

The course of International Certified Management Accountant is a set of rigorous knowledge system with rich content, focusing on cultivating the trainees’ strategic thinking ability under the framework of management accountant playing the perfect prelude for your career.


Course of International Certified Management Accountant


The course ofInternational Certified Management Accountant covers the business subjects with most research value at present and provides the leading-edge professional

knowledge. It not only focuses on the study of professional course, but also lets you understand the core problems for corporate operation and adapt to the changeable internal and external

environment, to accordingly surpass the restriction of data and face those tricky problems calmly


Course Support


International Certified Management Accountant Association provides you a series of valuable resources and products in study to extend your business horizons. You may freely select the content and methods of study, either the specific assets valuation method or the most popular business model.


International Certified Management Accountant Association and

www.taxchina.com have reached an agreement on strategic cooperation to jointly create the course training center in mainland China and help you achieve the objective fast and conveniently in the study process. The course and lecturers in the course training

center have been strictly reviewed by the International Certified Management

Accountant Association. A three-dimensional training system will be created through several methods, such as on-line course, on-line seminar and ground open class. 《财务分析与财务战略规划》、《管理会计师管理及决策能力》两大模块内容

Step2-2 Participate in the certification for relevant courses of

International Certified Management Accountantt, including:

Two Courses: Financial Analysis and Financial Strategic Planning and Management Accountant’s Management and Decision-Making Ability


Step3 Be awarded with the qualification certification of

International Certified Management Accountant after passing the certification


Compulsory Subjects


Financial Analysis and Financial Strategic Planning


Volume one of Financial Analysis and Financial Strategic Planning focuses on the core technology of financial analysis and prediction and combines the influence of accounting policy on the financial report. It’s based on the analysis perspectives with practical significance, such as the financial statement analysis for performance drive of economic value added, so it is not the pure financial statement analysis per se.


Volume two of Financial Analysis and Financial Strategic Planning analyzes the thoughts of enterprise on formulating the strategy of investment and financing, dividend distribution at each stage of the corporate life period on basis of the idea of corporate life cycle on the one hand, and explores the core content of enterprise in capital market operation on basis of the capital market

concerned greatly at present on the other hand, including the very valuable content, such as

enterprise merger and acquisition route, selection of consideration paying way, operation points in major assets restructuring, and auditing points of finance, internal control , etc. in the corporate listing process, etc.


The course of International Certified Management Accountant is a set of rigorous knowledge system with rich content, focusing on cultivating the trainees’ strategic thinking ability under the framework of management accountant playing the perfect prelude for your career.


Course of International Certified Management Accountant


The course ofInternational Certified Management Accountant covers the business subjects with most research value at present and provides the leading-edge professional

knowledge. It not only focuses on the study of professional course, but also lets you understand the core problems for corporate operation and adapt to the changeable internal and external

environment, to accordingly surpass the restriction of data and face those tricky problems calmly


Course Support


International Certified Management Accountant Association provides you a series of valuable resources and products in study to extend your business horizons. You may freely select the content and methods of study, either the specific assets valuation method or the most popular business model.


International Certified Management Accountant Association and

www.taxchina.com have reached an agreement on strategic cooperation to jointly create the course training center in mainland China and help you achieve the objective fast and conveniently in the study process. The course and lecturers in the course training

center have been strictly reviewed by the International Certified Management

Accountant Association. A three-dimensional training system will be created through several methods, such as on-line course, on-line seminar and ground open class. 《财务分析与财务战略规划》、《管理会计师管理及决策能力》两大模块内容

Step2-2 Participate in the certification for relevant courses of

International Certified Management Accountantt, including:

Two Courses: Financial Analysis and Financial Strategic Planning and Management Accountant’s Management and Decision-Making Ability


Step3 Be awarded with the qualification certification of

International Certified Management Accountant after passing the certification


Compulsory Subjects


Financial Analysis and Financial Strategic Planning


Volume one of Financial Analysis and Financial Strategic Planning focuses on the core technology of financial analysis and prediction and combines the influence of accounting policy on the financial report. It’s based on the analysis perspectives with practical significance, such as the financial statement analysis for performance drive of economic value added, so it is not the pure financial statement analysis per se.


Volume two of Financial Analysis and Financial Strategic Planning analyzes the thoughts of enterprise on formulating the strategy of investment and financing, dividend distribution at each stage of the corporate life period on basis of the idea of corporate life cycle on the one hand, and explores the core content of enterprise in capital market operation on basis of the capital market

concerned greatly at present on the other hand, including the very valuable content, such as

enterprise merger and acquisition route, selection of consideration paying way, operation points in major assets restructuring, and auditing points of finance, internal control , etc. in the corporate listing process, etc.


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