路口

Red Cross 红十字

162. 阻止(keep stop prevent)

keep sb. doing sth. 使某人连续不断地做某事

keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止 sb. 做 sth.

stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止 sb. 做 sth

prevent sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止 sb. 做 sth

163. 举例(for example such as)

for example: 作“例如”讲,一般则以同类食物或人中地“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中、


Model: For example, Peter is foolish.

Do you speak any other language, for example, Franc or German?

such as: 作“例如”讲,用来引出同位语,通常应放在所修饰的名词之后,用来列举同类人或事物中地几个例子(但


Model: People such as your father is very foolish.

Sweet food such as chocolate can make you fat.

Don’t do anything foolish such as marry him.

He knows four foreign languages, such as English and French.


164. kindness


Thank you for your all kindness(es).

165. thus

1) = so

= as a result

Model: They studied hard, thus, they got good marks.

2) = in this way 这样

166. 国家(state country nation)


nation: 侧重指国民或民族

country: 侧重指国土或疆域

state: 侧重着政权,或国家机器

Model: The whole nation is rejoicing.

Railways in China belong to the state.

China is a large country.

2) 有时可互换

Model: the friendly country/nations/states

my father country/nations/states

nation flag/air 国旗

nation hymn /anthem 国歌

nation emblem 国徽

167. ill sick

ill: 表语形容词,不能作定语

sick: 常规形用词,既可作表语,也能作定语

ill luck = bad luck the sick 病人


sick pay 病假津贴 sick leave speak ill of sb. 说某人的坏话

be sick for sb. home sick 想家 love sick 相思

seasick 晕船 heartsick 闷闷不乐的,沮丧的

ill 病 表语形容词

ill 坏 常规形用词= bad

ill news = bad news

ill / bad / badly --- worse worst

badly = very / very much 表示“迫切地”“非常”

多与 want / need连用

Model: He wants to come badly. 他十分想来。

He needs money badly.

168. cold

have a cold中a 不能省略,但在take a cold ,catch a cold中,a可以省略。但cold前若有形容词修饰, 一个a也

不能省,如take/get/catch a bad cold


1) used to usedn’t to didn’t use to


Model: He used to smoke, but now he has given up smoking.

He used not to like Peking Opera, but now he is fond of it.

didn’t use to

2) be/get/become used to

to是介词,后接名词或动名词,表示”习惯于”,有时为了强调从不习惯到习惯的过程也可用get或become Model: She is used to getting up early.

I’m not used to hard work..

3) be used as 被作为„„用

4) be used for 为了…而被使用

5) be used by 被…人使用

6) be used to do sth 被用来干…

7) be used in 被在…地方使用

Model: She is used to getting up early.

I’m not used to hard work.

Model: English is used as a second language in China.

英语在中国被作为 第二语言使用。

Model: Radios are used for sending and receiving messages by police.

Model: My bike is used by Tom now.

Model: A clock is used to tell us the time.

170. alone lonely

alone 只能作表语,不能作定语.指没有别人或其他东西的陪同或帮助.英语释为 by oneself;汉语译为;独自,偶尔作adv,放在句首( let alone… 更不用说)不表示寂寞孤独的主观感受

lonely:可作表语,也可作定语,往往侧重在由于没有别人或其他东西的陪伴而感到寂寞的意思(带有强烈的感情色彩)英语译为:without companions; feeling sad 汉语译为:孤独

Model: He was alone, but he didn’t feel lonely.

Tom felt lonely without his girlfriend.

We saw a lonely traveler in the street.

It was a lonely night. I stayed alone at home, watching TV.

He didn’t feel lonely when he was alone.

Tom alone knew what had happened.

171. think

think over 仔细考虑

think hard 苦思冥想

think out 想出,弄出来

think of

1) 表示“想”“考虑”

Model: What do you think of?

Don’t think of it any more.

2) 表示“为„着想”

Model: Lei Feng was a kind person. He was always thinking of others.

3) 表示“想起, 记起”=remember

Model: We often think of you

I can’t think of his name at the moment.

4)think highly of 表示评价 = speak highly of


Model: I don’t think highly of the plan.

5) What do you think of / about…?

How do you like …?

6) 表示“考虑”think of = think about 其他意思不可互换

I don’t think he is right, is he?


172. at the top of 点接触

on the top of 面接触 在…顶上

to the top of 到顶上

173. be afraid to do sth

be afraid of doing sth

可互换,但表示担心可能会发生某事只能用be afraid of doing sth.不能用 be afraid to do sth.

Model: I’m afraid of hurting her feelings. 我怕伤了她的感情.

174.mind: v.

1) 表示“介意”“在乎”,通常用于否定句或疑问句(有时也用于应答以及对照性可肯定句中)后接n. Ving或从句,


Model: I don’t mind what you say.

Do you mind if I smoke here?

( my) smoking here?

(my) opening the door?

Yes, I mind it very much.

Go ahead, I don’t mind.

2) Would / Do you mind…? 请你……好不好?


Never mind.不用来回答感谢,而主要用于:

1) 当别人要帮忙或为你做某事时,译为“不用了”

Model: - Let me help you.

- Never mind.


Model: A: Sorry to keep you waiting.

B: Never mind.

3) 当别人处于困境时,用以劝慰.译为“不要紧的”

Model: Never mind, my boy. You will soon feel better.


A: Do you call yourself a gentleman, sir?

B: Never mind, sir.

5) 当别人进一步追问时,译为“没什么,别提了”

A: What did he say?

B: Never mind.

mind n. 表示“精神”“心智”不可数名词,表示 “想法”, “意见” 可数名词

change one’s mind

make up one’s mind

175. 最后(finally at last in the end )

1) 表示先后顺序的最后,或用于列举事物时,引出最后一项内容时,通常只用 finally

He lived in Turkey, Italy, France and finally Mexico.

2) 三者都可表示经过一段等候或一番拖延,曲折的“最后”finally语气较轻.一般不带感情色彩(经过一番艰苦努力,用

at last)

He succeeded at last.

2) in the end

Model: I’m sure everything will turn out all right in the end.

In the end, things will mend.

176. everyone = everybody

1) 不和of 短语连用

2) 只指“人”,不指 “物”,“人人,每人”

Everyone is here, aren’t they / isn’t he?

177. every one

1) 和of短语连用

2) 可指“人”,可指 “物”

178. pleased a. 表语形容词

pleasant a. 常规形容词,



Model: Our English teacher is a pleasant old man.


She is not very beautiful but very pleasant.

pleasure n.

It’s a pleasure. = My pleasure. 回答 Thank you.

With pleasure.用于回答别人请你,你很愿做某事

enjoyable 令人愉快的(不表示满意“感到愉快的”)

We had a enjoyable time at the party.

It was an enjoyable concert.

happy 高兴的 愉快的 幸福的 (表示高兴的原因)

be happy to do sth

be happy that…

be happy at / about

179. a number of = a lot of

the number of … 的数量

a number of 后面必须接名词复数,谓语动词用复数

a large number of





the largest number of

the number of …的数目,谓语动词用单数

180. so that 引导目的状语从句或结果状语从句

so that目的状语从句常带有一个情态动词

so that 结果状语从句,常有一个逗号,把它与主句分开。

Model: I put on my glasses so that I saw clearly.

I put on my glasses, so that I saw clearly.

so that“为了,以便”(目的状语从句) = in order to do sth

= in order that = so that 181. die of 死因主要存在人体之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身原因)

die from 死因是由环境造成的(主要制事故等)

die for 为…而死

Model: die of illness / cancer / heart trouble

如果死因是环境到体内,即两方面共有的原因,用of/from 均可 Model: die of / from a drink

a hunger


a starvation

182. begin 其内涵是“使处于进程中”

start 其内涵是“使处于启动中”

183. hear (直接)听说

hear of (间接)听说

hear about 听说有关…的情况

hear from sb. = get a letter from sb.

= receive a letter from sb.

184. mountain 大山,高山

mount 山,小山,用于诗歌中,山名前

hill 小山

the 山名 + Mountains

Mount +山名

Model: the Jinggang Mountains

the Tianshan Mountains

Mount Fuji

Mount Tai

184. such so

such + a (an) + 形 + 名 (单数)

such + + 形 + 名 (复数)

such + + 形 + 名 (不可数)

Model; I have never seen such a wonderful film.

such beautiful flowers.

such large bread.

so + adj. + a ( an ) + n.

Model: I have never seen so wonderful a film.

such a wonderful film.

在 many, much few, little前,只能用so

但当 little 作“小”解释时,用 such

Model: Such a little boy can’t do it well.

This question is so difficult that nobody can work it out.

It is such a difficult question that nobody can work it out. so difficult a question that

185. together altogether adv.


1) 表示“总共”,说明数量(可放在数字前,句首或句末) Model: There are altogether ten people.

Altogether there are ten people.

There are ten people altogether.


Model: I forget it altogether.



Model: It is rainy, altogether it is a good trip.

together adv


Model: They will succeed together or fail together.

Let’s go home together.



Model: They all arrived together.

together with 连同,与……一起

Model: He sent her some flowers together with a love letter. together with 连接主语时,谓语通常与第一个主语保持一致 Model: Jim, together with his classmates, has seen the film. 186. on the right

on the right side

on the right hand side

187.post = mail

mail / post a letter

Model: You will get the things through the mail / post. Please send the parcel by post / mail.

email address

e-mail address


an e-mail

post office

postage paid 邮资已付

postage stamp邮票

postage metre

188. sir


Model: Sir Rowland Hill ㊣

Sir Rowland ㊣

Sir Hill ╳

3) my dear sir / man / friend

189. decide to do sth

decide that (从句)

decide on sth.

190. high a. height n.

long length

wide width

deep depth

heavy weight

191. loud loudly aloud

loud adj. adv.

1) 作形容词,意思是“大声的,响亮的”

Model: He has a loud voice.

The radio isn’t loud enough, turn it up.

2)用作副词,与loudly有区别aloud,多与speak, talk, read, laugh, sing等动词连用,只能放在这些动词的后面

Model: Don’t talk so loud / loudly.

loud loudly adv.

1) loudly比loud应用范围更广

2) 在用于比较级和最高级时,通常用loud

Model: Who laughed loudest?

aloud adv.

1) 强调“出声”

Model: Read aloud.

2) 表示“大声”,通常与cry, laugh, shout等连用

192. ill 病 表语形容词

ill 坏= bad

ill news = bad news

ill / bad / badly --- worse worst

badly = very / very much 表示“迫切地”“非常”

多与 want / need连用

Model: He wants to come badly. 他十分想来。

He needs money badly.

(其他用法见 167。)

193. lost missing

Thirty-five lives were lost, and two men were missing.

194.as since for because

1) because 叙述的原因是直接原因,有必然的因果关系,回答why问句,语气最强

2) since “因为”“既然”,只用于引导已知是事实的句子,所表示的是一种间接或附带的原因,语气比because弱,比as ,for强

Model: Since we have no money, we can’t buy a new car.

Since everyone is here, let’s start.


Model: As it rained heavily, we had to stay at home.

4) for 并列连词,用来说明理由,只是一种解释和补充说明,不能用于句首,而用于主句之后

Model: I will follow his advice, for he’s a doctor.


1) What do you mean by…?

What do you mean by saying that?

2) Do you mean to say…?

Do you mean to say Peter is fool?

I mean the red one, not the green one.

I mean what I say. 我说到做到。

Health means everything.

196. human human being

human 或human being 指人时,通常有与神、动物、机器人等相对的意思。如果没有对比,不宜随便使用 不能说:How many human beings are there in your family?

可以说:I’m a human being. I have a brain, I can think and use my hands.

复数 human- humans human being – human beings

197. an amount of

a great amount of

a large amount of

接不可数名词, 用作主语时, 谓语动词的数取决于amount 的数.

