



There is a growing concern about English learning. English can be a hard language to grasp if it isn't your first language. As we all know, learning English can’t accomplish at one stroke. At the meantime, English presents a number of issues to non-native speakers, such as verb tenses, irregular verbs, writing system, syntax and so on.

With a plethora of grammar rules and a handful of exceptions to the rules that are virtually impossible to remember, the best way to grasp the basics of English is through constant exposure to the language and loads of practice. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. You’d better listen and read English as often as you can. In my opinion, reading is a must for those who want to learn English. It's great for visual learners and can not only help expand one's vocabulary, but can subsequently improve grammar. And I think watching English TV program is a good way to learn English. You also can choose to listen English songs. English is not so difficult as you imagine. So, be confident and find your own way to learn English well!




There is a growing concern about English learning. English can be a hard language to grasp if it isn't your first language. As we all know, learning English can’t accomplish at one stroke. At the meantime, English presents a number of issues to non-native speakers, such as verb tenses, irregular verbs, writing system, syntax and so on.

With a plethora of grammar rules and a handful of exceptions to the rules that are virtually impossible to remember, the best way to grasp the basics of English is through constant exposure to the language and loads of practice. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. You’d better listen and read English as often as you can. In my opinion, reading is a must for those who want to learn English. It's great for visual learners and can not only help expand one's vocabulary, but can subsequently improve grammar. And I think watching English TV program is a good way to learn English. You also can choose to listen English songs. English is not so difficult as you imagine. So, be confident and find your own way to learn English well!


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