

介休六中 郭素卿

Unit12 You’re supposed to shake hands(单元备课)

一、 Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Objects

Learn how to tell what you are supposed to do and how to give advice to those who are in a foreign country. 2. Ability Objects

To train student’s listening, speaking ,reading and writings skills using the target language. 3.Moral Objects Different countries have different customs. So we are supposed to do in Rome as the Romans do. 二、 Teaching Key Ponit

To make students learn and grasp the key vocabulary words and the target language 三、 Teaching Difficult Ponits

To train student’s listening.speaking.reading and writing skills To train student’s communicative competence 四、 Studying Way

Teach students how to be a polite guest 五、 Language Function Tell what you’re supposed to do

六、 Target Language

How was the dinner at Paul’s house last night ?Well, it was OK,but I made some mistakes.I was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but I arrived at 8:00 七、 Structure

Supposed to

八、 Learning Strategiea

Comparing and Listening for key words

九、 Vocabulary

Kiss bow table manners chopstick fork spoon napkin r ude greet wipe shake hands be supposed to etc.

十、 Teaching Time: Five periods

The First Period (P.94-p.95) The Second Period (P.96-P.97) The Third Period (P.98) The Fourth Period (P.99)

The Fifth Period (P.100-P.101)

课时备课 The First Period

一、 Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects (1).Key Vocabulary

bow, kiss ,customs, shake hands, greet, be supposed to ,etc. (2).Target language

What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time ? They’re supposed to bow.

How was the dinner at Paul’s house last night?

Well,it was OK,but I made some mistakes.I was supposed arrive at 7:00 but I arrived at 8:00. 2. Ability Objects

Train students’ listening ability

Train students’communicative competence. 3. Moral Objects

When you’re invited to a place, you mustn’t be late, greet people the wrong way and wear the wrong clothes. That is , you should act

according to your host’s customs. 二、Teaching Key Points

Key Vocabulary and Target language 三、Teaching Difficult Ponits

How to train students’ listening ability and communicative competence. 四、Teaching Methods

Pairwork / Listening method to improve students’listening ability. 五、Teaching Aids

A tape recorder and a map of the world. 六、Teaching Procedures

Step1.Check the homework before class

Step2.Put up a map of the world on the blackboard and ask the students to explain where each of the countries is. Step3.Presentation and complete( 1a .1b)

T: What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time in China? Ss: We’re supposed to shake hands. Step4.Pairwork (1c)

Sa: What are the people in Japan supposed to do when they meet for the first time? Sb: They’re supposed to bow. 两人一组看图表谈论不同国家的习俗。 Step5.Listen and complete (2a.2b)

Look at the picture and explain the meaning Listen to the tape then complete it Check the answers with the class Step6. Practice (2c)

Read it out together like Mr Li Yang Then role play the conversation . Step7.课后任务

应用所学的知识写出自己心目中的文明标兵的标准,列出文明标兵应做好的学校礼仪。 I think they’re supposed to…… The Second Period

一、 Teaching Aim and Demands (1.)Knowledge Objects

land ,drop , by , after all , a bit,

Can you tell me the things I’m supposed to do? The first thing is to greet the teacher. Okay. What should I say?

You are supposed to say “good morning,teacher.” (2.)Ability Objects

Train students’ integrating skills and listening ability Train students’ ability to use the target language (3.)Moral Objects

Different countries have different customs.learning some table manners. 二、 Teaching Key Point Train students’ integrating skills.

三、 Teaching Difficult Point

How to improve students’ integrating skills.

四、 Teaching Aids

The blackboard and a projector

五、 Teaching Procedures Step1.Check the homework 文明标兵的条件:

They’re supposed to be friendly and helpful to obey all the school rules. They’re supposed to speak loudly in class . They’re supposed to go to school on time. They’re not supposed to quarred with other.

