

The Modern Agriculture Conditions of DAQING City


To support the development of the green house industry of Daqing City, and to help the government and the city attract more investment from the tier one international modern agriculture corporations, I collected some basic information for your reference to the decision making that weather you setup a visit trip to Daqing City.

目 录 Contents

一、 概述 Abstract ................................................................................................................... 3

二、 大庆经济简介 Daqing Economy Briefs .......................................................................... 3

三、 产业政策 Industry Policy ................................................................................................ 4

四、 大庆地理位置和气候条件 The Geographical and Climate Features ........................... 6

五、 棚室技术现状和规模 Current Conditions of the Techniques and Scale of the Green

House Based Agriculture Industry .................................................................................................... 8

六、 主要作物与市场价格 Main crops and market price ................................................... 10

七、 大庆林甸县温泉和温泉农业 The Spring and Spring agriculture at Lindian County .. 12

八、 相关企业现状 Current Conditions of Relevant Companies. ......................................... 13

九、 相关技术发展状况 Relevant Techniques Conditions ................................................... 14

十、 交通物流 Communication and Logistics ....................................................................... 15

十一、 人力资源 Human Resources ...................................................................................... 16

十二、 本地居民购买力简析 Local Purchasing Power Briefs ........................................... 16

十三、 科研教学资源 University and Research Institute Resources .................................... 17

十四、 大庆综述 Synthesize ................................................................................................. 18

十五、 可能的合作方式 Possible Business model ............................................................... 19

十六、 来大庆考察的安排建议 Suggested Schedule ........................................................... 20

一、 概述 Abstract


To modern agricultural corporations with good techniques and cash flows, either high-lighted by your agriculture production, or your techniques, or your distribution channel, or your facility products, we all strongly suggest you to seriously consider whether it’s right time to invest in China.

Daqing City, being called “the City of Oil”in China, (just like the mid-east area from the global view), has large business potentials on modern agriculture industry, and under the guidance and strong support from the government, in 2011 and the 5 years afterwards. Daqing City is highly expected to be a modern agriculture base in the east-north of Asia area.

二、 大庆经济简介 Daqing Economy Briefs

2010年,大庆全市实现地区生产总值2900亿元、增长12%,居全国百强城市第19位。 Daqing’s total production value in 2010 was 290 billion RMB with an increase of 12% compared to 2009, 19th in the chart of China.

大庆是石油之城,2010年实现增加值1500亿元、增长1.8%,石油产量约占中国的一半。 Daqing is the City of Oil, oil production value if 150 billion RMB with an increase of 1.8%, the production is about 50% of the total oil production of China.


The agriculture industry is developing fast although backward relatively. In 2010, a few projects were successfully setup, including a spring green house base at Lindian county, a modern agriculture theme park at Datong District, and a agriculture harvesting part at Hongji livestock farm. All together, Daqing has developed green house about 31 square kilometers, with a total production value of 2.5 billion RMB in 2010.


The finance activities of Daqing city is prospected, with a total loan of 41 billion RMB, and a new increased loan of 8.6 billion RMB in the year of 2010.


In the past 5 years, the average income of the citizens has been increased from 13,662 to 20016, and that of farmers from 2,723 to 8,045 RMB. Daqing City is one of the 42 relatively wealthy cities in China.

大庆土地资源储备充裕,面积大,用地限制少,多为盐碱地废弃地,用地价格低。 大庆水资源丰富,号称“天然百湖之城”。

Daqing has abundant cultivated plant area and natural prairies (more than 6000 square kilometers) and lakes. Agriculture and stock raise industry are the most important industry after oil industry.

大庆电力资源量足价廉。全市有12户发电企业,农业用电一般在0.443元到0.81元/度。 Daqing’s electricity power is plentiful and the price is good (0.443 to 0.81RMB for each KWh). 大庆天然气丰富,价格在2.1到2.4元/立方米。

Daqing has plenty of natural gas, with a competitive price of 2.1 to 2.4 RMB per cubic meter. 大庆地热资源前景可观。大庆是国内罕见的大规模地热富集区,静态储量达3000亿立方米,而且水源充足, 埋藏深度仅在1400—2000米之间;地热水出口温度在40℃—90℃之间;水质优良,水中含有锌、硒、钙等20多种对人体有益的微量元素。

Daqing has an amazing preservation of underground heat and water, with a static reserve of 300 billion cubic meters, buried in the depth of between 1,400 to 2,000 meters, with a temperature between 40 to 90℃. At the same time, the water test report shows that the warm spring water can erupt automatically from wells and it is also fit for human body health.

三、 产业政策 Industry Policy

图表 1 实施中的棚室农业区 Green house area under construction


On Jan 7th, 2011, Daqing city government released a document named the Decision of Strongly Support the Development of Green House Based Agriculture, in which, it indicates that the government will make Daqing city the biggest green house agriculture base in the north and east area of China in the coming 3 years, the aim of the program including:

1. 促进农民增收、缩小城乡差距;

To increase the farmer’s revenue, reduce the gap of the revenue between the

citizens and farmers.

2. 转变农业生产方式、推进新农村建设;

To upgrade the production style, push forward the construction of new county

agriculture production system.

3. 发展现代农业,形成独具特色的产业优势;

To develop modern agriculture, strengthen the advantage of Daqing’s

competitiveness and characteristics.

4. 到2013年,棚室总量达到30万栋。

To construct 200 square kilo-meters green house before the end of 2013.

5. 在2011年内,五区四县将完成招商任务1万栋到1.5万栋不等。

In 2011, 5 districts and 4 counties in Daqing city will construct 6 to 10 square

kilo-meters green house respectively.


Detailed business policy is released by city government and county government at the same time, including two classes, one is standard policy targeting on normal scaled business.


