
Part 1----Movie

Director 导演

Producer 制片人

Leading actor&actress 男女主角

Supporting actor&actress 男女配角

(with )a strong cast 阵容强大(演职人员表)

Broaden one’s horizon&expand one’s outlook开拓眼界 Blockbuster 大片

Box office take 票房收入

A bomb 票房惨淡 da bomb 票房好

Keep me on the edge of my set剧情引人入胜(俚语) Relate myself to the movie & plot 感同身受

Thought-provoking 发人深省的

Avant-garde 前卫的

Incredible 难以置信的

Debut film 电影处女秀

Starred (by )主演

Corny 俗气的

Plot 剧情

Big hit 力作

Awesome & terrific 甚好的

Movie buff 影迷

Check it out 检测

Be into + hobby & human 中意

I ’m quite & so into playing tennis.

Be a ...fan & buff ...的粉丝

I ’m a big fan of guitar music.

Be keen on 喜爱

I ’m really keen on going to eat in Thai restaurant. Let off some steam = relax

Best seller 畅销书

An avid reader 如饥似渴的读者

Shopaholic 购物狂

Department store 大型购物中心

New arrivnls

You bet 必须的

Reflection of life 生活的映射

Enlightened 启发


Science fiction & sci-fi 科幻片

Detective film & whodunit 侦探电影

Love story & chick-flick 爱情片&文艺片

Fantasy film 魔幻片

Action movie 动作片

Comedy & tragedy 喜剧

Horror movie (没鬼的)鬼片

Thriller (有鬼的)鬼片

Documentary 纪录片

Animated movie 动画电影

(例如 迪士尼、梦工厂、皮克斯 出品)


Academy awards 学院奖&奥斯卡

Venice Film Festival 威尼斯电影节

Golden Lion 金狮奖

Cannes Film Festival 戛纳电影节

Palm d’or 金棕榈

Berlin Film Festival 柏林电影节

Golden & Silver Bear 金银熊奖

Best director 最佳导演奖

Best cinematography 最佳摄影奖

Best visual effects 最佳视觉效果奖

Best original score 最佳配乐奖

Be bound to 注定

Dull 枯燥、乏味的

All work no play Jack a dull boy 需要均衡的生活 Nothing but = only

Drag = dull = boring 无聊、无趣

Happily-ever-after 幸福美好的结局

Family theater 家庭影院

Screen 屏幕

Projector 幕布

Visual effects 视觉效果

Audio enjoyment 听觉效果

A feast to our eyes 视听盛宴



Economical 经济、划算的

Cozy 舒适的

Private 私人的

Spoilers suck 剧透


Waste of time



Less Enjoyment

Hold a candle to 与... 相媲美

I heart cinema 我爱电影

Squandering 浪费

Piss of 惹怒

Not too bad so far = just so so

Stiff 僵硬

Movie star 大牌明星

Exert 发挥

Scene 片段

Bored to death 无聊到要死

Scared to death =scare the hell out of me

Gossip columns 八卦专版

Let ’s go to the pictures 去看电影

Movie junkie = movie buff 影迷

Hit the spot 入不了法眼

Be fed up with 受够了

Give me line on that 给我讲一讲



You haven’t viewed the world,where dose your world view come from?


Things which can ’t be taken away can ’t be left.Things which are bound to leave is unworthy of concern.


I don ’t even have a body and reputation for me to ruin. 我哪来的身和名让我去败和裂

As many as lessons I have heard,I can ’t live like the lesson shows me.


To like someone is to run wild,but to love someone is to restrain.


Part 1----Movie

Director 导演

Producer 制片人

Leading actor&actress 男女主角

Supporting actor&actress 男女配角

(with )a strong cast 阵容强大(演职人员表)

Broaden one’s horizon&expand one’s outlook开拓眼界 Blockbuster 大片

Box office take 票房收入

A bomb 票房惨淡 da bomb 票房好

Keep me on the edge of my set剧情引人入胜(俚语) Relate myself to the movie & plot 感同身受

Thought-provoking 发人深省的

Avant-garde 前卫的

Incredible 难以置信的

Debut film 电影处女秀

Starred (by )主演

Corny 俗气的

Plot 剧情

Big hit 力作

Awesome & terrific 甚好的

Movie buff 影迷

Check it out 检测

Be into + hobby & human 中意

I ’m quite & so into playing tennis.

Be a ...fan & buff ...的粉丝

I ’m a big fan of guitar music.

Be keen on 喜爱

I ’m really keen on going to eat in Thai restaurant. Let off some steam = relax

Best seller 畅销书

An avid reader 如饥似渴的读者

Shopaholic 购物狂

Department store 大型购物中心

New arrivnls

You bet 必须的

Reflection of life 生活的映射

Enlightened 启发


Science fiction & sci-fi 科幻片

Detective film & whodunit 侦探电影

Love story & chick-flick 爱情片&文艺片

Fantasy film 魔幻片

Action movie 动作片

Comedy & tragedy 喜剧

Horror movie (没鬼的)鬼片

Thriller (有鬼的)鬼片

Documentary 纪录片

Animated movie 动画电影

(例如 迪士尼、梦工厂、皮克斯 出品)


Academy awards 学院奖&奥斯卡

Venice Film Festival 威尼斯电影节

Golden Lion 金狮奖

Cannes Film Festival 戛纳电影节

Palm d’or 金棕榈

Berlin Film Festival 柏林电影节

Golden & Silver Bear 金银熊奖

Best director 最佳导演奖

Best cinematography 最佳摄影奖

Best visual effects 最佳视觉效果奖

Best original score 最佳配乐奖

Be bound to 注定

Dull 枯燥、乏味的

All work no play Jack a dull boy 需要均衡的生活 Nothing but = only

Drag = dull = boring 无聊、无趣

Happily-ever-after 幸福美好的结局

Family theater 家庭影院

Screen 屏幕

Projector 幕布

Visual effects 视觉效果

Audio enjoyment 听觉效果

A feast to our eyes 视听盛宴



Economical 经济、划算的

Cozy 舒适的

Private 私人的

Spoilers suck 剧透


Waste of time



Less Enjoyment

Hold a candle to 与... 相媲美

I heart cinema 我爱电影

Squandering 浪费

Piss of 惹怒

Not too bad so far = just so so

Stiff 僵硬

Movie star 大牌明星

Exert 发挥

Scene 片段

Bored to death 无聊到要死

Scared to death =scare the hell out of me

Gossip columns 八卦专版

Let ’s go to the pictures 去看电影

Movie junkie = movie buff 影迷

Hit the spot 入不了法眼

Be fed up with 受够了

Give me line on that 给我讲一讲



You haven’t viewed the world,where dose your world view come from?


Things which can ’t be taken away can ’t be left.Things which are bound to leave is unworthy of concern.


I don ’t even have a body and reputation for me to ruin. 我哪来的身和名让我去败和裂

As many as lessons I have heard,I can ’t live like the lesson shows me.


To like someone is to run wild,but to love someone is to restrain.



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