They’re not supposed to laugh at others when they’re in trouble. Step2.Read and write(3a)

Ask students to read again and again then complete the chart on their owe. Correct the answers with the class. Step3.Pair work (3b)

Read the conversation on loudly like Mr Li Yang in class then practice. Step4.Practice (4)

Let students read the instruetions then work in pairs. Step5.Listen (2a.2b)

Look at the four pictures,then listen to the recording twice and complete them.Correct the answers with the class. Step6.Pair work (2a)

Talk about the table manners in your country. Step7.Look and complete

Ask students to complete the quiz on their own. Correct the answers with the class. Step8.Homework

Please write out the table manners in your country on a piece of paper. The Third Period

一、Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Table manners behave be used to cut up You should ……

Practise reading and writing 2. Ability Objects

Train students’ reading ability and writing abitivy 3. Moral Objects

Table manners are more and more important . So you have to learn more table manners. 二、Teaching Key Point

Practise reading and writing using the target language 三、Teaching Difficult Pinot How to write an e-mail message 四、Teaching Aids

The blackboard and a projector 五、Teaching Procedures Step1.Revision

Ask some students to read out their sentences----Table Manners in China. Step2. Read and complete 3a

Ask the students to read the article aloud in class,then discuss the questions in groups. Check the answers with the class. Step3.Read and write 3b

Look back at the pictures in Activity 2a and the matching exercise in Activity2b.then write their own message. Check the answers with the class.

Ask a student to read his completed article to the class. Step4.Discuss and write 3c

In small groups,ask the students to discuss about the table manners in China Then write it down in the exercise book.


我国是礼仪之帮,让学生分组讨论那些是 我国文化中的重要礼仪。列出来并制作一本简洁的中国礼仪手册。 Step6.Homework

Write an e-mail message to a friend about table manners. The Fourth Period Step1.Revision

Ask the students to write down the useful words in the exercese book and ask one of them to write them down on the blackblack. Ask a student to read his /her own e-mail message. Step2.Read and complete(part1)

Look at the words in the box then read loudly. Ask the students to check the answers each other. Help students correct the mistakes if nessary. Step3.Reaking (part2)

Read the complete the work in pairs Step4.Discuss (part3)

Ask the students to complete it then check the answers with the whole class. Step5.制作海报


目的:了解不同国家风俗文化不相同, 体会其文化 差异。 材料:硬纸、彩笔

步骤:以小组为单位,介绍某一个国家的一种特色文化。 选代表向全班同学介绍。 制作小海报并帖在墙上。 开设一个世界之窗板报栏目。 选出最佳海报。 The Fifth Period

Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects

Rubbish seek chatline online type mostly e-mail by oneself normally seat emoticon etc. 2. Abitity Objects

Train students’reading and writing skills. Train students’ability to work together. 3. Moral Object

Two brains can usually think better than one,and faster too.To be creative or to learn better, work together with somebody. 二、Teaching Key Points

Train students’reading and writing skills. Train students’ability to work together. 三、Teaching Difficult Points

Train students’ reading and writing skills. Train students’ability to work together. 四、Teaching Aids

A projector and a blackboard 五、Teaching Procedures Step1.Learn the new words

Ask the students to read out the words like Mr Li Yang. Explain the important phrases like “learn by oneself” etc. Step2.Section 1

Look at 1a then discuss what they mean .

F2F----face to face

Encourage the students to write more expressions in 1b Ask two students to write down on the blackboard. Step3.Section2

Ask the students to read the two e-mails together Ask them to read the text alould.

Disscuss how to make your writing quickly. Step4. Section3

Look at 3a together then complete it .

Invite a student to write his or her answers on the blackboard. Let the students have a quick look at the question in 3b.

Scan the reading again and choose the best answers to these questions. Check the answers with the whole class. Step5. Section 4

Ponit to the chart and tell the students to finish writing the e-mails in 1and2 individually and 3. 4 .in pair Invite different students to write their e-mails on the blackboard. Step6. Homework

Please write a note to your friend using e-mail English.


