
















①时间:one day

②地点:(in the class and) in the office

③人物:Li Dong and his teacher

④起因:Li Dong played with a mobile phone in class

⑤过程:The teacher talked with Li Dong in the office

⑥结果:Li Dong realized his mistake and thanked his teacher



One day, Li Dong was doing something using a mobile phone in class when his teacher saw all this. Later in the office, his teacher asked him what he used the mobile phone to do and why he did so. Li Dong said he didn’t play with any mobile phone, which his teacher didn’t expect. Faced with such a situation, his teacher was puzzled and kept silent for a while. Then he told a story to Li Dong, which moved him deeply. Li Dong realized his teacher showed great concern for him. So he admitted his playing a mobile phone in class and decided not to make similar mistakes any more in future. In the end, Li Dong thanked his teacher for his help and kindness.



2、本文用到了很多短语句型。如be doing …when …; use sth to do; show concern for; make mistakes; not…any more; thank sb for sth等。定语从句,如…, which his teacher didn’t expect;…, which moved him deeply; 分词作状语,如…using a mobile phone; Faced with such a

situation, …等。这些短语句型的适当使用,增加了本文的亮点和可读性。而later in the office, then, in the end等过渡性词汇短语的使用,很好地体现了故事发展的先后顺序。



(1) 我正在房间里写作业,那时有人敲门。


(2) 在我们去火车站的路上,我们乘坐的出租车抛锚了。




(4) 趁他父母不注意,他悄悄地走进房间。


(5) 使我感动的是,老师没惩罚我。相反,他问我是否受到了伤害。







This summer holiday, Zhao Hua, together with his wife and daughter, went to Rizhao for a visit. On the bus, ①__________________________________, whose first names were Song. They looked not only kind but also friendly. ②______________________________ and wondered if they could go with Zhao Hua. Zhao Hua agreed. After getting off the bus, they took a taxi to Qiaojiadunzi not far from the sea, where they stayed. The two sisters treated the family of Zhao Hua to dinner, which cost more than 200 yuan. While ③________________________________ the sisters three times, they refused kindly and firmly.

The family ’s tour to Rizhao was wonderful, because ④_________________ ______________________________________________________.



(1) I was doing my homework in my room when there was a knock on/ at the door.

(2) On our way to the railway station, the taxi we took broke down.

(3) He hung up/ rang off before I could say a word.

(4) He walked into the room without his parents noticing.

(5) What moved me was that the teacher didn’t punish me. Instead, he asked me if I was hurt. 2、

① they got to know two sisters from Shanxi

② But they were afraid of being cheated

③ Zhao Hua offered half the dinner expense to

④ not only did they have great fun in Rizhao, but also they helped others and made friends

















①时间:one day

②地点:(in the class and) in the office

③人物:Li Dong and his teacher

④起因:Li Dong played with a mobile phone in class

⑤过程:The teacher talked with Li Dong in the office

⑥结果:Li Dong realized his mistake and thanked his teacher



One day, Li Dong was doing something using a mobile phone in class when his teacher saw all this. Later in the office, his teacher asked him what he used the mobile phone to do and why he did so. Li Dong said he didn’t play with any mobile phone, which his teacher didn’t expect. Faced with such a situation, his teacher was puzzled and kept silent for a while. Then he told a story to Li Dong, which moved him deeply. Li Dong realized his teacher showed great concern for him. So he admitted his playing a mobile phone in class and decided not to make similar mistakes any more in future. In the end, Li Dong thanked his teacher for his help and kindness.



2、本文用到了很多短语句型。如be doing …when …; use sth to do; show concern for; make mistakes; not…any more; thank sb for sth等。定语从句,如…, which his teacher didn’t expect;…, which moved him deeply; 分词作状语,如…using a mobile phone; Faced with such a

situation, …等。这些短语句型的适当使用,增加了本文的亮点和可读性。而later in the office, then, in the end等过渡性词汇短语的使用,很好地体现了故事发展的先后顺序。



(1) 我正在房间里写作业,那时有人敲门。


(2) 在我们去火车站的路上,我们乘坐的出租车抛锚了。




(4) 趁他父母不注意,他悄悄地走进房间。


(5) 使我感动的是,老师没惩罚我。相反,他问我是否受到了伤害。







This summer holiday, Zhao Hua, together with his wife and daughter, went to Rizhao for a visit. On the bus, ①__________________________________, whose first names were Song. They looked not only kind but also friendly. ②______________________________ and wondered if they could go with Zhao Hua. Zhao Hua agreed. After getting off the bus, they took a taxi to Qiaojiadunzi not far from the sea, where they stayed. The two sisters treated the family of Zhao Hua to dinner, which cost more than 200 yuan. While ③________________________________ the sisters three times, they refused kindly and firmly.

The family ’s tour to Rizhao was wonderful, because ④_________________ ______________________________________________________.



(1) I was doing my homework in my room when there was a knock on/ at the door.

(2) On our way to the railway station, the taxi we took broke down.

(3) He hung up/ rang off before I could say a word.

(4) He walked into the room without his parents noticing.

(5) What moved me was that the teacher didn’t punish me. Instead, he asked me if I was hurt. 2、

① they got to know two sisters from Shanxi

② But they were afraid of being cheated

③ Zhao Hua offered half the dinner expense to

④ not only did they have great fun in Rizhao, but also they helped others and made friends


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