● 对于666平方米/栋的“43”型温室,企业或者农户投资一栋,市里支持1万元,


● 银行贷款,政府提供50%的3年贷款贴息;

● 政府提供指定区域内的水、电、路、讯等基础设施建设。

The standard policy is mainly carried out through a method of financial support, including:

1. For each investment on the 43 model with 666 square meters, the city government supports

10,000 RMB, and county government 5,000 RMB or more.

2. Government will pay for bank loan interest, 50% or more for 3 years.

3. Government will responsible for the fundamental facilities including water supply, electricity

power supply, transportation, communication systems, etc.




The second class is called “case by case”, targeting on large scaled investment or strategic investment. There’s no detailed terms in the policy, and it depends on bi-literal discuss. Investors may ask for a couple of years of free land, providing part of the starting investment or bank interest support, or insurance fee support, or special administration channel for a higher service efficiency, or some others, which need to be proposed according to the circumstances of the very investor.

In both Heilongjiang Province and Daqing City, this program is on the chairmen of both governments, from which, we could see how important the program is for them.

四、 大庆地理位置和气候条件 The Geographical and Climate Features

图表 2 地理位置 Position


Daqing is located near at the east longitude 124°12´ and the north latitude 45°48´, and at the

east-north of China(see right up), and at mid-west of Heilongjiang province. It covers 21,000 square

kilo-meters, with a population around 2,800,000 dwellers, and within it, 1,325,000 are citizens and most of the citizens are oil industry workers and government staffs.









Climate pattern: mid temperature continental monsoon

Year average temperature 3.8℃

Recorded highest temperature 39.8℃

Recorded lowest temperature -39.5℃

Recorded year average highest temperature 10.8℃

Recorded year average lowest temperature -1.1℃

Year accumulated temperature 2700℃ to 2800℃

Year water fall 438.1mm, mainly in June to Aug.

Year evaporation is 1634.6mm

All year sunlight 2726.1 hours

Wind speed year average 3.8m/second

The first frog day is at Sept. 28th.

The end of frog is at May. 7th.

Non-frog 143 days, 128 days are fit for crop growth.

主要降水集中在6-8月 年蒸发量1634.6毫米 年日照时数2726.1小时 年平均风速3.8米/秒 初霜日9月28日 终霜日5月7日 无霜期143天 适宜作物生长的有效期128

五、 棚室技术现状和规模 Current Conditions of the Techniques and Scale

of the Green House Based Agriculture Industry

图表 3 冷棚 LengPeng

图表 4 4-3型温室 4-3 Model

图表 5 4-3型温室内部 Inner of 4-3 model


Currently, LengPeng and 4-3 model are popular, and the 4-3 model is just new and suggested by the government in the past recent 3 years. All together there are 48,000 China acre (around 32 square kilometers) green houses built, in which 1/4 are 4-3 model and others are Lengpeng.


东西延长70-90米,南偏东5-8度;跨度6.5-7米;脊高3.5-3.8米;不超过一亩一栋; No standard specifications are released for 4-3 model, but there are some reference data as follows:

In east to west direction 70-90 meters long, south deviated to east 5-8 degrees; and 6.5 to 7meters wide; 3.5-3.8 meters high for back bone; one unit is no more than 666 square meters normally.




For 4-3 model, construction materials include iron back bone, plastic film, cotton quilt, brick wall, quilt roller, and buffer room, etc, and the cost is around 120,000 to 150,000 RMB. 除了38栋4-3型温室成功地采用了温泉地热取暖,以及部分采用了滴灌技术和无滴膜保温外,其余棚室基本都没有采取更多现代农业设施,但补光需求已经开始出现。

In Daqing city, except 38 units 4-3 model(about 250m*100m all together)are equipped with warm spring for keeping warm, and part of them using drop-irrigation and no-drop film, no more modern facilities are put into application. But some requirements are coming up including agriculture lamp.


无取暖温室,一般收入在2到4万元/栋年。有取暖温室据说收入能达到10万元以上。 4-3 model, with no warming facilities, can not produce crops during Dec. to next Feb., because no efficient measures to keep it warm even if it were covered with thicker quilt. Some are using coal to do it, in this situation, 3 tons of coal , about 2,400RMB are required for the 3 months warming consumption.

For green house with no warming, the farmer’s revenue is around 20,000 to 40,000 RMB for one unit 4-3 model(666 square meters), and with warming, it says, the revenue may up to 100,000 RMB.

六、 主要作物与市场价格 Main crops and market price


Under the guidance of the government, 7 kinds of greens&fruits are chosen to be the main crops at Daqing, including grapes, ginger, tomato, melon, mushroom, flowerings, and greens and fruit that fit for warm spring areas. From that research data, Datong district has successfully pushed the grape to a scaled step, and warm spring tomato and cucumber production has started.


The following is the sample price got from retailer and supper market.

For supper market, the channel price is 50% to 60% of retailers’ price.

图表 6 蔬菜终端价格样本 Price sample record

七、 大庆林甸县温泉和温泉农业 The Spring and Spring agriculture at

Lindian County

大庆林甸温泉发现于1975年8月, 林甸县地热资源具有六大特点:

Spring was found in Aug.1975 at Daqing Lindian County, and it’s characteristics including 储量大:地热静态储量约达1810亿立方米;

Big reservation: static reserve is around 181 billion cubic meters.


Large area: most of Daqing and almost all of Lindian County have warm spring water reservation.


Mid-low temperature: reserved in relatively shallow, between 900 to 2400 meters. The temperature is between 40 ℃to 90 ℃.


Good supplement: an ancient continental earth projects to accept surface earth water.


Good water quality: PH 7.89 to 8.38, and silicon, zinc, tin, iodine, more than 20 kinds of element were found in it.


Pressure high: 0.4 to 0.45 MPa.


