
Feeling after reading Black Beauty

--Animals are our friends




Feeling after reading Black Beauty

--Animals are our friends

In the summer vacation, I read a book names Black Beauty. The author of this book is Anna Sewell. In this book, Anna told a black horse—Black Beauty whose life was full of joys and sorrows.

Black Beauty was a beautiful dark horse. He spent his childhood in a noble family. There he had the fine feed and accepted good training. He was clever and brave. His master and all of the family liked him and treated him very well. But not for long, he was sold because of Domestic misfortune. In this period of time, he met many kinds of people. Some people treat him as a family, but some people regarded him as an animal and let him work all day, he couldn’t have a rest. Some horses was treated very bad, they were died because of people’s ignorance. Animals are friends with us. We should be kind to them. “Animals deserve our kindness, sympathy and understanding,” just as Anna Sewell said in this book. No matter animals, plants or the human, we live in the same planet, the human should love them. Only in this way, we can survive in the planet forever.

Feeling after reading Black Beauty

--Animals are our friends




Feeling after reading Black Beauty

--Animals are our friends

In the summer vacation, I read a book names Black Beauty. The author of this book is Anna Sewell. In this book, Anna told a black horse—Black Beauty whose life was full of joys and sorrows.

Black Beauty was a beautiful dark horse. He spent his childhood in a noble family. There he had the fine feed and accepted good training. He was clever and brave. His master and all of the family liked him and treated him very well. But not for long, he was sold because of Domestic misfortune. In this period of time, he met many kinds of people. Some people treat him as a family, but some people regarded him as an animal and let him work all day, he couldn’t have a rest. Some horses was treated very bad, they were died because of people’s ignorance. Animals are friends with us. We should be kind to them. “Animals deserve our kindness, sympathy and understanding,” just as Anna Sewell said in this book. No matter animals, plants or the human, we live in the same planet, the human should love them. Only in this way, we can survive in the planet forever.


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