
What's buzzing in the Shanghai-based blogosphere this week?

∙ Source: Global Times [13:04 January 05 2011] Comments

What's buzzing in the Shanghai-based blogosphere this week?

From the thread "Top 10 Internet catchphrases in China in 2010"

1. Shen ma dou shi fu yun: nothing is worth mentioning.

The phrase comes from a popular Internet post about a bizarre girl's visit to Shanghai over the National Day holiday.

2. Gei li: fantastic, awesome.

The word, originating from northern China's dialect, was plastered on the front page of People's Daily on No vember 10.

3. Tuan gou: group purchasing.

The popular shopping strategy for young people, who want to get a better deal by making purchases together online with strangers.

4. Wei bo: microblog.

Sina microblog, the Chinese version of Twitter, is now a popular platform for disseminating information.

5. Wo ba shi li gang: my father is Li Gang.

When a drunk driver Li Qiming caused a fatal accident in Baoding, Hebei Province on October 16, he shouted: "My father is Li Gang."

6. Bei ci shi: to be passed away.

The rumor that Jin Yong, the famous martial art novelist, had passed away spread widely on the Internet, but was finally proved false.

7. Fei chang jian nan de jue ding: a very difficult decision.

In November, QQ announced it would cease service to users who had 360 Safeguard installed on their co mputers. The announcement went: "We have just made a very difficult decision …"

8. Xian mu ji du hen: envious, jealous and hateful.

Producer Zhang Weiping responded to criticism of his movie that his critics were envious, jealous and hateful.

9. Fan ke ti: Vanclized writing.

Internet users created fake advertisements for the clothing shop Vancl to mock celebrities.

10. Nao tai tao: not at all.

Acto r Huang Xiaoming's pronunciation of lyrics "not at all" sounded just like the Chinese words "nao tai tao."

Fro m

From the thread "From Let The Bullets Fly"

Following the release of Jiang Wen's gangster movie Let The Bullets Fly, Internet users have been parodying the title. Here's one version. While the hit movie Let The Bullets Fly was released on the

Chinese mainland, South Korea and North Korea staged an important drama called Let The Shells Fly at the end of 2010, with the sequel Let The Missiles Fly and the finale Let The Nuclear Bombs Fly in the wo rks.

In the run up to the New Year, China's National Development and Reform Commissio n (NDRC) got in on the action with Let The Oil Prices Fly. However, there's still no timetable as to when the China Securities Regulatory Commissio n will release Let The Stock Prices Fly. Entering the New Year, the Chinese government expressed its confidence in the epic masterpiece Let The Housing Prices Fly; while the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences announced that the production of Let The Salaries Fly is undergoing great difficulties.

Fro m

What's buzzing in the Shanghai-based blogosphere this week?

∙ Source: Global Times [13:04 January 05 2011] Comments

What's buzzing in the Shanghai-based blogosphere this week?

From the thread "Top 10 Internet catchphrases in China in 2010"

1. Shen ma dou shi fu yun: nothing is worth mentioning.

The phrase comes from a popular Internet post about a bizarre girl's visit to Shanghai over the National Day holiday.

2. Gei li: fantastic, awesome.

The word, originating from northern China's dialect, was plastered on the front page of People's Daily on No vember 10.

3. Tuan gou: group purchasing.

The popular shopping strategy for young people, who want to get a better deal by making purchases together online with strangers.

4. Wei bo: microblog.

Sina microblog, the Chinese version of Twitter, is now a popular platform for disseminating information.

5. Wo ba shi li gang: my father is Li Gang.

When a drunk driver Li Qiming caused a fatal accident in Baoding, Hebei Province on October 16, he shouted: "My father is Li Gang."

6. Bei ci shi: to be passed away.

The rumor that Jin Yong, the famous martial art novelist, had passed away spread widely on the Internet, but was finally proved false.

7. Fei chang jian nan de jue ding: a very difficult decision.

In November, QQ announced it would cease service to users who had 360 Safeguard installed on their co mputers. The announcement went: "We have just made a very difficult decision …"

8. Xian mu ji du hen: envious, jealous and hateful.

Producer Zhang Weiping responded to criticism of his movie that his critics were envious, jealous and hateful.

9. Fan ke ti: Vanclized writing.

Internet users created fake advertisements for the clothing shop Vancl to mock celebrities.

10. Nao tai tao: not at all.

Acto r Huang Xiaoming's pronunciation of lyrics "not at all" sounded just like the Chinese words "nao tai tao."

Fro m

From the thread "From Let The Bullets Fly"

Following the release of Jiang Wen's gangster movie Let The Bullets Fly, Internet users have been parodying the title. Here's one version. While the hit movie Let The Bullets Fly was released on the

Chinese mainland, South Korea and North Korea staged an important drama called Let The Shells Fly at the end of 2010, with the sequel Let The Missiles Fly and the finale Let The Nuclear Bombs Fly in the wo rks.

In the run up to the New Year, China's National Development and Reform Commissio n (NDRC) got in on the action with Let The Oil Prices Fly. However, there's still no timetable as to when the China Securities Regulatory Commissio n will release Let The Stock Prices Fly. Entering the New Year, the Chinese government expressed its confidence in the epic masterpiece Let The Housing Prices Fly; while the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences announced that the production of Let The Salaries Fly is undergoing great difficulties.

Fro m


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