In 2010, the government emphasizes on the development of the spring based green house industry, successful attacked companies to invest on the program, and the initial test round sets up 38 units of 4-3 model, to produce anti-season vegetable and fruit, achieved very good profit. In the coming 3 years, they planed to construct 12,000 units of 4-3 model.

但问题也显而易见,主要在现代农业技术的相关方面。 But hard rock is obvious that the supporting techniques and facilities are a serious problem now.

八、 相关企业现状 Current Conditions of Relevant Companies.

● 农业生产经营企业 Agriculture operation companies.


Daqing Renbo Industry Ltd started in 2010, and focuses on the development of the spring well and spring based green house industry. They will take part in the construction of the village, travel industry, logistic industry, etc. The head quarter of it is located at Daqing downtown, 35 kilometers far away from the production base, which is 91 square kilometers.

They plan to invest 6.13 billion RMB on 6000 units of Lengpeng and 6000 units of 4-3 model.


Renbo Ltd registered capital is 0.1 billion RMB, and has a management team of 46 staffs, technical support team 23 staffs, 32 sales, and 3 specialists. They co-operated with Colleges and some research institutes. They get support from the government including:

● For each unit of 4-3 model, city government subsidy is 13,000 RMB, county subsidy is

5,000 RMB.

● 3 years free use of the land;

● Staffs are allowed to moved there Hukou to the city administration system.

● The Government also supports on bank interest subsidy and insurance allowance.

They plan to plant cucumber and tomato and muskmelon, water melon, and grapes, and strawberry, and cherry, and so on.


Currently, the problem they are facing is mainly the techniques, seeds, and facilities, but sales report shows the market is good.

● 相关技术企业


No relevant technical servicing or engineering companies were found currently, no companies provide total solutions for farmers.

Some fertilizer product companies are from America or Canada, and they provide some technical support.

● 相关分销物流企业


Longtai Group has a branch company name Longtai Agri Stock, and is now focusing on the further process of corns and selling the products to supper market in the large key cities in China; this company also takes part in some plantation business. They targets on the high end product.

● 相关零售企业


Wal-mart, Newmart, Dashang group.

● 相关金融企业


Longjiang Bank, Communication Bank, Agriculture Development Bank, China Agriculture Bank, No expertise VC. is found in Daqing City.

九、 相关技术发展状况 Relevant Techniques Conditions




From the output of single unit of 4-3 model, we can see some aspects of the techniques conditions here:

Bigger tomato: 5000 to 6000 kilogram/unit in winter

Smaller tomato: 1500 to 2000 kilogram/unit in winter with warm keeping facility.


4-3 model has its own advantage. It’s low cost, taking good usage of the limited sunlight in winter. It keeps warm through plastic film and cotton quilt. Farmers has got some kind of plant seed from developed area like Holland, but no scaled seeding companies were found, and most seeding are bought from southern area of China. Modern facilities, Co2 generator for example, has not been taken into production process. Optimistically, in the coming 3 years, the demand will appear.


Compared with some countries in Europe, modern agriculture is now in a starting step. I contacted some local professors and technicians in some green houses, and found that there are some people knew that what the modern agriculture could be, either they have ever visited Holland or take part in some advance agriculture meetings, but I see that no body has real successful experiences on the modern agriculture.

十、 交通物流 Communication and Logistics






Daqing is located at the west of Heilongjiang province, and to the east 2 hours driving connected with Harbin City, west to Qiqihaer City about 1.5 hours.

There are railway, high way and national road and airport in Daqing city, Driving 2 hours, you can reach to an area of over 14 million population.

From east and west, Daqing has its railway to the customs connected with Russia.

Daqing has its water way to Harbin and Russia, too.

十一、 人力资源 Human Resources


Although modern agriculture at Daqing city is just at its initial step, we can see that the development speed here is quite high. Under such situations, the lack of high end human resource is pretty serious, and high end non-agriculture talent is hard to hire, either. So this issue could be an obstacle for investors.




But the junior resources are abundant, here listed some cost for your reference:

Junior manager with 5 years experiences: 4000RMB/month (60,000RMB/year), tax is considered.

Technical engineer: average 2,500 to 4,000 RMB / month, (40,000 to 70,000 RMB /year, tax is considered)

And the tax may include old-age tax, job tax, medical tax, apartment tax, etc.

Office rent is about 0.5 to 1 RMB per square meter /day.

十二、 本地居民购买力简析 Local Purchasing Power Briefs


The total population here is 2.8m, and 1.3m at downtown, and over 0.8m are working for the oil industry, and about 0.3m working for the government system and public service department, all these

people’s average annual income after tax is around 40,000RMB, and the difference is not much among them. This group of people has very strong sense of superiority, and they are the potential customers for the high end brand named product. And the rest residents are mostly some firm owners or farmers.

From above we can derive that about 80% families has annual income of 100,000RMB, and they buy or have potential to buy fresh vegetables from super market and maybe only 2000 families buy organic vegetables.

十三、 科研教学资源 University and Research Institute Resources


There are 3 key organizations in Daqing area, including 2 universities and a science institute, just as listed below. Investors have potential possibility to co-operate with them. These organizations hope to write thesis and to get some economic support, etc. At the same time, they can provide some convenience to investor’s labs and equipment, so as to reduce the cost and risk in the initial stage.

东北农业大学概况 The briefs of Northeast griculture University.

See. http://www.neau.cn/english/



学校拥有教授、副教授和博士生导师任职资格审定权,师资队伍结构合理,整体水平较高。现有专任教师1 159人,其中教授229人,副教授288人;具有博士学位者446人,具有硕士学位者467。教师中有中国工程院院士1人,博士生导师164人。

拥有66个本科专业,6个一级学科博士点、32个博士学位授权点,8个一级学科硕士点、67个硕士学位授权点,8个博士后科研流动站、2个博士后科研工作站。设有农业部俄语培训中心及教育部赴俄留学培训基地。现有全日制在校生20 194人,其中研究生3 257人,本科生16 817人,外国留学生120人。


黑龙江八一农垦大学概况 The briefs of Heilongjiang Bayi Agriculture University.