Model: A large amount of money was spent on the bridge.

Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.

198. feel like doing sth = want to do sth

= would like to do sth

199. word

1) have a word with sb. = have a talk with sb. 同某人说句话或谈谈

have words with = quarrel with sb 同某人争吵

2) in a / one word 一句话,总而言之

in other words 换句话说,也就是说

3) 诺言,消息,一般为单数

keep one’s word 守信

break one’s word 失信

give one’s word = promise

eat one’s words = take back one’s words 收回前言,承认错误

break one’s promise

with these words 说着= after saying these words

4) Word came that…从句

Word came of + n. 意思是:有消息说

Model: Word came that he was killed in the car accident.

Word came of his success abroad.

It is said that…

It is reported that…

200. a number of 后面必须接名词复数,谓语动词用复数

a large number of





the largest number of

the number of …的数目,谓语动词用单数

201. try = shot

have a try = have a shot = have a go = want a go

202. famous

be famous for 因…而闻明

Model: Yizheng is famous for its tea.

be famous as 作为…而闻名

Model: Edison is famous as a scientist.

203. whether if 的用法区别:

在下列7种情况下,只能用 whether, 不能用if

1) 在带to 的动词不定前

She hasn’t decided whether to go or to stay.

2) 在介词后面

I worry about whether I hurt her feeling.

I’m not interested in whether she’ll come or not.

3) 只接与 or not连用时( 或者在whether or not结构中)

I can’t say whether or not he’ll come on time.

I’m not interested in whether or not she’ll come.

4) 句首(宾语从句提前,主语从句)

Whether she is right or wrong, I can’t tell.

5) 表语从句

The question was whether he went there last night.

6) 在动词 discuss 的宾语从句中

We discussed whether we would have a sports meeting next week.

7) 如果用 if 会引起歧义的,用 whether

Please let me know if you like the book.

a. Please let me know whether you like the book.

b. If you like the book, please let me know.

在下列三种情况下用 if 不用 whether:

1) 引导条件状语从句, if 意为 “如果”

We will g swimming if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

2) 引导否定概念的宾语从句时一般用if

He asked me if I hadn’t finished my homework.

3) 状语从句even if (即使) as if(好像)

I’ll not let you watch TV even if you’re free.

He talks as if he knew all about it.

204. travel / trip / journey

travel: 泛指旅行,不可数名词

trip: 指短途的,往返的观光或旅行。


205.have 的用法

1) have / keep sb. do sth. 叫, 让, 请, 使某人做某事

I’ll have Tom post the letter.

2)用于否定句, 表示 “不能让” 或 “从未有人” 常与won’t连用

I’ll won’t have you tell me what to do.


3) have / keep sb. doing sth. 使, 让某人一直做某事

We had the light burning all night.

4) 用于否定句表示满意”不能让” "不允许"常与won’t, can’t 连用

I won’t have you smoking at your age.

5) have sth done 让, 请, 使某人做某事 (主语不做)

We had the machine repaired.

6) 表示“经历”或“遭遇”这种动作往往是违背主语意愿的

I had my watch stolen yesterday.

7) 表示 “完成”或“解决”某事,此时过去分词所表示的动作,主语也可能参加

We had all the mistakes corrected.

206. 定语从句:





A. 一般规则用 who/that 代替人


但实际使用中:大多数是用who 指人,较少用that指人

大多数是用that 指物,较少用which指物

例1:This is the detective who came from London.

例2:He’s the man who lives next door to us.

例3: He drives a car that can travel 150 miles an hour.

B: 关系代词做宾语,通常省略

正式文体用 whom 指人

用 which 指物

非正式文体用 who 指人

用 that 指人

用 that 指物

Where is the man (whom)

(who) I saw this morning?


Is that the man (whom)

(who) you gave your tickets to?


Where is the book (which)

(that) I bought this morning? 现代英语强烈倾向于用that 和 zero. 除非在非常正式的文体中用 whom/which


指人只能用whom (不可省略)

指物只能用which (不可省略)

The man from whom I borrowed the book is Li Lei. 可省略

非正式文体中,通常介词后置,可用who/that 指人,

that 指物or 都用 zero

They are the boys (who) (that) I went to school with.

在介词后置的情况下,如果还用which / whom, 那就很不自然。

二.在非限制性定语从句中,通常用who, whom, whose指人


My cousin, who is an engineer, went to Europe last week.


A. 关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时,可以省略


He has changed. He is not the man he was.

B. 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,只有当从句是由it is, that is, there is引导的场合才能省略。 It isn’t everybody (who) (that) can learn a foreign language so easily.

That was his brother (who) (that) just went by.

There was someone (who) (that) asked for you, Bill.

四.三个关系副词when, where, why可以在

the time when

the place where 结构中省略

the reason why

I shall never forget the day (when) we first met.

The reason (why) he came so early is his own affair.

That’s the place (where) he stayed (in) when he was in London.

表示时间的先行词除time外,也可以是 day / morning / afternoon

evening / night / week / month / year / ect.

表示地点的先行词除place外,也可以是 desk / house / town / table

school / room /street/ect



(1) 如果先行词是anything, something, nothing, everything等复合不定代词,关系代词只用that

例如:She didn’t forget anything that her mother had told her to buy.

(2) 先行词被序数词或 the last 修饰时,关系代词常用that

例如:This is the first textbook that I studied in the primary school.

He is in the last row that is next to the window.


例如:That is the highest building that I have seen.

(4) 先行词是或被 all, no, some any, little, much, none等不定代词修饰时,关系代词只用that

例如:I’ve written down all that (= what ) the teacher doesn’t allow us to do.

They haven’t got any dictionaries that we need.

(5) 先行词被 the only, the very, 等修饰时。

例如:This is the very novel that you want to borrow.

(6) 先行词有两个或多个分别表示人或物时,关系代词应该用that

例如:The boy and the dog that are in the picture are very lovely.

He told us many interesting things and persons that we had never heard.

(7) 主语是以 who, which 引导的特殊疑问句时,用关系代词that

例如:Who is the man that you spoke to just now?

Which is the book that you want to borrow?

(8) 先行词是主句的表语或关系代词在定语从句中作表语时。

例如:China is no longer the country that used to be.


A. 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句


a. 限制定语从句紧跟先行词,同先行词之间一般不加逗号,仅修


b. 非限制性定语从句仅作补充或说明,用逗号与主句隔开,既可


B. which的一种特殊用法


代替主句所表示的整体概念或部分概念。在这种从句中, which

可以作主语,也可以作宾语或表语,多数情况下意思是与and this


例如: He succeeded in the competition, which made his parents very happy.

C. 定语从句的主谓一致



1.I am not one who is afraid of difficulty.我是个不怕困难的人。

2.Don't choose me,who am not fit for this job.不要选我,我不适合做这项工作。

3.Anyone who has questions to ask, please come to my office this afternoon.有问题要问的人,


另外,关于定语从句的先行词,one of后常接复数名词,在非正式


先行词保持一致,而是与 one相一致,这是因为说话者或写作者首


例如: 4.That is one of the most valuable dictionaries that has appeared in recent years.那本词典是


5.Buenos Aires is one of the world capitals that is noted for its busy harbor.布宜诺斯艾利斯




当one前面有the only等限定词和修饰语时,定语从句的谓语动词也要与 one保持一致而取单数形式。

例如: 6.He is the only one of those workers who is able to do this job.他是那些工人中唯一能做此工作的


D. As在定语从句中的用法(高中部分学)

1. 引导限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句

(1)as多与such 或the same连用,可以代替先行词是人或物的名词。

(2)as 也可单独使用,引导非限制性定语从句,作用相当于which。

例如:The elephant’s nose is like a snake, as anybody can see.

(3)the same… that与 the same …as在意思上是不同的。



例如:(1) As is expected, the England team won the football match.

(2) The earth runs around the sun, as is known by everyone.


1. The number of people ____ lost homes reached

A. which B. who C. whom D. 不填

2. This is the most beautiful park _____I have _____ visited.

A. which; ever B. that; ever C. which; yet D. that ; ever

3. This is the most enjoyable journey ______ I have ever heard of.

A. which B. who C. that D. whom

4.We are talking about Tonny, _____ you met yesterday.

A. whom B. which C. that D. with who

5.Is this the very museum ______ some Japanese visitors visited last Wednesday.

6.The place _____ I grew up is a beautiful town.

A. which B. that C. where D. from which

7. This is the shop ______ sells children’s clothing.

A. where B. who C. the one D. which

8. I don’t think the number of people _____ this happens is very large.

A. who B. to which C. that D. to whom

9. Do you know Mrs Jackson _____ daughter is a famous poet?

A. that her B. whose C. who D. of whom

10. Do you remember one evening a week ago ______ I came to your room and borrowed a dictionary?

A. before B. which C. when D. as

Correct the mistakes:

1. Who is the man who has white hair?

2. Is this the book for which he was looking?

3. The village in that he lives is 20 kilometers away.

4. She talked of the man and cooks who and that interested her very much.

5. This is the first book which I have bought.

6. All which can be done has been done.

7. He was the only person which knows how to open the door.

8. The man to who you talked is a famous runners.

9. The girl whom is in Class Two is Jim’s sister.

10. I still remember the day that I first came to Nanjing.



主语是名词性从句(常用what,whatever,when,where,why ,how,that,whether等引导放在句首)时,动词通常用单数形式。例如:

1.What I am most interested in is American movies.我最感兴趣的是美国电影。

2.Whatever he says is of no importance.无论他说什么都不重要。

3.Whoever says that is wrong.无论谁说这话都不对。

4.That he will come is certain.他肯定会来。

5.Why he is late for class is more than I can tell.为什么他上课迟到,我也说不上来。


6.Who are going to attend the meeting have been decided by the manager.哪些人去参加会议,已由经理做as many as 25000.


7.Whoever say that are to be punished.谁这样讲,就惩罚谁。




thank you 和sorry在英语口语中使用频率很高,它们的答语有些是相同的,有些却只能用于其中的一种情况。现简述如下:


(1)Not at all. 不用谢。/没关系。

(2)That's all right. 不用谢。/没关系。

(3)That's OK. 不用谢。/没关系。

(4)It's nothing. 没什么。/没关系。

(5)Don't mention it. 不要客气。

(6)Forget it. 忘掉它。

(7)、No problem. 没问题。

2)、只能用于thank you 的答语:

(1)It's a pleasure. 不用谢。

(2)You are welcome. 别客气。

(3)My pleasure. 我很乐意。


(1)It doesn't matter. 没关系。如:

— I'm sorry I'm late. 对不起,我迟到了。

— It doesn't matter. 没关系。

(2)Never mind. 没关系。如:

—I'm sorry I can't help you. 对不起,我不能帮你了。

— Never mind. 没关系。


1. at night in the evening in the night

2. like to do sth. like doing sth

3. forget(remember) doing sth forget(remember) to do sth

4. stop doing sth stop to do sth

5. take part in join attend

6. be good at be good for be good in be good to

7. sometimes some times sometime some time

8. 东西南北 (east south west north)

9. grow plant

10. fast quick

11. ago before

12. fall to the ground fall on the ground

13. such so(如此,这般)

14. in front of before

15. path lane street road way

16. vacant empty blank

17. across through

18. on the top of at the top of

19. 就近原则:

20. hope wish

21. 反身代词(强调、反射)

22. 相互代词

23. 疑问代词

24. all

25. each every

26. both:

27. either any

28. neither:

29. one

30. no one none

31. behind after

32. hundreds of / thousands of / millions of

33. on one’s way to(介词/ 小品词) school

34. be made of be made from

35. in spring

36. voice noise sound

37. take a No.46 bus = take No.46 buses

38. Don’t hurry. There’s a little time left.

Hurry up. There’s little time left.

