



Would you please bring the most sincere blessing on your side, make happiness always accompany you, happy New Year!


The universiade chicken in making a fortune! Healthy body, all the best! At the start of the year, live to.


To see the falling snow, that is my patches of genuine feeling, wish you: happy New Year.


Happy New Year, New Year started again, wish you have a good mood, I wish you here.


No gifts and dinner, but I care your heart and the most sincere blessings: happy New Year!


Phoenix ancient habitat dagwood, good wood origin for beams and a New Year to keep up the good work! The rooster is happy!


Years of image gradually green, young leaves and new leaves song, along the ring spinning. Happy New Year!


A brilliant and happy Spring Festival season, all good wishes! I wish all the best!


A brilliant and happy New Year, all good wishes! I wish you all the best!


Off the old year, and sent away the gloom of one year, to celebrate the New Year, also usher in a new hope.



After many days, may in this peaceful Spring Festival bring you joy numerous! I wish you have a happy Spring Festival!


The celebration of the Chinese New Year everyone. Festival fat years. I wish you a chicken in good health, smile.


A string of sincere best wishes, an extraordinary mind, deer in love car, send in your mind.


Warm and sincere blessings, in the Spring Festival when I remember fondly to said. I wish a happy Chinese New Year, happy New Year!


Every festive holiday times, elixir of love send affection; Wish friends and close to everything, to share a good mood every day.


Forward the new age, for jinbei spring with thousands of households, advancing with The Times He Feng years, laughter xi surplus thousands.


Early spring snow long, new to be found everywhere! Happy Chinese New Year, happy New Year! Looks new, come true.


You are a wonderful beach, I FuShe in those beautiful shells. I wish you a happy New Year!


After the new age, golden cup for spring thousands of households; Keep pace with The Times He Feng years, laughter xi surplus thousands.


The festival atmosphere, the whole family, old and young more HeHeMuMu; SMS blessing, bosom connected you and me forever and ever.



Old friends, congratulation! Away from home, but each peace! Go home often, life more sweet!


The best wishes, lose in the texts, the letter is not long feeling heavy, my good friend wish you a happy New Year!


And every New Year, send me a sincere blessing, wish you have more health, happiness, and happiness in the coming year.


May I send to you the greeting is the most fresh and make you can read. A happy and prosperous New Year!


Friends ah, let us together quietly, etc., in the future, the hope and the light is about to ring the clock spring.


Years of image is green, young leaves and new leaves song, rapidly along the annual ring spinning and happy New Year!


Sweet words you want to sweet greetings to the sweet talk with you for the coming New Year!


Over the past year we cooperation is very happy, thank you for your attention and wish you and your family have a happy, happy!


At the time of year of the New Year bell will be rung soon, together, let us wish to have happy New Year and happy!


Chicken, chicken, a year full of anger, happiness, fortune all, happy clouds around you forever!



Happy New Year to catch, the blessing gaps. Bowed out and the New Year, we prepared early, wish the chicken in the mood better!


Thoughts like madadayo smoke times for you, for your blessing is rippling stream with life.


Is a good start, it is a happy time, once again, I sincerely wish you: New Year's day good!


New Year arrived, everything is full of new hope, new hope. I wish you a happy New Year's day, happy is great!


Spring Festival fireworks, is your smile, it compose in sparking starshanging on the curtain of my heart shining night after night, and never extinguished.


I wish I send to you the blessing of the most fresh and make you can read, wish you a happy New Year and all the best!


Blessing is a true heart, not words. A song, and wish you peace and happiness, all the best!


Friends ah, let us together quietly, etc., in the future, hope, light, and is about to ring in the New Year bell!


Chunxiao, chunxiao, Yang Fang green grass everywhere. Massif, joyous laughter laugh, join wish spring of six contract, way up.


I wish you: play is not luck, the leopard golden flower hang out, others stare you smiling face, other people pay you money.


A cold warm, a line phase cry; A one, a proverb; A heart that hope; A friendship, miss a lifetime.


Auspicious riches and honour, year after year, like brocade flowers, gold, ferro ShouXi, the icing on the cake, four seasons peace!


The wind gone with the wind intoxicate bells, in the festive atmosphere of the New Year, wish you peace, joy and happy!


Four people drink to pay attention to in the New Year: red face, comb the dreadlocks, not into silence, chuai pills.


I wish mom and dad health in a good mood! Daughter be not at home, do you also like to have a happy New Year!


F years new shipment, source of money widely enter! Phoenix ancient habitat dagwood, good wood origin for beams and a New Year to keep up the good work!


On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish you good fortune and happiness of family health, le chi swift horse, to the next level!


I wish you a chicken in the four seasons: love complacent; Body masculine and strong; Career trained; Sex life is sweet.