学校面向全国23个省区招生,全日制在校生15 981人,其中博士、硕士研究生372人。现有专任教师861人,其中教授133人、副教授252人,具有博士学位教师104人、省级重点学科带头人8名,总局级重点学科带头人和后备带头人57名。当前,学校承担各级科研项目(课题)600余项,其中国家级20余项、省部级130余项、厅局级300余项。

学校坚持贯彻开放办学的理念,不断加强与国内外先进院校、科研机构的交流与合作。目前正在实施的有:与俄罗斯符拉迪沃斯托克国立经济服务大学的联合办学项目,与韩国国立江陵大学、韩国国立晋州产业大学的交换生项目及“中加合作—黑龙江省农产品加工工程技术研究中心”等项目。学校与俄罗斯、韩国、加拿大、乌克兰、美国、澳大利亚等国家的多所院校建立了长期的学术交流与合作关系。 黑龙江省农业科学院概况 The briefs of Heilongjiang Agriculture Science Institute.


十四、 大庆综述 Synthesize


1. 大庆是典型的资源型城市,产业结构严重依赖石油工业,亟待扶持第二个支柱产业。

2. 针对棚室农业,政策上是开放和积极的,为了尽快见到效益,短期内提高农户收入,


3. 从资源优势来看,地理位置、本地购买力、地热资源、天然气资源、交通物流、人


4. 从政治社会环境来看,这里社会稳定,居民收入人均年收入1万以下的和人均年收


5. 从工商业环境来看,政府运作相对东北其它城市还是要廉洁高效一些,进步积极性


6. 从市场环境看来,中高端农产品市场需求旺盛,但供给没有形成品牌竞争格局,还

存在大片高利润领域甚至待开发的空白领域,客户的消费热情还有很多没有释放。 From the information above, we can see:

1. Daqing is a typical resource based city, and half revenue relies on oil industry, and the

government is eagerly trying to fine tune the industry structure.

2. Focusing on green house industry, the policy is aggressive and positive, and in order to

improve the farmer’s income as soon as possible, the government plans to firstly enhance the quantity then to improve the quality, that means large amount of 4-3 model green house will be built in the coming 3 years, and in the process the demand for modern agriculture techniques will be pretty high.

3. From the background and resource, including geographic, buying power, under ground

heat, natural gas, communication, consumer structure, education resources, Daqing has it own advantages. But the shortage of high end human resource will last years in future.

4. From the social and political environment, Daqing is quite good. Dwellers here basically

satisfied with their life and revenue. People who has an annual income over 70,000 or below 10,000RMB are less, and about 60% people’s annual revenue is between 18,000 to 30,000RMB, and 20% between 30,000 to 70,000RMB. These people are the middle class of Daqing city, mostly working for oil industry.

5. From the administration environment, Daqing’s government is more efficiency and

honest, especially the current team is pretty aggressive, much better than some other secondary cities in China.

6. From the business environment, the demand of mid-high end product is pretty high

thanks to the local competitive buying power. There are a lot of space for new brand by which the customer’s zeal to consume could be released.

十五、 可能的合作方式 Possible Business model


1. 与不参与管理的企业或个人联合投资,独立拿地,独立生产和运营。


2. 与有销售能力的本地品牌厂合资。


3. 转包本地企业的土地,给本地企业供货。


There are 3 possible biz models, listed as below for your reference:

1. Co-invest with company who will not take part in operation, and rent land from the

government, and then run the business.

2. Co-invest with company who has brand and the ability to sell products. Longtai Group for


3. Rent land from local company, produce and sell the products to the company. Renbo Ltd

for instance.

十六、 来大庆考察的安排建议 Suggested Schedule

乘飞机来大庆可在北京、上海、广州、青岛、西安、成都、杭州登机。 也可以先到哈尔滨,我们可以安排车来接机,约2小时路程到大庆。







It’s a four days schedule:

Taking flight from Beijing or Shanghai or Guangzhou, or Qingdao, or Xian, or Chengdu, or Hangzhou, directly to Daqing city.

At Daqing,

1st day visit Datong District, the biggest agriculture district of Daqing city, visit a seeding factory, grapes base, strawberry green house, meet the District leaders.

2nd day, visit spring green house at Lindian county, meet the county’s governor. 3rd day, visit universities and its lab(Venlo), then met some bosses of local companies, then visit supermarket.

4th day, meet the city’s governor, to sign a invest intention letter or a memorandum.

本文相关数据来源均来自合法渠道,作为参考资料,希望能为贵公司前期考察助力。 All these data are from legal channel, and just for the use of reference for investors, and personally, I hope you enjoy your life and business.


Leo Zhang


Email: [email protected]


The Modern Agriculture Conditions of DAQING City


To support the development of the green house industry of Daqing City, and to help the government and the city attract more investment from the tier one international modern agriculture corporations, I collected some basic information for your reference to the decision making that weather you setup a visit trip to Daqing City.

