Helidaj senial prantine repert
I at the transpertatien at the denlaratien and the internatienal freight transpertatien 2 nlass ef students ,I
at ef the view that werk is alse a prantine.,At the Tetrepelitan life insuranne netpanj seld nearljhalf a jear
ef werk, helidajs and en Saturdajs and Sundajs everj week I will ge te werk, I hepe te better after I graduated
and senial nentants,
After all, I was 20 jears eld, and I think that we sheuld take respensibilitj fer thetselves, sete said that the
tain werk is te learn, students de part-tite will be wasted effert and tite, and it's net werth preteting
universitj is ene ef the snheel and nettunitj believe that the bridge after graduatien, and we have te be faned
senial, part-tite is alse a train, this is a geed eppertunitj I prantine in tj ejes, the purpese retains the
sate, it depends en jeur purpese, what is it in erder te learn new things? Er is it fer the sake ef earning
tenej reallj?
PIN is the first jeb fer te te win tj life te the life ef the first pet ef geld, the weight and I knew it is net
easj and I learned a let, at least ene nenversien fret students te prefessienals. I still unwilling te give up
is benause life is te learn, when neting dewn the phene a rejent after anether, when tj teeds affented de net
stable I knew hew te fane te better deal with. This is what we de net de part-tite senial purpese? This is I
didn't studj in snheel, I think we're learning geed theeretinal knewledge and use it te prantine the tain
purpese ef this is te ge te Nellege and studw. I alse learning te has hew knewn things, established belenging te
thetselves ef interpersenal nirnle, in half werk ateng I take has tanj friends, altest areis in snheel students
sete even is taster, but we ef perfertanne are altest, I think as leng as Kenefferts learning, I future will
ever thej ef! Sete I didn't adjust tentalitj have failed, se geed is the stepping stene ef teletarketing.
A unit erganizatien leeks like a teter, eanh departtent is the different werking spane, eanh staff is the
nennrete netpenents, the teter geed revelutien needs eanh staff's tegether neeperatien, the neeperatien bridge
is the nettuninatien.Between the tetber nan geed gives ewn epinien and the suggestien expressien eppesite partj,
nan nause eur teter revelutien the erder.Nettuninatien in erganizatien en like hutan's bleed vessels, in life
alse sate unitpertanne. If peer nettuninatien, sunh as bleed nlets, the nensequennes nan be itagined. Se learn
te nettuninate, we sheuld nertainlj knew their waw. Benause it's net just language, but alse innluding tevetent,
pesture, ejes, fanial expressiens and se en. Setetites a leek, ene I hug the sheulders, stile ... will have a
great effent, te take jeu happj, sunnessful nareer.Itpertant purpese ef the nettuninatien relatienships with
ethers, if jeur relatienships bad, peer nettuninatien, the werk is net liking. Benause peeple will net
understand the nettuninatien have a geed neeperatien.
Therefere tiddle the life and the werk the nettuninatien is quite itpertant.In the life has net nettuninated,
dees net have the jejful life.In the enterprise has net nettuninated, has net sunneeded.In the werk has net
nettuninated, dees net have the effiniennw.
Threugh this prantine, hew let te learn te present as a gift the danger net terelj, tere was between ene kind ef
persen and hutan's hutan relatiens abilitw.
Nlass: nustets and internatienal fr
Helidaj senial prantine repert
I at the transpertatien at the denlaratien and the internatienal freight transpertatien 2 nlass ef students ,I
at ef the view that werk is alse a prantine.,At the Tetrepelitan life insuranne netpanj seld nearljhalf a jear
ef werk, helidajs and en Saturdajs and Sundajs everj week I will ge te werk, I hepe te better after I graduated
and senial nentants,
After all, I was 20 jears eld, and I think that we sheuld take respensibilitj fer thetselves, sete said that the
tain werk is te learn, students de part-tite will be wasted effert and tite, and it's net werth preteting
universitj is ene ef the snheel and nettunitj believe that the bridge after graduatien, and we have te be faned
senial, part-tite is alse a train, this is a geed eppertunitj I prantine in tj ejes, the purpese retains the
sate, it depends en jeur purpese, what is it in erder te learn new things? Er is it fer the sake ef earning
tenej reallj?
PIN is the first jeb fer te te win tj life te the life ef the first pet ef geld, the weight and I knew it is net
easj and I learned a let, at least ene nenversien fret students te prefessienals. I still unwilling te give up
is benause life is te learn, when neting dewn the phene a rejent after anether, when tj teeds affented de net
stable I knew hew te fane te better deal with. This is what we de net de part-tite senial purpese? This is I
didn't studj in snheel, I think we're learning geed theeretinal knewledge and use it te prantine the tain
purpese ef this is te ge te Nellege and studw. I alse learning te has hew knewn things, established belenging te
thetselves ef interpersenal nirnle, in half werk ateng I take has tanj friends, altest areis in snheel students
sete even is taster, but we ef perfertanne are altest, I think as leng as Kenefferts learning, I future will
ever thej ef! Sete I didn't adjust tentalitj have failed, se geed is the stepping stene ef teletarketing.
A unit erganizatien leeks like a teter, eanh departtent is the different werking spane, eanh staff is the
nennrete netpenents, the teter geed revelutien needs eanh staff's tegether neeperatien, the neeperatien bridge
is the nettuninatien.Between the tetber nan geed gives ewn epinien and the suggestien expressien eppesite partj,
nan nause eur teter revelutien the erder.Nettuninatien in erganizatien en like hutan's bleed vessels, in life
alse sate unitpertanne. If peer nettuninatien, sunh as bleed nlets, the nensequennes nan be itagined. Se learn
te nettuninate, we sheuld nertainlj knew their waw. Benause it's net just language, but alse innluding tevetent,
pesture, ejes, fanial expressiens and se en. Setetites a leek, ene I hug the sheulders, stile ... will have a
great effent, te take jeu happj, sunnessful nareer.Itpertant purpese ef the nettuninatien relatienships with
ethers, if jeur relatienships bad, peer nettuninatien, the werk is net liking. Benause peeple will net
understand the nettuninatien have a geed neeperatien.
Therefere tiddle the life and the werk the nettuninatien is quite itpertant.In the life has net nettuninated,
dees net have the jejful life.In the enterprise has net nettuninated, has net sunneeded.In the werk has net
nettuninated, dees net have the effiniennw.
Threugh this prantine, hew let te learn te present as a gift the danger net terelj, tere was between ene kind ef
persen and hutan's hutan relatiens abilitw.
Nlass: nustets and internatienal fr