智课网TOEFL 备考资料
摘要: 当你完成了自己的托福考试后,最为关心的自然就是自己的托福成绩了。那么,托福考试成绩究竟会在考后多久出分呢?
之间的成绩延误又会是出于哪些原因呢? 而在 托福 考试中有时根据哪些依据来为自己评分的呢? 下面我们就为大家详细讲解一下吧。
在任何一种考试之后,考生等待成绩的焦虑心情都是可以让人理解的。当然, 托福考试 也是一样。那么,托福考试成绩多久出来呢? 一般都是10天出成绩。而如果你考试的日期的前一天或后一天也有考试(比如
10.27,10.28都安排考试了) ,那成绩出来的时间可能是9天或者11天。
新托福 阅读评分标准:
In Reading, you must determine the number of points you received on the last question of each reading (numbers 13, 26, and 39) before you can determine the total number of points. The last question of each reading is a chart question that is worth more than one point, and you may receive partial credit for a partially correct answer. (For example,
perhaps a question is worth three points and has 6 correct answers. If you correctly answer all 6, then you get 3 points. If you correctly answer 4 or 5, then you get 2 points. If you correctly answer 2 or 3, then you get 1 point. If you por tly answer 0 or 1, then you get 0 points.) After you have determined the number of points you have earned on the chart questions, add this number to the number correct on the rest of questions 1 through 39 to determine your total points out of 45. When you know the total points you received in a Reading or Listening Mini-Test section, you can refer to the following irt to determine your scaled score out of 30 for this section.
新 托福听力 评分标准:
DETERMINE READINGAND LISTENING COMPLETE TEST SCORES To determine a scaled score in a Reading or Listening Complete Test section, you must first determine the number of points you received in the section. In Listening, you simply need to count the number of questions you answered correctly (out of 34) because the number of points is the number of questions you answered correctly.
新 托福口语 评分标准:
Speaking Scoring Criteria of Next Generation iBT TOEFL Test In the Speaking section, you will receive a score of 0 through 5; this score of 0 through then be converted to a scaled score out of 30. The criteria for Speaking scores of 0 through 4 are listed below.
新 托福写作 评分标准:
In the Writing section, you will receive a score of 0 through 5; this score of 0 through 5 will then be converted to a scaled score out of 30. The criteria for Writing scores of 0 through 5 are listed below.
在等待托福考试成绩的时候,相信大家也会看到一些不同的托福成绩状态。那么,这些托福成绩有分别代表哪些含义呢? 首先,大家最愿意看到的状态应该就是” Check-in “了,它代表了你的成绩正在按计划出来,完全不用担心。
而当显示了incomplete 的时候,也就说明是ETS 的责任,也就是他发现自己的没有保存好您的成绩,结果当他们开始判卷的时候,发现你的答案只保存的一部分,没有被保存完全。这时候,你可以直接给北京的NEEA 打电话010-82345672,说明情况后,要求再给一个免费重考的机会,而且是可以按照你要求的时间和地点。当然,本次考试的成绩是无法再拿到了
至于cancel ,那就是你在考试的最后不小心的选择了“取消本次的成绩”,这个时候也不用着急,只要你直接给NEEA 打电话,并且在NEEA 的网站上付费恢复自己的成绩了,其实自己这次考试的成绩还是可以找回的。
而由于中国考区考生有时也会出现一些违规违纪行为,ETS 对中国考取的托福网考学生进行更加严厉的对待,常常出现成绩被HOLD 的情况。那么,又给如何应对呢? 目前能做的,就是发邮件给ETS 问到底发生了什么,邮件里应该包含个人信息,比如姓名,出生日期,考试时间,考试地点,考号这些。估计大概是被怀疑或者抽查调研之类的,只要确实没什么问题的话,ETS 也不能莫名其妙的取消成绩的。
相关字搜索: 托福考试成绩在考后多久出分
智课网TOEFL 备考资料
摘要: 当你完成了自己的托福考试后,最为关心的自然就是自己的托福成绩了。那么,托福考试成绩究竟会在考后多久出分呢?
之间的成绩延误又会是出于哪些原因呢? 而在 托福 考试中有时根据哪些依据来为自己评分的呢? 下面我们就为大家详细讲解一下吧。
在任何一种考试之后,考生等待成绩的焦虑心情都是可以让人理解的。当然, 托福考试 也是一样。那么,托福考试成绩多久出来呢? 一般都是10天出成绩。而如果你考试的日期的前一天或后一天也有考试(比如
10.27,10.28都安排考试了) ,那成绩出来的时间可能是9天或者11天。
新托福 阅读评分标准:
In Reading, you must determine the number of points you received on the last question of each reading (numbers 13, 26, and 39) before you can determine the total number of points. The last question of each reading is a chart question that is worth more than one point, and you may receive partial credit for a partially correct answer. (For example,
perhaps a question is worth three points and has 6 correct answers. If you correctly answer all 6, then you get 3 points. If you correctly answer 4 or 5, then you get 2 points. If you correctly answer 2 or 3, then you get 1 point. If you por tly answer 0 or 1, then you get 0 points.) After you have determined the number of points you have earned on the chart questions, add this number to the number correct on the rest of questions 1 through 39 to determine your total points out of 45. When you know the total points you received in a Reading or Listening Mini-Test section, you can refer to the following irt to determine your scaled score out of 30 for this section.
新 托福听力 评分标准:
DETERMINE READINGAND LISTENING COMPLETE TEST SCORES To determine a scaled score in a Reading or Listening Complete Test section, you must first determine the number of points you received in the section. In Listening, you simply need to count the number of questions you answered correctly (out of 34) because the number of points is the number of questions you answered correctly.
新 托福口语 评分标准:
Speaking Scoring Criteria of Next Generation iBT TOEFL Test In the Speaking section, you will receive a score of 0 through 5; this score of 0 through then be converted to a scaled score out of 30. The criteria for Speaking scores of 0 through 4 are listed below.
新 托福写作 评分标准:
In the Writing section, you will receive a score of 0 through 5; this score of 0 through 5 will then be converted to a scaled score out of 30. The criteria for Writing scores of 0 through 5 are listed below.
在等待托福考试成绩的时候,相信大家也会看到一些不同的托福成绩状态。那么,这些托福成绩有分别代表哪些含义呢? 首先,大家最愿意看到的状态应该就是” Check-in “了,它代表了你的成绩正在按计划出来,完全不用担心。
而当显示了incomplete 的时候,也就说明是ETS 的责任,也就是他发现自己的没有保存好您的成绩,结果当他们开始判卷的时候,发现你的答案只保存的一部分,没有被保存完全。这时候,你可以直接给北京的NEEA 打电话010-82345672,说明情况后,要求再给一个免费重考的机会,而且是可以按照你要求的时间和地点。当然,本次考试的成绩是无法再拿到了
至于cancel ,那就是你在考试的最后不小心的选择了“取消本次的成绩”,这个时候也不用着急,只要你直接给NEEA 打电话,并且在NEEA 的网站上付费恢复自己的成绩了,其实自己这次考试的成绩还是可以找回的。
而由于中国考区考生有时也会出现一些违规违纪行为,ETS 对中国考取的托福网考学生进行更加严厉的对待,常常出现成绩被HOLD 的情况。那么,又给如何应对呢? 目前能做的,就是发邮件给ETS 问到底发生了什么,邮件里应该包含个人信息,比如姓名,出生日期,考试时间,考试地点,考号这些。估计大概是被怀疑或者抽查调研之类的,只要确实没什么问题的话,ETS 也不能莫名其妙的取消成绩的。
相关字搜索: 托福考试成绩在考后多久出分