目 录 Contents

一、 概述 Abstract ................................................................................................................... 3

二、 大庆经济简介 Daqing Economy Briefs .......................................................................... 3

三、 产业政策 Industry Policy ................................................................................................ 4

四、 大庆地理位置和气候条件 The Geographical and Climate Features ........................... 6

五、 棚室技术现状和规模 Current Conditions of the Techniques and Scale of the Green

House Based Agriculture Industry .................................................................................................... 8

六、 主要作物与市场价格 Main crops and market price ................................................... 10

七、 大庆林甸县温泉和温泉农业 The Spring and Spring agriculture at Lindian County .. 12

八、 相关企业现状 Current Conditions of Relevant Companies. ......................................... 13

九、 相关技术发展状况 Relevant Techniques Conditions ................................................... 14

十、 交通物流 Communication and Logistics ....................................................................... 15

十一、 人力资源 Human Resources ...................................................................................... 16

十二、 本地居民购买力简析 Local Purchasing Power Briefs ........................................... 16

十三、 科研教学资源 University and Research Institute Resources .................................... 17

十四、 大庆综述 Synthesize ................................................................................................. 18

十五、 可能的合作方式 Possible Business model ............................................................... 19

十六、 来大庆考察的安排建议 Suggested Schedule ........................................................... 20

一、 概述 Abstract


To modern agricultural corporations with good techniques and cash flows, either high-lighted by your agriculture production, or your techniques, or your distribution channel, or your facility products, we all strongly suggest you to seriously consider whether it’s right time to invest in China.

Daqing City, being called “the City of Oil”in China, (just like the mid-east area from the global view), has large business potentials on modern agriculture industry, and under the guidance and strong support from the government, in 2011 and the 5 years afterwards. Daqing City is highly expected to be a modern agriculture base in the east-north of Asia area.

二、 大庆经济简介 Daqing Economy Briefs

2010年,大庆全市实现地区生产总值2900亿元、增长12%,居全国百强城市第19位。 Daqing’s total production value in 2010 was 290 billion RMB with an increase of 12% compared to 2009, 19th in the chart of China.

大庆是石油之城,2010年实现增加值1500亿元、增长1.8%,石油产量约占中国的一半。 Daqing is the City of Oil, oil production value if 150 billion RMB with an increase of 1.8%, the production is about 50% of the total oil production of China.


The agriculture industry is developing fast although backward relatively. In 2010, a few projects were successfully setup, including a spring green house base at Lindian county, a modern agriculture theme park at Datong District, and a agriculture harvesting part at Hongji livestock farm. All together, Daqing has developed green house about 31 square kilometers, with a total production value of 2.5 billion RMB in 2010.


The finance activities of Daqing city is prospected, with a total loan of 41 billion RMB, and a new increased loan of 8.6 billion RMB in the year of 2010.


In the past 5 years, the average income of the citizens has been increased from 13,662 to 20016, and that of farmers from 2,723 to 8,045 RMB. Daqing City is one of the 42 relatively wealthy cities in China.

大庆土地资源储备充裕,面积大,用地限制少,多为盐碱地废弃地,用地价格低。 大庆水资源丰富,号称“天然百湖之城”。

Daqing has abundant cultivated plant area and natural prairies (more than 6000 square kilometers) and lakes. Agriculture and stock raise industry are the most important industry after oil industry.

大庆电力资源量足价廉。全市有12户发电企业,农业用电一般在0.443元到0.81元/度。 Daqing’s electricity power is plentiful and the price is good (0.443 to 0.81RMB for each KWh). 大庆天然气丰富,价格在2.1到2.4元/立方米。

Daqing has plenty of natural gas, with a competitive price of 2.1 to 2.4 RMB per cubic meter. 大庆地热资源前景可观。大庆是国内罕见的大规模地热富集区,静态储量达3000亿立方米,而且水源充足, 埋藏深度仅在1400—2000米之间;地热水出口温度在40℃—90℃之间;水质优良,水中含有锌、硒、钙等20多种对人体有益的微量元素。

Daqing has an amazing preservation of underground heat and water, with a static reserve of 300 billion cubic meters, buried in the depth of between 1,400 to 2,000 meters, with a temperature between 40 to 90℃. At the same time, the water test report shows that the warm spring water can erupt automatically from wells and it is also fit for human body health.

三、 产业政策 Industry Policy

图表 1 实施中的棚室农业区 Green house area under construction


On Jan 7th, 2011, Daqing city government released a document named the Decision of Strongly Support the Development of Green House Based Agriculture, in which, it indicates that the government will make Daqing city the biggest green house agriculture base in the north and east area of China in the coming 3 years, the aim of the program including:

1. 促进农民增收、缩小城乡差距;

To increase the farmer’s revenue, reduce the gap of the revenue between the

citizens and farmers.

2. 转变农业生产方式、推进新农村建设;

To upgrade the production style, push forward the construction of new county

agriculture production system.

3. 发展现代农业,形成独具特色的产业优势;

To develop modern agriculture, strengthen the advantage of Daqing’s

competitiveness and characteristics.

4. 到2013年,棚室总量达到30万栋。

To construct 200 square kilo-meters green house before the end of 2013.

5. 在2011年内,五区四县将完成招商任务1万栋到1.5万栋不等。

In 2011, 5 districts and 4 counties in Daqing city will construct 6 to 10 square

kilo-meters green house respectively.


Detailed business policy is released by city government and county government at the same time, including two classes, one is standard policy targeting on normal scaled business.


● 对于666平方米/栋的“43”型温室,企业或者农户投资一栋,市里支持1万元,


● 银行贷款,政府提供50%的3年贷款贴息;

● 政府提供指定区域内的水、电、路、讯等基础设施建设。

The standard policy is mainly carried out through a method of financial support, including:

1. For each investment on the 43 model with 666 square meters, the city government supports

10,000 RMB, and county government 5,000 RMB or more.

2. Government will pay for bank loan interest, 50% or more for 3 years.

3. Government will responsible for the fundamental facilities including water supply, electricity

power supply, transportation, communication systems, etc.




The second class is called “case by case”, targeting on large scaled investment or strategic investment. There’s no detailed terms in the policy, and it depends on bi-literal discuss. Investors may ask for a couple of years of free land, providing part of the starting investment or bank interest support, or insurance fee support, or special administration channel for a higher service efficiency, or some others, which need to be proposed according to the circumstances of the very investor.

In both Heilongjiang Province and Daqing City, this program is on the chairmen of both governments, from which, we could see how important the program is for them.

