

Truth comes from practicing.I think there are three arguments on the other side:

1,Opposition tells us that it’s hard for undergraduates to find jobs so we should choose to take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools.But I just want to ask a question: What make it hard for us to find jobs, nongraduates are so many or just because our notions ? It ’s reported that only 3% people who have the undergraduate degrees.It’s too many or too little?Should we encourage people to take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools? Then we try our best to find jobs in Beijing ,Shanghai ,Wuhan,Guangzhou and never want to get jobs in western.

2,Anti-side ’s second point is :It’s more reasonable to take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools just because it’s easier to pass it. But is it true? I want to tell the oppositions that it’s easier for nongraduates to find jobs rather than take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools.

3,I can’t understnd the oposition’s third view. You say :it isn’t reasonsble for us to shoose to work first just

because we ’ll face the pressures from working and family if we do so. But,is it true?What you said is just based on “if ”:If our bosses don’t want us to quit our jobs, if our wives and children don’t want us to take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools```.But everything is difficult. We can ’t give up the learning chance even it has difficulties. Enter the campus to study after work will make us appreciate the hard-own opportunities of learning. And we will take them more valuably. Therefore ,we should first work, then taking part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools. Thank you!


Truth comes from practicing.I think there are three arguments on the other side:

1,Opposition tells us that it’s hard for undergraduates to find jobs so we should choose to take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools.But I just want to ask a question: What make it hard for us to find jobs, nongraduates are so many or just because our notions ? It ’s reported that only 3% people who have the undergraduate degrees.It’s too many or too little?Should we encourage people to take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools? Then we try our best to find jobs in Beijing ,Shanghai ,Wuhan,Guangzhou and never want to get jobs in western.

2,Anti-side ’s second point is :It’s more reasonable to take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools just because it’s easier to pass it. But is it true? I want to tell the oppositions that it’s easier for nongraduates to find jobs rather than take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools.

3,I can’t understnd the oposition’s third view. You say :it isn’t reasonsble for us to shoose to work first just

because we ’ll face the pressures from working and family if we do so. But,is it true?What you said is just based on “if ”:If our bosses don’t want us to quit our jobs, if our wives and children don’t want us to take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools```.But everything is difficult. We can ’t give up the learning chance even it has difficulties. Enter the campus to study after work will make us appreciate the hard-own opportunities of learning. And we will take them more valuably. Therefore ,we should first work, then taking part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools. Thank you!


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