


摘要: 托福口语真题及解析(2008.1.19),托福口语真题及解析可以帮助同学们掌握出题规律,是很好的托福口语练习素材,希望同学们认真参阅。

如下是2008年1月19日的老 托福 口语真题,附有标准答案,同学们可以收藏下载,希望能为各位同学提供实质性的帮助。

T1. What new skill would you like to learn? Explain why this skill would be good for you to have.

藍三角:P293 例題

Sample answer 1: (a given answer in the book)

I would like to learn how to play the guitar. Now I can’t play a musical instrument(背景介紹),so this would be a new skill for me. It would be a good skill to have because I could(情態動詞 could 用的 好,表示未來的可能性。)take my guitar to parties and play music for my friends. Also, I could join

a band and play songs with other musicians. Maybe I could make money that way, but the main reason is I enjoy music and want to understand it better.

Sample 2----my own version

A new skill that I would like to learn is (稍換了一種說法)to cook. China

enjoys a worldwide reputation as “kingdom of cuisine”. Chinese dishes are popular all over the world. And I , as a would-be overseas Chinese student, is expected to know how to cook food that shows the perfect combination of “color, aroma and taste” -------the three essential factors in

judging Chinese cooking(背景介紹). It would be a good skill to have because I could ask my

classmates and friends over to my house and cook for them. Also, I could do a television cooking show to publicize our food culture. Maybe I could make money that way, but the main reason is I enjoy cooking and want to share with people the pleasure derived from it.

T2.Some people plan every detail of their vacation in advance. Others prefer to leave most details flexible or open to chance. Which do you think is better and why? 藍三角:P301 第 4 題

Sample answer :


I think advance planning is critical to a successful vacation, regardless of whether the trip is long or short.

To have a comfortable vacation, it’s necessary to check the climate for the time to plan to visit. And it is always a good idea to make advance hotel reservations when vacationing.

Planning the vacation in advance will also give us more time to prepare for it and to ensure that we have all of the needed. This could mean we will not have to miss out on activities because of not having the correct equipment. Especially when we decide to go camping for vacation, reservations in advance allow us to determine ahead of time whether or not the campground has a lake, hiking trails, electricity, etc. Besides, we get the idea of what to take.

Last but not least, advance vacation planning is likely to make our experience a more memorable one.


Reading: 【學校通知】:說學校要求學生一學期做 10 小時的志願者。




Sample answer:

In the reading material, the university is considering about the students’ 10-hour volunteer work one semester. In the listening material, we clearly learn that the woman doesn't like the idea. One reason she gives is that students won’t be happy about the compulsory requirement.

Another reason is that the place where volunteers are needed to work is too far. She also thinks it’s a lot of trouble

‘cause most of students don’t own a car and it’s hard to get there. Therefore, she disagrees with that opinion.


Reading: 【課文要點】如果一個生態環境中有多個種群的話,那麼消失一個種群不會破壞整個生態系統.

Listening:【教授舉例】一種珊瑚礁(coral reef)的故事。某地被污染,一種魚死了,這種魚是吃水藻的,而這種水藻 對珊瑚不好。但是珊瑚沒死,為什麼,因為這地方生物多樣性,其他生物取代了那種魚來吃水藻。

Sample answer:

In this set of materials, the reading passage tells us that the disappearance of one species group won’t destroy the whole ecosystem if there are different kinds of species groups in an ecological environment.

In the listening passage, the professor gives a talk on coral reef. He explains by giving an example that a kind of fish was dead in a polluted area ‘cause they ate algae which is bad for coral reef. He goes on to further explain that the coral reef didn’t die because of the biodiversity.

By these means, he proves that it’s because of the biodiversity that other species instead of that kind of fish eat algae.





2)在招聘會開始時去,雖然不是所有公司都會到,但你至少可以看到幾家公司,還可以約他們結束以後談嗎。男 生說可是萬一好公司還沒來呢。%

Sample answer:

The discussion is between two students. The male student is telling his friend about the schedule conflict. He is torn between a recruitment conference and his part-time job.

His friend suggests he change the shift with his collegue.

She also suggests he come to the conference at the very first beginning, telling him even though not all companies won’t be there at the time, he would meet at least several companies and then make appointments later in the day.

I think the second idea serves his purpose because it would be very helpful for his future career. After all, a part-time job may not guarantee him a long-standing career.



1. 原先科學家認為嬰兒是誰給奶吃誰是娘。

2. 後來發現是接觸是關鍵。用幼猴做試驗,將母猴分成 cloth 和 bare 兩組,然後都給幼侯喂,發現幼侯更願意跟cloth 母猴呆一起。

Sample answer:

The lecture tells us how the relationship between parents and infants is established. Originally, scientists thought the one who breast-feeds infants is the mother. But later they found out that human contact is the most important thing. They did an experiment using baby monkeys. They divide mother monkeys into two groups---- clothed and bare. The two groups both feed the baby monkeys. And finally the scientists discovered that baby monkeys would like to stay with the clothed mother monkeys more.