四、 大庆地理位置和气候条件 The Geographical and Climate Features

图表 2 地理位置 Position


Daqing is located near at the east longitude 124°12´ and the north latitude 45°48´, and at the

east-north of China(see right up), and at mid-west of Heilongjiang province. It covers 21,000 square

kilo-meters, with a population around 2,800,000 dwellers, and within it, 1,325,000 are citizens and most of the citizens are oil industry workers and government staffs.









Climate pattern: mid temperature continental monsoon

Year average temperature 3.8℃

Recorded highest temperature 39.8℃

Recorded lowest temperature -39.5℃

Recorded year average highest temperature 10.8℃

Recorded year average lowest temperature -1.1℃

Year accumulated temperature 2700℃ to 2800℃

Year water fall 438.1mm, mainly in June to Aug.

Year evaporation is 1634.6mm

All year sunlight 2726.1 hours

Wind speed year average 3.8m/second

The first frog day is at Sept. 28th.

The end of frog is at May. 7th.

Non-frog 143 days, 128 days are fit for crop growth.

主要降水集中在6-8月 年蒸发量1634.6毫米 年日照时数2726.1小时 年平均风速3.8米/秒 初霜日9月28日 终霜日5月7日 无霜期143天 适宜作物生长的有效期128

五、 棚室技术现状和规模 Current Conditions of the Techniques and Scale

of the Green House Based Agriculture Industry

图表 3 冷棚 LengPeng

图表 4 4-3型温室 4-3 Model

图表 5 4-3型温室内部 Inner of 4-3 model


Currently, LengPeng and 4-3 model are popular, and the 4-3 model is just new and suggested by the government in the past recent 3 years. All together there are 48,000 China acre (around 32 square kilometers) green houses built, in which 1/4 are 4-3 model and others are Lengpeng.


东西延长70-90米,南偏东5-8度;跨度6.5-7米;脊高3.5-3.8米;不超过一亩一栋; No standard specifications are released for 4-3 model, but there are some reference data as follows:

In east to west direction 70-90 meters long, south deviated to east 5-8 degrees; and 6.5 to 7meters wide; 3.5-3.8 meters high for back bone; one unit is no more than 666 square meters normally.




For 4-3 model, construction materials include iron back bone, plastic film, cotton quilt, brick wall, quilt roller, and buffer room, etc, and the cost is around 120,000 to 150,000 RMB. 除了38栋4-3型温室成功地采用了温泉地热取暖,以及部分采用了滴灌技术和无滴膜保温外,其余棚室基本都没有采取更多现代农业设施,但补光需求已经开始出现。

In Daqing city, except 38 units 4-3 model(about 250m*100m all together)are equipped with warm spring for keeping warm, and part of them using drop-irrigation and no-drop film, no more modern facilities are put into application. But some requirements are coming up including agriculture lamp.


无取暖温室,一般收入在2到4万元/栋年。有取暖温室据说收入能达到10万元以上。 4-3 model, with no warming facilities, can not produce crops during Dec. to next Feb., because no efficient measures to keep it warm even if it were covered with thicker quilt. Some are using coal to do it, in this situation, 3 tons of coal , about 2,400RMB are required for the 3 months warming consumption.

For green house with no warming, the farmer’s revenue is around 20,000 to 40,000 RMB for one unit 4-3 model(666 square meters), and with warming, it says, the revenue may up to 100,000 RMB.

六、 主要作物与市场价格 Main crops and market price


Under the guidance of the government, 7 kinds of greens&fruits are chosen to be the main crops at Daqing, including grapes, ginger, tomato, melon, mushroom, flowerings, and greens and fruit that fit for warm spring areas. From that research data, Datong district has successfully pushed the grape to a scaled step, and warm spring tomato and cucumber production has started.


The following is the sample price got from retailer and supper market.

For supper market, the channel price is 50% to 60% of retailers’ price.

图表 6 蔬菜终端价格样本 Price sample record

七、 大庆林甸县温泉和温泉农业 The Spring and Spring agriculture at

Lindian County

大庆林甸温泉发现于1975年8月, 林甸县地热资源具有六大特点:

Spring was found in Aug.1975 at Daqing Lindian County, and it’s characteristics including 储量大:地热静态储量约达1810亿立方米;

Big reservation: static reserve is around 181 billion cubic meters.


Large area: most of Daqing and almost all of Lindian County have warm spring water reservation.


Mid-low temperature: reserved in relatively shallow, between 900 to 2400 meters. The temperature is between 40 ℃to 90 ℃.


Good supplement: an ancient continental earth projects to accept surface earth water.


Good water quality: PH 7.89 to 8.38, and silicon, zinc, tin, iodine, more than 20 kinds of element were found in it.


Pressure high: 0.4 to 0.45 MPa.


In 2010, the government emphasizes on the development of the spring based green house industry, successful attacked companies to invest on the program, and the initial test round sets up 38 units of 4-3 model, to produce anti-season vegetable and fruit, achieved very good profit. In the coming 3 years, they planed to construct 12,000 units of 4-3 model.

但问题也显而易见,主要在现代农业技术的相关方面。 But hard rock is obvious that the supporting techniques and facilities are a serious problem now.

八、 相关企业现状 Current Conditions of Relevant Companies.

● 农业生产经营企业 Agriculture operation companies.


Daqing Renbo Industry Ltd started in 2010, and focuses on the development of the spring well and spring based green house industry. They will take part in the construction of the village, travel industry, logistic industry, etc. The head quarter of it is located at Daqing downtown, 35 kilometers far away from the production base, which is 91 square kilometers.

They plan to invest 6.13 billion RMB on 6000 units of Lengpeng and 6000 units of 4-3 model.