介休六中 郭素卿

Unit12 You’re supposed to shake hands(单元备课)

一、 Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Objects

Learn how to tell what you are supposed to do and how to give advice to those who are in a foreign country. 2. Ability Objects

To train student’s listening, speaking ,reading and writings skills using the target language. 3.Moral Objects Different countries have different customs. So we are supposed to do in Rome as the Romans do. 二、 Teaching Key Ponit

To make students learn and grasp the key vocabulary words and the target language 三、 Teaching Difficult Ponits

To train student’s listening.speaking.reading and writing skills To train student’s communicative competence 四、 Studying Way

Teach students how to be a polite guest 五、 Language Function Tell what you’re supposed to do

六、 Target Language

How was the dinner at Paul’s house last night ?Well, it was OK,but I made some mistakes.I was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but I arrived at 8:00 七、 Structure

Supposed to

八、 Learning Strategiea

Comparing and Listening for key words

九、 Vocabulary

Kiss bow table manners chopstick fork spoon napkin r ude greet wipe shake hands be supposed to etc.

十、 Teaching Time: Five periods

The First Period (P.94-p.95) The Second Period (P.96-P.97) The Third Period (P.98) The Fourth Period (P.99)

The Fifth Period (P.100-P.101)

课时备课 The First Period

一、 Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects (1).Key Vocabulary

bow, kiss ,customs, shake hands, greet, be supposed to ,etc. (2).Target language

What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time ? They’re supposed to bow.

How was the dinner at Paul’s house last night?

Well,it was OK,but I made some mistakes.I was supposed arrive at 7:00 but I arrived at 8:00. 2. Ability Objects

Train students’ listening ability

Train students’communicative competence. 3. Moral Objects

When you’re invited to a place, you mustn’t be late, greet people the wrong way and wear the wrong clothes. That is , you should act

according to your host’s customs. 二、Teaching Key Points

Key Vocabulary and Target language 三、Teaching Difficult Ponits

How to train students’ listening ability and communicative competence. 四、Teaching Methods

Pairwork / Listening method to improve students’listening ability. 五、Teaching Aids

A tape recorder and a map of the world. 六、Teaching Procedures

Step1.Check the homework before class

Step2.Put up a map of the world on the blackboard and ask the students to explain where each of the countries is. Step3.Presentation and complete( 1a .1b)

T: What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time in China? Ss: We’re supposed to shake hands. Step4.Pairwork (1c)

Sa: What are the people in Japan supposed to do when they meet for the first time? Sb: They’re supposed to bow. 两人一组看图表谈论不同国家的习俗。 Step5.Listen and complete (2a.2b)

Look at the picture and explain the meaning Listen to the tape then complete it Check the answers with the class Step6. Practice (2c)

Read it out together like Mr Li Yang Then role play the conversation . Step7.课后任务

应用所学的知识写出自己心目中的文明标兵的标准,列出文明标兵应做好的学校礼仪。 I think they’re supposed to…… The Second Period

一、 Teaching Aim and Demands (1.)Knowledge Objects

land ,drop , by , after all , a bit,

Can you tell me the things I’m supposed to do? The first thing is to greet the teacher. Okay. What should I say?

You are supposed to say “good morning,teacher.” (2.)Ability Objects

Train students’ integrating skills and listening ability Train students’ ability to use the target language (3.)Moral Objects

Different countries have different customs.learning some table manners. 二、 Teaching Key Point Train students’ integrating skills.

三、 Teaching Difficult Point

How to improve students’ integrating skills.

四、 Teaching Aids

The blackboard and a projector

五、 Teaching Procedures Step1.Check the homework 文明标兵的条件:

They’re supposed to be friendly and helpful to obey all the school rules. They’re supposed to speak loudly in class . They’re supposed to go to school on time. They’re not supposed to quarred with other.

