

以My weekend plan 为题目,写一写你周末的打算,你打算去哪?你打算去干什么?你打算什么时候去?你打算乘哪种交通工具去?

My weekend plan

I am going to the bookstore on the weekend. I am going to buy a book. I am going to the bookstore by bus. Then I am going to the cinema. I am going to see a film about Cheng Long. I like my weekend very much.

Unit 4

以“My friend ” 为题写一篇小短文,从朋友的姓名,爱好,上学交通方式等方面来写。 My friend

I have a good friend. His name is …He is tall and strong. He likes reading stories. He lives in Lin Yi. He goes to school on foot. Sometimes he goes to school by bike. I like him very much.(如果是女生,把文中His 换成Her, 把He 换成She,把him 换成her 即可。)

Unit 5


范文: My father

He is tall and strong. He likes playing football. He is a businessman. He works in an office. He goes to work by car. I like him very much. My mother

She is tall and thin. She likes reading stories. She is a worker. She works in a factory. She goes to work by bike . I like her very much.




We go to the nature park. I’m happy. But .. is ill. We are worried. She should see a doctor and wear warm clothes. Then she feels very well. We are happy.



以My weekend plan 为题目,写一写你周末的打算,你打算去哪?你打算去干什么?你打算什么时候去?你打算乘哪种交通工具去?

My weekend plan

I am going to the bookstore on the weekend. I am going to buy a book. I am going to the bookstore by bus. Then I am going to the cinema. I am going to see a film about Cheng Long. I like my weekend very much.

Unit 4

以“My friend ” 为题写一篇小短文,从朋友的姓名,爱好,上学交通方式等方面来写。 My friend

I have a good friend. His name is …He is tall and strong. He likes reading stories. He lives in Lin Yi. He goes to school on foot. Sometimes he goes to school by bike. I like him very much.(如果是女生,把文中His 换成Her, 把He 换成She,把him 换成her 即可。)

Unit 5


范文: My father

He is tall and strong. He likes playing football. He is a businessman. He works in an office. He goes to work by car. I like him very much. My mother

She is tall and thin. She likes reading stories. She is a worker. She works in a factory. She goes to work by bike . I like her very much.




We go to the nature park. I’m happy. But .. is ill. We are worried. She should see a doctor and wear warm clothes. Then she feels very well. We are happy.



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