39. carry take bring get fetch

40. 给你

41. 穿(put on wear dress have on be in + 颜色)

42. question problem

43. 反意疑问句

44. 主谓一致(语法一致原则,意义一致原则,就近原则)

45. fiction novel story

46. prefer

47. future

48. kind (=type)

49. 回答天气状况,必须用adj.

50. rain

51. room

52. Would you like to have a word with me?

53. It is + adj.+ for sb to do sth

It is + adj.+ of sb to do sth

54. set off set out

55. on its first trip

56. lose one’s life 丧命,丢失性命 /come/back to life 苏醒 come to oneself = come back to life 起死回生

57. help sb (to) do sth help sb with sth

58. 到达 (reach arrive get to)

59. for to

60. madam madame

61. 一个英语老师

62. another

64. develop

65. however but

66. fluently

67. begin start

68. hear see

69. take a bus by bus

70. 大(big large great)

71. real (really) true (truly)

72. own

73. kid(~ding ~ded)

74. space

75. save

76. be going to shall(will) be

77. agree with

78. try to do sth try doing sth

79. at the(this, that) moment

80. fun [U]

81. happen take place

82. Help oneself to do sth

83. Ving Ved

84. 也许(maybe perhaps probably)

85. maybe may be

86. nearly almost

87. need

88. 花费(take spend cost pay for)

89. Take one’s time. 慢慢来,别着急。

90. Don’t take me for a fool. 别把我当傻瓜看。

91. until

92. until before

93. 图画(picture drawing painting)

94. 游戏(game sport play match race)

95. 衣服(clothes suit coat jacket)

96. let have make (使役动词)

97. because though (主从连句)

98. climate weather

99. 不定冠词(a, an)的用法

100. 定冠词(the)的用法

101. 零冠词的用法

102. 所有格

103. 情态动词

104. when while as

105. 除了(except but besides)

106. keep

107. 动词(become turn get go grow)

108. but

109. come out

110. be famous for be proud of be the pride of

111. 打电话

112. show

113. someone somebody

114. the same„as

115. family house home

116. job work

117. center(center) middle

118. tall high

119. 好(nice good well fine great kind beautiful OK)

120. do make

121. look for find find out

122. go walk

123. see watch look look at

124. 遗忘(forget leave)

125. must have to

126. ought to should (都为去情态动词)

127. offer 给,提供=give

128. error mistake

129. Don’t you think so?

130. take the place of instead of

131. rob steal



134.“the more„the more„”意为“越„„越„„”

135. matter

136. indeed really

137. lie lie lay

138. can be able to

139. order

140. very rather quite

141. die of die from die for

142. I don’t know which to choose.

when to start

where to go

143. on the tree in the tree

144. Enough

145. Tom is a clever boy. So is he.(2个人) So he is.(一个人一回事) 146. be different from „ 不同于„„

the difference(s) between„ and„ „„和„„的不同之处

147. taxi

148. practice n. v.

practise v.

149. be on 表在进行中

150. I have no idea. = I don’t know. 我不知道。

151. just then

152. too „ (for sb ) to „

enough 句型:

153. rely on depend on (依靠)

154. 也(also as well too either)

155. have

156. act as act like

157. at the end of by the end of

158. manner

159. 普通(common ordinary usual)

160. 活的(alive living live lively)a.

161. 穿过(across through cross crossing)

162. 阻止(keep stop prevent)

163. 举例(for example such as)

164. kindness

165. thus

166. 国家(state country nation)

167. ill sick

168. cold

169. used to

170. alone lonely

171. think

172. at the top of /on the top of/to the top of

173. be afraid to do sth

be afraid of doing sth

174. mind: v. / Never mind.

175. 最后(finally at last in the end )

176. everyone = everybody

177. every one

178. pleased a./ pleasant a./ pleasure n./ happy / enjoyable 179. a number of = a lot of / the number of …

180. so that

181. begin / start

183. hear / hear of /hear about / hear from sb

184. mountain

184. such so

185. together altogether adv.

186. on the right

187. post = mail

188. sir

189. decide to do sth

190. high a. height n.

191. loud loudly aloud

192. ill

193. lost missing

194. as since for because

195. mean

196. human human being

197. an amount of / a great amount of / a large amount of 198. feel like doing sth

199. word

200. a number of / the number of…

201. try = shot

202. famous

203. whether if 的用法区别

204. travel / trip / journey

205. have 的用法



1. at night in the evening in the night

at night:太阳落山到太阳升起

in the evening:太阳落山到上床睡觉

168. cold

169. used to

170. alone lonely

171. think

172. at the top of /on the top of/to the top of

173. be afraid to do sth

be afraid of doing sth

174. mind: v. / Never mind.

175. 最后(finally at last in the end )

176. everyone = everybody

177. every one

178. pleased a./ pleasant a./ pleasure n./ happy / enjoyable

179. a number of = a lot of / the number of …

180. so that

181. begin / start

183. hear / hear of /hear about / hear from sb

184. mountain

184. such so

185. together altogether adv.

186. on the right

187. post = mail

188. sir

189. decide to do sth

190. high a. height n.

191. loud loudly aloud

192. ill

193. lost missing

194. as since for because

195. mean

196. human human being

197. an amount of / a great amount of / a large amount of

198. feel like doing sth

199. word

200. a number of / the number of…

201. try = shot

202. famous

203. whether if 的用法区别

204. travel / trip / journey

205. have 的用法



1. at night in the evening in the night

at night:太阳落山到太阳升起

in the evening:太阳落山到上床睡觉

in the night:在深夜

2. like to do sth. like doing sth

like to do sth.:将要做或一次性动作

like doing sth:一种习惯

3.forget(remember) doing sth forget(remember) to do sth

forget(remember) doing sth:忘记(想起)曾经做过某事

forget(remember) to do sth:忘记(想起)应该做过某事

4.stop doing sth stop to do sth

stop doing sth: 停止做某事

stop to do sth:停止A去做B

5. take part in join attend

take part in:表示主语参加某项工作、事业、活动等,并在其中起一定作用

take part in + 活动

take part in the group singing


join the Party

join sb in doing sth

join in=take part in 参加比赛或活动

join the singing group

join in/ take part in the group singing


attend a meeting/party/show/wedding/class/lecture

attend church/school/college

6. be good at be good for be good in be good to

be good at:擅长于

be good for:对„„有益/有好处

be good in:在„„方面成绩显著

be good to对(某人)好

7.sometimes some times sometime some time

sometimes:有时=at times

some times:几次,几倍


some time:一段时间

8. 东西南北 (east south west north)

1) 在专有名词中,多用east、south、west、north一类

Model: East China 华东 East Asia 东亚

East Europe 东欧 the Middle East 中东


Model: an eastern country 一个东方国家

in the east of : 表示在同一整体内部

on the east of : 必须接壤

to the east of : 表示不属于同一整体内部的某一方位,可接壤也可不接壤

9. grow plant



10.fast quick



11. ago before

ago 应注意2点:

1) 用于一般过去时

2) 它所指的时间是从现在算起,与表示一段时间(时间段)的词连用,不与表示时间点的词连用

Model: A few days ago, I met her in the street.

before 也注意2点:

1) 它用于过去完成时连用

2) 它所指的时间不是从现在算起,而是从过去某一时刻算起


Model: A few days before, he had met her in the street.

【注】She said,“I saw Tom three days ago.”

She said that she had seen Tom three days before.

12.fall to the ground fall on the ground

fall to the ground:掉落在地

fall on the ground:摔倒在地

13.such so(如此,这般)

such a good film/so good a film

在many, much ,few ,little 前用 so

so many questions / such good films

14. in front of before

in front of:多用于空间


15.path lane street road way



street:市区内车辆或马匹行走的道路 (两旁有建筑物地街道)

road: 市区内车辆或马匹行走的道路




lose one’s way on one’s way to on the way in the way in a way

16. vacant empty blank


a vacant room in hotel 旅客里的一间空房(为住人,有家具)


an empty room 空房间(屋内无人无物)


blank wall 无门无窗的墙

17.across through



18.on the top of at the top of

on the top of:表示面接触

at the top of:表示点接触


There be

either„or„ 要么„要么 „(或者„或者„;不是„就是„)

neither„nor„ 既不„也不„

not only„but also„ 不但„而且„

20.hope wish



wish to do sth =hope to do sth=want to do sth

虚拟语气 wish that (从句)=hope that (从句)

wish sb to do sth=want sb to do sth

wish sb sth:Wish you good luck

Give my best wishes to your parents. = Remember me to your parents.

= Give my regards to your parents.


1) Help yourself to„

Enjoy oneself =Have a good time

2)by oneself 自己(不要别人帮助)一个人干

Model: I did my homework myself. / I myself did my homework.

3)for oneself 替自己,为自己

4)between ourselves 私下说话(不可告诉别人)


Model: All this is between ourselves.

5)teach oneself 自学 = learn „ by oneself


one another与each other 可通用[彼此 互相]

each other:表示两人之间相互关系

one another:表示较多人之间相互关系

所有格: one another’s each other’s

Model: We must point out each other’s shortcomings.


1) Who/Whom did you go with?

2) With whom did you go?


(all the + n.) ,porn.

Model: All is going well. 一切进行得很好。

All hope has gone. 所有希望都破灭了。

All are here. 都在这儿。

all day 一整天

all night 一整夜

all this 所有这些

all the year around 整年

all day long 一天到晚

all the time 一直,总是(=always)

25.each every

each:“每一个”,但与“every”不同,在把一些东西一个一个加以考虑时,多用“each”, 既作adj.又作pron.可单


every:“每一个”。只能作定语,不能用作pron.不能单独使用,不能后接of短语,三者或三者以上的每一个。 Model: Each/Every boy has a ball. 划线的Each 可用Every one代替,但不能Every代替

There are many trees on each side of the road.

Each/Every boy hasn’t a ball.(不完全否定)

Not all the people like apples.(不完全否定)

26.both: 两者都(both + n.) pron. / adj.

Model: Both (adj) men are students.

27.either any


Model: You can take either of them. But you can’t take both of them.

There’re many trees on both sides of the road.

There’re many trees on either side of the road.

Either answer is right. = Both answers are right.


28.neither: 两者都不,是both的否定词,词否定,句不否定

Model: Both answers aren’t right.(不完全否定) = One answer is right the other is wrong.

Neither answer is right.(完全否定)

neither + n.(单数) neither of + ns (复数)


Model: If your wife doesn’t go, nor/neither will mine.

neither 否定词

29.one 指人也指物(同种异物,同种同物 it)

30. no one none

1) none:既可指人,也可指物(一个也没有)all 的否定词,三者或三者以上的一个也没有,可接of短语

no one:只可指人,等于nobody,不可接of短语

Model: Which do you like better,coffee or milk?

--Either is OK. I don’t mind.

--Neither is OK. I just want some tea.

-- Which do you like best,coffee, tea or milk?

--Any is OK. I don’t mind.

--None is OK.I just want some water.

2) 在回答how much, how many提问时,常用none

在回答who, what提问时,常用no one, nobody 或nothing

3) none 往往暗示有一定的范围,这种范围通常表现在其后的of短语上

no one, nobody不暗示这种范围

Model: Did any of your friends come to see you when you were in prison?

--None. (表示朋友中一个的一个都没来,其他人来了)

Did anyone come to see you?

--No one. (表示任何一个人都没来)

31. behind after


Model: Don’t hide behind others.


Model: The train is behind.


Model: The boy is behind other in maths.

after: 前后接不带冠词的单数可数名词,表示 “一个接一个地”

bus after bus / day after day

32. hundreds of people

hundreds of

thousands of 表约数

millions of

不接受具体数词修饰,只可加some, many, several的修饰

33. on one’s way to(介词/ 小品词) school

to see a film


to my home(n.)

from school to home(n.)