They’re not supposed to laugh at others when they’re in trouble. Step2.Read and write(3a)

Ask students to read again and again then complete the chart on their owe. Correct the answers with the class. Step3.Pair work (3b)

Read the conversation on loudly like Mr Li Yang in class then practice. Step4.Practice (4)

Let students read the instruetions then work in pairs. Step5.Listen (2a.2b)

Look at the four pictures,then listen to the recording twice and complete them.Correct the answers with the class. Step6.Pair work (2a)

Talk about the table manners in your country. Step7.Look and complete

Ask students to complete the quiz on their own. Correct the answers with the class. Step8.Homework

Please write out the table manners in your country on a piece of paper. The Third Period

一、Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Table manners behave be used to cut up You should ……

Practise reading and writing 2. Ability Objects

Train students’ reading ability and writing abitivy 3. Moral Objects

Table manners are more and more important . So you have to learn more table manners. 二、Teaching Key Point

Practise reading and writing using the target language 三、Teaching Difficult Pinot How to write an e-mail message 四、Teaching Aids

The blackboard and a projector 五、Teaching Procedures Step1.Revision

Ask some students to read out their sentences----Table Manners in China. Step2. Read and complete 3a

Ask the students to read the article aloud in class,then discuss the questions in groups. Check the answers with the class. Step3.Read and write 3b

Look back at the pictures in Activity 2a and the matching exercise in Activity2b.then write their own message. Check the answers with the class.

Ask a student to read his completed article to the class. Step4.Discuss and write 3c

In small groups,ask the students to discuss about the table manners in China Then write it down in the exercise book.


我国是礼仪之帮,让学生分组讨论那些是 我国文化中的重要礼仪。列出来并制作一本简洁的中国礼仪手册。 Step6.Homework

Write an e-mail message to a friend about table manners. The Fourth Period Step1.Revision

Ask the students to write down the useful words in the exercese book and ask one of them to write them down on the blackblack. Ask a student to read his /her own e-mail message. Step2.Read and complete(part1)

Look at the words in the box then read loudly. Ask the students to check the answers each other. Help students correct the mistakes if nessary. Step3.Reaking (part2)

Read the complete the work in pairs Step4.Discuss (part3)

Ask the students to complete it then check the answers with the whole class. Step5.制作海报


目的:了解不同国家风俗文化不相同, 体会其文化 差异。 材料:硬纸、彩笔

步骤:以小组为单位,介绍某一个国家的一种特色文化。 选代表向全班同学介绍。 制作小海报并帖在墙上。 开设一个世界之窗板报栏目。 选出最佳海报。 The Fifth Period

Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects

Rubbish seek chatline online type mostly e-mail by oneself normally seat emoticon etc. 2. Abitity Objects

Train students’reading and writing skills. Train students’ability to work together. 3. Moral Object

Two brains can usually think better than one,and faster too.To be creative or to learn better, work together with somebody. 二、Teaching Key Points

Train students’reading and writing skills. Train students’ability to work together. 三、Teaching Difficult Points

Train students’ reading and writing skills. Train students’ability to work together. 四、Teaching Aids

A projector and a blackboard 五、Teaching Procedures Step1.Learn the new words

Ask the students to read out the words like Mr Li Yang. Explain the important phrases like “learn by oneself” etc. Step2.Section 1

Look at 1a then discuss what they mean .

F2F----face to face

Encourage the students to write more expressions in 1b Ask two students to write down on the blackboard. Step3.Section2

Ask the students to read the two e-mails together Ask them to read the text alould.

Disscuss how to make your writing quickly. Step4. Section3

Look at 3a together then complete it .

Invite a student to write his or her answers on the blackboard. Let the students have a quick look at the question in 3b.

Scan the reading again and choose the best answers to these questions. Check the answers with the whole class. Step5. Section 4

Ponit to the chart and tell the students to finish writing the e-mails in 1and2 individually and 3. 4 .in pair Invite different students to write their e-mails on the blackboard. Step6. Homework

Please write a note to your friend using e-mail English.


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