
It’s natural for people to believe that failure is the mother of success. Everybody will have failure. If there is no failure, that will not have results to show an achievement. But it’s not normal for someone who failures all along. We need another interpretation of failure. Failure doesn't mean you are a stupid person who doesn't know how to improve, which just means you haven’t look for the right ways to avoid failure. What we need to do is just to increase our experience from other’s failures. Once always look over our faults, we would found that it wouldn’t happen at all. Many times it would be the same faults. Just for this point, we should check ourselves all the time.

For me, the failure doesn't mean I can not lead myself to succeed, which just means I should check myself and learn from others more and more. Everyone looks on success, which can own fresh flowers and applause. Just learn how to take measures from the precious failure. Believe that we can do it perfectly.

It’s natural for people to believe that failure is the mother of success. Everybody will have failure. If there is no failure, that will not have results to show an achievement. But it’s not normal for someone who failures all along. We need another interpretation of failure. Failure doesn't mean you are a stupid person who doesn't know how to improve, which just means you haven’t look for the right ways to avoid failure. What we need to do is just to increase our experience from other’s failures. Once always look over our faults, we would found that it wouldn’t happen at all. Many times it would be the same faults. Just for this point, we should check ourselves all the time.

For me, the failure doesn't mean I can not lead myself to succeed, which just means I should check myself and learn from others more and more. Everyone looks on success, which can own fresh flowers and applause. Just learn how to take measures from the precious failure. Believe that we can do it perfectly.


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