

【摘 要】《雾都孤儿》是查尔斯·狄更斯的代表作。本论文分析了小说中一个可怜而又性格复杂的人物——南希。她是个挣扎于内心良知与为其罪恶情人赛克斯献身中的人物;她在公共酒吧工作, 终日醉酒,甚至被狄更斯描述为妓女。但是, 她用她的生命帮助孤儿奥利弗, 因此被认为是故事中最崇高的行为之一。南希这个角色表明了,善与恶之间的界限并不总是那么明显的。

【关键词】雾都孤儿 南希 善与恶

1 Introduction

1.1Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens is the greatest representative of English critical realism in the nineteenth century. Charles Dickens wrote some of the most popular and widely read novels of the 19th century from Oliver Twist to A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations. Oliver Twist is known all over the world for well-portrayed characters. In Oliver Twist, dozens of characters are well portrayed, including good and evil.

Oliver Twist was Dickens’ second novel, which marked the beginning of Dickens’ literary life. It is about an orphan boy called Oliver who runs away from a workhouse and meets a pickpocket on the streets of London. He is taken in by the Artful Dodger, a notorious scrounger, and he joins his household of young boys who are trained to steal for their master. The boys’ theft activities and others who desire to cash in on Oliver’s fortune through criminal activities leads to murder and community outrage as they are hunted down. The novel firstly appeared in a monthly magazine. “I had perhaps the best subject I have ever thought of, I have thrown my whole heart and soul into Oliver.” It was one of the most important social novels in Dickens’ early works. Also, it was the first time that Dickens led readers into a very sad world. It was famous for exposing the dark sides of people living in that time. It exposed the hypocritical and cruelty of parish workhouse through depicting the little orphan boy Oliver Twist’s childhood in it. He gave realistic pictures of the horrible existence in workhouse. One of the important characteristics of Oliver Twist was real and specific description of people who lived in the bottom of society. Their miserable lives, including all the details, gave the reader a real feeling; these were fictions. Also, it was the first time that many small potatoes appeared in England literature.

1.2 Nancy

Nancy is the sympathetic lover of Bill Sikes in the novel Oliver Twist. She is


【摘 要】《雾都孤儿》是查尔斯·狄更斯的代表作。本论文分析了小说中一个可怜而又性格复杂的人物——南希。她是个挣扎于内心良知与为其罪恶情人赛克斯献身中的人物;她在公共酒吧工作, 终日醉酒,甚至被狄更斯描述为妓女。但是, 她用她的生命帮助孤儿奥利弗, 因此被认为是故事中最崇高的行为之一。南希这个角色表明了,善与恶之间的界限并不总是那么明显的。

【关键词】雾都孤儿 南希 善与恶

1 Introduction

1.1Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens is the greatest representative of English critical realism in the nineteenth century. Charles Dickens wrote some of the most popular and widely read novels of the 19th century from Oliver Twist to A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations. Oliver Twist is known all over the world for well-portrayed characters. In Oliver Twist, dozens of characters are well portrayed, including good and evil.

Oliver Twist was Dickens’ second novel, which marked the beginning of Dickens’ literary life. It is about an orphan boy called Oliver who runs away from a workhouse and meets a pickpocket on the streets of London. He is taken in by the Artful Dodger, a notorious scrounger, and he joins his household of young boys who are trained to steal for their master. The boys’ theft activities and others who desire to cash in on Oliver’s fortune through criminal activities leads to murder and community outrage as they are hunted down. The novel firstly appeared in a monthly magazine. “I had perhaps the best subject I have ever thought of, I have thrown my whole heart and soul into Oliver.” It was one of the most important social novels in Dickens’ early works. Also, it was the first time that Dickens led readers into a very sad world. It was famous for exposing the dark sides of people living in that time. It exposed the hypocritical and cruelty of parish workhouse through depicting the little orphan boy Oliver Twist’s childhood in it. He gave realistic pictures of the horrible existence in workhouse. One of the important characteristics of Oliver Twist was real and specific description of people who lived in the bottom of society. Their miserable lives, including all the details, gave the reader a real feeling; these were fictions. Also, it was the first time that many small potatoes appeared in England literature.

1.2 Nancy

Nancy is the sympathetic lover of Bill Sikes in the novel Oliver Twist. She is


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  • 昆明学院学报2011,33(1):96-99CN53-1211/G4ISSN1674-5639[文学研究] JournalofKunmingUniversity <雾都孤儿>--重塑中人物的创造性叛逆- 段绍俊 (昆明学院外国语 ...查看

  • 好书推荐--雾都孤儿
  • <雾都孤儿> 作者:狄更斯 暖风吹拂,波心荡漾,当人们都能吃饱能穿好的时候,那个孤儿却只能饿着挨打,做事挨骂,年幼则被教唆去当强盗,<雾都孤儿>讲述着小男孩贫穷却善良的故事. 狄更斯,英国作家,以雾都伦敦为背景,讲述 ...查看

  • 雾都孤儿读后感500字
  • <雾都孤儿>是一部十分著名的小说,作者狄更斯,是英国的一位非常著名的作家. 这部小说的主人公是一个叫奥里弗的孤儿,他的童年是在济贫院里度过的.后来,他被送到一个棺材铺里当学徒.因不堪忍受老板娘的压迫,他向伦敦逃去.路上,他遇上了 ...查看
