
One characteristic of Western culture is the emphasis on individual contribution. Perhaps there may be some historical or religious reasons, but the mainstay(主要的依靠) of Western culture is the individual. This trait is manifested in the making of individual heroes in Western culture and creativity. The individual’s contributions are placed above collective effort. The advantage of this is that it can spur people on to greater heights. The flaw is that it results in self-centered individualism, which affects creativity indirectly.

西方文化的一个特点是强调个人的贡献,或许这里有些许历史与宗教方面的原因。以个人为主的西方传统风格,(演变到今日)表现在西方文化和创造发明中往往是制造个人英雄,并将其个人贡献置于集体之上。其好处是激发人的进取心, 弊端是导致以个人为中心, 间接影响创新。

Up to some level, creativity requires the coordination of all sides. Eastern culture can play a positive role in this. The traditional Eastern education system stresses building a solid foundation, and then builds up the basic knowledge step by step. However, Eastern tradition places too much emphasis on foundations. The insistence on rote learning affects the initiative to make bold hypotheses and argumentation about new situations and new problems.

创新,到达一定程度之后需要各方面的配合。东方文化则在这方面会起积极作用。东方传统教育强调脚踏实地打基础,再将基础知识一步一步建立起来。然而东方传统过于重视基础,强调死记硬背, 影响了对新现象、新问题的大胆设想、论证。

Passage 2





Entering the 21st century, the developed countries are facing a common problem: shortage of talent, not funds, and lack of latest knowledge, rather than up-to-date information.

Knowledge has become a crucial factor in the progress of a country. makes what we now generally call “knowledge-based economy”. Only through education and training, can the huge volume of information be turned into systematic knowledge.

Knowledge as a factor in production is as old as land and labor. Yet, because of the fast growth and drastic changes of modern knowledge in its integration with economy, industries, science, technology and innovation, “knowledge-based economy” has evolved with overall impacts.

• 时文翻译

第一节 时文翻译的时代性和准确性



如何以地道、纯正的英语来翻译具有中国特色的政治、经济、外交等方面的文章,不仅要求译者具有深刻的英文功底,还要求译者能紧跟时代步伐,深入了解国内外重大事件的背景知识,方能准确、严谨地传译各种文章。 • 一、时文翻译第一要求是准确性


[例] 使中央委员会领导干部年轻化

[初译] make the Central Committee leaders younger


[改译] bring younger comrades to the leading posts of the Central Committee • 准确性


[初译] The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threat to any countries.

[析] 机械对译,拘泥原文。

[改译] A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any countries. • 二、时文翻译要仔细斟酌汉语的组句形式,


[初译] The designs and variety of light industrial and textile products have increased and their quality has continued to improve.

[析] 词类、词序完全按照中文排定,有中式英文特征。

[改译] Light industry and textile products are now available in better designs and quality and also in richer variety.


• 三、时文翻译需要适当增减文字

[例] 必须始终不渝地坚持两手抓,两手都要硬的方针,加强精神文明建设。

[译文] We must unswervingly give equal importance to [分析] “两手抓,两手硬”是国内的时政习语,直译会令外文读者感到莫名其妙。译文译为“不偏不倚地同样重视”,并增加了原文所缺的“一方面抓经济建设”的内容,更准确的表达了原文意思。

• 第二节 时文翻译典型错误透析




• [例1] 工人们省吃俭用,希望为国家多积累资金。

[初译] Workers save food and expenses to accumulate more funds for the country.

[分析] 机械对译。“save food”是“把食物放起来”,应挖掘“省吃俭用”的深层含义生活节俭。

[改译] Workers live frugally to accumulate more funds for the state.

• [例2]我国艰巨的社会主义建设事业,需要尽可能多的知识分子为它服务。

[初译]The colossal cause of our country’s socialist construction needs as many intellectuals as possible to serve it.


[改译1]China (our country)needs the services of as many intellectuals as possible for the colossal task of building socialism.

[改译2] The services of as many intellectuals as possible are needed for the colossal task of building socialism in our country.

• [例3]任何新生事物的成长都要经过艰难曲折。

[初译] The growth of any new thing always has to experience difficulties and setbacks.

