





最后,我们当中最有成就就是我们的室长了。他拥有一个材料研发团队,受到国家的各种奖励,突破国际的各种困难,开创了中国人在世界上的这个领域的先河。 这就是我们511的十年后,然后一饮而尽。


Ten years later, our brother six together a table, a review of university life mostly established a to belong to own good family. To have a stable career, though not very rich, but very substantial. In the wine table, we say not to talk to one's heart's content, and for the first time is our football captain, PanKe, one at the university has room of man. He said. He is a single, has been out on the run, because he is a professional

engineering cost division, all the day wandering in a tall building. But he is our only in single. Then zhangPeng speaking, this very shy roommate, he said he runs a small company, and some well-known large enterprises cooperation started their a piece of heaven and earth! Then HuangWuYang said he took the graduate diploma went to Shanghai, in a taiwan-owned enterprise work his job title is section chief and have a very good chance of promotion, management with the whole team size affairs, living a happy life.

And JiYaZhen has a good father, and his Jiao Jiaolife together, develop his lively and healthy children. A carefree life. However our bedroom the richest river to get his father what funding to the countries tourism, with we don't know girlfriend.

Finally, we most of achievement is our for the YinChunPei. He has a material research and development team, from national any reward, the breakthrough international difficulties, started the Chinese in the world first in this field. This is our 511 ten years later, and then in one gulp.

A good base for a lifetime!






最后,我们当中最有成就就是我们的室长了。他拥有一个材料研发团队,受到国家的各种奖励,突破国际的各种困难,开创了中国人在世界上的这个领域的先河。 这就是我们511的十年后,然后一饮而尽。


Ten years later, our brother six together a table, a review of university life mostly established a to belong to own good family. To have a stable career, though not very rich, but very substantial. In the wine table, we say not to talk to one's heart's content, and for the first time is our football captain, PanKe, one at the university has room of man. He said. He is a single, has been out on the run, because he is a professional

engineering cost division, all the day wandering in a tall building. But he is our only in single. Then zhangPeng speaking, this very shy roommate, he said he runs a small company, and some well-known large enterprises cooperation started their a piece of heaven and earth! Then HuangWuYang said he took the graduate diploma went to Shanghai, in a taiwan-owned enterprise work his job title is section chief and have a very good chance of promotion, management with the whole team size affairs, living a happy life.

And JiYaZhen has a good father, and his Jiao Jiaolife together, develop his lively and healthy children. A carefree life. However our bedroom the richest river to get his father what funding to the countries tourism, with we don't know girlfriend.

Finally, we most of achievement is our for the YinChunPei. He has a material research and development team, from national any reward, the breakthrough international difficulties, started the Chinese in the world first in this field. This is our 511 ten years later, and then in one gulp.

A good base for a lifetime!


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