34.be made of be made from

be made of:“由„„制成”,制成品还能看出原材料

be made from:“由„„制成”, 制成品不能看出原材

be made by: “由……人制造”

be made in: “在……制造”

35.in spring

in the spring of 2003 特指2003的春天,加“the”

36.voice noise sound

voice: 可数 嗓音

noise: 不可数 噪音

sound: 不可数 自然界的各种声音

37.take a No.46 bus = take No.46 buses

38.Don’t hurry. There’s a little time left.

Hurry up. There’s little time left.

39.carry take bring get fetch

carry: take up sth.and move it from one place to another随身携带,不说明方向

take: 把东西或人从说话处“带走拿走”

bring: 从别处把东西或人“带来拿来” 说话处

get: 是常用词,多用于口语,与fetch 同意

fetch: 到别处去把某人或某物带来或拿走, “去拿来”

Model: Go and fetch me some water.


Here you are. 人本主义思想,尊重人

Here it is. 以物为主,重视物。(单数)

Here they are. 以物为主,重视物。(复数)

41.穿(put on wear dress have on be in + 颜色)

动态动词 put on (表动作) ——— take off (宾语是服装类)

静态动词 wear(表状态)= be in

dress 穿(宾语是人) dress the boys 给男孩穿衣服

Model: The boy can dress himself.

get dressed

She likes wearing black.

She wore/had on a new dress

was in

wear, have on, be in + 颜色 :强调状态

42.question problem

question: 带有疑问性更多,带有疑问的问题

problem: 题目、问题



1) 当陈述部分的主语是everybody, everyone, someone, no one, no body , some body 等指人的合成词时,简短问


Model: Nobody wants to go with you, does he/ do they?

2) 当陈述部分主语是everything, anything, something, nothing等指物的合成词时,简短问句部分的主语只能是“it” Model: Everything is ready, isn’t it?

3) 当陈述部分带有seldom, hardly, few, little, nowhere, nothing, never等否定词或半否定词时,简短问句部分用肯


Model: There’s little water, is there?

4) 当陈述部分的否定词仅带有否定前缀,那么该陈述部分做肯定句处理,简短问句部分用否定形式

Model: She is unhappy, isn’t she?


Model: One can’t be too foolish, can one/you?

6)当陈述部分是I suppose, I think, I believe结构时,简短问句部分往往与that从句的主语、谓语保持一致,但要注意否定转移

Model: I suppose he is serious, isn’t he?

I don’t think she will come, will she?


Model: She thinks I will marry her, doesn’t she?

7)如果陈述部分是I am 结构,附加部分用“aren’t I”

Model: I am late, aren’t I?

8) 陈述部分带有情态动词needn’t 时,简短问句部分通常用“need”

Model: We needn’t do all the things, need we?

9) 陈述部分带有情态动词must时,简短问句部分通常用“must”

Model: I must go now, mustn’t I?

10) must(推测性用法)“一定,想必”

Model: That must be Tom, can’t it/isn’t it?

You must be very tired, can’t you/aren’t you?

否定形式:You can’t be very tired.

11)祈使句反意疑问句: 除Let’s „, shall we?外,其他一律用will/won’t you?(won’t:woll not)


1) Jane has to stay here all day, ______________?

2) That’s your sister, _____________?

3) We may go home now, ___________?

4) I must answer this question, _______________?

5) Jane has coffee for breakfast, _______________?

6) Nothing can stop him, _____________?

7) No one left here yesterday,____________?


1)当and连接的并列名词词组带有each, every等限定词时,随后的动词通常用单数,both„and 连接的并列结构


Model: Both boys are form USA.

Few students are really lazy.

Each boy has his own book.

Every girl comes on time.

Each boy and each girl has a ball.

Every boy and every girl in Class One is asked to come.


2) 根据主语意义确定谓语动词


Model: Fifty dollars is enough.

Seven days is a long time.

Fifteen miles seems like a long walk for me.

3) 由or; nor; either„or„; neither„nor„; not only„but also„;there be连接的并列结构作主语,随后的动词形


4)学科名词以“s”结尾:physics, maths, mathematics, politics用单数

5)以“s”结尾的地理名词,如果是国名the United States系单一的政治实体,用单数;如果不是国名用复数(群


6)集体名词audience(观众), class, family, public, government,可用单数,也可用复数,视为整体用单数,侧重点放


Model: The Green family are well and is going on a trip.

The police serves the people.

The police are coming.

scissors 剪刀

shorts / underwear 短裤


Model: A/The writer and reporter is going to give us a talk.


A/The writer and a/the reporter are going to give us a talk.


The Stars and Stripes (星条旗(USA)) is broken.

8)当主语后面根由as well as(还有),with(和),together with, but, except, along with引导的词组时,其后的动词


Model: The teacher with the students is going to work on a farm.


10)如果主语由a kind of, a type of,等加名词构成,动词用单数,即使of 短语中的名词是复数,动词也用单数,如果

在kind, type 之前是these / those, 同时of- 词组中的名词又是复数,动词用复数 That

___________________________ Those

11) 如果作主语的名词词组是由表及里 “分数(或百分数) + of- 词组” 构成, 其动词形式依 of- 词组中名词类别定. Two thirds of the students Over sixty per cent of the city Exercises:

1) All but one _____ here just now.

A. is B. was C. has been D. were

2) _____ of the land in this District ______ covered with tress and grass.

A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; is D. Two fifths; are

3) Not only I but also Jane and Mary _____ tired of having one exam after another.

A. was B. were C. is D. are

4) Both books of this kind _____ well.

A. sell B. sells C. are sold D. is sold

5) When and where to build the new factory _____ yet?

A. is not decided B. are not decided

C. has not decided D. have not decide

6) The number of people invited _____fifty, but a number of them _____ absent for different.

A. was; was B. were; were C. was; were D. were; was

【注】 1)永远复数

shorts 短裤 jeans 牛仔裤 thanks 谢谢

congratulations 祝贺


maths 数学(mathematics) physics 物理学

politics 政治学 times 时代 papers 文件

goods 货物 greens 青菜


water(s) fish(es) food(s) drink(s)

two teas = two cups of tea an egg egg(蛋清)

45.fiction novel story

fiction: 小说总称,特指“虚构的,杜撰的故事”

novel: 指“有情节、有人物、有动作、有对话的长篇故事”

story: 是普通词,指“把真实的或想象的事通过讲述或写成书”



①prefer sth to sth

②prefer doing sth to doing sth

③prefer to do sth rather than (to) do sth

Model: When their cars become old, they prefer to buy a new car rather than (to) repair it.

2)prefer A to B

A和B 比较起来,更喜欢A


have a great future 前途无量

have no future 没有前途

in future 今后,往后/侧重从今以后,常用来对人提警告

in the future 将来,未来/泛指将来

No one can tell what will happen in the future.

There is no excuse in future. 下不为例

48.kind (=type)

a kind of 一个种类

all kinds of 各种各样

Will you be kind enough to open the door?


n. wind cloud rain snow sun

adj. windy cloudy rainy snowy sunny wet dry fine


There will be more rain this year than last year

There was a heavy rain last night.

It rained heavily/hard last night.


n. 房间 [C]

n. 空间、余地 [U] = space

make room for sb. 为sb.让点地方

Model: Please make room for the old lady.

52.Would you like to have a word with me?

have a word (talk) with sb.=talk with sb.

I didn’t understand your words.

53.It is + adj.+ for sb to do sth

It is + adj.+ of sb to do sth

It is important for us to learn English.

It is easy for anyone to answer the question.

It is very kind of you to think so much of us.

It is very clever of him to do so.

不定式前的for sb,有时可用of sb来表示,取决于形容词是表示不定式的情况,还是表示人的情况,如果形容词


54.set off set out

set off: 出发/动身

set out: 出发/着手干„

set out to do sth = begin to do sth

set out/off for = leave for 动身去某地

55.on its first trip 处女航,首次航行

56.lose one’s life 丧命,丢失性命

come back to life 苏醒

come to oneself = come back to life 起死回生

57.help sb (to) do sth help sb with sth

help sb (to) do sth: 帮助某人做某事

help sb with sth: 在„„方面帮助某人

with the help of sb

with one’s help

58.到达 (reach arrive get to)

reach vt. 及物 vi. 不及物

arrive in 到达(大地方)

arrive vi.

arrive at 到达(小地方)

get to 到达

reach Beijing

Model: 到达北京 arrive in Beijing

get to Beijing

arrive / get here

arrive / get there adv.

arrive / get home

When did you _____ home yesterday?

A. reach B. arrive C. get to D. arrive at

59.for to

buy, make, get, call, find, cook, draw, sing, choose, leave, mend等动词后面的间接宾语借助介词for,置于直接宾语之后

give, bring, pass, lend, do, read, write, show, teach, hand, tell等动词后面的间接宾语借助介词to,置于直接宾语之后

write, read 等动词后面的间接宾语既可用for也可用to置于直接宾语之后,但意思有区别:

Model: I wrote a letter to her 我给她写了一封信

I wrote a letter for her. 我替她写了一封信

60.madam madame




a teacher of English

an English teacher : 1) a teacher of English

2)a teacher who comes from England


another的意思是“除去某一个以外,另两个或两个以上当中的任何一个”,因此,至少要有三个或三个以上才能用another;另外,another还有“再一”“又一”的意思(=one more);another还构成一些常用词组

Model: Three students spoke at the meeting. One was James, another(was)Betty, and the third (was) Phillip.

You read this one first. I’ll bring you another one tomorrow.

one another=each other

another day or two=one or two more days/one more day or two. 再过一两天 He is taller than me./He is taller than I am tall.

第一人称首选主格,其他人称选宾格,但是 than 后除人称代词外,还有动词, 用主格.


the developing country 发展中国家

the developed country 发达国家

65.however but

正:I don’t know what he said; however, I’ll ask him.

I don’t know what he said. However, I’ll ask him.

I don’t know what he said, but I’ll ask him.

误: I don’t know what he said, however I’ll ask him



speak English fluently/speak English well

speak fluent English/speak good English

67.begin start

begin to do sth begin doing sth

start to do sth start doing sth

begin: 使 “处于进行中”

start: 出发、动身 (= set out/off)

68.hear see

hear/see sb doing sth 看见 / 听见某人正在做某事

hear/see sb do sth 看见 / 听见某人做某事(表一次性动作或


Model: On my way home I saw Tom stealing books from the bookshop.

We saw him get on a horse and go way. 表动作全过程

69.take a bus by bus

Model: He goes to school _________ every day.(介词短语)

He _________ to school every day.(动词短语)

70.大(big large great)

1) 形容物体大

①通常用big, large(big 较口语化),主要指体积、重量等;large主要指面积、范围等

Model: He lives in a big/large house.


Model: Look at the great hotel in my stocking.

2) 形容人时

①big 指人身大体肥,或辈分大,用于儿童含有“长大成熟”之意,有时big可指大人物

Model: a big man/a big sister

Don’t cry, you’re a big girl now.

the big man of the city.(VIP)


Model: a large man 又高又大的人


71.real (really) true (truly)



real true

really truly

1) 在句中,位置不同,含义不同

①I really don’t like her. 我确实不喜欢她。

I don’t really like her. 我不太喜欢她。

②I really don’t mind waiting. 叫我等,我一点也不在意。

I don’t really mind waiting. 叫我等,我不是一点也不在乎。


A: I’m going to Japan next month.

B: Really?

It’s a real man, not a robot.