[分析] 主语的落脚点没选准。

[改译]New things always have to experience difficulties and setbacks as they grow. Dear students, you are expected to read and study each passage intensively, focusing on the key words, phrases and sentence patterns, style. Only when you have acquired a thorough comprehension of the original in terms of both the content and the style, can you be said to be well prepared enough to translate it. When you have produced a version, you are supposed to check your own version against the original to correct any grammatical errors or logical mistakes in the version. Moreover, you are expected to read and revise your own version several times, at last, until you believe that you have done your best and that you are satisfied with it. Then, you can look at the given version provided immediately after the original. You are supposed to

make a comparative study of the given version and your own version. If you find the provided version is better, study it further to find out its strong points and improve your own version again.

Translation is a matter of practice. Only by doing plenty of practice, can we enhance our language competence and raise our translation ability.

英、汉两种语言之间存在着多种差异, 许多情况下成了英汉互译的极大障碍。 所谓译事之难,难就难在处理语言差异上,难就难在寻觅译文的近似值表达上。






[1] 他是在我不知道的情况下拿走了那些东西的。

He took it away without my knowledge

(3) 省略汉语中的有关形容词


In the light of ______________________, he will surely be promoted soon.


This scenic spot attracts large numbers of tourists for __________________. Or: Drawn by __________________, a large number of tourists pour in. (2) 省略中文必要但英文不必要的名词

[例] 建立办事高效、运转协调、行为规范的政府行政管理体系是当前政府


The current government restructure establishing a ____________, ______________ and ___________ administrative management system.

第五章 汉译英语篇重组





1、 句型要多样化






[例1] 他是一个伟大的、英明的、正直的政治家。心胸宽广,具有远见卓识,待人真诚,深 受人们爱戴。

[译] He is a genuine statesman who is much beloved and esteemed . 三、段落调整


) 英语组句时重“形合”,借重词形变化、虚词(例如冠词、介词、连接词)、非谓语动词(不定式、分词)、从句以及独立主格来表示各种语法关系,逻辑性强,外形完整。称为“树型结构”(干上有枝,枝上有节,节外生枝)。






3介词短语、定语从句和独立主格在多数情况下都可译为短语或分句(短句)。 汉译英时,

一、注意把汉语句子内涵的逻辑关系(特别是因果关系、连接关系、转折关系、递进关系等)用英语的连接词表达出来; 二、善于把汉语的流水句译成相互照应的单句



Note :英汉两种语言,除了一些专用名词、科技术语以外,绝对等值的词语很少。










One characteristic of Western culture is the emphasis on individual contribution. Perhaps there may be some historical or religious reasons, but the mainstay(主要的依靠) of Western culture is the individual. This trait is manifested in the making of individual heroes in Western culture and creativity. The individual’s contributions are placed above collective effort. The advantage of this is that it can spur people on to greater heights. The flaw is that it results in self-centered individualism, which affects creativity indirectly.

西方文化的一个特点是强调个人的贡献,或许这里有些许历史与宗教方面的原因。以个人为主的西方传统风格,(演变到今日)表现在西方文化和创造发明中往往是制造个人英雄,并将其个人贡献置于集体之上。其好处是激发人的进取心, 弊端是导致以个人为中心, 间接影响创新。

Up to some level, creativity requires the coordination of all sides. Eastern culture can play a positive role in this. The traditional Eastern education system stresses building a solid foundation, and then builds up the basic knowledge step by step. However, Eastern tradition places too much emphasis on foundations. The insistence on rote learning affects the initiative to make bold hypotheses and argumentation about new situations and new problems.

创新,到达一定程度之后需要各方面的配合。东方文化则在这方面会起积极作用。东方传统教育强调脚踏实地打基础,再将基础知识一步一步建立起来。然而东方传统过于重视基础,强调死记硬背, 影响了对新现象、新问题的大胆设想、论证。

Passage 2





Entering the 21st century, the developed countries are facing a common problem: shortage of talent, not funds, and lack of latest knowledge, rather than up-to-date information.

Knowledge has become a crucial factor in the progress of a country. makes what we now generally call “knowledge-based economy”. Only through education and training, can the huge volume of information be turned into systematic knowledge.

Knowledge as a factor in production is as old as land and labor. Yet, because of the fast growth and drastic changes of modern knowledge in its integration with economy, industries, science, technology and innovation, “knowledge-based economy” has evolved with overall impacts.

• 时文翻译

第一节 时文翻译的时代性和准确性



如何以地道、纯正的英语来翻译具有中国特色的政治、经济、外交等方面的文章,不仅要求译者具有深刻的英文功底,还要求译者能紧跟时代步伐,深入了解国内外重大事件的背景知识,方能准确、严谨地传译各种文章。 • 一、时文翻译第一要求是准确性


[例] 使中央委员会领导干部年轻化

[初译] make the Central Committee leaders younger


[改译] bring younger comrades to the leading posts of the Central Committee • 准确性


[初译] The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threat to any countries.

