1.友好交往为 friendly exchanges 而非friendly communications 人文交流 people-to-people and cultural exchanges
2.堪称奇迹 …stand out as a miracle
Learn from each and interact with each other 后面文明宝库可以译为 丰富了 文明,不用译出treasury bank.所以此句可以译为“In the long course of history, the people of China and Japan have learned from each other and interact with each other. Such exchanges have not only contributed to our respective national development, but also enriched the East Asian and world civilization.
4. 日本军国主义 Japanese militarists 友谊被日本对中国发动侵略战争破坏 …were devastated by the war of aggression
5. 给中华民族造成深重灾难 to inflict untold sufferings on the Chinese nation 日本人民也深受其害 also brought misery to Japanese people.
6. 强调牢记历史并非要延续仇恨 we stress the importance of remembering history…perpetuate hatred but rather to…
7. 中日邦交正常化 normalization of diplomatic relations 中日友好和平条约 China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship
8. 中日战略互惠关系 China-Japan Strategic Relationship of Mutual Benefit in an all-round way
9. 福田 Fukuda 鸠山 Hatoyama
10. 双边贸易 two-way trade ……….increase……….
11 友好城市 sister cities 实实在在的利益 tangible benefits
12 mark the …anniversary of …
13. 缅怀老一辈领导人和各界有识之士…To pay tribute to the old generation of leaders and visionary people from all sectors
14 合作双赢的伙伴 零和竞争的对手 partners of win-win cooperation, not competitors in a zero-sum game.
15 确定了…的框架 lay the framework of …
16 尊重彼此的重大关切和核心利益,通过对话协商解决分歧 respect each other’s major concerns and core interests and resolve differences through dialogue and consultation.
17 良好格局 sound environment 充分利用互补性强、合作潜力大的优越条件 make the most of their strong economic complementarities and enormous cooperation potential.
18 持之以恒 make persistent efforts 夯实社会基础 strength the public support
19 振兴 REJUVENATION Asian rejuvenation can not be achieved without the cooperation and coordination of China and Japan.
20 中国愿同日本一道,积极参与各领域的国际合作,提高协作应对各种挑战的能力,共同推进人类和平与发展的崇高事业。 China is ready to work with Japan to actively participate in the international cooperation in all sectors, and enhance the capacity to (manage these challenges) deal with various kinds of challenges through coordination and make joint contribution to the noble course of peace and development of mankind.
manage, cope with, address, tackle…………..challenges
Attach the great importance of…
履行 fulfill…
UNFCCC 联合国气候变化框架公约
做出力所能及的贡献 make whatever contribution
1.友好交往为 friendly exchanges 而非friendly communications 人文交流 people-to-people and cultural exchanges
2.堪称奇迹 …stand out as a miracle
Learn from each and interact with each other 后面文明宝库可以译为 丰富了 文明,不用译出treasury bank.所以此句可以译为“In the long course of history, the people of China and Japan have learned from each other and interact with each other. Such exchanges have not only contributed to our respective national development, but also enriched the East Asian and world civilization.
4. 日本军国主义 Japanese militarists 友谊被日本对中国发动侵略战争破坏 …were devastated by the war of aggression
5. 给中华民族造成深重灾难 to inflict untold sufferings on the Chinese nation 日本人民也深受其害 also brought misery to Japanese people.
6. 强调牢记历史并非要延续仇恨 we stress the importance of remembering history…perpetuate hatred but rather to…
7. 中日邦交正常化 normalization of diplomatic relations 中日友好和平条约 China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship
8. 中日战略互惠关系 China-Japan Strategic Relationship of Mutual Benefit in an all-round way
9. 福田 Fukuda 鸠山 Hatoyama
10. 双边贸易 two-way trade ……….increase……….
11 友好城市 sister cities 实实在在的利益 tangible benefits
12 mark the …anniversary of …
13. 缅怀老一辈领导人和各界有识之士…To pay tribute to the old generation of leaders and visionary people from all sectors
14 合作双赢的伙伴 零和竞争的对手 partners of win-win cooperation, not competitors in a zero-sum game.
15 确定了…的框架 lay the framework of …
16 尊重彼此的重大关切和核心利益,通过对话协商解决分歧 respect each other’s major concerns and core interests and resolve differences through dialogue and consultation.
17 良好格局 sound environment 充分利用互补性强、合作潜力大的优越条件 make the most of their strong economic complementarities and enormous cooperation potential.
18 持之以恒 make persistent efforts 夯实社会基础 strength the public support
19 振兴 REJUVENATION Asian rejuvenation can not be achieved without the cooperation and coordination of China and Japan.
20 中国愿同日本一道,积极参与各领域的国际合作,提高协作应对各种挑战的能力,共同推进人类和平与发展的崇高事业。 China is ready to work with Japan to actively participate in the international cooperation in all sectors, and enhance the capacity to (manage these challenges) deal with various kinds of challenges through coordination and make joint contribution to the noble course of peace and development of mankind.
manage, cope with, address, tackle…………..challenges
Attach the great importance of…
履行 fulfill…
UNFCCC 联合国气候变化框架公约
做出力所能及的贡献 make whatever contribution