He’s a true man. 他是一个真正的男子汉

He’s not a real friend. 他不是一个真正的朋友(即假朋友)

He’s not a true friend. 他不够朋友(即不可靠的朋友)

72.own 用作形容词或代词时,必须放在名词所有格或形容词性物主代词后,加强语气,后接或不接名词均可,但表达形式


my own 乖乖(口)爱称

This is his own house.

This house is his own.

He has a house of his own.

on one’s own = alone = by oneself 独自,靠自己

Model: She lives on her own/alone/by herselfself.

73.kid(~ding ~ded)

Don’t kid me.

I’m not kidding you.


space [U] 空间、余地 = room

in space 在太空,在宇宙里

universe 就物质而言的宇宙

space 就空间而言的宇宙

Model: The universe exists in space. 万物存在宇宙中。



Model: save the girl from fire.

保持:save one’s face 保全面子

save one’s breath 保持沉默

76.be going to shall(will) be

be going to: 表示打算做某事,说话者已做出决定,并可能做好准备,没有感情色彩

shall(will): 表示临时的,未经深思熟虑的决定,will有强烈的感情色彩

Shall I„?

Shall we„?

I’ll marry you tomorrow. get married to sb.

Shall we„?

Why not do sth„?

Let’s do sth,„!

What about (doing) sth?

How about„?

77.agree with


Model: I don’t agree with you/your idea.


Model: The weather does not agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。

Hard work does not agree with me.

The weather in Shanghai agrees with me.


Model: What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。

agree with: 后接表示人的名词或代词

agree to:①表示同意一项打算、安排、计划等;

②后接suggestion, plan ;


Model: He agreed to go with us.

He never agreed to Mary marrying him.

agree on/upon:表示双方通过协商就某事达成协议或取得一致意见

Model: He agreed on lending (to lend) me his bike.

78.try to do sth try doing sth

try to do sth: 试着做某事

try doing sth:试做过某事

79.at the(this, that) moment

at the/this moment=now 此刻、目前、眼下,常与一般现在时和现在完成时连用

at that moment 当时、那时

Model: I haven’t got enough money at the/this moment/now.

in a moment

in a short while/time

80.fun [U]

have fun =enjoy oneself

= have a good time

have fun (in) doing sth.





81.happen take place

1)happen 表示“偶尔发生”,表示“人”的名词或代词不能做主语,不是计划之内的发生(不及物,不能用被动语态)

sth + happen + to + sb

Model: A traffic accident happened to Mary last night.

2) “人”做主语, 作 “碰巧”解

Model: I happened to see my step-mother (继母) in the street yesterday.

3) take place 表示计划、安排之内的发生(偶尔,也表示偶然发生)不及物,不能用被动语态

occur 偶然发生

Model: The dance will take place on Saturday evening.

Great changes have taken place in my hometown since 1978.

82.Help oneself to do sth

1) 自取,自用

Model: --Can I have a drink, please?

--Help yourself.

2) 擅自拿用

Model: The money was on the table and no one was there. So he helped himself to it. / So he stole it.

83.Ving Ved

Model: We were all surprised at the surprising news.

be interested in the interesting

be excited at the exciting

be amazed at the amazing

in surprise 惊奇的

be surprised (at)

to one’s (great) surprise

84.也许(maybe perhaps probably)

maybe, perhaps: 可能性小

probably: 可能性较大

possibly: 可能性较大

85.maybe may be

maybe: adv.

may be:情态动词+be

Model: Maybe he is at home now.

He _____ _____ at home now.

He _____ _____ _____ now.

86.nearly almost

nearly 常与数词连用(不能和否定词连用)

almost 常与never, no , nobody, none, nothing, nowhere等否定词连用

Model: It’s ______ six o’clock now.

She said ______ nothing at the meeting.

(半否定) hardly=almost not

not nearly 决不


need do sth 情态动词 ――― needn’t do sth

need to do sth 实意动词 ――― don’t need to do sth

need doing sth= need to be done

want doing sth=want to be done

Model: My bike needs repairing.=My bike needs to be repaired.

88.花费(take spend cost pay for)

1) take: 作“花费,需要”讲时,可以用指物的词语作主语,也可用指人的词语作主语

Model: It will take three days to finish the job.

I take only three minutes to work out the problem.

2) spend 金钱、时间 on sth

spend 金钱、时间 (in) doing sth

Model: She spends much money on clothes.

She spends much time (in) watching TV.

3) cost (~ ~) 价值, “物” 作主语

Model: The watch cost me ten dollars.

4) pay for 为„„付钱 “人” 作主语

89.Take one’s time. 慢慢来,别着急。

Model: Please take your time.

90. Don’t take me for a fool. 别把我当傻瓜看。


1) 把„„误认为„„ =(mistake„for„)

2) 把„„看作„„ (look on„as„)

91. until


1) 在肯定句中,表示动作的终点,谓语动词必须是延续性的

Model: She slept until(till) ten o’clock now.

2) 在否定句中,表示动作的起点。“在„„以前”=before

not„until„ 时间状语从句,主将从现

Model: She didn’t sleep until(till) ten o’clock pm.

Tom didn’t know any Chinese until he came to China.

I won’t leave until you come back.

92.until before



Model: I started (暂短性) my lunch before Mary came.

I dislike Mary until/before I got to know her.


Model: I won’t know anything about it until I get a letter from him.

I didn’t wait long before she came. 我没等多久她就来了。


93.图画(picture drawing painting)

picture: 含义最广,可指一切类型的图画,有时可指照片

drawing: 指“钢笔、铅笔或粉笔”画“素描、草图”

painting: 用绘画颜料画的画、油画、水彩画

94.游戏(game sport play match race)

game: 既可指户外运动,也可指户内运动,可指游戏,一般用为大型的国际体育运动会

sport: 户外运动或消遣,指一般的运动会

play: 玩耍游戏,指心灵或体力的休闲和娱乐活动

match: 比赛、竞赛、安排好的单项比赛

race: 表示赛跑、划船、马、汽车赛

95.衣服(clothes suit coat jacket)

clothes:复数名词,服装的总称,不可与数词连用,但可以和many, some, several连用

cloth 布 [U]---cloths




96.let have make (使役动词)

let sb do sth

使某人做某事 have sb do sth

make sb do sth 可改为被动语态,但要还原小品词

97.because though (主从连句)

误:Because Mr. Smith was ill, so Mrs. Smith took his class instead.

误:Because she was ill, so Mrs. Smith took his class instead.

正:Because Mr. Smith was ill, Mrs. Smith took his class instead.

98.climate weather



99.不定冠词(a, an)的用法


Model: My father is a bus driver.


Model: A man is waiting for you at the school gate.


Model: I have a son.

I have (only)one son. (唯一)


Model: A horse is bigger than a sheep.



Model: We’ll build a fourth bridge on the Changjiang River.


Model: What a heavy snow﹗



the earth the moon the Great Wall


the first the most beautiful



the Greens





the pool the rich the deaf the blind


the Yangtze River the Red Sea the Alips





4)名词前已有作定语的this, that, my, your, some, any, whose, no, each, every等代词时

5)街道名、广场(除the Red Square)公园名(the Centre Park)、车站、机场、桥梁名、大学名、节目、杂志前

【注】 in school 在校求学 in prison 坐牢

in the school 在学校 in the prison 在牢里工作

in bed 卧床不起 in hospital 住院接受治疗

in the bed 躺在床上 in the hospital 在医院(工作等)


1) 双重所有格

a friend of my father’s


误:a friend of a doctor’s (必须特指)

the friend of the doctor’s (不能用定冠词)

a cover of the book’s (不能指物)

Mary of the doctor’s (不能用专有名词)


① his son - in - law’s death

② Dicken’s Dickens’ Jones’s = Jones’

③ a friend of the doctor’s

④ a picture of Mr. Brown’s 布朗先生收藏的一张画


can ------ can


may------ may




must ----- must


need ---- must


104.when while as

when: 引导时间状语从句,从句中的动词可以是延续性的,也可以是暂短性的

while: 引导时间状语从句,从句中的动词只能是延续性的,有对比性(然而)

as: 强调两个动作发生的同时性

Model: Mother was cooking, while father was washing TV.

能用as的地方 ,when和while都能用;反之则不行

105.除了(except but besides)


besides: 除„„以外(包含)


keep sb doing sth:使某人连续不断地做某事

keep doing sth:一直做某事

107.系动词(become turn get go grow)

1)become:后接n. adj. P.P. 作表语

Model: He became a teacher at the age of 20.

The weather becomes/gets warmer in spring.

Soon the room became crowded.( P.P.)




Model: turn red/cold/sour

He turned traitor.

He was a medical student before he became/turned a writer.

3)get:表示状态发生变化,后接a. P.P.作表语,但get之后一般不接颜色的a. 如遇此情况,用turn, go

Model: ①The weather is getting/becoming quite warm.

②The teacher is getting/becoming angry.

③I got lost in the woods.

④She got excited about it.

⑤He got killed when crossing the road.



Model: These apples have gone bad.

She has gone mad.

5)grow: 表示变得、成为,后接a. P.P.

Model: He has grown/become rich.


but 作为介词时,意味“除了”“除去”,多在以下词语之后:

a) no no one nothing nowhere

b) any anyone anything anywhere

c) every everyone everything everywhere

d) all none

e) who what where

109. come out


Model: The stars came out as soon as it was dark.


Model: Mary always comes out well in pictures.


Model: Spring flowers(迎春花) come out earlier than usual this year.

110.be famous for be proud of be the pride of

be famous for:以„„闻名

be proud of:为„„感到自豪

be the pride of:是„„的自豪骄傲


1)用动词call, ring, phone, telephone表示

Model: He wanted you to ring him.

2)用call up, ring up, phone up, telephone up表示

Model: Can I phone you up?

3)用on, over, by加名词phone或telephone表示(注意名词前有无冠词)

Model: He told me the news by phone.

on the phone.

over the phone.

4)用make telephone calls表示

Model: I make lots of telephone calls every month.

5)用give„a call/ring表示

Model: I’ll give you a ring.

【注】 You’re wanted on the phone = There’s a call for you.


1) 给„„看;出示 (show sb sth=show sth to sb)

Model: Will you show me that coat over there?


Model: He is showing the foreign visitors around the school.


【注】on show:故意或无意地给人看所显示之物

on display:把某物展示出给某人看(故意)

113.someone somebody

someone, somebody都表单数概念,句子中的动词也要用单数

someone, somebody都不能分写成some one, some body.另外,两个词一般用于肯定句,疑问句用anyone, anybody 114.the same„as


Model: You coat is the same as mine.

My first three letters are the same as in the word“come”.


Model: He uses the same book as you do.


Model: He made the same mistake as last time.

He make the same mistake as /that he did last time.

115.family house home

family: 是集体名词,如作为一种社会结构的“家庭”,后面的动词用单数形式;如指构成家庭里的成员,后面动


Model: My family is a large one, and my family all like watching TV.

house: 指供一家人住的房子,侧重于具体的建筑物

home: 指一个人出生和居住的地方,带有感情色彩,所以“家乡”应说hometown.(包括family和house) 116.job work

job: [C] 指具体的某一项工作,特别是雇佣,招聘的,有报酬的工作,也指零工,散工

work: [U] 主要指体力或脑力劳动,表示一种抽象概念

【注】job=a piece of work

be out of work

find a job/lose one’s job

117. center(centre) middle


Model:At the center of the park there is a big tree.

Where is the shopping center of the city?

middle: 指“中间”“中部”,属普通用词,指空间或时间两端等距离的部分

Model: Don’t stand in the middle of the street.