[析] 机械对译,拘泥原文。

[改译] A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any countries. • 二、时文翻译要仔细斟酌汉语的组句形式,


[初译] The designs and variety of light industrial and textile products have increased and their quality has continued to improve.

[析] 词类、词序完全按照中文排定,有中式英文特征。

[改译] Light industry and textile products are now available in better designs and quality and also in richer variety.


• 三、时文翻译需要适当增减文字

[例] 必须始终不渝地坚持两手抓,两手都要硬的方针,加强精神文明建设。

[译文] We must unswervingly give equal importance to [分析] “两手抓,两手硬”是国内的时政习语,直译会令外文读者感到莫名其妙。译文译为“不偏不倚地同样重视”,并增加了原文所缺的“一方面抓经济建设”的内容,更准确的表达了原文意思。

• 第二节 时文翻译典型错误透析




• [例1] 工人们省吃俭用,希望为国家多积累资金。

[初译] Workers save food and expenses to accumulate more funds for the country.

[分析] 机械对译。“save food”是“把食物放起来”,应挖掘“省吃俭用”的深层含义生活节俭。

[改译] Workers live frugally to accumulate more funds for the state.

• [例2]我国艰巨的社会主义建设事业,需要尽可能多的知识分子为它服务。

[初译]The colossal cause of our country’s socialist construction needs as many intellectuals as possible to serve it.


[改译1]China (our country)needs the services of as many intellectuals as possible for the colossal task of building socialism.

[改译2] The services of as many intellectuals as possible are needed for the colossal task of building socialism in our country.

• [例3]任何新生事物的成长都要经过艰难曲折。

[初译] The growth of any new thing always has to experience difficulties and setbacks.

[分析] 主语的落脚点没选准。

[改译]New things always have to experience difficulties and setbacks as they grow. Dear students, you are expected to read and study each passage intensively, focusing on the key words, phrases and sentence patterns, style. Only when you have acquired a thorough comprehension of the original in terms of both the content and the style, can you be said to be well prepared enough to translate it. When you have produced a version, you are supposed to check your own version against the original to correct any grammatical errors or logical mistakes in the version. Moreover, you are expected to read and revise your own version several times, at last, until you believe that you have done your best and that you are satisfied with it. Then, you can look at the given version provided immediately after the original. You are supposed to

make a comparative study of the given version and your own version. If you find the provided version is better, study it further to find out its strong points and improve your own version again.

Translation is a matter of practice. Only by doing plenty of practice, can we enhance our language competence and raise our translation ability.

英、汉两种语言之间存在着多种差异, 许多情况下成了英汉互译的极大障碍。 所谓译事之难,难就难在处理语言差异上,难就难在寻觅译文的近似值表达上。






[1] 他是在我不知道的情况下拿走了那些东西的。

He took it away without my knowledge

(3) 省略汉语中的有关形容词


In the light of ______________________, he will surely be promoted soon.


This scenic spot attracts large numbers of tourists for __________________. Or: Drawn by __________________, a large number of tourists pour in. (2) 省略中文必要但英文不必要的名词

[例] 建立办事高效、运转协调、行为规范的政府行政管理体系是当前政府


The current government restructure establishing a ____________, ______________ and ___________ administrative management system.

第五章 汉译英语篇重组





1、 句型要多样化






[例1] 他是一个伟大的、英明的、正直的政治家。心胸宽广,具有远见卓识,待人真诚,深 受人们爱戴。

[译] He is a genuine statesman who is much beloved and esteemed . 三、段落调整


) 英语组句时重“形合”,借重词形变化、虚词(例如冠词、介词、连接词)、非谓语动词(不定式、分词)、从句以及独立主格来表示各种语法关系,逻辑性强,外形完整。称为“树型结构”(干上有枝,枝上有节,节外生枝)。






3介词短语、定语从句和独立主格在多数情况下都可译为短语或分句(短句)。 汉译英时,

一、注意把汉语句子内涵的逻辑关系(特别是因果关系、连接关系、转折关系、递进关系等)用英语的连接词表达出来; 二、善于把汉语的流水句译成相互照应的单句



Note :英汉两种语言,除了一些专用名词、科技术语以外,绝对等值的词语很少。











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