Renbo Ltd registered capital is 0.1 billion RMB, and has a management team of 46 staffs, technical support team 23 staffs, 32 sales, and 3 specialists. They co-operated with Colleges and some research institutes. They get support from the government including:

● For each unit of 4-3 model, city government subsidy is 13,000 RMB, county subsidy is

5,000 RMB.

● 3 years free use of the land;

● Staffs are allowed to moved there Hukou to the city administration system.

● The Government also supports on bank interest subsidy and insurance allowance.

They plan to plant cucumber and tomato and muskmelon, water melon, and grapes, and strawberry, and cherry, and so on.


Currently, the problem they are facing is mainly the techniques, seeds, and facilities, but sales report shows the market is good.

● 相关技术企业


No relevant technical servicing or engineering companies were found currently, no companies provide total solutions for farmers.

Some fertilizer product companies are from America or Canada, and they provide some technical support.

● 相关分销物流企业


Longtai Group has a branch company name Longtai Agri Stock, and is now focusing on the further process of corns and selling the products to supper market in the large key cities in China; this company also takes part in some plantation business. They targets on the high end product.

● 相关零售企业


Wal-mart, Newmart, Dashang group.

● 相关金融企业


Longjiang Bank, Communication Bank, Agriculture Development Bank, China Agriculture Bank, No expertise VC. is found in Daqing City.

九、 相关技术发展状况 Relevant Techniques Conditions




From the output of single unit of 4-3 model, we can see some aspects of the techniques conditions here:

Bigger tomato: 5000 to 6000 kilogram/unit in winter

Smaller tomato: 1500 to 2000 kilogram/unit in winter with warm keeping facility.


4-3 model has its own advantage. It’s low cost, taking good usage of the limited sunlight in winter. It keeps warm through plastic film and cotton quilt. Farmers has got some kind of plant seed from developed area like Holland, but no scaled seeding companies were found, and most seeding are bought from southern area of China. Modern facilities, Co2 generator for example, has not been taken into production process. Optimistically, in the coming 3 years, the demand will appear.


Compared with some countries in Europe, modern agriculture is now in a starting step. I contacted some local professors and technicians in some green houses, and found that there are some people knew that what the modern agriculture could be, either they have ever visited Holland or take part in some advance agriculture meetings, but I see that no body has real successful experiences on the modern agriculture.

十、 交通物流 Communication and Logistics






Daqing is located at the west of Heilongjiang province, and to the east 2 hours driving connected with Harbin City, west to Qiqihaer City about 1.5 hours.

There are railway, high way and national road and airport in Daqing city, Driving 2 hours, you can reach to an area of over 14 million population.

From east and west, Daqing has its railway to the customs connected with Russia.

Daqing has its water way to Harbin and Russia, too.

十一、 人力资源 Human Resources


Although modern agriculture at Daqing city is just at its initial step, we can see that the development speed here is quite high. Under such situations, the lack of high end human resource is pretty serious, and high end non-agriculture talent is hard to hire, either. So this issue could be an obstacle for investors.




But the junior resources are abundant, here listed some cost for your reference:

Junior manager with 5 years experiences: 4000RMB/month (60,000RMB/year), tax is considered.

Technical engineer: average 2,500 to 4,000 RMB / month, (40,000 to 70,000 RMB /year, tax is considered)

And the tax may include old-age tax, job tax, medical tax, apartment tax, etc.

Office rent is about 0.5 to 1 RMB per square meter /day.

十二、 本地居民购买力简析 Local Purchasing Power Briefs


The total population here is 2.8m, and 1.3m at downtown, and over 0.8m are working for the oil industry, and about 0.3m working for the government system and public service department, all these

people’s average annual income after tax is around 40,000RMB, and the difference is not much among them. This group of people has very strong sense of superiority, and they are the potential customers for the high end brand named product. And the rest residents are mostly some firm owners or farmers.

From above we can derive that about 80% families has annual income of 100,000RMB, and they buy or have potential to buy fresh vegetables from super market and maybe only 2000 families buy organic vegetables.

十三、 科研教学资源 University and Research Institute Resources


There are 3 key organizations in Daqing area, including 2 universities and a science institute, just as listed below. Investors have potential possibility to co-operate with them. These organizations hope to write thesis and to get some economic support, etc. At the same time, they can provide some convenience to investor’s labs and equipment, so as to reduce the cost and risk in the initial stage.

东北农业大学概况 The briefs of Northeast griculture University.

See. http://www.neau.cn/english/



学校拥有教授、副教授和博士生导师任职资格审定权,师资队伍结构合理,整体水平较高。现有专任教师1 159人,其中教授229人,副教授288人;具有博士学位者446人,具有硕士学位者467。教师中有中国工程院院士1人,博士生导师164人。

拥有66个本科专业,6个一级学科博士点、32个博士学位授权点,8个一级学科硕士点、67个硕士学位授权点,8个博士后科研流动站、2个博士后科研工作站。设有农业部俄语培训中心及教育部赴俄留学培训基地。现有全日制在校生20 194人,其中研究生3 257人,本科生16 817人,外国留学生120人。


黑龙江八一农垦大学概况 The briefs of Heilongjiang Bayi Agriculture University.



学校面向全国23个省区招生,全日制在校生15 981人,其中博士、硕士研究生372人。现有专任教师861人,其中教授133人、副教授252人,具有博士学位教师104人、省级重点学科带头人8名,总局级重点学科带头人和后备带头人57名。当前,学校承担各级科研项目(课题)600余项,其中国家级20余项、省部级130余项、厅局级300余项。

学校坚持贯彻开放办学的理念,不断加强与国内外先进院校、科研机构的交流与合作。目前正在实施的有:与俄罗斯符拉迪沃斯托克国立经济服务大学的联合办学项目,与韩国国立江陵大学、韩国国立晋州产业大学的交换生项目及“中加合作—黑龙江省农产品加工工程技术研究中心”等项目。学校与俄罗斯、韩国、加拿大、乌克兰、美国、澳大利亚等国家的多所院校建立了长期的学术交流与合作关系。 黑龙江省农业科学院概况 The briefs of Heilongjiang Agriculture Science Institute.