118.tall high

tall: 身高,细长物体高


119.好(nice good well fine great kind beautiful OK)

1) 表示人的身体状况良好、感觉不错时,可用well, fine, OK

2) 表示天气好nice, fine, beautiful

3) 表示东西的质量好、人的品质好常用good

4) 表示东西的外观漂亮可用nice, beautiful

5) 表示东西的味道美常用nice(相当于delicious)

6) 表示人的心肠好常用kind

7) 表示某物动作进行得好,常用副词well

8) 接受别人的建议或邀请时,可用OK

9) 在表示“玩得高兴”的have a „ time短语中,可用nice, good, fine, great

120.do make

do: 做某项工作或某件事情

make: 制作某种东西

121.look for find find out

look for: 作“寻找”解,强调动作过程

find: 偶然发现,通常指“发现”“找到”,强调动作结果

find out: 意为“找出”“查明”“弄清楚”,多指通过观察、思考、探索、不择手段地找到或发现

122.go walk

walk: 只表示用双脚走

go: 既可指步行而走(go on foot=walk),还可指借助其他交通工具而走

123.see watch look look at

see: 指“看见”“看望(=visit)”,指眼睛的非主动行为,强调看见的结果,暂短性动作

watch: 常用于看电视、看比赛、看某人进行某种活动

look: 带有目的地看,不一定能看得见或看清楚,不及物动词

look at:相当于一个及物动词,可以带宾语,指“看”的动作,不强调结果

124.遗忘(forget leave)

forget: 忘记抽象概念,后接Ving形式,指忘记已做过某事;后接不定式,指忘记要做某事

leave: 指把某物遗留在某地,后有地点状语(forget后不接地点状语)

125.must have to


must: 侧重于说话人的主观看法,认为有必要或有义务去做某事

have to: 侧重于客观需要,含有“不得不”“被迫”之意

Model: If I buy that car, I’ll have to borrow some money.

2)时态形式不同:一般说来must只有现在时一种形式(宾语从句可以表示过去);have to有多种时态形式

3)否定意义不同:mustn’t 不准,不许 don’t have to = needn’t 不必

126.ought to should (都为情态动词)

ought to + 动词原形 ——— 应该、应当、理当


ought not to = oughtn’t to

Model: He ought to go now, oughtn’t he?

Ought I to go?

Yes, you ought (to).

Yes, you should.


1)通常两者可替换,只是ought to语气稍重些

Model: You ought to/should go and see Mary sometime.

2)基于法规、行为准则、道德责任等而“应该”做某事时,一般用ought to强调个人意见、主观看法should Model:-- You ought to/should go and see Mary sometime.(不太想去)



Model: All member of the audience should be dressed neatly!


4)在美语中,ought to常用非肯定句中,其中to有时可省,但在肯定句中,不能省略,省略句中可省,问句中可用


127.offer 给,提供=give

1) 给某人某物基本上相当于give的含义

2) 把某物拿出来给对方,对方可能接受,也可能拒绝

3) 提出某物让对方考虑

128.error mistake

error: 违反某一既定标准,不精心而做错事,产生偏差

mistake: 由于粗心,不注意或在理解、认识或判断上的不准确,而造成行动或看法上的错误

by mistake 由于差错

Model: I took your pen by mistake.

129.Don’t you think so?



130.take the place of instead of

take the place of: v. 代替

instead of: prep. 代替

Model: We Chinese people use chopsticks instead of knives and forks. 我们中国人用筷子而不用刀子、叉子

Let’s play volleyball _____ _____ _____ basketball.


I’ll take the place of Mr. Smith.

I’ll take Mr. Smith’s place.

instead: adv. 用在句首或句末

131.rob steal


rob sb. of sth. robber 强盗

Model: Tom robbed Mary of her wallet. 汤姆抢劫了玛丽的钱包。

steal:偷,指暗中窃取 (steal stole stolen)

steal sth. from sb.

steal sb. sth.

steal one’s heart 偷取了某人的欢心

132.“比较级+and+比较级”意为“越来越„„”,表示自身程度的渐渐改变,如果是多音节形容词或副词,用“more and more + 原级”表示

Model: These flowers are becoming more and more beautiful.


Model: Jane is the brighter of the two girls.

134.“the more„the more„”意为“越„„越„„”

Model: The sooner , the better.

The more , the better.

The more friends you make, the happier you will feel/will be.


In fact, the busier he is, the happier he feels.




①表示“事情、问题”等 [C]

Model: It’s a matter of time. 那是时间问题

Matter went on very smoothly.

②表示“物质” [U]

Model: Most matter has three states. 大多数物质有三种形态。

③与定冠词连用,表示“乱子、毛病”(the matter=wrong)

Model: What’s the matter with you?

④用于“no matter + who” 用来引导的让步状语从句

what (注意:不能引导名词性从句 主语 表语 定语 宾语)




Model: No matter(不管、无论) what you say, I won’t believe you.


=Whatever you say, I won’t believe you.

Whenever you come, you’ll be welcome.

=No matter when you come, you’ll be welcome.

【注】no matter what/whatever引导的是状语从句,两者可换用;whatever引导的是宾语从句,属于名词性从句,

不能用no matter what 替换

正:I’ll eat whatever you give me.

误:I’ll eat no matter what you give me.



Model: It doesn’t matter.

【注】对人用to 对事用about It doesn’t matter to sb / about sth.

②口语“It doesn’t matter”的主要用法有:



136.indeed really

indeed adv. 的确、确实


Model: --- It’s cold.

--- It’s indeed.

--- Did you come yesterday?

--- Indeed I did. / I did indeed.


Model: The news is good indeed.

I miss you very much indeed.


Model: I didn’t mind. Indeed I was pleased.


a.一般不宜与really, truly连用,以免重复

正:He was very sorry indeed.

误:He was really truly sorry indeed.


b. indeed一般不用于疑问句

正:Is he really angry?

误:Is he angry indeed?

c. indeed 用来加强语气时,与形容词或副词连用的very不能少

正:Thank you very much indeed.

误:Thank you indeed.

137.lie lie lay

lie lay lain lying (平)躺

lie lied lied lying 说谎

lay laid laid laying 下(蛋)

138.can be able to

1)be able to 之后一般接v.的主动式,不接v.的被动式;can可以接被动式

正:He is able to hear the sound.

He can hear the sound.

The sound can he heard.

误:The sound is able to be heard.

2)be able to有多种时态形式(但不能用于进行时或与be going to连用)

3)be able to 的过去时表示在过去某起具体场合做事的能力,往往暗示经过努力才具备的能力

Model: She could/was able to speak several languages.

She will be able to/can drive a car.

4) able 是常规形容词(可作定语,也可作表语)

Model: He is very able.(表语)

He is an able teacher.(定语)


order sb to do sth = ask sb to do sth

in order to 1)简单句 :We got up early in order to catch the early bus.

2)复合句: We got up early so that / in order that we could catch the early bus. 主从连词 + 句子 目的状语从句

In order to catch the bus, we got up early.

140.very rather quite

quite------rather------very (语气上由轻到重)

This book is quite good. 这本书不错。

This book is rather good. 这本书相当不错。

This book is very good. 这本书很不错。


Model: It’s rather warmer today. 2)quite也可与比较级连用,但只限用于quite better(身体好)

Model: He is quite better today.


Model: He did it rather badly.

It’s rather cold today.

4)rather、quite 可直接修饰v.

Model: I quite / rather enjoy watching TV.

I enjoy watching TV very much.

I quite / rather agree with you.

141.die of die from die for

die of: 死因主要存在人体之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身原因)

die from: 死因是由于环境造成的(主要指事故等)

die for: 为„„而死

die of illness / cancer / heart trouble

die from an accident / an earthquake


die of / from a drink

a hunger


a starvation

142.I don’t know which to choose.

when to start

where to go

what to do (不能加宾语)

how to do it (必须由宾语)


Model: what work to do

143.on the tree in the tree

on the tree:表示“(长)在树上”

in the tree:表示“(放置、逗留)在树上”

144.enough: 1)修饰n.后置或前置,首选前置.

2)修饰adj. adv.必须后置

145.――Tom is a clever boy.

――So is he.(2个人) ――So he is.(一个人一回事) 他确实是一个聪明的男孩


146. be different from „ 不同于„„

the difference(s) between„ and„ „„和„„的不同之处

147. taxi

v. (出租) taxiing / taxying

pl. taxis / taxies

148. practice n. v.

practise v.

149. be on 表在进行中

150. I have no idea. = I don’t know. 我不知道。

151. just then(用于过去时)= just at that time

= just at that moment

152. too „ (for sb ) to „

so „ that „ 如此„以致(引导结果状语从句)

so that (目的状语从句)

e.g.: The desk is so heavy that we can’t move it.

The desk is too heavy for us to move.

The door was too small for the elephant to go through.

The door was so small that the elephant couldn’t go through it.

过去时 ----- couldn’t 现在时 ----- can’t

enough 句型:

e.g.: The door was not big enough for the elephant to go though.

The text is so easy that everyone of us can understand it.

The text is easy enough for everyone of us to understand. 【注】 先改成否定式,再将形容词改成反义词


The boy is too young to go to school.

The boy is not old enough to go to school.

153. rely on depend on (依靠)

rely on: 在过去经验的基础上,依赖、相信某人或某物,希望从中得到支持或帮助

depend on: 指出于信赖而依靠他人或他物,以取得支持或帮助,这样的信赖可能有过去的经验或了解为根据,也


154.也(also as well too either)

also: 用于肯定句,放在句中

as well: 用于肯定句,放在句末

too: 用于肯定句,放在句末,也可放在主语后面,省略回答用宾格

Model: I, too, like ice cream.

I like ice cream, too.

either: 用于否定句,放在句末

155. have

have / make sb. do sth.:叫/让/请/使某人做某事

Model: I’ll have Tom post the letter.

用于否定句,表示“不能让”或“从未有人”,常与won’t 连用

Model: I won’t have you tell me what to do. 我不能让你对我指手画脚。

have /keep sb. doing sth.: 使/让某人一直做某事

Model: He had the light burning all night.

用于否定句,表示“不能让”“不允许”,常与won’t, can’t 连用

Model: I won’t have you smoking at your age.

have sth. done:请/让别人做某事(主语不做)

Model: We had the machine repaired.


Model: I had my watch stolen yesterday. 我的表昨天被偷了。


Model: We had all the mistakes corrected.

156. act as act like

act as: 作为、扮演、充当

Model: Peter acts as a policeman in the play while Tom acts as a thief.

act like: 像„„样的举止

157. at the end of by the end of

at the end of:“在„„末尾”,既表示时间也表示地点

by the end of: “在„„末之前”

Model: By the end of next month we’ll finish our lessons.

By the end of last year we had finished our lessons.

I saw Mary yesterday. We hadn’t seen each other for ten years.

by yesterday

before yesterday

158. manner

good manners 讲礼貌

bad manners 没礼貌

Model: It’s bad manners to talk with a full mouth.


It’s good manners to knock at the door before you go in.

159. 普通(common ordinary usual)

common: 强调常见,不足为奇的,共有的,共同的,译为“普通的,常见的,共同的,共有的”(n.---共同点) Model: It’s a mistake quite common among the students.


Cold is very common. 感冒是很常见的。

It’s a common cup. 这是一个公用茶壶。

ordinary: 表示通常的,惯常的,普通的,平凡的,无论指人或指物都是平均值

Model: Our English teacher is an ordinary man.

usual: 译为“平常的,通常的”常用短语:

as usual 像平常一样 than usual 比平常„„

Exercise: 1) The word used in this sentence is quite ______ in our textbook.

2) We had a lot in _______.

3) Einstein was an ________ man with great achievements.

4) He wore his ________ blue uniform.(制服)

160. 活的(alive living live lively)a.

alive: 通常不放在名词前作定语,作后置定语,也可作表语。主要用于人或动物。意为“活着的,有活力的”,反义词


Model: He’s the happiest man alive. 他是世界上活着的最幸福的人。

Tom was caught alive. 汤姆被活捉了。

I’m afraid he can’t come back alive. 我恐怕他不能活着回来了。

She’s still alive. =She’s still living. 作表语

living: 可作表语和定语,修饰人或物

Model: Both plants and animals are living things.