相关字搜索: 托福口语



摘要: 托福口语真题及解析(2008.1.19),托福口语真题及解析可以帮助同学们掌握出题规律,是很好的托福口语练习素材,希望同学们认真参阅。

如下是2008年1月19日的老 托福 口语真题,附有标准答案,同学们可以收藏下载,希望能为各位同学提供实质性的帮助。

T1. What new skill would you like to learn? Explain why this skill would be good for you to have.

藍三角:P293 例題

Sample answer 1: (a given answer in the book)

I would like to learn how to play the guitar. Now I can’t play a musical instrument(背景介紹),so this would be a new skill for me. It would be a good skill to have because I could(情態動詞 could 用的 好,表示未來的可能性。)take my guitar to parties and play music for my friends. Also, I could join

a band and play songs with other musicians. Maybe I could make money that way, but the main reason is I enjoy music and want to understand it better.

Sample 2----my own version

A new skill that I would like to learn is (稍換了一種說法)to cook. China

enjoys a worldwide reputation as “kingdom of cuisine”. Chinese dishes are popular all over the world. And I , as a would-be overseas Chinese student, is expected to know how to cook food that shows the perfect combination of “color, aroma and taste” -------the three essential factors in

judging Chinese cooking(背景介紹). It would be a good skill to have because I could ask my

classmates and friends over to my house and cook for them. Also, I could do a television cooking show to publicize our food culture. Maybe I could make money that way, but the main reason is I enjoy cooking and want to share with people the pleasure derived from it.

T2.Some people plan every detail of their vacation in advance. Others prefer to leave most details flexible or open to chance. Which do you think is better and why? 藍三角:P301 第 4 題

Sample answer :


I think advance planning is critical to a successful vacation, regardless of whether the trip is long or short.

To have a comfortable vacation, it’s necessary to check the climate for the time to plan to visit. And it is always a good idea to make advance hotel reservations when vacationing.

Planning the vacation in advance will also give us more time to prepare for it and to ensure that we have all of the needed. This could mean we will not have to miss out on activities because of not having the correct equipment. Especially when we decide to go camping for vacation, reservations in advance allow us to determine ahead of time whether or not the campground has a lake, hiking trails, electricity, etc. Besides, we get the idea of what to take.

Last but not least, advance vacation planning is likely to make our experience a more memorable one.


Reading: 【學校通知】:說學校要求學生一學期做 10 小時的志願者。




Sample answer:

In the reading material, the university is considering about the students’ 10-hour volunteer work one semester. In the listening material, we clearly learn that the woman doesn't like the idea. One reason she gives is that students won’t be happy about the compulsory requirement.

Another reason is that the place where volunteers are needed to work is too far. She also thinks it’s a lot of trouble

‘cause most of students don’t own a car and it’s hard to get there. Therefore, she disagrees with that opinion.


Reading: 【課文要點】如果一個生態環境中有多個種群的話,那麼消失一個種群不會破壞整個生態系統.

Listening:【教授舉例】一種珊瑚礁(coral reef)的故事。某地被污染,一種魚死了,這種魚是吃水藻的,而這種水藻 對珊瑚不好。但是珊瑚沒死,為什麼,因為這地方生物多樣性,其他生物取代了那種魚來吃水藻。

Sample answer:

In this set of materials, the reading passage tells us that the disappearance of one species group won’t destroy the whole ecosystem if there are different kinds of species groups in an ecological environment.

In the listening passage, the professor gives a talk on coral reef. He explains by giving an example that a kind of fish was dead in a polluted area ‘cause they ate algae which is bad for coral reef. He goes on to further explain that the coral reef didn’t die because of the biodiversity.

By these means, he proves that it’s because of the biodiversity that other species instead of that kind of fish eat algae.





2)在招聘會開始時去,雖然不是所有公司都會到,但你至少可以看到幾家公司,還可以約他們結束以後談嗎。男 生說可是萬一好公司還沒來呢。%

Sample answer:

The discussion is between two students. The male student is telling his friend about the schedule conflict. He is torn between a recruitment conference and his part-time job.

His friend suggests he change the shift with his collegue.

She also suggests he come to the conference at the very first beginning, telling him even though not all companies won’t be there at the time, he would meet at least several companies and then make appointments later in the day.

I think the second idea serves his purpose because it would be very helpful for his future career. After all, a part-time job may not guarantee him a long-standing career.



1. 原先科學家認為嬰兒是誰給奶吃誰是娘。

2. 後來發現是接觸是關鍵。用幼猴做試驗,將母猴分成 cloth 和 bare 兩組,然後都給幼侯喂,發現幼侯更願意跟cloth 母猴呆一起。

Sample answer:

The lecture tells us how the relationship between parents and infants is established. Originally, scientists thought the one who breast-feeds infants is the mother. But later they found out that human contact is the most important thing. They did an experiment using baby monkeys. They divide mother monkeys into two groups---- clothed and bare. The two groups both feed the baby monkeys. And finally the scientists discovered that baby monkeys would like to stay with the clothed mother monkeys more.





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