十四、 大庆综述 Synthesize


1. 大庆是典型的资源型城市,产业结构严重依赖石油工业,亟待扶持第二个支柱产业。

2. 针对棚室农业,政策上是开放和积极的,为了尽快见到效益,短期内提高农户收入,


3. 从资源优势来看,地理位置、本地购买力、地热资源、天然气资源、交通物流、人


4. 从政治社会环境来看,这里社会稳定,居民收入人均年收入1万以下的和人均年收


5. 从工商业环境来看,政府运作相对东北其它城市还是要廉洁高效一些,进步积极性


6. 从市场环境看来,中高端农产品市场需求旺盛,但供给没有形成品牌竞争格局,还

存在大片高利润领域甚至待开发的空白领域,客户的消费热情还有很多没有释放。 From the information above, we can see:

1. Daqing is a typical resource based city, and half revenue relies on oil industry, and the

government is eagerly trying to fine tune the industry structure.

2. Focusing on green house industry, the policy is aggressive and positive, and in order to

improve the farmer’s income as soon as possible, the government plans to firstly enhance the quantity then to improve the quality, that means large amount of 4-3 model green house will be built in the coming 3 years, and in the process the demand for modern agriculture techniques will be pretty high.

3. From the background and resource, including geographic, buying power, under ground

heat, natural gas, communication, consumer structure, education resources, Daqing has it own advantages. But the shortage of high end human resource will last years in future.

4. From the social and political environment, Daqing is quite good. Dwellers here basically

satisfied with their life and revenue. People who has an annual income over 70,000 or below 10,000RMB are less, and about 60% people’s annual revenue is between 18,000 to 30,000RMB, and 20% between 30,000 to 70,000RMB. These people are the middle class of Daqing city, mostly working for oil industry.

5. From the administration environment, Daqing’s government is more efficiency and

honest, especially the current team is pretty aggressive, much better than some other secondary cities in China.

6. From the business environment, the demand of mid-high end product is pretty high

thanks to the local competitive buying power. There are a lot of space for new brand by which the customer’s zeal to consume could be released.

十五、 可能的合作方式 Possible Business model


1. 与不参与管理的企业或个人联合投资,独立拿地,独立生产和运营。


2. 与有销售能力的本地品牌厂合资。


3. 转包本地企业的土地,给本地企业供货。


There are 3 possible biz models, listed as below for your reference:

1. Co-invest with company who will not take part in operation, and rent land from the

government, and then run the business.

2. Co-invest with company who has brand and the ability to sell products. Longtai Group for


3. Rent land from local company, produce and sell the products to the company. Renbo Ltd

for instance.

十六、 来大庆考察的安排建议 Suggested Schedule

乘飞机来大庆可在北京、上海、广州、青岛、西安、成都、杭州登机。 也可以先到哈尔滨,我们可以安排车来接机,约2小时路程到大庆。







It’s a four days schedule:

Taking flight from Beijing or Shanghai or Guangzhou, or Qingdao, or Xian, or Chengdu, or Hangzhou, directly to Daqing city.

At Daqing,

1st day visit Datong District, the biggest agriculture district of Daqing city, visit a seeding factory, grapes base, strawberry green house, meet the District leaders.

2nd day, visit spring green house at Lindian county, meet the county’s governor. 3rd day, visit universities and its lab(Venlo), then met some bosses of local companies, then visit supermarket.

4th day, meet the city’s governor, to sign a invest intention letter or a memorandum.

本文相关数据来源均来自合法渠道,作为参考资料,希望能为贵公司前期考察助力。 All these data are from legal channel, and just for the use of reference for investors, and personally, I hope you enjoy your life and business.


Leo Zhang


Email: [email protected]


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  • 数字油田发展现状与趋势 数字油田源于1998年美国前副总统戈尔提出的数字地球概念,并迅速得到BP .壳牌.斯伦贝谢.雪佛龙.挪威Hydro 等全球的石油公司.技术服务公司以及能源咨询服务公司的广泛关注,引发了数字油田技术研究热潮的兴起.20 ...查看

  • 企业安全培训师发展的现状及展望
  • 企业安全培训师发展的现状及展望 袁宗辉 (中国石油大庆石化分公司,邮政编码163714 黑龙江省大庆市) 摘 要 通过大庆石化公司在内部安全培训师队伍建设过程中的相关经验和历程,阐述了内部安全培训师的发掘途径.存在意义以及发展前景. 关键词 ...查看

  • 中国十大油田生存现状--石油剧变的时代
  • WTI原油:每桶38.50美元 Brent原油:每桶40.39美元 谁减产了,谁增产了? 谁意气风发,谁叫苦连天? 中国油气产量最高的十个油田现在都是什么状态? 长庆油田--产量刹不住车 减产?对不起,长庆油田2016年开年第一个月,石油. ...查看

  • 浅谈石油科技馆如何做好特色宣教
  • 浅谈石油科技馆如何做好特色宣教 [摘要] 大庆石油科技馆是一座反映石油科技题材的大型现代化专业性科技馆,宣教工作要求其讲解员成为企业文化的传播者和先进技术的传授者.文章主要结合大庆石油科技馆的具体情况,就企业技术展馆如何做好特色宣教工作做以 ...查看

  • 关于基层法律援助现状与问题的探析
  • 法律援助制度自五百年前在苏格兰王国萌芽,特别是20世纪40年代在欧美掀起热潮,已成为衡量一个国家文明进步的重要标尺.目前,世界上已经有140多个国家建立了以诉讼法律援助为基础,涵盖非诉讼法律服务领域的现代法律援助制度.[1]作为一项全球性保 ...查看