My first English teacher is still living / alive.


Model: the greatest scientist alive

the greatest living scientist



Model: In the car accident the mother was killed, but her two-year-old son was found alive.

live: 表示“活的”时,用于动物植物,作前置定语

Model: She bought some live/living fish.



Model: She is a lively girl.

The music is bright and lively.


Model: What lively colours!


Model: His lessons are lively and interesting.

Ex: Is your grandfather _____________?

Have you seen a ____________ whale?

He had a strange way of making his classes ___ and interesting.

( have a strange way of doing sth.)

She is dead, but her cat is ____________.

Who is the greatest man ________?

161. 穿过(across through cross crossing)

across prep. 表示(平面)穿过

through prep. 表示(立体)穿过

cross v. = go across

crossing n. 十字路口

Red Cross 红十字

162. 阻止(keep stop prevent)

keep sb. doing sth. 使某人连续不断地做某事

keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止 sb. 做 sth.

stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止 sb. 做 sth

prevent sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止 sb. 做 sth

163. 举例(for example such as)

for example: 作“例如”讲,一般则以同类食物或人中地“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中、


Model: For example, Peter is foolish.

Do you speak any other language, for example, Franc or German?

such as: 作“例如”讲,用来引出同位语,通常应放在所修饰的名词之后,用来列举同类人或事物中地几个例子(但


Model: People such as your father is very foolish.

Sweet food such as chocolate can make you fat.

Don’t do anything foolish such as marry him.

He knows four foreign languages, such as English and French.


164. kindness


Thank you for your all kindness(es).

165. thus

1) = so

= as a result

Model: They studied hard, thus, they got good marks.

2) = in this way 这样

166. 国家(state country nation)


nation: 侧重指国民或民族

country: 侧重指国土或疆域

state: 侧重着政权,或国家机器

Model: The whole nation is rejoicing.

Railways in China belong to the state.

China is a large country.

2) 有时可互换

Model: the friendly country/nations/states

my father country/nations/states

nation flag/air 国旗

nation hymn /anthem 国歌

nation emblem 国徽

167. ill sick

ill: 表语形容词,不能作定语

sick: 常规形用词,既可作表语,也能作定语

ill luck = bad luck the sick 病人


sick pay 病假津贴 sick leave speak ill of sb. 说某人的坏话

be sick for sb. home sick 想家 love sick 相思

seasick 晕船 heartsick 闷闷不乐的,沮丧的

ill 病 表语形容词

ill 坏 常规形用词= bad

ill news = bad news

ill / bad / badly --- worse worst

badly = very / very much 表示“迫切地”“非常”

多与 want / need连用

Model: He wants to come badly. 他十分想来。

He needs money badly.

168. cold

have a cold中a 不能省略,但在take a cold ,catch a cold中,a可以省略。但cold前若有形容词修饰, 一个a也

不能省,如take/get/catch a bad cold


1) used to usedn’t to didn’t use to


Model: He used to smoke, but now he has given up smoking.

He used not to like Peking Opera, but now he is fond of it.

didn’t use to

2) be/get/become used to

to是介词,后接名词或动名词,表示”习惯于”,有时为了强调从不习惯到习惯的过程也可用get或become Model: She is used to getting up early.

I’m not used to hard work..

3) be used as 被作为„„用

4) be used for 为了…而被使用

5) be used by 被…人使用

6) be used to do sth 被用来干…

7) be used in 被在…地方使用

Model: She is used to getting up early.

I’m not used to hard work.

Model: English is used as a second language in China.

英语在中国被作为 第二语言使用。

Model: Radios are used for sending and receiving messages by police.

Model: My bike is used by Tom now.

Model: A clock is used to tell us the time.

170. alone lonely

alone 只能作表语,不能作定语.指没有别人或其他东西的陪同或帮助.英语释为 by oneself;汉语译为;独自,偶尔作adv,放在句首( let alone… 更不用说)不表示寂寞孤独的主观感受

lonely:可作表语,也可作定语,往往侧重在由于没有别人或其他东西的陪伴而感到寂寞的意思(带有强烈的感情色彩)英语译为:without companions; feeling sad 汉语译为:孤独

Model: He was alone, but he didn’t feel lonely.

Tom felt lonely without his girlfriend.

We saw a lonely traveler in the street.

It was a lonely night. I stayed alone at home, watching TV.

He didn’t feel lonely when he was alone.

Tom alone knew what had happened.

171. think

think over 仔细考虑

think hard 苦思冥想

think out 想出,弄出来

think of

1) 表示“想”“考虑”

Model: What do you think of?

Don’t think of it any more.

2) 表示“为„着想”

Model: Lei Feng was a kind person. He was always thinking of others.

3) 表示“想起, 记起”=remember

Model: We often think of you

I can’t think of his name at the moment.

4)think highly of 表示评价 = speak highly of


Model: I don’t think highly of the plan.

5) What do you think of / about…?

How do you like …?

6) 表示“考虑”think of = think about 其他意思不可互换

I don’t think he is right, is he?


172. at the top of 点接触

on the top of 面接触 在…顶上

to the top of 到顶上

173. be afraid to do sth

be afraid of doing sth

可互换,但表示担心可能会发生某事只能用be afraid of doing sth.不能用 be afraid to do sth.

Model: I’m afraid of hurting her feelings. 我怕伤了她的感情.

174.mind: v.

1) 表示“介意”“在乎”,通常用于否定句或疑问句(有时也用于应答以及对照性可肯定句中)后接n. Ving或从句,


Model: I don’t mind what you say.

Do you mind if I smoke here?

( my) smoking here?

(my) opening the door?

Yes, I mind it very much.

Go ahead, I don’t mind.

2) Would / Do you mind…? 请你……好不好?


Never mind.不用来回答感谢,而主要用于:

1) 当别人要帮忙或为你做某事时,译为“不用了”

Model: - Let me help you.

- Never mind.


Model: A: Sorry to keep you waiting.

B: Never mind.

3) 当别人处于困境时,用以劝慰.译为“不要紧的”

Model: Never mind, my boy. You will soon feel better.


A: Do you call yourself a gentleman, sir?

B: Never mind, sir.

5) 当别人进一步追问时,译为“没什么,别提了”

A: What did he say?

B: Never mind.

mind n. 表示“精神”“心智”不可数名词,表示 “想法”, “意见” 可数名词

change one’s mind

make up one’s mind

175. 最后(finally at last in the end )

1) 表示先后顺序的最后,或用于列举事物时,引出最后一项内容时,通常只用 finally

He lived in Turkey, Italy, France and finally Mexico.

2) 三者都可表示经过一段等候或一番拖延,曲折的“最后”finally语气较轻.一般不带感情色彩(经过一番艰苦努力,用

at last)

He succeeded at last.

2) in the end

Model: I’m sure everything will turn out all right in the end.

In the end, things will mend.

176. everyone = everybody

1) 不和of 短语连用

2) 只指“人”,不指 “物”,“人人,每人”

Everyone is here, aren’t they / isn’t he?

177. every one

1) 和of短语连用

2) 可指“人”,可指 “物”

178. pleased a. 表语形容词

pleasant a. 常规形容词,



Model: Our English teacher is a pleasant old man.


She is not very beautiful but very pleasant.

pleasure n.

It’s a pleasure. = My pleasure. 回答 Thank you.

With pleasure.用于回答别人请你,你很愿做某事

enjoyable 令人愉快的(不表示满意“感到愉快的”)

We had a enjoyable time at the party.

It was an enjoyable concert.

happy 高兴的 愉快的 幸福的 (表示高兴的原因)

be happy to do sth

be happy that…

be happy at / about

179. a number of = a lot of

the number of … 的数量

a number of 后面必须接名词复数,谓语动词用复数

a large number of





the largest number of

the number of …的数目,谓语动词用单数

180. so that 引导目的状语从句或结果状语从句

so that目的状语从句常带有一个情态动词

so that 结果状语从句,常有一个逗号,把它与主句分开。

Model: I put on my glasses so that I saw clearly.

I put on my glasses, so that I saw clearly.

so that“为了,以便”(目的状语从句) = in order to do sth

= in order that = so that 181. die of 死因主要存在人体之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身原因)

die from 死因是由环境造成的(主要制事故等)

die for 为…而死

Model: die of illness / cancer / heart trouble

如果死因是环境到体内,即两方面共有的原因,用of/from 均可 Model: die of / from a drink

a hunger


a starvation

182. begin 其内涵是“使处于进程中”

start 其内涵是“使处于启动中”

183. hear (直接)听说

hear of (间接)听说

hear about 听说有关…的情况

hear from sb. = get a letter from sb.

= receive a letter from sb.

184. mountain 大山,高山

mount 山,小山,用于诗歌中,山名前

hill 小山

the 山名 + Mountains

Mount +山名

Model: the Jinggang Mountains

the Tianshan Mountains

Mount Fuji

Mount Tai

184. such so

such + a (an) + 形 + 名 (单数)

such + + 形 + 名 (复数)

such + + 形 + 名 (不可数)

Model; I have never seen such a wonderful film.

such beautiful flowers.

such large bread.

so + adj. + a ( an ) + n.

Model: I have never seen so wonderful a film.

such a wonderful film.

在 many, much few, little前,只能用so

但当 little 作“小”解释时,用 such

Model: Such a little boy can’t do it well.

This question is so difficult that nobody can work it out.

It is such a difficult question that nobody can work it out. so difficult a question that

185. together altogether adv.


1) 表示“总共”,说明数量(可放在数字前,句首或句末) Model: There are altogether ten people.

Altogether there are ten people.

There are ten people altogether.


Model: I forget it altogether.



Model: It is rainy, altogether it is a good trip.

together adv


Model: They will succeed together or fail together.

Let’s go home together.



Model: They all arrived together.

together with 连同,与……一起

Model: He sent her some flowers together with a love letter. together with 连接主语时,谓语通常与第一个主语保持一致 Model: Jim, together with his classmates, has seen the film. 186. on the right

on the right side

on the right hand side

187.post = mail

mail / post a letter

Model: You will get the things through the mail / post. Please send the parcel by post / mail.

email address

e-mail address


an e-mail

post office

postage paid 邮资已付

postage stamp邮票

postage metre

188. sir


Model: Sir Rowland Hill ㊣

Sir Rowland ㊣

Sir Hill ╳

3) my dear sir / man / friend

189. decide to do sth

decide that (从句)

decide on sth.

190. high a. height n.

long length

wide width

deep depth

heavy weight

191. loud loudly aloud

loud adj. adv.

1) 作形容词,意思是“大声的,响亮的”

Model: He has a loud voice.

The radio isn’t loud enough, turn it up.

2)用作副词,与loudly有区别aloud,多与speak, talk, read, laugh, sing等动词连用,只能放在这些动词的后面

Model: Don’t talk so loud / loudly.

loud loudly adv.

1) loudly比loud应用范围更广

2) 在用于比较级和最高级时,通常用loud

Model: Who laughed loudest?

aloud adv.

1) 强调“出声”

Model: Read aloud.

2) 表示“大声”,通常与cry, laugh, shout等连用

192. ill 病 表语形容词

ill 坏= bad

ill news = bad news

ill / bad / badly --- worse worst

badly = very / very much 表示“迫切地”“非常”

多与 want / need连用

Model: He wants to come badly. 他十分想来。

He needs money badly.

(其他用法见 167。)

193. lost missing

Thirty-five lives were lost, and two men were missing.