Would you please bring the most sincere blessing on your side, make happiness always accompany you, happy New Year!


The universiade chicken in making a fortune! Healthy body, all the best! At the start of the year, live to.


To see the falling snow, that is my patches of genuine feeling, wish you: happy New Year.


Happy New Year, New Year started again, wish you have a good mood, I wish you here.


No gifts and dinner, but I care your heart and the most sincere blessings: happy New Year!


Phoenix ancient habitat dagwood, good wood origin for beams and a New Year to keep up the good work! The rooster is happy!


Years of image gradually green, young leaves and new leaves song, along the ring spinning. Happy New Year!


A brilliant and happy Spring Festival season, all good wishes! I wish all the best!


A brilliant and happy New Year, all good wishes! I wish you all the best!


Off the old year, and sent away the gloom of one year, to celebrate the New Year, also usher in a new hope.



After many days, may in this peaceful Spring Festival bring you joy numerous! I wish you have a happy Spring Festival!


The celebration of the Chinese New Year everyone. Festival fat years. I wish you a chicken in good health, smile.


A string of sincere best wishes, an extraordinary mind, deer in love car, send in your mind.


Warm and sincere blessings, in the Spring Festival when I remember fondly to said. I wish a happy Chinese New Year, happy New Year!


Every festive holiday times, elixir of love send affection; Wish friends and close to everything, to share a good mood every day.


Forward the new age, for jinbei spring with thousands of households, advancing with The Times He Feng years, laughter xi surplus thousands.


Early spring snow long, new to be found everywhere! Happy Chinese New Year, happy New Year! Looks new, come true.


You are a wonderful beach, I FuShe in those beautiful shells. I wish you a happy New Year!


After the new age, golden cup for spring thousands of households; Keep pace with The Times He Feng years, laughter xi surplus thousands.


The festival atmosphere, the whole family, old and young more HeHeMuMu; SMS blessing, bosom connected you and me forever and ever.



Old friends, congratulation! Away from home, but each peace! Go home often, life more sweet!


The best wishes, lose in the texts, the letter is not long feeling heavy, my good friend wish you a happy New Year!


And every New Year, send me a sincere blessing, wish you have more health, happiness, and happiness in the coming year.


May I send to you the greeting is the most fresh and make you can read. A happy and prosperous New Year!


Friends ah, let us together quietly, etc., in the future, the hope and the light is about to ring the clock spring.


Years of image is green, young leaves and new leaves song, rapidly along the annual ring spinning and happy New Year!


Sweet words you want to sweet greetings to the sweet talk with you for the coming New Year!


Over the past year we cooperation is very happy, thank you for your attention and wish you and your family have a happy, happy!


At the time of year of the New Year bell will be rung soon, together, let us wish to have happy New Year and happy!


Chicken, chicken, a year full of anger, happiness, fortune all, happy clouds around you forever!



Happy New Year to catch, the blessing gaps. Bowed out and the New Year, we prepared early, wish the chicken in the mood better!


Thoughts like madadayo smoke times for you, for your blessing is rippling stream with life.


Is a good start, it is a happy time, once again, I sincerely wish you: New Year's day good!


New Year arrived, everything is full of new hope, new hope. I wish you a happy New Year's day, happy is great!


Spring Festival fireworks, is your smile, it compose in sparking starshanging on the curtain of my heart shining night after night, and never extinguished.


I wish I send to you the blessing of the most fresh and make you can read, wish you a happy New Year and all the best!


Blessing is a true heart, not words. A song, and wish you peace and happiness, all the best!


Friends ah, let us together quietly, etc., in the future, hope, light, and is about to ring in the New Year bell!


Chunxiao, chunxiao, Yang Fang green grass everywhere. Massif, joyous laughter laugh, join wish spring of six contract, way up.


I wish you: play is not luck, the leopard golden flower hang out, others stare you smiling face, other people pay you money.


A cold warm, a line phase cry; A one, a proverb; A heart that hope; A friendship, miss a lifetime.


Auspicious riches and honour, year after year, like brocade flowers, gold, ferro ShouXi, the icing on the cake, four seasons peace!


The wind gone with the wind intoxicate bells, in the festive atmosphere of the New Year, wish you peace, joy and happy!


Four people drink to pay attention to in the New Year: red face, comb the dreadlocks, not into silence, chuai pills.


I wish mom and dad health in a good mood! Daughter be not at home, do you also like to have a happy New Year!


F years new shipment, source of money widely enter! Phoenix ancient habitat dagwood, good wood origin for beams and a New Year to keep up the good work!


On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish you good fortune and happiness of family health, le chi swift horse, to the next level!


I wish you a chicken in the four seasons: love complacent; Body masculine and strong; Career trained; Sex life is sweet.


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