194.as since for because

1) because 叙述的原因是直接原因,有必然的因果关系,回答why问句,语气最强

2) since “因为”“既然”,只用于引导已知是事实的句子,所表示的是一种间接或附带的原因,语气比because弱,比as ,for强

Model: Since we have no money, we can’t buy a new car.

Since everyone is here, let’s start.


Model: As it rained heavily, we had to stay at home.

4) for 并列连词,用来说明理由,只是一种解释和补充说明,不能用于句首,而用于主句之后

Model: I will follow his advice, for he’s a doctor.


1) What do you mean by…?

What do you mean by saying that?

2) Do you mean to say…?

Do you mean to say Peter is fool?

I mean the red one, not the green one.

I mean what I say. 我说到做到。

Health means everything.

196. human human being

human 或human being 指人时,通常有与神、动物、机器人等相对的意思。如果没有对比,不宜随便使用 不能说:How many human beings are there in your family?

可以说:I’m a human being. I have a brain, I can think and use my hands.

复数 human- humans human being – human beings

197. an amount of

a great amount of

a large amount of

接不可数名词, 用作主语时, 谓语动词的数取决于amount 的数.

Model: A large amount of money was spent on the bridge.

Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.

198. feel like doing sth = want to do sth

= would like to do sth

199. word

1) have a word with sb. = have a talk with sb. 同某人说句话或谈谈

have words with = quarrel with sb 同某人争吵

2) in a / one word 一句话,总而言之

in other words 换句话说,也就是说

3) 诺言,消息,一般为单数

keep one’s word 守信

break one’s word 失信

give one’s word = promise

eat one’s words = take back one’s words 收回前言,承认错误

break one’s promise

with these words 说着= after saying these words

4) Word came that…从句

Word came of + n. 意思是:有消息说

Model: Word came that he was killed in the car accident.

Word came of his success abroad.

It is said that…

It is reported that…

200. a number of 后面必须接名词复数,谓语动词用复数

a large number of





the largest number of

the number of …的数目,谓语动词用单数

201. try = shot

have a try = have a shot = have a go = want a go

202. famous

be famous for 因…而闻明

Model: Yizheng is famous for its tea.

be famous as 作为…而闻名

Model: Edison is famous as a scientist.

203. whether if 的用法区别:

在下列7种情况下,只能用 whether, 不能用if

1) 在带to 的动词不定前

She hasn’t decided whether to go or to stay.

2) 在介词后面

I worry about whether I hurt her feeling.

I’m not interested in whether she’ll come or not.

3) 只接与 or not连用时( 或者在whether or not结构中)

I can’t say whether or not he’ll come on time.

I’m not interested in whether or not she’ll come.

4) 句首(宾语从句提前,主语从句)

Whether she is right or wrong, I can’t tell.

5) 表语从句

The question was whether he went there last night.

6) 在动词 discuss 的宾语从句中

We discussed whether we would have a sports meeting next week.

7) 如果用 if 会引起歧义的,用 whether

Please let me know if you like the book.

a. Please let me know whether you like the book.

b. If you like the book, please let me know.

在下列三种情况下用 if 不用 whether:

1) 引导条件状语从句, if 意为 “如果”

We will g swimming if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

2) 引导否定概念的宾语从句时一般用if

He asked me if I hadn’t finished my homework.

3) 状语从句even if (即使) as if(好像)

I’ll not let you watch TV even if you’re free.

He talks as if he knew all about it.

204. travel / trip / journey

travel: 泛指旅行,不可数名词

trip: 指短途的,往返的观光或旅行。


205.have 的用法

1) have / keep sb. do sth. 叫, 让, 请, 使某人做某事

I’ll have Tom post the letter.

2)用于否定句, 表示 “不能让” 或 “从未有人” 常与won’t连用

I’ll won’t have you tell me what to do.


3) have / keep sb. doing sth. 使, 让某人一直做某事

We had the light burning all night.

4) 用于否定句表示满意”不能让” "不允许"常与won’t, can’t 连用

I won’t have you smoking at your age.

5) have sth done 让, 请, 使某人做某事 (主语不做)

We had the machine repaired.

6) 表示“经历”或“遭遇”这种动作往往是违背主语意愿的

I had my watch stolen yesterday.

7) 表示 “完成”或“解决”某事,此时过去分词所表示的动作,主语也可能参加

We had all the mistakes corrected.

206. 定语从句:





A. 一般规则用 who/that 代替人


但实际使用中:大多数是用who 指人,较少用that指人

大多数是用that 指物,较少用which指物

例1:This is the detective who came from London.

例2:He’s the man who lives next door to us.

例3: He drives a car that can travel 150 miles an hour.

B: 关系代词做宾语,通常省略

正式文体用 whom 指人

用 which 指物

非正式文体用 who 指人

用 that 指人

用 that 指物

Where is the man (whom)

(who) I saw this morning?


Is that the man (whom)

(who) you gave your tickets to?


Where is the book (which)

(that) I bought this morning? 现代英语强烈倾向于用that 和 zero. 除非在非常正式的文体中用 whom/which


指人只能用whom (不可省略)

指物只能用which (不可省略)

The man from whom I borrowed the book is Li Lei. 可省略

非正式文体中,通常介词后置,可用who/that 指人,

that 指物or 都用 zero

They are the boys (who) (that) I went to school with.

在介词后置的情况下,如果还用which / whom, 那就很不自然。

二.在非限制性定语从句中,通常用who, whom, whose指人


My cousin, who is an engineer, went to Europe last week.


A. 关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时,可以省略


He has changed. He is not the man he was.

B. 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,只有当从句是由it is, that is, there is引导的场合才能省略。 It isn’t everybody (who) (that) can learn a foreign language so easily.

That was his brother (who) (that) just went by.

There was someone (who) (that) asked for you, Bill.

四.三个关系副词when, where, why可以在

the time when

the place where 结构中省略

the reason why

I shall never forget the day (when) we first met.

The reason (why) he came so early is his own affair.

That’s the place (where) he stayed (in) when he was in London.

表示时间的先行词除time外,也可以是 day / morning / afternoon

evening / night / week / month / year / ect.

表示地点的先行词除place外,也可以是 desk / house / town / table

school / room /street/ect



(1) 如果先行词是anything, something, nothing, everything等复合不定代词,关系代词只用that

例如:She didn’t forget anything that her mother had told her to buy.

(2) 先行词被序数词或 the last 修饰时,关系代词常用that

例如:This is the first textbook that I studied in the primary school.

He is in the last row that is next to the window.


例如:That is the highest building that I have seen.

(4) 先行词是或被 all, no, some any, little, much, none等不定代词修饰时,关系代词只用that

例如:I’ve written down all that (= what ) the teacher doesn’t allow us to do.

They haven’t got any dictionaries that we need.

(5) 先行词被 the only, the very, 等修饰时。

例如:This is the very novel that you want to borrow.

(6) 先行词有两个或多个分别表示人或物时,关系代词应该用that

例如:The boy and the dog that are in the picture are very lovely.

He told us many interesting things and persons that we had never heard.

(7) 主语是以 who, which 引导的特殊疑问句时,用关系代词that

例如:Who is the man that you spoke to just now?

Which is the book that you want to borrow?

(8) 先行词是主句的表语或关系代词在定语从句中作表语时。

例如:China is no longer the country that used to be.


A. 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句


a. 限制定语从句紧跟先行词,同先行词之间一般不加逗号,仅修


b. 非限制性定语从句仅作补充或说明,用逗号与主句隔开,既可


B. which的一种特殊用法


代替主句所表示的整体概念或部分概念。在这种从句中, which

可以作主语,也可以作宾语或表语,多数情况下意思是与and this


例如: He succeeded in the competition, which made his parents very happy.

C. 定语从句的主谓一致



1.I am not one who is afraid of difficulty.我是个不怕困难的人。

2.Don't choose me,who am not fit for this job.不要选我,我不适合做这项工作。

3.Anyone who has questions to ask, please come to my office this afternoon.有问题要问的人,


另外,关于定语从句的先行词,one of后常接复数名词,在非正式


先行词保持一致,而是与 one相一致,这是因为说话者或写作者首


例如: 4.That is one of the most valuable dictionaries that has appeared in recent years.那本词典是


5.Buenos Aires is one of the world capitals that is noted for its busy harbor.布宜诺斯艾利斯




当one前面有the only等限定词和修饰语时,定语从句的谓语动词也要与 one保持一致而取单数形式。

例如: 6.He is the only one of those workers who is able to do this job.他是那些工人中唯一能做此工作的


D. As在定语从句中的用法(高中部分学)

1. 引导限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句

(1)as多与such 或the same连用,可以代替先行词是人或物的名词。

(2)as 也可单独使用,引导非限制性定语从句,作用相当于which。

例如:The elephant’s nose is like a snake, as anybody can see.

(3)the same… that与 the same …as在意思上是不同的。



例如:(1) As is expected, the England team won the football match.

(2) The earth runs around the sun, as is known by everyone.


1. The number of people ____ lost homes reached

A. which B. who C. whom D. 不填

2. This is the most beautiful park _____I have _____ visited.

A. which; ever B. that; ever C. which; yet D. that ; ever

3. This is the most enjoyable journey ______ I have ever heard of.

A. which B. who C. that D. whom

4.We are talking about Tonny, _____ you met yesterday.

A. whom B. which C. that D. with who

5.Is this the very museum ______ some Japanese visitors visited last Wednesday.

6.The place _____ I grew up is a beautiful town.

A. which B. that C. where D. from which

7. This is the shop ______ sells children’s clothing.

A. where B. who C. the one D. which

8. I don’t think the number of people _____ this happens is very large.

A. who B. to which C. that D. to whom

9. Do you know Mrs Jackson _____ daughter is a famous poet?

A. that her B. whose C. who D. of whom

10. Do you remember one evening a week ago ______ I came to your room and borrowed a dictionary?

A. before B. which C. when D. as

Correct the mistakes:

1. Who is the man who has white hair?

2. Is this the book for which he was looking?

3. The village in that he lives is 20 kilometers away.

4. She talked of the man and cooks who and that interested her very much.

5. This is the first book which I have bought.

6. All which can be done has been done.

7. He was the only person which knows how to open the door.

8. The man to who you talked is a famous runners.

9. The girl whom is in Class Two is Jim’s sister.

10. I still remember the day that I first came to Nanjing.



主语是名词性从句(常用what,whatever,when,where,why ,how,that,whether等引导放在句首)时,动词通常用单数形式。例如:

1.What I am most interested in is American movies.我最感兴趣的是美国电影。

2.Whatever he says is of no importance.无论他说什么都不重要。

3.Whoever says that is wrong.无论谁说这话都不对。

4.That he will come is certain.他肯定会来。

5.Why he is late for class is more than I can tell.为什么他上课迟到,我也说不上来。


6.Who are going to attend the meeting have been decided by the manager.哪些人去参加会议,已由经理做as many as 25000.


7.Whoever say that are to be punished.谁这样讲,就惩罚谁。




thank you 和sorry在英语口语中使用频率很高,它们的答语有些是相同的,有些却只能用于其中的一种情况。现简述如下:


(1)Not at all. 不用谢。/没关系。

(2)That's all right. 不用谢。/没关系。

(3)That's OK. 不用谢。/没关系。

(4)It's nothing. 没什么。/没关系。

(5)Don't mention it. 不要客气。

(6)Forget it. 忘掉它。

(7)、No problem. 没问题。

2)、只能用于thank you 的答语:

(1)It's a pleasure. 不用谢。

(2)You are welcome. 别客气。

(3)My pleasure. 我很乐意。


(1)It doesn't matter. 没关系。如:

— I'm sorry I'm late. 对不起,我迟到了。

— It doesn't matter. 没关系。

(2)Never mind. 没关系。如:

—I'm sorry I can't help you. 对不起,我不能帮你了。

— Never mind. 没关系。


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